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Uprising in Europe, PAY attention!!

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posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by astrogolf

Easier said than done. You want to invest in my business plan? It's brilliant - but you see, the banks have shut up shop and aren't helping the little guy to start up a business any more. No, since the time that we the taxpayers bailed out their failed and corrupt banking system, they decided to repay our generosity by clamping down on lending to potential entrepreneurs.

It's not that easy to start a business any more. You, as a business owner, should be completely aware of that.

Plus - where are the incentives to create jobs? A business owner here in the UK pays shedloads for each employee (National Insurance, pensions etc) - the government steals all your hard earned cash in taxes and hands it over to the banks, who then refuse to 'lend' it back to you when you want to expand your little business.

What a crock.

The social security budget is miniscule compared to the frivolities one can witness elsewhere in the budget. The UK currently borrows £1 out of every £4 it spends. That means a quarter of its revenue is DEBT. And the banks have brokered the whole shoddy situation - it just gets worse.

So don't lecture people who weren't lucky enough to have been born earlier, when it was easier to get finance - or perhaps you have wealthy parents?

PS - @ the rest of people saying Europe is in uprising. It's been chilled here in the UK for ages, and I can't see much changing at the moment. Mainland Europe is a lot of different countries, only a handful of whom are carrying out any form of strike or protests. People in the States always assume Europeans know a lot about the other nation members and care two cents about what they get up to - but generally, they don't. Each gets on with their own business, and the high politicians shuffle papers in Brussels so we look more powerful on the international stage.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by Roadie
It's a whole different mentality over in Europe than in America. Europeans aren't afraid to speak up, to protest. Us Americans just let these people govern us, complain about what is happening at work(if you're fortunate enough to have a job), and go about our lives. We just merely sit around and expect the government to fix itself. It's almost as if we've been hypnotized and drugged to just be complacent about what is going on in this world.

Riots are never a good thing, but sometimes TPTB need to remember who they are messing with.

Yes americans are druged to be complacent in the same method used by Nazi's in concentration camps. Floride in drinking water.

Furthermore we are brainwashed by the MSM and silenced if we speak out. Americans live in a very sad country full of lies.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard

Originally posted by dragnet53
reply to post by mr-lizard

Um I guess you are not American if you don't know the color of the American flag.

Um i'm guessing you ARE American if you don't realise they were our colours first.


IMO it's not that Europeans are active but Americans are under massive delusional psychosis. I recognize the symptoms because Argentinians, Serbs and Bosnians were under same such illness. Lavish lifestyle of US middle class and welfare society are simply bound to fail but hopefully there won't be civil wars, just a bit violent protests.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by Jonaflowa
I'm from belgium, and we are very aware of the problems we gonna get in the future if this goes on, people are living in poverty all over our country, it sickens me... I have to work 6 of 7 days 9-10 hours a day , to have a "NORMAL" life with no luxury in it.. just wanted to say that

ok, I live in Belgium as well, in Flanders... and I don't see this poverty you talk about, or not 'all around'.
The ritches and poverty in our country is as divided as anywhere else, that said, we still belong to the most wealthy countries in Europe. Maybe if you go to the big cities like Brussels, there you have poor and homeless people just like in any other big city around the world. But then again, that's for most part the fault of our poor and not working immigration system.

Where in Belgium do you work 9-10 hours a day? Last time I looked we had the 5 day, 38 hour work week and even the 36h work week for the private sector. If you work weekends then you get these days off during the week or your paid 3 times as much.

Unless your working without a contract and let some boss take advantage of you!?
If so then you are part of the problem and not part of the solution.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by njl51
reply to post by pacific_waters

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. A lot of elder people i talked to (as you won't find that much active young people in unions) have a similar opinion. There's a change in the peoples thinking happening right now. Just phoned an oncle of mine to get an idea of the mood of his coworkers (most of them are 40+) and they all say that they feel there's still something to come / that it won't play down like the other times.
I lost a lot of faith in the young as the leaders of the 'revolution', the starters of change. But my trust in the older-then-me generations has risen: most of those europeans know what the consequences of war is and what it means to rebuild a country again and go working to give their descendents a better future. Those guys lead our unions, are out on the street, are the most politicaly active.

Summer is over and people are heading to a cold, grey, expensive (oil to rise, new taxes/auterity measures beeing activated) winter. Let's see how that effects their mood and if the words spoken now against the governement will still be yelled at it in a few weeks.

@strikes/riots beeing common in europe: Yes, the french do it alot etc, etc.. But the strike in Brussel was different as this was organized by different unions from a lot of countries in Europe.
I can assure you, as i had to do some research on the social history of europe, that strikes are for some nations in europe very common, but that the strikes/protests in the last weeks were something out of the ordinary.

@opening a business: oooooh yes. You are so right. Banks won't give you a cent tu support your business ideas. No matter how perfectly your business plan is worked out.

edit on 4-10-2010 by TheDeader because: spelling

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by oozyism

Good post Starred and flagged.

