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Chopper 2 Films Red-Hot Streak Moving Behind Emp. State Bldg

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posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 11:12 AM
I feel so humiliated that Americans are really passive and dumb to accept that everything happen in sky is somewhat as contrail, shooting stars, planets, stars, junks, etc. People actually believe the "expert" suggestions to avoid themselves as ridiculously from their peers, but they already being ridiculous when they believe expert's suggestions.

I can say this quote, "Beam me up, Scotty. There is no intelligent on earth!"

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by Aslpride
I feel so humiliated that Americans are really passive and dumb to accept that everything happen in sky is somewhat as contrail, shooting stars, planets, stars, junks, etc. People actually believe the "expert" suggestions to avoid themselves as ridiculously from their peers, but they already being ridiculous when they believe expert's suggestions.

I can say this quote, "Beam me up, Scotty. There is no intelligent on earth!"

I feel embarrassed for all those people convinced these are more than contrails. They are seemingly unable to research and think for themselves or listen to reasoned arguments and so instead jump to preposterous conclusions because they "want to believe". I for one have no trouble abandoning an idea once it's proven false. Don't become personally invested in these things one way or another that way you can change your mind when and if more evidence comes to light.

My mind, my MegaMind, stays flexible and adaptable because it values truth over the need to be right.
edit on 12-11-2010 by MegaMind because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by Siren

Do you realize the difference, in the zorgon photos, versus the one in the OP?

Close-ups, versus far, far distant. Contrails can be seen for many miles....the one in the OP isn't an airplne OVER is far away, could be 40, 50...even 100 miles away, since its at altitude. (and at those distances, the airplane would be awfully tiny, yes?).

Remember the Earth is a sphere...and contrails form about five miles and up, so about 26,000 feet and up.

Geometry can be used, to estimate some things, about YOU on the surface, and something a long way off, but up at altitude, and the way it can appear lower than it actually is, due to the curve.

There are graphics and calculations and examples online....but, before we look at those, think about this.

Remember the story of Galileo, and his first telescope? When he (and others) would watch ships sailing away from port? This was one early confirmation of the curvature of the Earth, to any who may have still believed it to be flat (there were few, in his time...actually).

It was the observation of the ship's masts, as they disappeared, got shorter, as the ships sailed, and the curve of the Earth took them "lower" and "lower", from the POV of those back on shore.

Hate to make this into a "Wiki University", but it was just easiest to bring that one up first....:

edit on 12 November 2010 by weedwhacker because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by 2ndFUTURE

Link to story and video

CBS 2 reached out to a top astronomer who looked at the video. He said it looks beautiful, but that is was like nothing more than what’s known as a “contrail” — condensation from a commercial or military jet.

After watching the video, I do not believe this is a contrail. What do you guys think?

I've been watching contrails for years and this is
definitely not a contrail! Contrails don't move, especially at that speed. I live just north of NYC and I'm in the city almost everyday/night and I keep my eyes in the sky at all times and I've never seen anything like that!
edit on 12-11-2010 by JustBlaze because: forgot to comment

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 02:42 PM
I do not believe this is a typical condesation trail...

My guess would be a low flying jet that is not that far away, I suspect the "trail" is exhaust fumes refracting sunlight..

my dos centavos
edit on 12-11-2010 by 5MaveN5 because: typo

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 03:05 PM
First, it looks like it's moving very fast.
Second, if it was a contrail, wouldn't it have gotten longer and longer as the "object" kept moving, rather than following behind it?

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by JustBlaze

I will gently suggest you go back to page #1 of this very thread, please.

Read it all, and then post a reply again.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by trollz

Conrails vary in duration. The duration accounts for their "length". If the duration is brief, because of temperature/relative humidity combinations that exist at the moment, and area and altitude where they form, then they will tend to evaporate at a fixed rate...just as most clouds do. Yes, clouds. Try to find (I usually post links, but tired of that) videos of time-lapse can see how they evolve and change...constantly evaporating on one end (downwind) while forming on the other side (upwind) in many cases. Since it's so gradual, you don't notice it in real time, hence you need time-lapse to understand the processes.

So, that "red" contrail, off in the far distance, was one of those examples of brief contrail formation...NOT persistent.

Apparent "fast" motion, as explained in pages back is optical illusion of the manner of filming.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by trollz

Conrails vary in duration. The duration accounts for their "length". If the duration is brief, because of temperature/relative humidity combinations that exist at the moment, and area and altitude where they form, then they will tend to evaporate at a fixed rate...just as most clouds do. Yes, clouds. Try to find (I usually post links, but tired of that) videos of time-lapse can see how they evolve and change...constantly evaporating on one end (downwind) while forming on the other side (upwind) in many cases. Since it's so gradual, you don't notice it in real time, hence you need time-lapse to understand the processes.

So, that "red" contrail, off in the far distance, was one of those examples of brief contrail formation...NOT persistent.

Apparent "fast" motion, as explained in pages back is optical illusion of the manner of filming.

