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A theory, my recent experiences, and a shocking idea that may change the way you think

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posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 01:20 AM
Wonderful post. I thank you for sharing details on your life and your dreams. Its an interesting concept to ponder. This subject is so deep that the simple utterances we piece together are not enough to describe the innermost thoughts that come to our minds. I would certainly agree ( with of course little proof but this resignates so well with me ) that multiverse or multi dimensional life is the case, that after each death awaken more consciously to another life, then another, and another until of course we reach the state of being the "one", "whole again" or returning to the source. Makes the concept of God even more intriguing. That you are just an illusion, a figment of your own imagination that is experiencing its own version of "reality" or "life" in multiple lifes, realities, dimensions, and who knows what else. But again, this always brings me back to the original question, why the need to experience its own creation? Why seperate from the source in the first place? What purpose can possibly be fulfilled by an all knowing thinking thing to continually experience itself in different fashions?

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 01:29 AM
I've thought about parallel realities several times even while awake. If I had a close call in this life, I think about what are the possibilities that I died in an alternate reality? Thinking about what could have happened makes me want to avoid similar situations. As far as dreams go, I've dreamed about parallel realities with countless parallel Earths. Some were destroyed with nuclear weapons. Others had other problems. In this reality I dreamed that the US has secret agents running missions exploring different time lines and they occasionally alter reality to make this time line run more smoothly. I dreamed they have some sort of time machine. One problem I dreamed they have is that some agents are lost and can't return to this reality. They may still be alive in some different reality. It was just a dream or something I read somewhere. Every once in a while I read things in my dreams and have trouble remembering if I read it in a dream or in real life. I thought that was an interesting theory. Maybe in one reality President Al Gore set some nukes off in retaliation for an act of war somewhere and caused WWIII. Just think of how many ways you could have died in alternate realities.

I've also dreamed about different dimensions. You could say I dreamed about a ghostly dimension where most people don't see the people in the ghost dimension. I was able to float up and away in that dimension. Then I've dreamed about being on different planets with life in different star systems. I swear one dream was so real it was like I was in the body of someone on a different planet. I've also dreamed about different scales of reality. Shrinking in size, you could have an entire universe within a single atom. If it were possible, any beings within that atom would be on a scale so small compared to us, we would never be able to detect it. The same applies getting bigger. Our entire known universe could be simply an atom within a banana sitting on a table in a much larger universe. Then I've dreamed about universes being bubbles of space time. Our entire universe could have simply popped into reality one day. There could be countless other universes separated by as much distance comparatively speaking as there is space between stars. In other words, a distance so vast, it's hard to comprehend. These other bubbles of reality of space time have different laws of physics and wouldn't necessarily make rational sense to us. Anyway I thought I read that somewhere too that man would not be able to make sense of such things because our laws of physics did not behave the same.

I've also pictured energy curving in on itself into a continuous loop forming what we perceive as matter. The remnants of this energy we perceive as light and the transfer of light is simply a transfer of packets of energy from one point to another.

Going back billions of years, I pictured iron and some of the heavier elements forming in a supernova explosion. The material stayed dormant in space billions of years until another supernova explosion or disturbance caused a star and planets to form out of this material and space dust. You see I know that the elements after iron require a supernova explosion to form. It literally took billions of years to get all of the heavier elements here. We are made of stardust that took billions of years to form. I hope I didn't digress off topic.
edit on 15-11-2010 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 01:34 AM
Interesting thread. I am not even going to get into my dreams because this forum moves so fast, I'm afriad that later I might feel inclined to repost my dreams and strangest experiences so I want to keep this short and also, I have mentioned/probably will mention that something might be wrong with my brain. It's usually never because of the "weirdness" anymore. Sure, sometimes I theorize on silly thoughts but I no longer dwell on what that says about me. I've become pretty comfortable with it. When I mention things wrong with me, I am referring to my functionality in this world and that it's not necessarily wrong, just often doesn't seem to fit... almost like it was never supposed to and there are only a few reasons to drag it out.

