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The *33* Minute Speech Given By Obama at *Eisenhower* Hall on *December 2nd*, 2009

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posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 06:52 AM
I was jolted out of bed this morning at about 6:45 from a dream. I had gone to sleep only a few hours before at 4AM.

The dream is not the purpose of this thread, although I will mention that with the dream of this morning I have made progress in determining the where's and why's of this particular dreamscape (see the thread referenced at the bottom if you're interested).

Immediately after getting up, having some water and lighting a cigarette, I turned on the tv to catch the morning headlines on CNN. Just in case...

Nothing unusual in the sense that most everything on the news of late is unusual. But no nuclear bombs going off, no alien invasions or global zombie cataclysms.

So, now with only half my attention turned to the news I began to piece together my dream. Then...

The news on CNN turns toward Obama and his decision back in 2009 to send 20,000 more troops to Afghanistan. The story continues. My attention is still not focused until I hear this:

The speech he gave lasted 33 minutes. Furthermore it was given in Eisenhower Hall at West Point. On December 2nd, 2009.
Now the significance of why I was jolted out of bed started to bubble in my mind. Not only had my intentions of late to discover the meaning of my "alternate universe" dreamscape been fullfilled, but I was awakened at just the right time to catch this story.

Here's why I think it's important.

1. A 33 minute speech (see Scottish Rite of Freemasonry link below)
2. Given in Eisenhower Hall of all places (see Eisenhowere's Military Industrial Complex Speech link below)
3. And the irony in that the purpose of the speech Obama was to tell us he had decided to send more troops to Afghanistan.
4. On December 2nd. The 336th day of the year. "(33)6". Interestingly enough, December 2 1851 was also the date of the "The French coup d'état on 2 December, 1851, staged by Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte"... in which he ..."[became] dictator before ascending the throne as Napoleon III on 2 December 1852, the forty-eighth anniversary of Napoleon I's coronation.

Now this may not really seem like much to some of you, but I felt compelled to write this up as soon as possible and post it before I could lose my train of thought on the matter.

They say... "Everything happens for a reason. There are no coincidences." Perhaps I was just let in on something through the timing of my sudden awakening and the news story I just "happened" to see on the tv this morning. When I would normally have been sound asleep. Oblivious... dreaming.

Any thoughts on this?
I think it's somehow important. Or at least strange in the sense that someone or something is saying "HEY!! YOU! GET UP AND TAKE A LOOK AT THIS! AND TELL OTHER PEOPLE. YOU DON'T NEED TO FULLY UNDERSTAND IT, BUT PUT ASIDE YOUR FEAR OF RIDICULE AND SAY SOMETHING..."

Afghanistan Speech at West Point:

Scottish Rite of Freemasonry:

Eisenhower's Military Industrial Complex Speech:

December 2 (date)

My dream thread:
Who else seems to go to the same place every night in their dreams?

edit on 12/17/2010 by this_is_who_we_are because: typos, bold headers

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 07:08 AM

Throw into the mix Hillary's choice in attire of late:

I Am Number 2, You Are Number 6: Is Hillary Trying To Tell Us Something?

And the theory that the Illuminati are theorized to "let us in" on certain things through the media, thiugh code or subliminal images and/or other suggestive references.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 09:35 AM
Very interesting, thank you for sharing. Recounting experiences like this may draw ridicule from some, but I think there is good reason to tell people you feel you can confide in or at least write these experiences down with the intent to notice them more and hone your perception skills. I think there is reason to believe that humans have the capacity to do far more than most give us credit for. The ability to surpass the limitations of time in our perception occasionally occurs. In your case it was more of a synchronistic realization. Whether or not some, any or all of these experiences are reflective of reality, it is important to consider the possibility they are, for if we do not, we have already extinguished the flame of objectivity without getting close enough to it to warm ourselves and see things in a truer light. I have experienced countless synchronicities and a handful of 'clairvoyant' experiences in my life and believe that these phenomenon are supported by my personal obsevations. I was never sure until it started happening for me, and this will most likely be the case for most people (which is not a bad thing), but the importance should be on maintaining objectivity. Do not despair when people dismiss the potential for these phenomenon outright, but attempt to coax them into being a more objective and balanced individual. If we all listened to our intuition instead of blindly relying on authority or orthodoxy, we would most likely be in a better place right now.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by OrganicAnagram33

Thank you for your most lucid reply. I seem to be experiencing more and more this quality of "reception" of late, and am trying to maintain an objective viewpoint. Although at times I am simply in awe of the amount of information flung my way. It seems like I'm playing catch-up at times.

Synchronicity - one of my favorite things...

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 04:35 PM
Synchronicity yes , just like at the moment Europe is rioting .France , Germany , Ireland ,Britan ,Greece ,Italy and Spain to name just a few .Rioting ,disobedience and cival upheaval .Now here is the kicker last week rioters attack two members of the British Monachy , chanting of with their heads ! This week the head of the king who was beheaded during the French revolution surfaces . Is there a message hidden in this ?

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by 13th Zodiac
Synchronicity yes , just like at the moment Europe is rioting .France , Germany , Ireland ,Britan ,Greece ,Italy and Spain to name just a few .Rioting ,disobedience and cival upheaval .Now here is the kicker last week rioters attack two members of the British Monachy , chanting of with their heads ! This week the head of the king who was beheaded during the French revolution surfaces . Is there a message hidden in this ?

King Henri IV's head? This is bizarre.

Scientists identify head of France's King Henri IV

And the sudden worldwide happenings: from Assange and Wikileaks to arguably ominous weather patterns, riots everywhere, increases in volcanic and earthquake activity, etc. It all seems to be coming to a head. This is bizarre as well.

I'm not sure how these things relate to the strangeness I place on the juxtaposition of Obama's 33 minute speech, speculation on his ties to freemasonry, Eisenhower's warning about the military industrial complex or my theory about Hillary. I'm not even sure how the things in my OP add up. Something strikes me as surreal about the juxtaposition of his speech (ramping up troop strengths) just happening to last 33 minutes (freemasonry's highest degree) and it's being given in Eisenhower Hall (Eisenhower tried to warn us) on that particular date (a date famous for a coup). It's just... strange.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 10:49 PM
This from:
Listening to Obama Administrations Visit to Tucson and You Have Got to be Kidding Me!!

Originally posted by this_is_who_we_are

Originally posted by survivalstation

Originally posted by traditionaldrummer

The scariest phrase involved was (from memory)

"We need to abandon old ways of thinking to prevent new tragedies"

I just searched for the transcript and found the actual quote as " We should be willing to challenge old assumptions in order to lessen the prospects of violence in the future. "

Watch the whole 33 minute speech

Or read the transcript

Another "33!" minute speech? hmm...
The *33* Minute Speech Given By Obama at *Eisenhower* Hall on *December 2nd*, 2009

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