The second picture says a lot. The "controller" has his bat raised and is ready to clobber a person sitting down in a non threatening position.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 01:00 PM
I'm sorry, great thread, but my BS detector went off as soon as you mentioned Marx. In case you hadn't noticed, most of these European countries that are having civilian uprisings are socialist nations. The people are upset about the bloated and all encompassing power of the state. Do you think more government control would solve this? Communism, unless it is Anarcho-Communism (which is a nice idea, but will never work) is the forced economic equality of all citizens and the complete control of the state by a single party. More government=more oppression, that's what most governent is:control; the forced submission to the will of megalomaniacs. I sincerely hope Europe finally ends the oppression they've suffered under for all of recorded history (from the Roman empire to feudalism to monarchy to banking cartels to communism to socialism and banking cartels) and I hope that America finally begins to practice what they preach.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 01:32 PM
Good post. The Europeans aren’t as stupid and masochistic as Americans with its hicks mainly from the south and west who kiss the ring of the corporate elite as if they are some kind of Gods.

Here in America we have the republican conservatives and Tea party who will lead America to poverty and serfdom and have only poor and rich in the US when all unions are gone and the corporate elite will be able to do as they please.

The democrats like Clinton and the con-man Obama are fake progressives who really might as well join the Tea party.

So actually it is a dire time for the people of America. I am not optimistic and worry for the young people who dont have a future becasue they have outsourced Jobs overseas.

I plead with you people to stop supporting republican conservativism and the Tae party con job-- THEY WILL DESTROY YOU IN THE MIDDLE CLASS.
Granted the Dems arent mush better but what we need to do is to go on issues.

Support bringing jobs back to the US, and for the nation to unionize and through off politicians who ONLY VOTE FOR THE CORPORATE INTRESTS.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 01:37 PM
I read newspapers every day and news in the net from different services but until I found this thread I didn't know that I live in Europe in the middle of huge uprising.
Maybe I should check what is going on the street. One moment pleas...
Nope, there is no uprising. Despite I live in the centre of big city in Poland I cant see any military actions out there. It is strange because in my opinion people in this county should rise again since we have such lame government and our political madness in which the death of the president in plane crash was only one of many accidents, affairs, scandals etc. Despite that people stay calm. Strangely calm and polite to every sh$%& served by politicians. The only explanation is flour or other drugs in the water system.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by oozyism
Yes, the so=called "terror alert" is definitely an attempt by the PTB to redirect the attention away from the labor issues in Europe and Asia Minor. It also shows how the MSM gives their support to the PTB by focusing on everything but the real relevant issues.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 01:52 PM
Wish I could say that I was shocked...but I can't. Quite frankly I've seen civil unrest building all over the world in the past year...even read about a movement in America that was calling for the resignation of all members of congress or they would be "forceably removed"...that got quelled quickly though. At any rate, no such unrest in Canada, but our government is closely tied with the US, and as such are merely puppets on a string. MY thoughts...get ready for some worldwide anarchy. People are clearly not going to stand for corruption within the system anymore, and methinks the system is not going to stand for dissidents and rebels. This is the first step to overthrowing the establshed order...need I remind everyone of what finally won America it's independance? NO MORE TAX, and NO MORE KING. Same #, different century.


posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by odyseusz

I think this topic is more about what the media don't tell us. And as we seem to be alot of europeans on this board i'd like personal views/opinion rather than "i heard on euronews/ntv/ that ..."

Furthermore i don't see the need for "military actions" to confirm an uprising. The mood here in europe has changed. Not yet that much that we go on the streets with pitchforks and torches but there are some actions beeing taken.

See the luxemburgish people are (socialy) very very calm. Accept a lot of bull# and have no problems with foreigners (as there are up to 60% not 'genuine' luxemburgers living here and a lot of border crossers who come to work here everyday). A strike/demonstration happens just very rarely here in Luxembourg.
Yet, over the last weeks, the need for strike and demonstrations has risen. More and more discussions and political (verbal) attacks take place. And, oh wow, the always satisfied luxemburger stands up from his chair and does something.
The fact that the people here are starting to do something and the recent news from Spain/France (riots, strikes, etc) increases my beliefs that finally some people started to think on their own here in europe.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by pacific_waters
They're in the street because the government is trying to rein in a runaway welfare state paid for by high taxes on those who work in the private sector. It's about time the government sector took some heat.

I agree with you, but unfortunately the people protesting aren't producers or private sector employees. They are public employees angry that their runaway state IS trying to rein in. They are angry that their welfare state is failing and they might not get to line up for all the goodies anymore. They are angry they might have to work until age 65 instead of 60, for example. They are angry that the governments don't have enough money to pay their lucrative pensions. Oh, the unfairness of it all! They might have to WORK for a living!

edit on 10/4/2010 by schuyler because: fix quotes

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 02:06 PM

So, those European Terror Alerts are not because of terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda, they are because so many people are protesting the true terrorists, our governments. Our governments are under the control of banks and corporations, not The People. They slash our salaries and hike up our taxes to pay for the retarded corruption of the few powerful elite, who take pleasure in watching us squirm in protest.

