posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 09:07 AM
I'd love to be able to shape shift. I don't think it would be impossible. Every time we think something is impossible, quantum physics comes along
and finds out a way that not only is it possible, but we may do it one day. They are working on invisibility, time travel, and travel into other
dimensions. I don't see why we can't change shape one day. If you think about it, we are just a mass of swirling atoms with an attached
consciousness anyway. There is also a lot of empty space between atoms. If there were a way to rearrange everything, we could be anything at all.
Already they have found a way to turn an atom of one thing into an atom of another thing. Maybe one day we will have something that can create food
for us or whatever we want.
But say you are a shape shifter, would you have to have intense knowledge of the thing you are changing into? I mean, I did pretty well in Anatomy and
Physiology, but not well enough that I fully understand how my own body works. Then again, I don't really have to think about how my body works for
it to do its thing.
So say I wanted to become an animal, and I at least had a rudimentary knowledge of what it looked like and a bit about where everything should be, I
guess you are saying God, the universe, or some force would just get everything right and in place for me to become that, if I had the power/faith to
begin the transformation?