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Is this a sign of population reduction?

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posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 03:52 PM
lol @ the people drinking diet drinks.

its usually self caused. Tight jeans were in for a while, diet drinks, GMO food,HFCS, poor food choices, little exercise, weed kills sperm too ya know
cell phones, lap-tops, weather, genetics, anti-depressants lower fertillity as a side effect, theres a whole list, but none are really malicious that ive found except for one. rian-polio-vaccine-contaminated-with-sterilizing-agents-scientis
this has been a huge debacle for years, and this isnt the first time is happened. luckily its not happening outside of africa yet. and now ATS thinks that by naming the country it happened in, im using the N word... thats why it wont work lol. well it happened in africa, and it was bad.
edit on 29-11-2010 by beachguy123 because: link not working?

edit on 29-11-2010 by beachguy123 because: ATS keeps redirecting link to wrong story, so i used an url service, (link tracking not allowed)

edit on 29-11-2010 by beachguy123 because: ATS doesnt want me to post this link obviously, so ill write it out.

edit on 29-11-2010 by beachguy123 because: this is getting annoying lol

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by beachguy123

You should really look into your source more. The professor they cite as the "dean of pharmaceutical sciences" is NOT the dean. Also, the only source for this "news" is LifeSiteNews (all other instances of the story cite this article and no other sources), which is part of a Catholic organization which is pushed for removal of all UN/UNICEF/foreign aid to Nigeria until they ban gay marriage (which happened in 2009).

Does this seem like a trust-worthy source to you?
edit on 11/29/2010 by VneZonyDostupa because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 05:09 PM
Low sperm count can be the result of many things. The primary culprit though is PLASTIC. BPA in plastics have been linked to low sperm count.

"Just last week, a study out of the University of Michigan warned that urinary concentrations of BPA were linked to lower sperm counts. Men with the highest BPA levels had sperm counts that were 23 percent lower than those of men with the least BPA"

Soy diet, fat bellies, and plastic have been attributed to low sperm counts. It has also been shown that men have experienced 'shrinkage' upon exiting a cold swimming pool. This phenomena has been termed "Frightened Turtle Syndrome" (knowledge is power, so warm up a bit before, well, you know)

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 05:13 PM
CBC did a documentary called 'The Dissapearing Male'

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by Misterlondon

....What is the cause? Is it the nwos plan at population reduction actively in effect now?....

Obviously you are not aware that in my state they now grow spermicidal corn. My last three bucks (billy goats) were fed on local corn and were sterile. My 15 does had all produced kids before but have produced no kids for three years running. This year, since I found out about the spermicdal corn, my new buck is NOT getting any locally grown corn. I am waiting with bated breath for this spring.

Oh and just to make your day, Tyson has a plant in town making: Manufactures canned Mexican foods; food preparations; snack chip products (corn chips) Tropical fruit purees, Melon purees, Prepared and preserved foods, Prepared soups and stews, Desserts and dessert toppings, Corn Confections, Chinese Frozen Foods....

Remember all that High-fructose corn syrup they put in everything...

A small California biotech company, Epicyte, in 2001 announced the development of genetically engineered corn which contained a spermicide which made the semen of men who ate it sterile. At the time Epicyte had a joint venture agreement to spread its technology with DuPont and Syngenta, two of the sponsors of the Svalbard Doomsday Seed Vault. Epicyte was since acquired by a North Carolina biotech company. Astonishing to learn was that Epicyte had developed its spermicidal GMO corn with research funds from the US Department of Agriculture, the same USDA which, despite worldwide opposition, continued to finance the development of Terminator technology, now held by Monsanto....

I hope that answers your question.

More on population control (tons of links) can be found here:

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 05:50 PM
Its pretty much everything. Some is intentional and some isnt, ill give you a few examples:
In mexico a few years back monsato introduced a type of GMO corn to the country as corn is a very big staple in mexico, the corn rendered the men who ate it infertile. GMO foods are bad for you in general and i wouldnt be suprised if there were other potential cases. This links to the NWO as monsato is linked to all the massive big corps that run everything. lol

Another company to blame is Bigpharma. Bigpharma also sent a ton of vaccines to mexico (coincidence?) targeted at teenage girls (i think it was for cervical cancer out of memory) and it also rendered a large percent of the girls infertile. Note that teenage girls are at there most fertile stage AND at this point it is the least likely that they have already mothered children. Also take note that Bigpharma takes a part in many of these sorts of things like mercury in vaccines and the like.

Now the less intentional things are now our culture and lifestyle. In many westernised countries bigger is better. We really are taught to bite of more than we can take and chew as fast as we can. Rarely are we taught balance and the like and in the UK many children dont know about nutritional foods. Obesity is now at its biggest point ever which kills fertility, we have a large amount of products like the pill that have the potential to render us infertile and the amount of chemicals that we are exposed to on a day to day basis also have a massive effect. Remember that electricity and these other products havent been around that long in comparison to the amount of time we have been on earth so it is astonishing how quickly these things are effecting our overall fertility.

