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Strange Lightning in Budapest

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posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 03:58 PM
I thought I would pop this video up I just ran across. It is a little odd to say the least. It is some strange Lightning of some sort taken in Budapest. I can't tell where it may be coming from, perhaps some of you might have a clue.
The description is writen in their native tongue so maybe some else can help out with that part. This remind me a bit of that lightning in china not to long ago as well, except it doesn't appear to be blue. The flash is similar though.

edit on 5-12-2010 by onehuman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 04:08 PM
The way it pulses it almost looks like there is a rave going on over there.
I'm not sure but it does seem unusual, and it seems too consistent to be lightening?

edit on 5-12-2010 by speculativeoptimist because: sp

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by speculativeoptimist

I was totally thinking rave too.
Doesnt seem like anything natural imo.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 04:23 PM
Im guessing if someone can translate the description that is posted on yt, we might get a better idea of what is going one. To me though, that looks like a pretty quite little village.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 04:26 PM
Ill try and post as much of the description that I can it all looks greek to me!

20101127 - CE-I - BUDAPEST - SZOKATLAN ÉJSZAKAI FÉNYJELENSÉG Ma (2010. nov. 27-én) éjjel arra ébredtem, hogy a szoba világos, de úgy éreztem, még nem lehet reggel. Kinéztem a veranda ajtón és megállapítottam, hogy mindent hó borít, ettõl szokatlanul világos az éjszaka. De aztán hirtelen nappali világosság öntötte el a kinti tájat. Kertvárosban lakunk, az emeleti hálószobánkból messzire ellátni. A fény nagyon erõs volt, az ég sárgán világított. A férjem is felébredt és együtt bámultuk az égbõl jövõ szokatlan éjszakai kivilágítást. Aztán sötét lett, azaz visszaállt a természetes fényállapot. 1-2 perc múlva újra elárasztotta a fény a kinti tájat és persze a szobát is. Ki akartam menni a verandára, hogy valamennyire a ház takarásában lévõ égboltot is szemügyre vehessem, de a havon megcsúsztam, elestem, egy lépést sem tudtam tenni, annyira síkos volt. Mire aztán magamra vettem valamit, hogy az utcáról vegyem szemügyre az égboltot, mire leértem a földszintre, addigra a ki-bekapcsoló fényjelenség abbamaradt. Visszamentem az emeletre, lefeküdtem, akkor újra megjelent a fényáradat, megint leszaladtam, addigra megint megszûnt, de akkor már véglegesen, így végül is fogalmam sincs, mi lehetett. A fény egyenletes volt, igen erõs, sárga színû, az egész ég egyenletesen sárgán világított, hang nem hallatszott. Soha nem láttam semmi hasonlót éjszaka. Teliholdkor elég világos szokott lenni, de azt a világosságot össze sem lehet hasonlítani ezzel a fénnyel. Nagy csend volt, de ebben nem volt semmi szokatlan. Ma reggel egészen mostanáig (13 óra van) senki nem írt errõl, amin nagyon csodálkozom, mert ezt a fényt igen nagy területen kellett hogy észleljék, akik fent voltak. Azt vártam, hogy a hírekben fog szerepelni vagy az interneten tömegek fogják találgatni, mi lehetett. Az idõpontot sajnos nem tudom megmondani, mert nem néztem az órára. K. Zsuzsa (Budapest, Rákosszentmihály) FÜGGETLEN MEGERÕSÍTÉS VIDEÓVAL: Az eset kapcsán figyelemre méltó megerõsítést kaptunk K.J. nevû olavsónktól, aki eljuttatta részünkre 2010. november 27-én hajnali 3-óra körül Rákosszentmihályon készült felvételét. K.J. megerõsítette a fenti észlelést, hozzá téve, hogy "kb. 5percig tartott a vörös villogás. Az Örs Vezér tere irányába volt látható, ezt követõen abba maradt pár percre majd újra kezdõdött és 1 percig tarthatott. (Mi csak kétszer láttuk nem háromszor, de lehet,hogy késöbb vettük észre mint K.Zsuzsa)." A beszámolóhoz küldött videó felvételére itt tekinthetõ meg (A felvételen hallható csúnya szavakért a beküldõ nevében is elnézést kérünk).

Maybe that will help.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 04:27 PM
Anyone remember this:

Journalist in Chile Earthquake: When the earthquake happened "the sky was changing colors..."

