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War of the Sons of Light in Heaven

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posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 02:38 AM
I believe that Jesus accessed the Eastern tradition, which eminated from Taoism, and which then manifested in the three flavours or forms of it, from Confuscious, to Lao Tzu, to Buddha, and that these may in fact represent, allegorically, the three prescious gifts laid at the feet of the birth of Christ, which, when fully integrated, with his own Jewish Mystical Tradition, catalyzed itself in the "birth of Christ" you could say. And to this day, the day near Christmas, which celebrates the Three Wise Men from the Orient, is called "Epiphany Sunday". The star over Bethlehem, is the star of oneness, not twoness, but AS oneness, it is what I would call the star of isolate consciousness (self, or thinker, as God, or God/no-God dualism with no self of any kind whatsoever, but JUST oneness and therefore, no love). What Jesus then did was took ALL of this information and integrated it into his already fully integrated mind (from following and becoming the embodiment of the law, that way that God, the spirit of the universe, first father of creation, spirit of TRUTH, intended), and POOF, a new creation, the second Adam. No I disagree, the Toa is also God, the God of the something AND nothing of absolute oneness, which REQUIRES a two, in order for there to BE love, and thus a type of familial relationship, in a newfound brotherhood of man, what I like to call "the relativity of human being". Now, do all those ideas arise only from my thinker, from my ah analytical faculty, or do they not also arise from and/or gain support from the right-sided brainmind also, as spiritually valid, and entirely logical.
You see it it BECAUSE we are all one, that we must love one another as God loves us, and this us a Buddhist/Taost reframe of the highest expression of the law and the prophets (love God above all and neighbor as self). There is nothing whatsoever WRONG with a rational basis for faith, provided that it operates as a type of logos, or "word" to catalyze a realization that culminates in a new consitution or a new way of being, one which would stop for the man in distress, as illuminated in the parable fo the Sood Sameritan, to those Lawyers and Pharisees. So I guess what I'm pointing to here is a type of alchemical process such that Jesus Christ was a master alchemist who became the thing itself, the rock of all ages.

just some stream of consciousness stuff hope it wasn't all "thinker" but channeled instead by the logic of the logos of the word by the spirit, at least to a degree.
edit on 28-10-2010 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by Michael Cecil

P.S. the idea wasn't that it was simply funny but also good therapy, and to make sure no one was taking themselves TOO seriously, that's all.

So I guess what you're saying then, is that we need to be slayed by the spirit, so as to become one with the love of God through Christ, because one thing I've learned, if there's no love in it, then it's worthless, meaningless, an absurd parody. This is why I have a problem with a lot of Freemasons, their faces, the seriousness. It creeps me out to be honest.

All I know is the more I allow, and open up, and just love God and try to imagine his love and what that would be like and what it's all about, and then also love and play with my neighbor, as if he's me, and never take myself TOO seriously, that I then get to really play, and even with a great deal of power, and influence.

We are a family, and I hope that you would have me as a brother in Christ (extending hand in friendship).

I love you, I love Christ, and God loves me because of the one He sent. So you HAVE to love me..

He who loves me loves the one who loves me because I love, and thus, he loves both Jesus AND himself, but if you hate me, you hate the one I love and therefore the one who sent him.

So we've just GOT to be friends, no matter WHAT!

Oh to be rejected WHILE loving those who would persecute you, I don't know how he did it. Me I would just start crying.
edit on 28-10-2010 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 03:04 AM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
... because one thing I've learned, if there's no love in it, then it's worthless, meaningless, an absurd parody.

Do you want to know why there is such a vicious, blood-thirsty repudiation and denial of the Revelation of the "resurrection", which includes the revelation of the memories of previous lives?

Because it is a Revelation received in the heart.

Have you ever been in love with a woman (don't answer that)?

Once upon a time, I was very much in love with a woman; so much so that, right in the middle of my relationship with her, I received a clear and very specific memory of who she had been in a previous life. At the time I did not believe in either 'Rebirth' or 'reincarnation', so receiving that memory was extremely troubling for me. The relationship did not succeed.

Later, I met other women, experienced the same 'breaking of the heart' and received additional memories.

And this is not always with regards to relationships between men and women.

One woman I know received a very clear memory of going to a graveyard in a black dress and a horse drawn carriage, it was raining, her boots were covered in mud, and the rain was dripping from a very large black hat she was wearing--the entire memory was maybe a few seconds long--at the time that her mother in this life died. She guessed the time as being maybe a hundred and fifty years or so ago. Up until that memory, she did not believe in previous lives at all. But her love for her mother prompted that memory from a previous life.

But people have to actually experience this in order to have any knowledge of it.

Yet, when you try to inform the theologians of the reality of such things, they draw back as if they are in the presence of Satan himself.

But to repudiate, deny, ridicule and accuse of evil anyone who has such memories on the basis of some theological theory...