...and yes, I do believe in telepathy but I try not to seek it out too much in my own mind because perhaps it's better for things to just come, especially in someone who has know idea how to really invoke telepathy regardless of whether or not it has happened to me. Instances like that just sort of happen.

Back to the point, the things about parallel existences are interesting but I'm not going to contemplate that one for now. that's an issue for another day- sounds complicated but interesting. Here's the two things i mainly wanted to say. I have gotten to a point in my life where something happened and things seemed to start pouring in and over a short period of time EVERYTHING seem to change. Everything started becoming much more clear. I want to say perfectly clear but can't because that would be a lie. The fact is, this clarity could be entirely my imagination. I will deal with that possibility at another time. Secondly, I have felt a dual existence and have *vaguely* for a very long time and was always very curious about it. Now, like everything else... it seems much more clear, but it's not a parallel existence or really a dual existence. It seems to be me in a different way looking back and now looking forward, I feel like my actual self more intensely than I can now recall.

It's not easy to explain and I don't want to go very far into it, but it seemed to be sparked by just a few seemingly normal events and this part is actually the part that has me the most baffled. Why I just started thinking these things and feeling this way.
edit on 15-11-2010 by ChaosMagician because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 01:52 AM
reply to post by Gseven

I think you're on the right track, sort of, except for the notion that we're all the same person, manifesting on earth in different forms, or that, from this body, we can go anywhere and explore any life or timeline. No I think each person is a unique, individuated and discreet entity, having a personal spiritual experience, united only by the same ground of being that we all share together in mutuality.

Regarding the dead and the living, here's an interesting post (I think) that I made in another thread which is directly applicable imo.

Originally posted by NewAgeMan

Originally posted by DomCheetham
It could be that no-one has actually died yet.

Strange isn't it, that although we all die, we're all still here?

Mark 12
Now about the dead rising—have you not read in the Book of Moses, in the account of the burning bush, how God said to him, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’[d]? 27 He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are badly mistaken!”

edit on 15-11-2010 by NewAgeMan because: typo

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 05:52 AM
This is great, thanks for sharing!! I too have many vivid dreams, I'd say a small percentage seem to be what we would class as 'real', so like me but in another dimension like what you're talking about, and the rest are just usually crazy, full of symbolism and guides and very exaggerated events. These could possibly be your past or future lives (despite that the now is only experienced), but what you're saying also may raise the question whether or not you can live or carry on a life that you weren't born into if you get what I mean... otherwise it would be like just revisiting outer memories interpreted by your dreams... it's hard because we only have our experiences and opinions to go by, so I guess it's all about digging up what's interpreted as 'truth' or not.

Keep questioning your dreams, concentrate on the feelings you experience and the relationships you have, and hopefully the dots will connect :-)

Peace ..v,

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by Nventual

I've had that EXACT same was years ago but it affected me terribly. I was suddenly alone, floating in space, knowing I would never see another human being again...and I was horrified and crying. I hope I never dream that again!

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by Deexie77

I felt like crying afterwards too. It was the most emotional dream I ever had.
I didn't fear death until that dream. It actually turned me religious.

I'm a little freaked out that you experienced the same thing. If that's what happens when we die then I don't want to die.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 06:24 AM
reply to post by Gseven

Given your capabilities, perhaps this product is right up your alley..


And I'm not making fun at all, and am only HALF joking btw.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 06:55 AM
I have tossed around the idea that, instead of a time line, we have a time tree or maybe a time DAG (imagine a tree where some branches can merge). At various times, our consciousness reaches a branching point and chooses a particular path. I'm not sure if this would happen trillions of times a second or only at certain momentous events. But at each of these branching points, a small portion of the self goes off and experiences the other events while the majority stays along one path. The path with the greatest amount of self is the one experienced consciously at any given time.