Could be something is brewing... natural or otherwise.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 04:29 PM
Forest fire or huge factory blaze in the distance perhaps? Im just speculating, sometimes on a clear night if theres a fire in the distance it can sometimes seem as though the sky is pulsating orange

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 04:40 PM
I forgot I could use the google translator. This is what the description basically says so it doesn't appear it was a fire at least. If it was a quite and still night wouldn't a rave party sound carry maybe? They said it was quiet.

20101127 - CE-I - BUDAPEST - UNUSUAL NIGHT of light Today (2010. Nov. 27) night, I awoke to a bright room, but I felt it is not possible in the morning. I looked out the porch door and found everything covered with snow to give them an unusually bright in the night. But then suddenly daylight flooded the outdoor scenery. We live in suburbs, far from the upstairs hálószobánkból bear. The light was very strong, the sky is illuminated in yellow. My husband also woke up and watched with unusual night-time illumination coming from the sky. Then went black, that is returned to the natural fényállapot. 1-2 minutes after the re-flooded by light from the outdoor scenery and of course the rooms. I wanted to go out to the porch to the house is somewhat hidden by the sky can take a look at, but I slipped on the snow, I fell, I could not make a move, it was so slippery. By the time he bought something for myself, I buy from the street to look at the sky, the time reached the ground floor, while the on-off of light stopped. I went back upstairs to bed, then reappeared in the fényáradat, ran again, had vanished again, but it is finally, after all, so I have no idea what could be. The light was steady, very strong, yellow, yellow-lit evenly across the sky, no sound was heard. I have never seen anything like it at night. Full Moon used to be quite clear, but I really can not compare the light from this light. Was a big silence, but this was nothing unusual. This morning until now (13 o'clock), no one wrote about it, which I was surprised because this is a very large area of light had to discover who they used. I expected that the news will be included in or on the Internet masses to be anyone's guess what could have been. Unfortunately I can not tell the time, because I did not look at the clock. Tues Zsuzsa (Budapest, Rákosszentmihály) Independent confirmation that video: the incident we received a remarkable confirmation KJ olavsónktól named, who sent us the 2010th On 27 November at 3 o'clock in the recording Rákosszentmihály. K.J. confirmed sighting of the above, allowing him to "ca. 5min at a flashing red. Örs Leader of the field direction was seen, this was discontinued after a few minutes and then started again and lasted for 1 minute. (We have seen only twice not three times, but it can be , later we realized that like Mr Susan). " The accounts sent a video recording is available here (the shot heard ugly szavakért apologize on behalf of the sender).

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by onehuman

Hello OneHuman,

unfortunately Hungarian is not my forte, but we do have a special thread here which lists ATS volunteer translators. It's called the UFO-Alien Applied Linguisitics Registry and in the page I've linked to, you'll find a fairly good list of translators. We have two members who can do Hungarian so if you write to them by U2U and ask them for help (including a link to your thread here) then maybe one of them can drop by and assist.

Meanwhile, I can only go by what google translator gave me and it seems this was a very late-night thing. (That still doesn't exclude a rave going on somewhere though.)

By the way, that youtube video title shows the wrong date... The text description shows it as Nov 27 whereas the title makes it Oct 27. I checked the Hungarian Center for UFO Studies site here and the report is there too, and it also confirms the date was Nov 27. There is also a second note there that basically says another person saw the same thing from a different location. So, a little corroboration.

On that Hungarian CUFOS page you can also download a Flash Video version of the clip posted on youtube and in the OP here. For those who might have trouble finding the video download link, you can get the video download directly from that Hungarian site here.

As to what that light is I have no idea. Its regularity is suspicious but I am no expert on atmospheric lighting phenomena so I wouldn't discard the possibility that it might be naturally caused.

Best regards,

edit on 5/12/10 by JustMike because: typo.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by onehuman

Its Hungarian

20101127 - CE-I - BUDAPEST - UNUSUAL Ma of light NIGHT (2010. Nov. 27) night, I awoke to a bright room, but I felt it is not possible in the morning. I looked out the porch door and found everything covered with snow to give them an unusually bright in the night. But then suddenly daylight flooded the outdoor scenery. We live in suburbs, far from the upstairs hálószobánkból bear. The light was very strong, the sky is illuminated in yellow. My husband also woke up and together they watched the night sky next unusual lighting.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by speculativeoptimist
The way it pulses it almost looks like there is a rave going on over there.
I'm not sure but it does seem unusual, and it seems too consistent to be lightening?

edit on 5-12-2010 by speculativeoptimist because: sp

I agree lightening isn't usually a predictable repeating interval pulse...Its very random from every thunderstorm I have ever seen.

