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Photo of an Alien, taken with iPhone?

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posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 11:35 AM
What I'm feeling now is this... Shapeshifters use a human and are projecting a human image to us that we see... When something interrupts this we see the evil shapeshifter beneath the surface... But now with the dual "ALIEN" picture maybe we are seeing the Caster from the 4th dimension (left) and the breakdown of what we perceive as the evil shapeshifter (right)....

Lot of activity in the skies and underground lately maybe their transmissions are getting interfered with...

Just a thought could still be a blanket... I don't believe the upside down kid thing because the crotch area looks a little well ODD...

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by ParanoidMike

First off, this image looks nothing like "E.T" from the film "E.T. The Extraterrestrial", E.T. was brown first of all and the features do not match up in the least. If you are going to play the "It is a an image from a movie" option, "Close Encounters Of The Third Kind" is much more likely candidate, but anyone who owns or has seen that film knows that isn't going to fly either. This image definitely doesn't sync up with any "alien" designs from any science fiction films that I have seen or own. I am not going to say that the image is a genuine alien capture on an iPhone, because it hasn't been investigated thoroughly and conclusively enough. But it is very suspect of being genuine and definitely isn't "E.T. The Extraterrestrial".

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 11:58 AM
Throw down a handful of wood chips and the human brain will pick out a few faces here and there. This does look like an alien face however I am eating a pizza just now and I can pick out a couple of spotty faces straight away.
To me this looks like a piece of material, Perhaps as someone stated earlier a human leg wearing jeans and a black shoe filmed from about waist high facing down. An interesting picture though which does deserve some thought.



posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 11:59 AM
The whole "up-side down kid" theory is the most laughable and preposterous theory I have seen on here yet. Talk about grasping at straws. That is more ridiculous than the idea that it really is a photograph of an "alien". This just goes to show the lengths that some will go to to dispute or debunk any new evidence of an alien origin that pops up out there.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 12:03 PM
oh wow...this is so fake i am shaking in my boots lol
i can see how they thought it was an alien, but seriously. You think an alien is going to pose for the camra? human with camra? well let me get my good side going lol

It just doesnt happen, simple as that, i love reading these forums because i love seeing how bizzare some people are, just because it looks weird doesnt mean its an alien, you midaswell say your cat or dog are aliens cause they look weird compared to yourself, being so close to halloween if that is a face its a mask.

So there debunked haha yet another forum, yet another waste of time lol

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by DisturbedToo
reply to post by kristobal

Obviously it's a leg, it does look creepy, but it is just a leg. The eye is his shoe.
Mystery solved!
Mystery solved eh? Is that your professional opinion after exhausting all of your means of photographic analysis of the evidence in question? Better grow some credentials before boosting claims. This is the problem with many posters on threads like just this one, most of the posters who make the "claims" of having solved a particular "mystery" never did any real analysis because they aren't qualified or have the means to do so. It is the real experts who hold off on making such outlandish presumptions until they have exhausted the investigative process beyond a shadow of a doubt. Welcome to ATS my friend.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by DisturbedToo
reply to post by Ahmose

You really don't See it's a picture of the kids leg taken through a curtain?

I guess people DO see what they wanna see!

AHH Yes.. It took me about 5 minutes to see what you do, but I do see it.
Really baggy pants.
Its amazing how that pic looks SOOOO much like an alien, yet it obviously is a picture of a leg with black shoes.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 12:31 PM
This is arguably worse and/or equally as shameful as the "demon in wedding photo".

Come on, really people?

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by openmind444

Openminded444, I do not see why you are getting yourself so worked up? Everyone has an opinion and everyone should respect other peoples opinions. So far you have said, "Grow some credentials, preposterous, ridiculous, plus more or less stated that (REAL EXPERTS) like yourself wait until you have exhausted all possibilities before making their mind up. Well, I am sorry that I am not a (REAL EXPERT) and I am sure others will apologize too if it makes you feel better. Kindly keep to the topic and also keep your opinion of other peoples posts to yourself.