This would suggest a purpose for death, which is to release some life-essence to be reclaimed along one or more of the alternate paths. It also suggests that physical immortality is possible -- not necessarily on the specific time path that we all share at the moment, but modern medicine seems like we're close. Surely we're not far from a parallel path where it's already possible to cleanse cells and replenish DNA.

Perhaps it's possible to jump around to some of the weaker paths while dreaming, and you really were experiencing your own death to some extent. If so, that would just mean that some life energy was released back to your other time lines.

Oh, another strange consequence if the above is correct... It could mean that some (most? all?) of the other people in the world have very little consciousness in them, as most of it is concentrated in some other path. Maybe they experience this one occasionally in a dream. Another possibility is that this is the immortal path where all of the other paths converge, and that's why so many people anticipate a big "awakening."

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by Gseven

I too had a dying dream around 4 months ago. I remember falling to the ground, and then darkness. I knew I was dead. Somehow the darkness turned into a light wormhole(that's the best way I can describe it) and around it you could see the universe, the galaxies, the stars, all these amazing colors.

I felt myself accelerating through this wormhole at unbelievable speeds, and felt somehow like I was traveling towards a vastness of light.

The speed was too much for me to bear, got very scared and woke up. It took me a few minutes to come back to senses, and only then I felt myself bursting into tears. I was convinced I had died. It was just an overwhelming experience.

My life has been very interesting ever since, and my dream journal these days is just seeing the most unbelievable experiences. A lot of 'parallel universe experiences' type things as well. However, I'm really interested to find out what you experienced in your dying dream. You mentioned being in space, so I thought it was an interesting coincidence.

I have also experienced space traveling in one of my meditation experiences. I felt myself flying at high speeds through outer space until I got sucked through a sort of shrinking tunnel (I almost perceived it as a black hole at the time) only to be reborn in a different dimension, as pure awareness. I felt like I was reborn as a star, and I was just existing, completely aware of all there's ever been and ever will be, while being everything and nothing at the same time. It;s something I can;t translate in human language, something I can't even understand very well or keep very well even as a memory. I also felt that if I wished to remain there, my physical self here on earth might die, so I returned for the sake of my loved ones.

I haven't been able to experience anything like it ever since.

Well, I'm really curious to hear if anybody's experiences stuff like that

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 08:59 AM
Lots of mental "offs" lately. My friends seem to agree. Everyone I talk to seems to agree.

I met a gentleman at a bus stop the other day. We said hello and knew we were seaching (telepathy). The both of us thought there something big around the corner be it NWO lockdown, spiritual awareness, 2012, or whatever.

The mentality could be easily rationalized by our culture's obsession with the "Bigger Than Anything Before It Or It Doesn't Matter" (is this environmental or inherent?) and self-fulfilling prophecies (i.e. the only reason we'll ever invent flying cars is 'cuz we saw 'em on "Back to the Future" and think we need them).

But in my own life, judging as objectively as I can, I feel a funk. Something is wearing on us and we're feeling it more. The symptoms are are increasing.

I posted to ask, beyond the mental aspects (the time crunching, the dreams, the lack of or increased clarity, etc), people have experienced physical symptoms.

It's funny to say, but my bowels have changed. I'm hungry more often and have to litterally fight myself to avoid passive boredom eating. I have not changed my diet in years. There is a "stiffness" to me and I'm getting tired easier. I feel massive waves of tiredness throughout the day no matter how much or little I've slept. I commute by bike each day and it seems like the distances are growing, getting harder instead of easier. I don't enjoy showers like I did only months ago.

At the same time, I feel energy easier. When I shake people's hand, I "get" a more robust feeling of them. My meditations are increasly stronger, more sensual.

Mentally, I'm bummed out, I admit. Are my physical symptoms, if they're that at all, an extension of my personal mental state or is anyone out there with me?

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by Nventual

Unbelievable...we had the same dream and same reaction to it. It frightened me and reminded me to return to my faith. Only now am I not afraid of that dream...since I returned to my faith. God love ya and may his grace be upon you always!