Really, its a mix of intentional and unintentional contributors, but i think the intentional outweighs the unintentional.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 05:54 PM
So, how do all "population reduction methods" jive with the fact that the world population continues to increase every year, rather than decrease?

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by crimvelvet

Theres a website that has been put up to represent HFCS and make it seem purely healthy and natural. But its actually really freaky to watch lol.
They are now also trying to put HFCS under different names because it has gotten so much scrutiny, dont eat anything that says maize starch or corn sugars.

look at this: HFCS page
oh and this add scared me hahhaha
This add is so typical im suprised that people cant see through it
edit on 29-11-2010 by littlecloud because: wouldnt let me embed

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

World population is still increasing but is becoming less and less every year. If this continues it will then start to decrease.
Remember that this depopulation thing has only really come into light and they have just started kicking it off quite recently so it is going to take a while for it to start actively decreasing.
Population growth rate is at its lowest since 1965. and with all our new medical advances you would think it would be higher
heres a source for ya ta?ds=wb-wdi&met=sp_pop_grow&tdim=true&dl=en&hl=en&q=world+population+increase+graph

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

World population is still increasing but is becoming less and less every year. If this continues it will then start to decrease.
Remember that this depopulation thing has only really come into light and they have just started kicking it off quite recently so it is going to take a while for it to start actively decreasing.
Population growth rate is at its lowest since 1965. and with all our new medical advances you would think it would be higher
heres a source for ya

edit on 29-11-2010 by littlecloud because: Broken link

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

How can population still be increasing?

Imagine a car in neutral rolling down a hill. Once it reaches the bottom it will still travel a certain distance because of momentum. This is how population works, in essence, we will not feel the effect of this fertility decline for decades when, seemingly out of nowhere, populations will fall.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 06:13 PM
Lets hope something is being done to reduce fertility and thereby slow the growth of the population.

The planet is already overpopulated, and more people is definitely not the answer.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by LiveForever8

That's not at all how population works. It's a raw number. No analogy needed. It is either increasing or decreasing. There is no "momentum".

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by BigTimeCheater

I actually dont think the world is as overpopulated as we are told to believe.
Individual places like china and japan are overpopulated, but the world itself is not. Australia could fit easily double of what it already has and im sure other places are similar too.
The reason, i think, the world seems overpopulated because we consume so much of our resources that there isnt enough for everyone thus giving the illusion we are overpopulated.
If people only ate what they needed and didnt give into greed the world would beable to sustain us a whole lot more.
Just my opinion though.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by littlecloud

You're making a false equivalency. Looking at the world as a whole, the population growth seems to have slowed due to lower birth rates in a few places. If you look at nations individually, the rate is following a predictable path. For instance, in Western nations, you have the baby boomer boost in the 50s and 60s, followed by a .relatively low period (because those baby boomers are still young). About twenty-thirty years post-baby boomer, you see another huge spike, as the baby boomers are now reproducing, followed by a slow decrease (as generations X and Y aren't able to reproduce yet). In the next ten or so years, we'll see another big boost as gen X and Y (who have been shown to marry and reproduce later in many studies) have their own offspring.

Population rates are cyclical. Just because you don't understand this doesn't mean that we're seeing a true "depopulation trend". You just have to learn statistical models.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

But concidering infertility is becoming more of an issue for more people wouldnt it be fair to say that the next time this spike comes along that there will be less births than usual?
Its not just going to happen instantly, but if infertility is as much of an issue than its made out to be wouldnt it effect any future baby booms?

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by littlecloud

Energy, infrastructure, water, etc etc.

The resources simply arent there to fund the support needed for such a large number of people.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

I don't think you have a clue what you're saying! It's a matter of perspective. Are we looking at individual countries or the whole globe when talking about population trends? Are we talking about a span of a generation or two, or shorter or longer time frames? There's a lot to consider before making black and white blanket statements.

It's true that certain things can cause noticeable, and predictable cycles in population fluctuations. WW2 caused that cycle, but it's not as if it won't even out over time, or that there weren't other cycles in the past, or that there hasn't been an overall long-term exponential growth in population which HAS ceased in recent times.

There are many things that have been introduced into the environment in the last couple of generations which will have influences on fertility rates and consequently, global population numbers. The introduction of plastics brought with it things like endocrine disruptors which is definitely some bad juju. Now we've got GM food that is shown to make an animal sterile in 3 generations flat. It will seem to come out of no where when it hits. I welcome the depopulation as a necessary correction desperately needed to keep civilization afloat while we advance through our stage of infancy. At least, I hope we've got that long to hold on.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

Population spikes? Population rates are cyclical?

Maybe in pre-modern man that is correct. But that doesn't make sense in modern history.

I could be wrong, but that all just doesn't make sense to me.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 06:36 PM
It would be many years before the world would see a reduction in population..if at all.

The bigger concern is the lack of females to reproduce with.

China has twenty million more men than women of the same age.

Where I live there is one ethnic group that does not appear to having problems reproducing.

Nothing but baby buggys going up and down the street.

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