Kind regards,


posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by Sequentis
I am not worked up at all my friend and I have no problem with others sharing their opinion, that is what ATS is about after all. What I have an issue with is when an opinion shifts from just being an "opinion" to being a "Hey, I solved the mystery" claim without any analytical or investigative procedures to base such a claim. Would you accept that someone solved a mystery with an "I think it is, therefore it is solved" investigational method or would you rather be more willing to accept an "I investigated and analyzed and the analysis shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that the mystery is solved"? Personal opinions and claims don't hold up in a court of law, concrete facts and and hard evidence on the other hand do. You see what I am getting at here? Sorry, but I expect a little more than a claim or opinion to prove that a mystery is solved..I expect hard evidence and just looking at a photo, forming an opinion, and posting it isn't that. And for what it is worth at no point did I ever "claim" to be an expert nor did I ever get off topic. I apologize sincerely if I came off as abrasive, but I just have a big problem with folks intently trying to pass off speculation as fact, with nothing solid to back it up. That is whole other forum on a whole other site all together.

edit on 7-11-2010 by openmind444 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 01:07 PM
My friend,

Originally posted by openmind444
The whole "up-side down kid" theory is the most laughable and preposterous theory I have seen on here yet. Talk about grasping at straws. That is more ridiculous than the idea that it really is a photograph of an "alien". This just goes to show the lengths that some will go to to dispute or debunk any new evidence of an alien origin that pops up out there.

But we can't be seen to force our own perceptions onto others, now can we?

One mans perception is another mans reality ;-)

Be safe be well


edit on 7-11-2010 by Spiro because: typo

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 01:08 PM
I highly doubt this is a leg of a child. If it is, its a disgustingly obese child and its parents need to be locked up. Thats a whole lot of wrinkles and folds. Reminds me of an elephant's rear lol.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by wisintel
To me this looks like someones leg and foot on a flowery carpet....

I agree! I saw the 'alien' first (the 'eye' on the upper right is actually the shoe) but what you see is spot on i think.. with the person holding a wire that's falling into shot (and helping the mind come up wityh the second 'eye'). great!
it's like one of those old fashioned optical illusion drawings where its two things to different people.

Whats more likely... a mistaken photo of your foot while holding the i-phone...
or photographing an alien staring through curtains during the day... ?? hmmmmm.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by Sequentis
reply to post by openmind444

Openminded444, keep your opinion of other peoples posts to yourself.

Kind regards,

And for the record, I do respect the opinion of other posters, but just because I respect it doesn't mean that I have to be in agreement with it. And who are you to say that I have no right to challenge those opinions? If you can't take the heat,..get out of the kitchen.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by kristobal

Normally I wouldn't post something like this, but for once a photo that made me actually go 'hmm'. too bad it was taken with such a poor phone camera!

One day, while he and his wife were going through the phone clearing out images, they came across something that made them both jump: what appears to be the face of an alien creature emerging from behind curtains inside the house. My cousin figured that his son must have taken it while on one of his play adventures using his phone. At the time that my cousin recounted the story, he didn’t have the photo with him, but promised to send it to me when he got home to his computer. A few days later I got this from him in my inbox:


Source with more information: Photo of Alien Taken with iPhone?

oh cool what app is this iHoax, iPhail?

Because of the low quality I am guessing it was not on the iPhone 4G.
edit on 7-11-2010 by Lysergic because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 01:55 PM
Pretty creepy for sure.

If I were to compare the face to any other example of an alien I recall seeing, I would have to say it looks like the same type of alien that that guy DR. Reed supposedly had wrapped in tin foil on a table in his garage after finding it in the woods.
You know what I mean.

Though Reed's looked fake to me. This face image here,whatever it is, looks very real and creepy.

Is the image we are seeing here blown up at all?
Is that the whole picture or a blown up section of the curtains?
Just curious.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by kristobal

lloks like a sock with the covers in the background

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:10 PM
Come on guys did anyone really think it was a genuine alien photo? I do believe in UFOs and aliens/djinns myself but guys, things are getting a bit ridiculous lately.

Almost immediately i saw a clothed lg when i saw it, and even if was less clear of it being a leg and more like an alien face, then why wouldnt anyon consider potoshop, because its quite easy to simply get an alien face and apply filters, cloth and texture overlays alogn with gaussian blurs to and softening to make photos seem somewhat genuine.

The ufo/alien subject has come under a lot of nonsense these days, and people seem to believe everything immediately. It realy is quite sad

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by digby888
it looks like he has taken a pic of the

inside of his pocket by accident

and its just come out like that

but i guess people will see

what they want to see

No way...The inside of a pocket would be darkness and there wouldn't be any shadowing.
That picture is up close though, so these people were either real close to whatever it was, meaning they had no clue it was there, or it's hoax, or they are just giving us a small portion of the picture.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:18 PM
That pic is non sense.... man!! I can't stand topics like this one!!!

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