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HONEST question from a Canadian...

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posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by Submarines
We were all angry and wanted change.

What we didn't want was a congress that had no regard for what the people wanted, and to shove things down our throat.

So we made the wise decision to hand the country back the to people that brought us two wars, corporate bailouts, lower taxes for the rich and higher taxes for the poor, the patriot act, warrantless spying, subsidies for some of the most successful industries as well as tax incentives to ship jobs overseas, etc. You know, stuff the people wanted.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by CanadianDream420

Yes most Americans have a short memory and a even shorter attention span.

They just don't remember the many lies George W Bush Jr. told and look the other way.

Most instead of reading political articles and books, tend to read the Twilight Light Novels and watch Dancing With The Stars.

Most do not realize that the economy right now here today stems from the decisions made by the previous Presidential Administration.

Most vote the way their good old dad did (particularly in the South).

Most just don't care, they push that one lever and failed to do their research. You see Americans like it fast and easy.

And yes, most American's, forgot and forgave the 262 documented lies that George W Bush Jr. spat (Read Paul Waldman's book "Fraud').

We have now made sure that anything our President wants to get through will be vetoed. Between the Republican Senate and the Southern Democrats (which are really Republicans in disguise) he hasn't a chance in hell.

But hey, The Republicans planned it that way to make sure Obama fails so they can further the corporate elite agenda.

The common American is too busy playing their Xbox and ipods to take politics seriously.

Now watch how many come at me.

I'm ready, got my little flame suit on.

But hey, there's one American here in Illinois that didn't forget................I remember how GWB and the Republican Party single handedly almost destroyed America.

Americans are stubborn and have a love affair with the rough tough cowboy.

They hate intellectuals.................and that will be our country's downfall.

If Palin becomes President, you will have another Canadian citizen.

edit on 3-11-2010 by ofhumandescent because: Spelling

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Fox Molder
The NDP is a Right wing/center party,

Not quite sure what planet you live on Fox Molder, but out here in BC the NDP are a one short step away from being full blown commies.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 03:53 PM
Last I checked, Bush hasn't been voted back into office so I really don't understand the point in bringing him up. Also, last I checked, Democrats have been in control for the last four years and thus everything that's happened in the last four years is their baby.

Many of us have spent at least a decade telling the government we don't like what they're doing and they haven't listened. Based on what the winners of yesterday's elections had to say, they may finally be getting the message. And if they didn't get it, they'll be voted right back out at the next election. Even the Republicans who won understand that we didn't give them a green light to do whatever they want and that the majority don't approve of either party. The only one's who don't seem to understand what voters were saying yesterday, and have been saying since the beginning, is the anti-tea party crowd.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by MrXYZ

when times are bad the voters tend to vote out the incumbents. when times are good they tend to keep their incumbents. that's just democracy. they punish politicians for bad times and reward them for good times.

the argument that none of our problems were 'solvable' in 2 years is only relevant as a partisan argument, or an argument in favor of incumbents. its arguable whats solvable and in what amount of time by what methods. the voters have obviously decided that either the problems were solvable, or that they don't like the incumbent's solutions.

that's just the way things are. you can't say DON'T FORGET HOW BAD THINGS WERE UNDER REPUBLICANS 2 YEARS AGO, ITS STILL RELEVANTTTT!!! and then say its irrelevant how bad things are under the democrats today. elections are always primarily about the current state of things.

this thread is about 'not forgetting.' well we live in a two party system and options are slim. its more rational to forget about the transgressions of a party from 2 years ago and hope new comers will do better then to 'forget' what is right in front of your eyes TODAY when you enter the voting booth.
edit on 3-11-2010 by snusfanatic because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 04:01 PM
I don't think it was a matter of forgetting. I sure as hell didn't forget.

My beef w/ the administration prior to last night was an unopposed ruling party that was downright divisive with a president who seemingly took joy in being that way. Not much different than the last prick in office.

My hope is this president will tone down the hubris and actually listen to the other half of America that wasn't represented until now. Whatever happened to reaching across the aisle? It clearly hasn't been just the neocon party's fault.

We can play the blame game all day regarding the past but what really matters is here and now. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping for cooperation but who knows what the future holds. Nobody here does know no matter how much they pretend to know.

Good luck Mr. Obama. Here's to hoping for the best.
edit on 3-11-2010 by Protostellar because: grammar only

edit on 3-11-2010 by Protostellar because: grammar again

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by MrXYZ

Unemployment went down? I don't think so:

National Unemployment Rates, 2008 - 2010

Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
2010 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.9 9.7 9.5 9.5 9.6 9.6
2009 7.6 8.1 8.5 8.9 9.4 9.5 9.4 9.7 9.8 10.2 10.0 10.0
2008 4.9 4.8 5.1 5.0 5.5 5.6 5.8 6.2 6.2 6.6 6.8 7.2

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics


posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 05:36 PM
That would be great if NO ONE voted.

No one, except the senators themselves.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by CanadianDream420
That would be great if NO ONE voted.

No one, except the senators themselves.

Only one problem with that. The way the system is set up only those that vote get their votes counted. That could mean 100,000 people abstain for righteous reasons but one person votes and that's the only puppy that's counted. The system sucks but it's THEIR system. :shk:

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:10 PM
Yep, we've pretty much confirmed for the whole world that Americans are dumb as rocks, and extremely easy to manipulate. We also seem to prefer war over healthcare, oil over the environment... basically all the evil choices a super villain can make.

I wish I was kidding. It seems the only things we don't forget are the scary Muslim terrorists.

