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UN Report: American Citizen Executed By Israelis During Mavi Marmara Raid

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+29 more 
posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 06:50 AM

UN Report: American Citizen Executed By Israelis During Mavi Marmara Raid


The report of the fact-finding mission of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on the Israeli attack on the Gaza flotilla released last week shows conclusively, for the first time, that US citizen Furkan Dogan and five Turkish citizens were murdered execution-style by Israeli commandos.
(visit the link for the full news article)

+18 more 
posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 06:50 AM
The powers that be in the US have stooped so low that they have not even bothered to report that one of their own citizens was murdered "execution style" by Israeli commandoes, along with 5 other people.
From the article:
"Based on both "forensic and firearm evidence," the fact-finding panel concluded that Dogan's killing and that of five Turkish citizens by the Israeli troops on the Mavi Marmari May 31 "can be characterized as extra-legal, arbitrary and summary executions."

Anyone who has the gall to defend these actions must surely be seen as complicit in allowing these actions to take place, by acceptance of them.

The most revolting part of this bloodthirsty piracy was the fact that one of the victims was shot in the head with a "soft baton" round, at such close range, that the bean bag and its wadding penetrated the skull and lodged in the chest from above.

After this report, there can be no doubt whatsoever that Israel used these innocent people as an "example" to others of what would happen should they attempt to bypass the illegal Israeli blockade.

As usual the whitehouse, state dept, and DoJ say nothing, citing the so-called "peace" process between Israel and Palestine as reason to cover this up.

The message to all US citizens is clear - when it comes to Israel, your leaders care more about them than about you.
Full Report

(visit the link for the full news article)

edit on 29/9/2010 by budski because: added UN full report

+12 more 
posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by budski
The message to all US citizens is clear - when it comes to Israel, your leaders care more about them than about you.

I think they made that pretty clear on 9/11.

It's getting to the point with both the US and Israel that I am starting to wish for something really bad to happen to the leadership of both. Pray, even. Neither deserves to be there.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican

Originally posted by budski
The message to all US citizens is clear - when it comes to Israel, your leaders care more about them than about you.

I think they made that pretty clear on 9/11.

It's getting to the point with both the US and Israel that I am starting to wish for something really bad to happen to the leadership of both. Pray, even. Neither deserves to be there.

The problem is that something really bad would probably happen to the rest of the world as well.

I would urge everyone to read the full report - even dressed up in official language, it makes for some pretty horrendous reading, and basically accuses the Israeli's of murder.

Of course it wouldn't be the first time that Israel has been accused of murder, and nothing will be done about it, the US will block any attempts by the UN, as usual.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 08:53 AM
Even with this report the u.s wont do a damn thing... Except send isreal more weapons and cash... Business as usual...

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 09:24 AM
This is outrageous and downright criminal, and as you pointed out, any and all attempts to accuse or sanction Israel in the UN will be blocked by the United States. Then we Americans act with indignation and outrage when countries like China or Russia block UN action against countries they have financial or strategic interests in.

But I’d like to remind people that the US government is aligned with Israel on this issue — the Department of Justice is arguing that the President of the United States has the power to assassinate anyone anywhere, including US citizens, without due process pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force passed by Congress in 2001.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 09:25 AM
WTF! Execution-style?

Israel has always said the reason for the murders was for soldier self-defense. (Obvious lie judging from the videos)

Something HAS TO BE DONE that just sickens me.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 09:38 AM
unfortunately nothing will be done because the only ones outraged are those who actually read the report, now if they executed the next top model or Idol contestant then their would be outrage that would last until the next commercial break.

regular people don't care anymore, the only poor souls that do care a treated as "Conspiracy theorists" who are 1 step to the left of lunacy according to them.

+1 more 
posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 09:39 AM
Oh what's this?
Another Israel bashing thread?