They do not want Americans to travel to Europe while most of their citizens are distressed and protesting, or we might come home with the same type of revolutionary anger at our government.

There is nothing I hate more than seeing soulless riot police prohibiting citizens from protesting for the humanity of all of us. Those brainwashed zombies are the only reason the corruption of our world still stands, without them there could be no martial law to defend the guilty governments.

I hope every European government conforms to what their citizens want. Good luck guys.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by Carseller4

Originally posted by oozyism

Guy in the Yankees cap.....obvious photoshop......


edit on 3-10-2010 by Carseller4 because: wrong photo

you found waldo!

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by AndrewJay
Looks like a Cubbies fan actually.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 03:10 PM
It's like Greece when their economy went to #. Much like the US is now,

I can see it now.

"We want a four day work week, and retirement at 55 years old."

"We can't sustain that kind of system. We have other countries bailing this system out!"

"I don't care, as long as I get mine. I don't care if it bankrupts the country, I want what I'm due regardless of the consequences."

And the US is trying to go down the same road, pimping ourselves out to China. Just keep spending and go to China when you need a loan.

The idiots got too used to the idea that government has all the answers, and can keep printing money.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by oozyism

In Germany on september 30th, Cancelor "Darth Merkel" send her Storm troopers to the City of Stuttgart to fight rebel high school kids and rebel senior citizens.

When cops beat kids, the govenment shows it's true face!

After 20 years of German Unification, we rebuild "the wall" (a fence in this case)

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 04:18 PM
Good evening from Germany,

this is my first Post here at ATS. Sorry for my english grammar. I'm from Nordrheinwestfalen Germany and want to give you a short impression of what is going on in Germany and Europe. The operant conditioning is so perfect that the most people in my country don't understood that they are instrumentalized. That changes in this days. It starts with Mr. Thilo Sarrazin, Head of the German Central Bank, who wrote a book called "Deutschland schafft sich ab" -> "The Termination of Germany". It gives facts about the Problems of Immigration and shows a very dark Pictures of our cultural future, the mistakes of an wide open European-Union. Many People here are afraid of Moslems and start to be a party to Thilo Sarrazin. A recent Newspaper survey showed, that 95% would follow a national-democratic movement. Our Neigbours France and Neatherland allready wote for radical right-wing or send immigrants back to their Country. Austria built Camps where immigrants should stay without leaving protectet Buildings.

In Stuttgart we have a Massmovement which claims the resignment of the state government. It bagan with a demonstration against a futuristic rail station which should cost 18 Billion Dollars. Last week the police fight against thousands of People and punched them down. Thousands have been injured, hundreds of children. The next week 50.000 - 100.000 people will demonstrate, 30.000 Cops have been transported to the Town. In Berlin and Hamburg the same trend. The people have enough!

Every Night the same picture, thousands of people going outside to protest, every day more and more!

More and more People think that the goverment wants to let us protest. We think they channel our rage against the political mistakes and the increasing unemployment. The EU shows more and more an imperial Face and has enough communist policymakers to put a smile everyday in putins face.

To make it short: I feel that something big will hit a mayor german city! They must hit Germany to legalize a european Millitary-Union. Think about it, Germany pays more then every other country for the existing of the european Union. We are not a souveran state, we are a major Part of the Anglo-American-System. Both World-Wars where long planned, capital investments of the same groups that now prepare Europe for the next war against terror. The last 20 years german banks gave credits to the southern countrys and let the german exports increase. Now we only have mendacious propaganda of an economic expansion.

Germany is not USA; the conditioning isn't so deeply like in the USA. Everybody here knows about the false flag operations in New York, about the drugwars in Afghanistan and Pakistan. And more and more people know that an european goverment must be fought. We will stand up to protest and we don't go to any war, until our freedom is threatened. Read the european constitution of Lissabon. We must have an attack to built up an army for international war games. There where great practices of nuclear attacks in Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and other great citys at the Beginning of this year.

To make it short: The People here beginn to understand! The Goverment has only a short period of time. Spain, Portugal, France, Greece and Italy will fail in a few months.

First we take Manhatten, than we take Berlin
2001 and 2010, the Year both sides of the Atlantic make Contact, the greatest War-Union of all time!


edit on 4-10-2010 by Hans1974 because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-10-2010 by Hans1974 because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-10-2010 by Hans1974 because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-10-2010 by Hans1974 because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-10-2010 by Hans1974 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 04:29 PM
Where is this in the MSM??
Things have a way of being blown outta proportion on here.
The threat of an immanent war with Iran
Threat of an immanent war with South Korea
China and its capability to sink out battleships
The LHC is going to turn earth into a black hole
The gulf of Mexico oil spill is going to explode and wipe out all coastal residents,..
Some of you read way too much into what is said or perceived as fact..

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