Republicans only care about money and power for the rich, and yet they use the blood and backs of the poor to get it. And those dumb as rocks poor uneducated rednecks support that Republican party that never does anything to support their supporters...

Then again, I'm pretty sure the uneducated Republicans will turn a blind eye to rape, murder, torture, and illegal wars... as long as they have lower taxes. Again... Republicans love their money.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by spiritualzombie

Amazing how a little piece of paper (that grows on trees) is such a heavy motivator. I love your analogy to the super villain. But it's like you say.

Moving on.

What is the truth? I read how Bush was the Antichrist. Committed 9-11 against his own people for oil, went to war for it, somehow managed to get Hussein in the deal, and was seeking a way to get into it with Pakistan.. etc. And Obama was the glorious savior. (even though he was a politician)... He came in, tried to give you medicare for free, persuaded BP to set aside BILLIONS to fund after effects of the spill, trying to bring the troops home and some how, some way he's become worse than the Bush's. es.

I don't even think people want the truth anymore. They are happy just to bitch about everything and anything all day long. Good thing they are all people. Otherwise we would be perfect. Or something. haha.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by CanadianDream420

It's the campaign the republicans ran.

They fought hard to create this image of the democrats destroying the country, trying to high light every little move a lefty made and turn it on them. They invented fears of socialism, communism, flag burners, constitution burners. And this is how it worked.

They attacked their characters. And the democrats did the same in turn. Almost none of them talked about policies. And in the end, I voted for neither of them. Screw em. I don't want either party.I voted for the parties that nobody even considers. Most of my votes were libertarian.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:24 PM
Since we here in BC have just had our Premier step down, we are in a bit of a worrisome flux. We ALL remember what the NDP ( socialists in fact) did and we ALL know what the Liberals (which have conservative policies) have done.

Now we have to choose between the lesser of 2 evils.

We can only do what we can when there are only 2 parties available (who aren't wingnuts) to choose from.

And I can see that's true for the US..

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:41 PM
"Americans are stubborn and have a love affair with the rough tough cowboy.

They hate intellectuals.................and that will be our country's downfall.

If Palin becomes President, you will have another Canadian citizen"

you are welcome to move, anytime!

this deserves a thread all it's own! wow, wow wow.

i have no idea where to start with this. lol.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by Jenna
Last I checked, Bush hasn't been voted back into office so I really don't understand the point in bringing him up. Also, last I checked, Democrats have been in control for the last four years and thus everything that's happened in the last four years is their baby.

Funny I never mentioned Bush but I mentioned Republicans. Were Republicans not just swept back into office by the Tea Party or did I see a different election? Anyone with half a brain knew that no matter how many Christine Odonnells you got in office they were going to have to answer to Boehner who is a 3 decade establishment republican. That is why I find it odd you dismiss Bush, acknowledge the wars, then only want to go back 4 years. That is pretty selective right there. We will see if Boehner does anything for the Tea party. You know besides that they are already rasing the debt ceiling for you. The way I see it is we had a guy break into our house and begin stealing things so we removed him and replaced him with a different guy that continued to steal. So when given a choice between a guy that breaks in and steals, and a guy that just steals stuff that is accessible, we voted for the guy that also does break ins back in office.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by Curiousisall
Funny I never mentioned Bush but I mentioned Republicans.

Funny my post wasn't in response or in reference to you, yet you always take my posts personally.

That is why I find it odd you dismiss Bush, acknowledge the wars, then only want to go back 4 years.

Bush is irrelevant because he is no longer in office, yet we have people complaining about him like he's still causing problems. It's time to quit blaming him when things go wrong seeing as how he hasn't had anything to do with anything for two years now. It's time to move on. The wars were approved by both parties, thus both parties are to blame. Blaming just Republicans when the Democrats voted for the wars and have continued to fund them is just hypocritical. And all the things people complain about that have started in the last four years have happened under the Democrats watch. Again, it's hypocritical to blame only Republicans for something the Democrats have their hands in too. Both parties are to blame and the level of hypocrisy on this site just blows my mind.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 06:59 AM

Originally posted by Jenna
Funny my post wasn't in response or in reference to you, yet you always take my posts personally.

My bad. I was the only one mentioning the old Republicans at that point so it certainly seemed like you were referring to me. Did someone else mention Bush and I missed it? I appologize if so.

Both parties are to blame and the level of hypocrisy on this site just blows my mind.

Coming from someone intent on blaming Democrats for the wars and pretending that Bush had nothing to do with any of the situations we are in right now is kind of funny. Remind me again who threatened congress with mushroom clouds if they did not approve the war? Ah nevermind, I see I am not allowed to hold Republicans accountable for anything so long as at least one Democrat let it happen as well so why bother. Democrats are the only ones that ever do anything ever. I got it now.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by Curiousisall
Did someone else mention Bush and I missed it?

Ofhumandescent did two posts above mine. Apology accepted.

Coming from someone intent on blaming Democrats for the wars and pretending that Bush had nothing to do with any of the situations we are in right now is kind of funny.

Incorrect. I point out that Democrats are not blameless to those who would put it all off on Republicans while ignoring the faults of Democrats. They get to share the blame for the mess this country's in right now. It's called being fair and honest. It's a new concept that none of the cool kids have tried yet, but I'm hoping it'll catch on.
edit on 11/5/2010 by Jenna because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 05:51 PM
We are all Americans...North Americans and we all are subject to the crappy politics in both countries. USA just has a bigger part to play in the world.

Sadly our politicians are all puppets, notice any Canadian names on the following list?

Take care of yourselves cause Gov's have a diff agenda.

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