Sheeshh... i'm tired of all the anti-semitism on this planet lately

Listen if you don't approve of israelis murdering your countrymen then you are an ANTI-SEMITE!!!!
You let the chosen ones do whatever they want okay, your elected officials are trying to lead by example, learn!


posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 10:00 AM
Let's make it clear once and for all.

When we talk of Israel and US having close relations, we are talking about their adminstrations, and corporate and lobbying elite.

Israel-US relations do not extend to American citizens, except where their tax money is used to fund and arm Israel of course without their choice.

Subsequently, the lives of American citizens have exactly the same worth as the lives of Palestinians when looking down the barrel of an Israeli gun: Expendable and worthless.

Rachel Corrie. Crushed to death.

USS Liberty, waving a great big stars and stripes, being repeatedly strafed by Israeli Jets.

And now another American citizen killed, seemingly executed.

American citizens killed at the hands of the IDF.

And what do American administrations in The White House do? Nothing.

Indeed, why not let armed men trained by the IDF run around in the American countryside?

Israeli army veterans in US train up for self-defense (Video)

from the Link:

Israeli army veterans in US train up for self-defense

Published 02 September, 2010, 10:30

Edited 02 September, 2010, 16:22

While politicians are working on peace in the Middle East, a Jewish group in the US is preparing itself for the worst. Thinking they may be attacked, they train intensively in military skills and survival methods.

Three men are taking part in a military exercise similar to those in the Jewish state of Israel on American soil. However, they aren’t soldiers – they are Jewish American civilians.

Now they are part of Kitat Konenut New York – a non-political, non-partisan team of freedom-loving Jews and all Americans that teach preparedness against terrorism and natural disasters. The group encourages its members to become legally armed and express their second amendment rights.

Kitat Konenut New York is run and trained by veterans of the Israel Defense Forces and incorporates elite Israeli fighting skills. They train out in the woods with semi-automatic weapons and knives, learning and practicing martial arts and first aid, because of a core belief that “terrorism is directed against Jewish people all across the world,” believes Yonatan Stern, founder of the Kitat Konenut New York.

More (Includes Video)

This is not about the right to bear arms. These are people armed and trained by IDF, or are veterans of the IDF.

Veterans of the IDF appear to be training armed men in the use of semi-automatic weaponry and Israeli elite fighting skills. On American soil. Why? Will they be those same 'skills' used to execute that American citizen on the flotilla?

Go down to the woods today, and you're in for a IDF surprise!

But we know what Netanyahu thinks of America, as was recorded when he visited A West Bank settlement in 2001.

Woman: Aren't you afraid of the world, Bibi?

Netanyahu: Especially today, with America. I know what America is. America is something that can easily be moved. Moved to the right direction.

Child: They say they're for us, but, it's like...

Netanyahu: They won't get in our way. They won't get in our way.

Americans! Don't get in Israel's way, or woe betide you.

edit on 29-9-2010 by Regensturm because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 10:28 AM
This is also further evidence (if any were needed) of the collusion that exists between TPTB and the MSM:

The administration has not volunteered any comment on the fact-finding mission report and was not asked to do so by any news organization. In response to a query from Truthout, a State Department official, who could not speak on the record, read a statement that did not explicitly acknowledge the report's conclusion about the Israeli executions.

The statement said the fact-finding mission's report's "tone and conclusions are unbalanced." It went on to state, "We urge that this report not be used for actions that could disrupt direct negotiations between Israel and Palestine that are now underway or actions that would make it not possible for Israel and Turkey to move beyond the recent strains in their traditional strong relationship."

Although the report's revelations and conclusions about the killing of Dogan and the five other victims were widely reported in the Turkish media last week, not a single story on the report has appeared in US news media.

It is nothing short of scandalous that this happens time and again.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 11:12 AM
I will take this opportunity to reiterate my position that in practice there is no such thing as "U.S. News Media."

The transnational corporate ownership of the mass communications industry is verifiable and undeniable.

Even in the cases of smaller news outlets at relatively local regions depend in part or nearly in whole on 'mass-produced' news.