That indicates a hardness of heart that is simply and utterly beyond my comprehension.


posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 03:14 AM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
I believe that Jesus accessed the Eastern tradition...

What Jesus then did was took ALL of this information and integrated it into his already fully integrated mind...


All of this "motivation" indicates the activity of a "self" and a 'thinker'.

None of this was contrived or put together or whatever other verb you want to use.

All such Knowledge comes from the Vision of the "Son of man" and the Revelation of the "resurrection" themselves.

In other words, there would have been this correspondence irrespective of whether there was any DIRECT contact between Jesus and the Eastern esoteric traditions.

There are those who say that Jesus travelled to India or some such thing.

Maybe he did and maybe he didn't.

But it makes no real difference since the Revelations that he received very DIRECTLY conveyed the Knowledge of such Eastern esoteric traditions.

edit on 28-10-2010 by Michael Cecil because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 04:01 AM
Interesting and I'm sorry if I was harsh back there..

Um, right, Jesus did understand that his Christself was directly and intimately connected to "the father" ie: I was with you, or you loved me, before the very foundations of the world. That's kind of unique, in the sense that his experience of his his past life was that of being in direct relationship with the first father of creation from BEFORE the very foundation of the world. In other words, not just another avatar, but the real deal.

I can handle and am interested in all kinds of ideas, yours included.

Past lives.. sure, why not? Interestingly, I am preparing to embark upon the Gateway Experience from the Monroe Institute, in the process of which I will be learning to astral travel, and I am also getting into Alchemy and have actually started taking Ormus, which is giving me a burst of spiritual energy and revelation, but I know at the same time that I cannot engineer my own salvation, and that Christ alone is the rock of ages, which makes it even more powerful ie: for astral travel, manifestations of FEAR is the principal hindrance, but how can I have any, if I really believe in Christ.

I've even heard someone once say that the spirit of Christ came from OUTSIDE the universe.. what are your thoughts on that?

P.S. The root of logos, is logic. Don't trash the thinker so fast, or the thinker in Jesus.. and how, in the final analysis, are we to completely do away with the self, as the Buddhists propose...? and what would we DO then?!
edit on 28-10-2010 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
I've even heard someone once say that the spirit of Christ came from OUTSIDE the universe.. what are your thoughts on that?

I guess I have to say that I find it amazing that someone would go to the trouble of responding to such 'bizarre' ideas as I have written here without going to the website after that person's signature.

Scroll down until you get to the "Unsealing of the Seven Seals".

There I make reference to the "2-dimensional 'flat' space "observing consciousness" out of which emerged the entire 3-dimensional 'curved' space reality and consciousness.

If you are interested in the whole subject of a 2-dimensional 'flat' space, you may want to read the discussion of such things that is occurring on the Sarfatti Physics Seminars Yahoo discussion group. There is a lot of talk there about the 'curvature' of space through gravitation and Einstein's 1916 interpretation of General Relativity.

But, ultimately, there is a problem with both 'curvature' and time.

There is mention, for example, of something called "back action", which is loosely described as information coming backwards from the future...

Something, of course, which would be a quite obvious corollary of a 2-dimensional 'flat' space in the first place.

But this "information from the future" is also validated by Reverse Speech Analysis by David John Oates.

You might want to Goggle that, if you are interested.


posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by HUMBLEONE

Foxes are wiley ones, many are decieved when it comes to the right understanding and for sure we all don't see and understand the same from the same plain statement. Not that we shouldn't but it don't happen because of wile making a different meaning. "Theistic evolution" is an example, it makes the first seven solar days of creation an undetermined lenghth of time. It is termed "theology". I have no need for any theology, all I need is His Word, the Truth, without a twist put on it. Man today has theorized away the greatest truths of the Word of God. I just scan long drawn out explanations and soon find most are putting a twist on things that lead away from the Truth. His Word is the fountain and foundation of Truth and He is the Truth the Way and the Life. Too many think they know better what the Creator said than He did who dictated it.

Truth these days is about as scarce as "hens teeth".


posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by Michael Cecil

This Knowledge is Revealed through the Vision of the “Son of man” (referred to in the Scroll of the War of the Sons of Light as the Third Phase of the War)—symbolized in Genesis 3:24 as the “Tree of Life”—in direct opposition to the theologies of the ‘thinker’ originating in the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil”-self and the “beast of the earth” consciousness of the ‘thinker’.

Pardon my ignorance, but what is the "Scroll of the War of the Sons of Light"?

I'll try googling it now, but I've never heard of it before.

EDIT: Never mind - found references from Google. Am researching now...

edit on 10/28/2010 by Riffrafter because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by truthiron
Foxes are wiley ones, many are decieved when it comes to the right understanding

Also foxes mean trouble because they "spoil the vineyards"; Song of Solomon ch2 v15

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by GBP/JPY
reply to post by anglodemonicmatrix

naw, the good boys club is taking a commanding predicted....sons of light live forever



posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by HUMBLEONE

I think the true definition of "Capitalism" and "Socialism" is skewed.

