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Life without the mark.

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posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 07:41 PM
TBH i think iv had a little too much port to comment really but here goes, i really go with the Nero theory about the number but in all honesty if the mark did exist i kind of find it hard to believe the creator of the multi/universe would really care if we used the system to feed/shelter or protect our families as long as we had an honorable reason to break a law pretty much in the same way in feudal times a good landlord would not condemn a man for poaching off his land to feed his family, having said that should there be a few paranoid persons afraid of using the system in case the creator may condemn them to eternal suffering in hellfire find your way to my house and i'll give ye a bite to eat, summat to drink and maybe a place to rest if the weather was pretty bad

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 07:50 AM
One issue that has not been commented on, is weather. Everyone knows that global weather patterns have been changing for the worse over the past few years. The NE United States have been hit with record cold the last few winters & California's High Sierra's currently have 13 feet of snow at Mammoth Mountain. Does anyone have any suggestions for surviving a 3 - 4 month winter in such extreme conditions? I'm reminded of the Donner Party who got stranded trying to cross the High Sierras near Lake Tahoe. Of the 87 members of the Donner Party, 39 died. They had already eaten their horses and had resorted to cannibalism. I'm also reminded of that Andes plane crash in the 70's where the survivors became cannibals to survive. So, how might a survivor group make it through a winter of such harsh conditions where hunting / gathering would be very difficult, if not almost impossible?

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by fishing4truth

You would have to learn to dry meat take seeds to plant certain types of squash that keeps off the vine for a good whiel. You may have to follow animal close to open area where mule deer and the like hang out in the winter and then you can just let the meat frezze. Weather, build shelters out of sight and away from wind and area where to much snow wouldnt build up over you in case of an snow slide. You would have to cut and store a good deal of firewood the piles of which cannot be detected from the air so you may have to store wood under an over hang or whatever. Maybe find a narrow fissuer in the mountain side that turns a way back so it would be hard to detect the camp and its goings on from the air. Set it up so after a heavy snow you wouldnt even have to go out of the shelter for weeks if not longer so as to reduce footprints in the snow ect. Got to think about what a picture of your camp would look like from the air. Beaten down paths in the snow, the blood spatered snow where you butchered a deer, a gut pile, stacks of wood, the rows of logs on a cabin, snoke from the fire (really dry wood smokes far far less than green and once you have a good coal bed you can burn less wood at once anyway)...all this activity must be hidden even from someone up on a ridge with binos looking down into the make it hard for everybody all the way around.

edit on 23-12-2010 by Logarock because: s

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 10:51 AM
"Life without the mark"

That is the big one right there, your survival don't mean anything if you have taken the mark. You may as well have died.

There is only "one" way to not recieve the "mark" and that is to be obedient to God, Yahweh.

What will be the means of implementing, enforcing the "mark" ? Probably more than one.

How you going to keep from it when you don't know what it is, the "mark"?

Anyway to survive through it all, many will not. Lay up a lot of supplies and be killed for it will be the fate of many.

OK you ask, what is the "mark". Well I will answer with a Question. Which is the commandment most blatantly and vehemently broken. That is the "mark" of disobedience.

Who will you obey?


posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by truthiron

OK you ask, what is the "mark". Well I will answer with a Question. Which is the commandment most blatantly and vehemently broken. That is the "mark" of disobedience.

Who will you obey?


Ok thats very clever but what about the line...." he will cause all great and small to take the mark in the hand or on the forehead that they can buy and sell" is that mystical as well?
edit on 23-12-2010 by Logarock because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-12-2010 by Logarock because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by Reconciler

If there comes a day when a " mark of the beast " style of electronic funds transfer system is put in place , I WON'T be taking it. If we are forced to choose between enslavement to avarice , or integrity , i choose integrity.

Wow what rock have you been hiding under?
Ever heard of interac, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Online banking, You are a number!~

Your Credit card even has a RFID chip in it, you are part of the system run by your worst feared enemy A make believe Devil, that doesnt exist!!

You use the mark daily I gaurentee even you going to the bank and withdrawing cash is served by this mark read what your money says it is legal tender for a system of numbers and marks, you are gonna burn in hell God has alreay chosen your fate

edit on 123131p://upThursday by seridium because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by seridium

The steping of point is the IDF or whatever under the skin. When you cant buy without the mark there then its time. Is that you Lucy?

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by Logarock
reply to post by seridium

The steping of point is the IDF or whatever under the skin. When you cant buy without the mark there then its time. Is that you Lucy?

Like I said its called a debit card it is here there is no difference the book everyone refers to being marked on your hand where do you hold this card how do you use it can you cash your check without a bank account or some form of institution that records your info in the system I think not, schools in the USA are using thumb scanners for children in cafaterias to get their lunch, we all use our bank cards daily what is the difference because you dont have a chip surgically implanted in your hand?

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by seridium
well it is no secret that the number system is a way to keep track of you as a individual, we have become complacent to this fact, and now has become a National security and world trade issue, just type in world id and see where it take you

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by Logarock

Does it matter whether it is visible, mystical? It may or may not be visible. A lot of people think it will be a tatoo.

Well for me I find their Tech is so advanced it can even be read from a distance. I'm not really concerned about how the rascals will implement obedience to it. My first allegience is to the rightful ruler and is my King.

The powers that be, if they are not ordained of God then I can not be subject to them. When disobedience to God is ordered I must obey God. It is plain and clear that when those rulers are not of Him and for Him they are not to be obeyed when in opposition to Him.

Most take Rom. chapter 13 all wrong that we must be obedient to rulers that would have us be disobedient to Him. No way Hosea.

We are going to see unbelievable unrighteousnesss rule over us. All are to be slaves of the system.

I am not a slave, I am a free man in Him and none can take it away from me.


posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by seridium

Originally posted by Logarock
reply to post by seridium

The steping of point is the IDF or whatever under the skin. When you cant buy without the mark there then its time. Is that you Lucy?

Like I said its called a debit card it is here there is no difference the book everyone refers to being marked on your hand where do you hold this card how do you use it can you cash your check without a bank account or some form of institution that records your info in the system I think not, schools in the USA are using thumb scanners for children in cafaterias to get their lunch, we all use our bank cards daily what is the difference because you dont have a chip surgically implanted in your hand?

Well you are on to something and I agree to a point....but...

Rev 14:9/10 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive [his] mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:

What you are talking about, at that level is no diffrent than Christ asking whos image was on the coin. The systems mark may be all over the place and we use the money but as of yet there is no demand that we are marked or chiped in the body.

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by truthiron

Right, right I am with you.

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 04:25 PM
Yes, whether to accept or refuse the mark is the point of this entire discussion. At the end of the day, I believe that dividing line will be one’s faith in Christ. Let’s face it, there’s no other reason to refuse the mark. Anyone not a believer in Christ probably thinks that Bible prophecy is all nonsense anyway. And if accepting the mark means keeping a job, having food & shelter, being able to buy & sell, access to health care & medications, and enjoying pseudo-security, then most people will accept it. Knowing that refusing the mark means going to prison, being beaten, tortured and eventually murdered would take someone with real determination & grit i.e., faith in Christ.

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by fishing4truth
amen ,look at how fast, we as a world are accepting this, and the louder or more often we warn or point too it, the more that say "not so". how sad it is in the days we are in.

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