Therefore I would not completely lay the fault of lack of disclosure on our administration per se, but more on the political clients of the media who have interjected their own agendas and those of their 'associates' in the process of 'entertainment-paradigm' news that is pervasive in our society.

This doesn't detract from the sad reality behind this story. Murder, execution, or base thuggery; in either case the bottom line is someone is lying, and the media is actively participating in suppression of the facts, or performing media-relations functions on behalf of those same clients.

I would ask those interested to consider... where is the proverbial 'informed' citizen supposed to be getting the facts from? If not the media, if not authorities, then from whom? And how can we ever be expected to avoid the noise of those who are so repulsed by a reported 'fact' that they would do or say anything to ensure that it is rejected by the general audience?

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 11:18 AM
The only thing that is shocking about this report, is the fact that some people held out hope that the report would show no wrongdoing on the part of the commandos.
Thankfully the UN have at least the gonadic fortitude to prevent any obsfucation in thier report, although I doubt very much that the report will be backed up by any positive action against those responsible for this abuse of human rights.

I find it disturbing that the American government should choose THIS moment to reveal thier priorities with regards to the saftey of thier citizens. When US citizens lost thier life to supposed terror attacks on 9/11, there was uproar, outrage, venomous and vitriolic outcry against that act, and surely , it was terrible.
When US citizens are killed while on aid work abroad, there is always sorrow and anger and bitterness and a sense of betrayal , because how could anyone do such a thing, surely it is implicitly understood that these people are here to help?
The entire military machine of several nations was mobilised in response to the deaths of American citizens, supposedly at the hands of shadowy terror cells. It was mobilised in the direction of a nation which at the time contained no known connection to those terror cells, and posed no proven threat to the US the UK or indeed anyone else , all because US citizens were killed.
But NOW when it appears the Israeli military has commited a murder on a citizen of the US, there is no outcry? No politicians rabble rousing , begining to turn the mayhem machine toward Israel ?
Is it one rule for Osama Bin Laden , and quite another for Benjamin Netanyahu? Is Israel therefore given free reign to murder US citizens without appropriate reparation ? Is there to be NO reckoning? This dead man , on a mission of peace and succour, attempting to provide support to starving, broken people , in a strangled and decimated nation, dies at the hands of the military of another nation, and the US does NOTHING AT ALL ?

This incident , and the reaction by the American government , or rather the lack thereof, is an indication of what the real priorities of the US government are. I would posit that they are not and never really have been the saftey and security of thier citizens, and are rather focused at whatever gets them the most political gain. In this case, they can afford to overlook, bury , and generaly avoid involving themselves in any recrimination over this matter, because they may gain leverage in the matter of bargaining for peace in the Israel/Palestine argument. I ask you , is it right and proper that the US can CHOOSE wether or not to be angry, and respond to the death of its citizens, dependant on the political climate? Or is it the case that the US ought to be forcing the issue , out in the open, and getting some proper ear clipping done regardless of the frankly ridiculous situation in the middle east?
Its bad enough that Israel cannot keep its self within its internationaly recognised borders, and that , for any other nation would see UN peacekeepers, international aid groups, delegations of this that and the bloody other organisation decend on the area with the intent of defusing the whole debacle, but on top of that, it seems rather as if the Israeli government are not afraid of committing murder.
It wouldnt matter what nation had commited this outrage, I would be just as angry if British Royal Marines had done this in the English Channel. The only difference here, is that if it happened in my nation there would be marching hordes asking for an explanation, demanding action, and so on and so forth....
I am , and will continue to be absolutely disgusted by the jackbooted attitude toward this issue on the side of Israel, and flabbergasted by the frankly unusualy passive reaction of the US. The US needs to make up its mind what it will and will not tolerate, and apply those measures equaly to all parties in the future, or risk EVEN more confusion as to its motives for what it does on the international stage.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by TrueBrit

Perhaps the worst thing about this is that the abused have become the abusers.

It really is time to stop making excuses, and see this despicable regime for what it really is.