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by Nventual

And one more thing.....that's NOT what happens to us when we die....but know that you were chosen to receive the warning...while there is still live life with a higher purpose than "self".

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by Paote

It's funny to say, but my bowels have changed. I'm hungry more often and have to litterally fight myself to avoid passive boredom eating. I have not changed my diet in years. There is a "stiffness" to me and I'm getting tired easier. I feel massive waves of tiredness throughout the day no matter how much or little I've slept. I commute by bike each day and it seems like the distances are growing, getting harder instead of easier. I don't enjoy showers like I did only months ago.

I'm not even kidding when I say, if I didn't know better I would think you have been stuck in my world, only I don't commute each day by bike. LOL
This will all make sense in time I am sure, and I know we all have our theories, but I'll bet most of us are wrong.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by Deexie77

Thank you Deexie. May Gods grace be upon you also.
I wonder, if it was a message, why you and I and whomever else?
Did you have weird religious experiences when you were younger?
I ask because one time in primary school when I was about 10 years old a Christian rock band came to my school and after they played we were told to close our eyes. Anyway one of the band members came up to me and placed their hand on the top my head and prayed. As they were doing so I felt a tingling sensation all over my body and I've never felt anything like it since. I wasn't religious at the time and didn't know anything about God.

A couple of years after that I was sitting on the beach, probably age 12, and a random man who was jogging past me stopped and approached me. He said "God will always love you" and then kept jogging. I wasn't religous then either. It wasn't until I had that dream 2 years ago that I started believing. I'm 20 now.

Did you have any weird experiences like that?
edit on 15/11/10 by Nventual because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by Gseven

Row row row your boat (soul) gently down the stream (time, flow of time, go with the flow) merrily merrily merrily merrily (peacefully) life (consciousness) is but a dream (multiple dimensions)

That's how I've come to think of this song that we all seem to know...

A little creepy sounding when I sing it to my kids, but I do think we constantly "die" and keep re-snapping if you will into our current awake consciousness we wake up in our life everyday, because that's what we expect.

I've had experiences where it seemed I was in a different dimension, but I recognized other people, like I recognized their "soul."

Anyone else experience this?

Dreams seem to be nonsense, but always feeling like you are always still "you" no matter how odd...what is really cool is when you can truly "free your mind" and start flying, or get out of fixes...

It's like the old Zen riddle, imagine a duck inside the bottle, and without breaking the bottle get the duck out...

Then all you have to do is, just IMAGINE it out! That's it...

Imagination, by far, I believe is our greatest gift, asset, "no-thing"

Try not to be afraid, replace fear with curiosity and be curious what your self is "showing" you. I think that can help when you feel scared of your dreams.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by Nventual

It's really interesting that you're talking about odd experiences with people while young. Everything could very well be some coincidence, but I for one don't think there are any coincidences, just things that are meant to happen.
When I was a kid I was walking my dog outside, when all of a sudden this old man, with beautiful blue eyes, big white beard appeared out of nowhere, seemingly knowing my name and my dog's name. He just started talking to me about my life, intimate things even, and he finished by telling me that my purpose here is to help people, and that's what I should do when I grow up. I turned to my dog for one second, and then he was gone. I could see everywhere around me for tens of meters, and yet he was nowhere to be found.

I'm still wondering if maybe I hallucinated the whole thing? What if I didn't? I've had many interesting happenings of this sort, but this was by far the one that overwhelmed me the most. Needless to say, he appeared at a moment in my life where I seemed to need him the most. I was a very lost kid, I didn't quite listen much back then, and made myself forget the encounter, but years later, when I came back to my senses, this old man started to make a whole lot more sense to me.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 12:48 PM
I have the same experiences as you. Waking up feeling as if the world your in is not home, its scary. Having the feeling of being an alien not only to where you are, but all you are in.

