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Moon and the Zodiac

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posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 12:07 PM
This is sorta me trying to explain the influence of the latter by citing evidence for the former.

Many people find it hard to sleep during a full moon (i did, last night!), and the more anxious type person will actually find himself more anxious.

Why does this happen? We all know that the effect the moon has on consciousness is of a heightening and strengthing of the mental faculties. Its as if were more 'wired' mentally. How does this happen? How does light affect consciousness? When the moon is full, and in direct alignment with the sun and earth (that is, completely refracting the light of the sun) all creatures, from humans to insects, are effected by its 'emanations'

Is the light affecting us physiologically? or is their a subtle component in light which affects us spiritually, and thus physiologically?

Anyways, my point in mentioning this is that the light of a full moon has a definite effect on consciousness.

If this is so with the moon, which has an obvious and determined effect, what about the stars in space?

Granted, they are much further away. Does that mean they dont affect us?

According to astrology the 12 divisions of the heavens along with the 5 planets have a demonstratable influence on the human unconscious, which thus affects consciousness, albeit, subconsciously.

Just as the emanations of the moon affects us in a very intense and concentrated manner, the 12 divisions of the heavens exert a particular quality in their emanations thats influences the basic, archetypal makeup of human psychology.

Theres a good book on this subject called "archetypes of the zodiac" by kim burton, a jungian psychologist, which makes a strong case in their reality. Pretty much all the ancient religions of our planet subscribe to the power of the zodiac. All the Abrahamic and Dharmic religions do. pretty much everywhere. Its an accepted belief and its not accepted because it was transported into other areas, but because it was understood, at some prophetic or intuitive level, to be a necessary ingredient in the archetypal formation of an individual ego.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 06:33 PM
I am feeling the moon tonight man. It is bright, illuminating everything around me.

I like it.

Sorry, little bit tipsie here. I feel the zodiac dude. Alwas have.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 09:44 PM
Great to be in the company of other moon/cosmos lovers

I never really thought of the full moon effect to be about the 'light'. I always thought it was the pulling and location of the spheres...Earth being in the middle of the Moon and Suns positions.

Something that many dont take notice of is the time of dark moon but some mystics and seekers find this to be a very deep time of inner seeking and understanding...a somewhat opposite effect then the chaotic full moon. Again...I see the reason to be the alignment of the spheres....the Moon and Sun being aligned to the Earth together (but the moon being in the middle of the earth and sun this time).

I think it has a electromagnetic effect on us when the Earth sits inbetween the moon and sun (full moon) or when the Earth, moon, and Sun are aligned in the dark moon phase (astronomy calls this 'new moon).

My kids and I noticed a full charge last night...but I couldnt tell if it was something of the cosmos or that we just saw the new harry potter and were all pumped up for a couple hours (we are all die hard for potter books). The visual effects were killer and the sound vibrations in the theater would vibrate through your body. The full moon though did make it an extra treat to come out of the theater feeling so pumped and loving that feeling of a 'rush'.

I have read that the moon has a pretty high electrical effect and that one would be able to feel the hair on their arms stand up after a good 20 minutes of walking on it.

Just some thoughts...

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
Great to be in the company of other moon/cosmos lovers

I never really thought of the full moon effect to be about the 'light'. I always thought it was the pulling and location of the spheres...Earth being in the middle of the Moon and Suns positions.

Something that many dont take notice of is the time of dark moon but some mystics and seekers find this to be a very deep time of inner seeking and understanding...a somewhat opposite effect then the chaotic full moon. Again...I see the reason to be the alignment of the spheres....the Moon and Sun being aligned to the Earth together (but the moon being in the middle of the earth and sun this time).

I think it has a electromagnetic effect on us when the Earth sits inbetween the moon and sun (full moon) or when the Earth, moon, and Sun are aligned in the dark moon phase (astronomy calls this 'new moon).

My kids and I noticed a full charge last night...but I couldnt tell if it was something of the cosmos or that we just saw the new harry potter and were all pumped up for a couple hours (we are all die hard for potter books). The visual effects were killer and the sound vibrations in the theater would vibrate through your body. The full moon though did make it an extra treat to come out of the theater feeling so pumped and loving that feeling of a 'rush'.

I have read that the moon has a pretty high electrical effect and that one would be able to feel the hair on their arms stand up after a good 20 minutes of walking on it.

Just some thoughts...

Interesting post.

In kabbalistic thought all spiritual energies are referred to as "light". So the physical aspect of light is initself the physical manifestation of the energy of life.

Your point in the alignment with the moon and sun makes alot of sense. Perhaps all these factors come into affect. In the strictest sense, the 'light' of the moon is what we call a full moon. The atmosphere is made brighter and so one can make the experiential connection, to the light. But at the macrocosmic level, theres an actual astrophysical situating of three different planets which makes this light effuse to the earth and effect is inhabitants. Arent both electricity, light and megentism all the same thing - electromagentism? So, its pretty much the same force.

I think we shouldnt look at this as solely a physical event. The physical is a consequence of the spiritual and yet the spiritual can be affected by the physical. Its like a wheel in a way.