This is really really bizarre....

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 04:48 PM
Well it can't be lightning because you hear no thunder. Who know what it could be, maybe the next town over was having a light show...?

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 04:50 PM
the way it strobes,. looks like a flashing light of a firetruck
Or some kind of ambulance?

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by JustMike
reply to post by onehuman

Hello OneHuman,

unfortunately Hungarian is not my forte, but we do have a special thread here which lists ATS volunteer translators. It's called the UFO-Alien Applied Linguisitics Registry and in the page I've linked to, you'll find a fairly good list of translators. We have two members who can do Hungarian so if you write to them by U2U and ask them for help (including a link to your thread here) then maybe one of them can drop by and assist.

Meanwhile, I can only go by what google translator gave me and it seems this was a very late-night thing. (That still doesn't exclude a rave going on somewhere though.)

By the way, that youtube video title shows the wrong date... The text description shows it as Nov 27 whereas the title makes it Oct 27. I checked the Hungarian Center for UFO Studies site here and the report is there too, and it also confirms the date was Nov 27. There is also a second note there that basically says another person saw the same thing from a different location. So, a little corroboration.

On that Hungarian CUFOS page you can also download a Flash Video version of the clip posted on youtube and in the OP here. For those who might have trouble finding the video download link, you can get the video download directly from that Hungarian site here.

As to what that light is I have no idea. Its regularity is suspicious but I am no expert on atmospheric lighting phenomena so I wouldn't discard the possibility that it might be naturally caused.

Best regards,

edit on 5/12/10 by JustMike because: typo.

Very nice post from you Mike as per usual, I never expect anything less! I was getting that it was very late as well. Seems like some dort of sound would carry if it was rave part as they are usually pretty loud.

Im having a hard time with a type of rescue truck as well, because of the total sky illumination, or at least it appears to be.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 06:46 PM
I have to agree no way those are some small lights on a firetruck or ambulance and you would hear the sirens when there is cloud cover and snow you can hear everything really well for 10 miles at least in my experience.

the light is stationary it seems to come from the same spot.
it lights up the entire sky which is very cool I think the people filming would know if it was an airport or lighthouse of some sort.
Cool vid did they say what the color was it is hard to tell it seems near the end it had white blueish tint to it, but very hard to tell with the yellow street lights and grainy Video.

Easter Island just had a quake off its coast.

was their an earthquake anywhere in that area. I never knew.

An earthquake light, is an unusual luminous aerial phenomenon, that reportedly appears in the sky at or near areas of tectonic stress, seismic activity, or volcanic eruptions. Once commonly challenged, it was not until photographs were taken during the Matsushiro earthquake swarm, from 1965 through 1967, that the seismology community acknowledged their occurrence.

edit on 12/5/2010 by -W1LL because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by -W1LL
They wouldn't leave the sirens on if they are sitting still,.
it is way to timed to be anything natural

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 09:06 PM
Just quickly - I am fluent in Hungarian. To me the conversation appeared authentic - they were really surprised. He keeps on saying
What the f** is this? (add various synonyms).
then This isn't normal... (or) This is very weird...
Says he is very scared and that they should go and check it this from the attic.

Then he says at one point it is getting stronger.

From the description it was spotted in the middle part of Pest (the East side of Budapest), a more or less densely populated sprawl of suburbs. The only thing I don't know if it is close to any major sports stadium but the timing of the event (middle of the night) is not supporting that.

Could be HAARP though. Any time I travel into Budapest these days I feel negative magnetic or microwave stuff is stronger...

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 09:30 PM
Fire truck, big, big, big fire truck. Or maybe 1,000 firetrucks, capable of lighting up a whole region that would otherwise be shrouded in night. They'd have to be completely silent firetrucks, and they'd have to be there for no apparent reason - considering there was no fire.

Also, Santa Claus should not be overlooked.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 12:39 AM
Is there an airport near by? Maybe its a strobe light intensified by the atmosphere?

or something else....?

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 01:10 AM
Could be a line arcing...
I saw something similar once.
A tree had knocked down a line but electricity was still going through it, so the electricity was jumping.
Saw it miles away.

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