On a side note, I would love one of the Israeli apologists to come onto the thread and debate how this can be justified in any way, shape or form - in a polite and rational manner, without resorting to the usual "anti semite" strawman.

Finding this behaviour abhorrent is NOT anti semetic - it is human, it is natural, and unless a person is a psycopath it is entirely justified.

And before anyone speaks of the soldiers "getting carried away" or some such nonsense, that was not an acceptable defense at Nuremburg, and it should not be an acceptable defense now.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 01:22 PM
While I'll admit this doesn't look good, his final entry in his diary reads more like that of a suicide bomber than someone filming an aid convoy:

From his diary, written on 31 May 2010:

"It is the last hours to martyrdom, insha'Allah. I am wondering if there is a more beautiful thing. The more beautiful thing is only my mother, but I'm not sure. The comparison is very difficult. Martyrdom or my mother? Now, the hall has been evacuated. So far people were not serious, but they have become serious recently."

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by Retseh

There have been many instances of people going into dangerous situations whose last words have been written in such a way.

There are thousands of letters, poems and just naked thoughts being committed to paper by people before they go into combat or a situation where they know there is likely to be violence.

Your point in no way addresses the OP or the subject matter of the thread, and is quite simply a strawman thrown in to attempt a diversion away from the real subject matter.

The fact that you wrote "it doesn't look good" in no way exonerates a most abhorrent remark about a man who was murdered in cold blood, by a bunch of thugs acting on the orders of a thuggish government.

In fact, it's downright disrespectful - doubtless if someone had posted such a statement about a US soldier in Iraq, you would be up in arms shouting about anti US or some other such nonsense.

Please address the issue at hand, and give us your thoughts on the UN report into the murders committed in cold blood, "execution style"

edit on 29/9/2010 by budski because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by Retseh

Perhaps he meant martydom as in a mission of peace.
He was only trying to bring aid.

edit on 29-9-2010 by ModernAcademia because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by budski

Grow a thicker skin and a less emotional perspective, a "thuggish government" isn't one that sets up the first mobile field hospital in Haiti after the earthquakes, nor is it one that protects its borders.

Statements made by someone immediately prior to their death under questionable circumstances could not be more directly relevant to any subsequent investigation. I know that common sense is anything but common in any Israeli thread, but seriously, get a clue.

As for your comments about numerous people making similar statements about martyrdom in situations where death was not expected, show me a few and convince a skeptic.

If, as I suspect, your post was little more than an ill-thought out attempt to stop any further analysis of these events beyond a blind acceptance of the report, and turn this into yet another mindless ATS thread about the evil Israelis, then you're failing, because there are still one or two of us on here who look upon Israel as being no different from any other country on this planet, your own delightful little island paradise included.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 01:57 PM
As an American citizen I'd have to say it's his own fault for putting himself in that position. You play with fire you get burned.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by Retseh
reply to post by budski

there are still one or two of us on here who look upon Israel as being no different from any other country on this planet, your own delightful little island paradise included.

Name one single country that has the unconditional backing of the US, behaves in such a manner, but is never castigated for its actions, apart from Israel.

And while you're at it, find examples of these types of cold blooded murder by a western nation in the last 10 years.

Do you think it is acceptable to shoot a man in the face as he is lying on his back after already having been shot several times?

Do you think it is acceptable for unarmed civilians to be not only shot, but then beaten as well?

Do you think it is right that these people should then be paraded in front of other civilians, made to sign confessions, and then beaten when they wouldn't?

Have you read the full report?

There were no weapons on board, the weapons that were taken from Israeli soldiers were thrown overboard, more than one journalist was shot and killed, and yet you try to paint one of the people shot at point blank range, in the face, as he lay seriously injured as s suicide bomber in an attempt to deflect attention away from the murderous actions of the Israeli "commando's"

I think I was spot on in my assessment of your post - it stinks of hypocrisy and excuses for the murderous actions of the Israeli regime.

edit on 29/9/2010 by budski because: (no reason given)

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