I like the full moon, and the new moon, but when it comes to sleeping im sometimes affected by it. It amazing when it comes to connecting with the spiritual. Night in itself is a propitious time to think and meditate. When its a full moon, its even greater.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by dontreally

I am a lover of the full moon...but over the past few years...I have became more fond of dark moon (astronomy now calls this new moon but days of old considered new moon the new crescent in the sky of a new moon phase). So when you say new moon...I would call it dark moon (just clarity for any future talks

Ive read about others finding dark moon the time of inner peace and seeking....while full moon was more of a finding how one fits with what surrounds them. But Ill be the first to say....everyone is likely to feel different things from the moon, sun, and planets and encourage people to find their own energy path with them all. Im curious if you have tried much meditating during dark moon phase? Im sure you have but were you in the knowing it was dark moon? Its been almost a ritual of mine to follow the times of dark moon and to contemplate on things of 'self' my inner me. Great dreams and understandings have came during these times for you say full moon has been for you

I do think light is defiantly a sign of electricity.....but even without the sun reflecting light off of the moon and planets...they still hold a electrical link/connection to all the other spheres and us without the reflective light bouncing from them.

Great thoughts on it all! I totally believe in this connection between the electrical cords that are unseen that connect them. Consider when Venus moves inbetween the Sun and Earth in her time from going from a evening star to morning star. We cant see her 'light' during this time...but her energy seems 2 fold.

Sorry for any rambles...I love love love the cosmos

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
reply to post by dontreally

I am a lover of the full moon...but over the past few years...I have became more fond of dark moon (astronomy now calls this new moon but days of old considered new moon the new crescent in the sky of a new moon phase). So when you say new moon...I would call it dark moon (just clarity for any future talks

Ive read about others finding dark moon the time of inner peace and seeking....while full moon was more of a finding how one fits with what surrounds them. But Ill be the first to say....everyone is likely to feel different things from the moon, sun, and planets and encourage people to find their own energy path with them all. Im curious if you have tried much meditating during dark moon phase? Im sure you have but were you in the knowing it was dark moon? Its been almost a ritual of mine to follow the times of dark moon and to contemplate on things of 'self' my inner me. Great dreams and understandings have came during these times for you say full moon has been for you

I do think light is defiantly a sign of electricity.....but even without the sun reflecting light off of the moon and planets...they still hold a electrical link/connection to all the other spheres and us without the reflective light bouncing from them.

Great thoughts on it all! I totally believe in this connection between the electrical cords that are unseen that connect them. Consider when Venus moves inbetween the Sun and Earth in her time from going from a evening star to morning star. We cant see her 'light' during this time...but her energy seems 2 fold.

Sorry for any rambles...I love love love the cosmos

In Hebrew the moon is sometimes referred to as "chadash" which means new. And every month its a practice of the Orthodox Jews (traditional Judaism) to greet the Shekinah - the divine presence, with the first sight of the New moon (not quite the dark moon phase. That is that last notch before the new moon appears). The hebrew calendar is a luni-solar calendar. Its months alternate between 29 and 30 days, and after a certain amount of years an additional month is added to make up for the discrepancy with the solar calendar (this is done to keep certain dates within their proper season - so the Islamic calendar is a little screwy in this way).

No, i like the New moon and the Full moon. If you read the bible you actually learn that Solomon, who served as Israelis greatest King, was the 15th generation from Abraham (the father of the Jewish people). And so, Solomon was the 'full moon'. The last king of Israel of stature was Josiah, who was the 30th generation from Abraham.

The books of the kings is actually very deep and amazingly meaningful, in light of what our culture makes of the biblical tradition (they generally scoff at it).

As for the dark moon. i find it peaceful aswell. Theres not a thing G-d created that isnt special in connecting with him in some fashion. Whether that be the 28 year solar cycle, in which Jews bless the sun, or the monthly cycle, with the birth, maturation and death of the moon. Each day has its only special quality and relationship with the divine, and its always there for us to connect with it.

I wish i knew more about astronomy/astrology. Its definitely a belief of mine, that the stars influence our consciousness. I know in theory, how the whole thing works. With the spiritual worlds above this world connecting with this world, the terrestrial, by means of the celestial, which shines its 'lights - energy' to creation down below. Thus stars have 'angels' ruling over them, who in turn are ruled over more primordial forces, all the way upwards to the infinite light...

One day im going to pick up a book on this subject - astronomy, and astrology, to get a better idea in theory how it all works.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by dontreally

Hi again!

Just for clarity....the Hebrew definition for new moon was the 'new' silver crescent in the sky AFTER dark moon. This was why it was stressed to never predict the new moon for dark moon phase could last anywhere from a day to 3 days and it had to be observed (the new crescent moon) to know when to start a month as well as when to start a new year. It was not the crescent moon before dark moon phase.....this is why they called it 'new moon' because it was the first sign of the moon after a time of darkness.

I have had my spills with researching astronomy and astrology. I have become a fan of taking astronomy (true positions) and adding astronomical energies to that (this would be a true solar zodiac....not tropical or sidereal).

You may enjoy the idea I came up with and now use....

I dont offer any readings or anything...just positions. I feel that like any spiritual path...its for the seeker to find within what something vibrations/resonates with them. Example is some feel Mars is trouble and war....I feel healing from mars.

Great talking with ya!

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