Basically, the way I see it, it will be Red Dragon vs. White Dragon.
Freedom of Trade vs. Freedom of People
Old vs. New

The balance is the pink dragon.

I could be mistaken.

It's refreshing to see people actually thinking for themselves for once. I like this thread.

edit on 28-10-2010 by xiphias because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 01:14 AM
Interesting, these "Sons of Light" are the authors of a better testament? The number "2" is common in respect to two opposing viewpoints or perspectives, but there is another, which is the third.

The "Third" or "Trinity" in close association with the Holy Trinity, is where hidden knowledge is sought and found, by Grace of God, which no other can find or see or obtain, other by believing and having faith?

Ironic, people think the Bible is just a quaint book with allegores and parables which don't relate to anything, but that's quite the converse, if you are the person so "enlightened" by Grace of God to receive the knowledge.

When God teaches, the learning curve is quite steep, you get it the first-time or you don't. I assume a "true heart's intent" has alot to do with the selection.


The Divine LOGOS, which embodies EVERYTHING of which we have to do with.

edit on 31-10-2010 by trekwebmaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 01:33 AM
Imagine, God having created man and gave the Old Covenant, which worked for the time, but waxed old as a cloth, and mankind needed more, so God gave his children his "heart," which is Jesus Christ, because God couldn't tolerate any flaw or blemish without recompense; this would have meant the annihilation of man.

God could not destroy his own children, made in his image; it would be almost as destroying a part of yourself, so God sent his only begotten Son as a Savior. Can you imagine the sacrifice that was? The Heavens are a testament for all-time to mankind as the undying promise so man can marvel and be reminded. We instead, seek to "study" small aspects of fragmented disciplines and look no further.

It's all laid out, but we'll have to work hard to see it; the key is being in a state of "openess."

When man's laws and systems fail and fall-short, there is always God and everything "which is set in place."

Compassion, Perfection, and Ominpotence, existing with perfect logic as mankind created out of a perfect image. It would imply that we were destined for something "more" than we are currently living-up to be. Mankind's systems will fail eventually or be challenged by some "external factor," which puts social and environmental pressure on the Human Race to "evolve" as we were meant to be. A transmutation.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 01:52 AM

If you are interested in the whole subject of a 2-dimensional 'flat' space, you may want to read the discussion of such things that is occurring on the Sarfatti Physics Seminars Yahoo discussion group. There is a lot of talk there about the 'curvature' of space through gravitation and Einstein's 1916 interpretation of General Relativity.

There are ways around Einstein's GR theory. "Taking-on" an entirely different function and attribute. It literally transmutes and forms "another" pathway.

Nothing is impossible if you "visualize" it. If you can form-it-out by visualization, then who's to say "that essence of the 'visualization' isn't real."

Sounds much like the "Order of Melchizadec." "Taking on the seed of Abraham (Aaron.)"
edit on 31-10-2010 by trekwebmaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by trekwebmaster
Interesting, these "Sons of Light" are the authors of a better testament? The number "2" is common in respect to two opposing viewpoints or perspectives, but there is another, which is the third.

There are several instances validating the importance of the number 3.

There are 3 views on the Doctrine of "resurrection": 1) the Sadduceean view that there is no such thing; 2) the Pharisaical view that it is a physical raising of a dead body from the grave; and, 3) the Teaching of Isaiah, Daniel, Jesus and Mohammed that it is a Doctrine of 'Rebirth'.

Similarly, there were three crucified "at the place of the skull": 1) the consciousness of the "self"; 2) the consciousness of the 'thinker'; and, 3) a third dimension of consciousness for the receiving of Revelations such as memories of previous lives.

The number 3 strikes at the very foundation of the dualistic consciousness; insisting that there is an escape from the 'fallen' consciousness through Revelation.

Mi cha el

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 08:13 AM
There are also, by the way, Three Phases in the War of the Sons of Light:

1) The Revelation of the Law;

2) The Revelation of the "resurrection"; and,

3) The Vision of the "Son of man".

There are also three aspects of the 'fallen' consciousness:

1) the "serpent" (Genesis 3) "dragon" (Revelations 12), symbolizing the 'movement' of self-reflection;

2) the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil" (Genesis 3) and the "beast of the sea" (Revelations 13:1) symbolizing the "self"; and,

3) the "fig leaves" (Genesis 3) and the thoughts of the "beast of the earth" consciousness of the 'thinker' (Revelations 13:11, Sura 27:82 of the Quran); which is the origin of the theologies which contradict the Revelations.

See, also, Saying #37 in the Gospel of Thomas.

Mi cha el
edit on 31-10-2010 by Michael Cecil because: add reference to the Gospel of Thomas

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