Thanks for the reply, it seems logical now that it could in fact be a contrail.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 04:05 PM
That is definately not a commercial airliner. They cruise at about 550mph. That thing is going about 1 mile a second (3600mph). So it is way too fast to be commercial airliner and way too slow to be a comet. So what does that leave??? The Californian event was an ICBM probably from a Chinese Jin Class Sub. The Chinese just want to show America that they aren't the only superpower in town and won't be bullied into manipulating their currency to suit America just before the G20 sumit in Seoul! Call it a shot across the bow if you will. The Dollar is heading for a bumpy ride!!

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by JoinTheDots

That is definately not a commercial airliner. They cruise at about 550mph. That thing is going about 1 mile a second (3600mph). So it is way too fast to be commercial airliner and way too slow to be a comet. So what does that leave??? The Californian event was an ICBM probably from a Chinese Jin Class Sub. The Chinese just want to show America that they aren't the only superpower in town and won't be bullied into manipulating their currency to suit America just before the G20 sumit in Seoul! Call it a shot across the bow if you will. The Dollar is heading for a bumpy ride!!

What do you base your estimate of speed and altitude on? And why is it flying horizontally for so long?What is keeping it up? If it's an air to air missile, where is the plane that fired it and why didn't it hit its target? Are Jin class subs capable of firing a rocket with a ten minute burn time? And where did it come down?

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by JoinTheDots

NO. It is not....

That thing is going about 1 mile a second (3600mph).

PLEASE take the time to read the rest of this thread. It's only been five pages (or six?).

Answers are there, if people would just take time to read first, before posting on subjects already explained.....


Tried to find a video example, no luck. After you've read the thread, read this:

As you read that article, imagine that the "red contrail" in the video was actually the Moon...and the SAME optical illusion would occur, as it would appear that the Moon was "moving" very fast past those buildings in the foreground.

The airplane (and contrail) in this video are far enough away (not as far as the Moon, of course) but far enough for the exact same effect.

edit on 12 November 2010 by weedwhacker because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

I have worked with many types of "Fast Jets" including sitting in ATC logging their movements mainly for their acoustic influence on the local population (I have worked for the military which I still support). I can tell you a fact - that was going faster than any disclosed airframe. The SR-71 could probably match the speed in that video but we all know that there are other things that are aloft . If you don't think that I am qualified to judge the speed of an Airframe please let me list my qualifications:

2:1 BEng Hons in in Electroacoustics Engineering (One of the hardest!);
Thesis: Acoustic Identification of Helicopters.
Developed software (for the Military) fo to identify military helicopters using a VBA programme to divide the recorded Main Rotor frequency by the Tail rotor frequency to give the gearbox ratio thus Identifying it using a look up table.

Using this gearbox ratio my programme could identify any helicopter including the "Chinook" which obviously had no Tail rotor - (It has a fundemental frequency of approx 14hz which was easy to detect).

Using one microphone I could detect what type of Helicopter it was. Using a grid of microphones one can identify type, and location in 3D space which means a "lock".

So please don't tell me that I do not kow what I'm talking about again.

PS I have also lived in Sana'a in Yemen for a long time when I was young so I have led a very "Interesting" life. They are a very friendly bunch of people. Just don't mention that you are American as they associate you with Israel (They are a truly a wonderful but poor bunch of people). I have to say that they speak more English per Capita than the French and the Italians!) I Trust the Middle eastern arabs that I met when I was young in Yemen much more than the Northen African arabs who were not very friendly to say the least!

Pease to you all and do your homework.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by Aslpride
I feel so humiliated that Americans are really passive and dumb to accept that everything happen in sky is somewhat as contrail, shooting stars, planets, stars, junks, etc.

Well you have to eliminate the contrails that you can identify as contrails and the meteorites and the rocket launches before you can examine the item as being something else.

Just calling every contrail a rocket launch, or every rocket launch a UFO (Recent China event) or every meteorite an alien spaceship does nothing to show intelligence.

Those skeptics who call everything a contrail are just as bad as the believers who call everything an alien visitation
How is truth served? Somewhere in the middle

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by i am just saying
so all these years with helicopter cameras and just NOW they start catching strange "contrails"???

No its not new... all you have to do is look back at youtube videos. Contrails and rocket launches have been reported as UFO's for a very long time...

Every time we see an odd Vandenberg trail that is glowing iridescent in the western sky at sunset here in Vegas, you can bet it will make the evening news

But this time they got a whole week out of it, and the retired idiots saying it was a missile and show of force just messed with everyone's head...

I would call that deliberate disinformation...

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by JoinTheDots

As you read that article, imagine that the "red contrail" in the video was actually the Moon...and the SAME optical illusion would occur, as it would appear that the Moon was "moving" very fast past those buildings in the foreground.

Yep, I see that now, thanks...

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 08:08 AM
At the start of the video when the object goes behind the building, the perspective of the camera does not shift enough in relation to the building, to account for the apparent movement of the object. This is why I'm not buying the whole chopper movement/perspective argument.

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