But its experience. And I love it.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 02:06 PM
This is a wonderful and thought provoking thread. Kudos to you for posting. There is a great set of novels out there call "The Education of Oversoul Seven; Trilogy" by Jane Roberts. Its about a soul that is responsible for the lives of seven individuals living on earth in different time periods, simultaneously. Very interesting theory......

I also have experienced telepathy and dreams. Many of my dreams have come true. In some of my dreams I take on a persona that is undergoing some sort of tragedy.

I was a woman in southern Turkey giving a birthday party for my 6 year old daughter when 4 men in a black car jumped out with guns and raided my house. They brutally raped me, tied me to a chair and put a grenade in my mouth. One man held a gun to my head and told me "This is your lucky day, you're going to die" and he pulled the ring on the grenade. It was so real, when I woke up I surprised to be alive and to be me. I kept looking at my hands for reality.

Another time I was a young man in a private very fancy jet. Suddenly the groung was rising up so fast, we knew that we were going to crash and die. We all held hands and prayed. Then in the dream I was a baby in a crib, the third son of two mathematicions. I was going to be an astronaught.

I've had many of these kinds of dreams, and I like to believe that in times of severe tragedy, we are not alone.

I have also had very pleasant dreams of other existances that history has no record. Those dreams are spiritualy refreshing and don't come often enough.

I hope this thread continues because I find solace in knowing that others, too, have incredible life altering dream experiences. I don't have any friends that are so introspective as those on this post. Good stuff! Thanks to all......

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 09:58 PM
I'm really enjoying reading all of your experiences, and to answer the death questions about traveling through space...yes, it was like a wormhole. I died in my dream, I floated up, and I could see the earth. I turned and looked out into space, and it was then that it became dark. I suddenly became aware that I was dead and very, very, VERY alone! It terrified the hell out of me, and my thoughts were not necessarily about me, but about my family. I felt my heart racing in a sheer panic, and I remembered thinking, "NO! I'm not ready to go - I'm not done yet!" Then WHOOSH! The stars zoomed past me so freaking fast, with me traveling toward a light, and it felt as though I literally slammed into my body. The feeling jolted me so hard that I not only woke up my spouse, but I almost fell out of bed. I was crying, I was shaking, and I swear to you I have never been so terrified in my whole life. The experience itself wasn't bad....but the emotion and the realization that my life was over and I had to leave my family....THAT'S what got to me. I was more worried about them. Even in my best moments of imagination, I could never have duplicated what I felt at that moment. No one can ever tell me it wasn't real, because it most certainly was. Nightmares are a lot different.

I like theorizing about the dimensional stuff. Even if we're all off the mark, SOMETHING will be correct. Just by the mere fact that we're discussing it, the idea is becoming conscious. Maybe this will be one of those 100th Monkey Effect kind of things. I'm leaning towards the belief though, that even just by imagining something, we've created it, and it WILL exist somewhere. If we imagine it, yet don't act physically on it, then we've chosen the path of no action. Somewhere, another us has imagined it and chosen to act on it, which is a scary thought, considering what many people spend their time thinking or obsessing about. This reminds me of the ancient Chinese notion of "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil", since the belief came from the fact that what we hear influences our thoughts and words, what we see influences our thoughts and words, and our words come directly from our thoughts, which create the universe.

I'm reminded of the verse in the Bible that states:

John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

How much more clearer can it get than that? Perhaps the debates should never be about religion, but more about "what" God is. It seems to me that God is energy, and that same energy is within us to be able to direct and apply for good (God's will), not for selfish reasons (evil), yet we are babies and have no clue what we're doing or that we're even doing it. Again, I'll use the analogy of giving a loaded gun to a toddler who's never seen a gun before.

This goes a long way in helping me to understand WHY meditating is important. It clears and relaxes the mind....the engine room of the creative forces in the universe. If I am at least partially correct in ANY of my theories here, what a fascinating world this will become very shortly!

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