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How the N.W.O. Scientific Theocracy will be Implemented in the US (Ron Paul)

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posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 08:52 AM
The New World Order will be a scientific theocracy, a Platonic Republic with a divinely appointed global dictator, a priesthood spouting quantum mechanic techno-jargon, and a superbly controlled slave class that has for its bread and circuses fake angelic and demonic aliens from interdimensional heavens and hells that can be accessed via technology (Large Hadron Collider as "stargate" propaganda) and/or New Age meditation.

2012 is a PSYOP to make people think it is the end of the world. The elites will even throw in some major disasters and diseases to heighten the effect.

Dominionism and the Council for National Policy (the "right wing" version of Council on Foreign Relations) are the keys to understanding this 2012 end of the world PSYOP. The Council for National Policy was founded by Tim LaHaye, co-author of the Left Behind series, and includes many powerful conservatives such as Jerry Falwell, Erik Prince CEO of Blackwater, John Ashcroft, and powerful people you’ve never heard of.

The CNP appears to be a creation of factions of the power elite designed to mobilize well-meaning Christians to unwittingly support elite initiatives. The CNP could also be considered a project in religious engineering that empties Christianity of its metaphysical substance and reconceptualizes many of its principles and concepts according to the socially and politically expedient designs of the elite. These contentions are supported by the fact that many CNP members are also members of other organizations and/or criminal enterprises that are tied directly to the power elite.

The CNP pushes Dominionism, the idea that "Christians" have to seize power and create a theocracy in order for "Christ" to be able to return.

Dominionism: The Cult of Neo-Gnostic Jihadists
Many CNP members are adherents of Dominionism. Dominionism is a popular religio-political doctrine that is gradually co-opting Protestant Christian evangelicalism. It is premised upon a gross misinterpretation of Genesis 1:28. Basically, Dominionism holds that the Church must dominate all social and governmental institutions (Leslie, no pagination). According to this radical form of theology, Jesus is either unwilling or unable to return to Earth until the Church stages a successful political coup (No pagination). Thus, Jesus' kingdom is reduced to a secular government established by and maintained through secular power. Chris Hedges provides a fairly accurate description of Dominionism:
What the disparate sects of this movement, known as Dominionism, share is an obsession with political power. A decades-long refusal to engage in politics at all following the Scopes trial has been replaced by a call for Christian "dominion" over the nation and, eventually, over the earth itself. Dominionists preach that Jesus has called them to build the kingdom of God in the here and now, whereas previously it was thought we would have to wait for it. America becomes, in this militant biblicism, an agent of God, and all political and intellectual opponents of America's Christian leaders are viewed, quite simply, as agents of Satan. (No pagination)

So, if you are able to accept the fact that the elites are preparing the US for integration into a global fascist “Christian” dictatorship, you'll be able to see that they need to construct a storyline that will convince Christians to accept their dictator. And it all hinges on politically destabilizing the US gov’t and recreating the “end of the world” in people’s minds.

President Obama is the fake antichrist in their grand story, and he will be removed from office due to the "Obama was not born here in the US" storyline that will reach its culmination on July 8, 2012. (Antichrist rules for 3.5 years so to replicate that Obama will be forced out then - 1-8-9 thru 7-8-12 is 3.5 years.) Such a scenario of a foreign born president would create a political and constitutional nightmare that could potentially create a 2nd civil war.

But here's the neat trick, though.

Because VP Biden will be disqualified for the presidency because of Obama's disqualification (all of Obama's cabinet choices would be nullified), the next in line would be the Speaker of the House. Currently that would be Nancy Pelosi, but after mid term elections in November, Republicans take it back and will, wittingly or unwittingly, elect the only person capable of staving off an armed revolution when the US goes into a constitutional crisis and martial law. A person carefully cultivated over many years by Alex Jones - Ron Paul.

This constitutional crisis is the ultimate divide and conquer and forms the basis for the US joining the NWO. It's even conceivable that the Patriot movement will be a sort of recruiting pool for NWO brownshirts eager to get back at govt types that had previously threatened them.

So when Obama the "antichrist" is taken out and WWIII makes people think it's Armageddon, they will look for the NWO "christ" dictator to save them. The Christ/ Maitreya/ with his alien sidekicks come after the 2012 psyops and people will welcome them with open arms. Check out the meme "5-19-13 Expect us". (The end times last 7 years, divided into 2 sets of 3.5 years. Assuming this 5-19-13 is the start of the real Anti-Christ, 3.5 years prior is 11-19-9, the day Van Rompuy was elected EU's first president and he stated that night that 2009 would go down as the first year of global governance. "healing the deadly head wound of the Holy Roman Empire")

Ron Paul, a Catholic like the majority on the Supreme Court, would swear allegiance to the Pope, and the Pope would swear allegiance to our alien "space brothers" and the new Christ/ Maitreya. And Christ/ Maitreya would appoint the new world dictator, thus forming the basic framework of the NWO.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 09:10 AM
Obama as the antichrist? That's just laughable...the man is only charasmatic to people who drink 1 liter of soda a day and eat fastfood at every meal. Personally, I believe the antichrist will be all things to all people. He will give them what they want, but like the tale of the monkey's paw, the end result is always disasterous. Take for example, biblical jubilee...some would call it nesara. The antichrist will enact that, all debts will be forgiven, but the economy will crash, while returning to a gold and silver backed currency, but it won't feel like it's crashed. Yes, we won't all have mcmansions and 3 suv's, but we'll have food, electricity, water, gas, and shelter. The catch is that all the coins will be chipped with rfid in such a way that it will be impossible to to separate the two without destroying the chip. Destruction of the chip will result in prison and fines, etc, etc. Once the coins are chipped, it will be easy to track (and tax). At the same time, you could use digital gold and silver. This would bring in several years of peace, and then all hell would break loose. This is just imho.

But before all that owuld happen, there would of course be several economic depressions. People would have to lose all hope. States would seriously threaten to secede. FEMA camps would be in california and NY (cuz those states just suck) because of riots and mass starvation. Oh yeah, and washington state because I got a stupid speeding ticket there. Probably a few plagues would ensue, bringing in ron paul's scientific dictatorship, which I believe will happen. Of course, these would all be false flags, but of course the sheeple won't be any wiser. They'll just label anyone who says false flag as whacko nuts and gladly line up for their vaccination, which would result in even more outbreaks, because that's how the nwo rolls. Of course, the sheeple will truly freak out and beg for more help, and of course, the fed will step in and take control over everyone's physical body, resulting in total destruction of individual rights.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 09:30 AM
impressive theory.

ill be keeping this in the back of my mind hidden somewhere.

ive suspected some parts of this theory, but never heard it all put together like that.

it would explain why ron paul is seemingly the only honest politician at the moment. dont get me wrong i love the guy and am probably one of his biggest supporters. but a politician is a politician, its odd he would be the only "honest" one and somehow not get run out of congress via mutiny. TPTB have no problem getting rid of people who are "in the way" even when they are president. it seems somewhat foolish to think they would be so incompetent as to let a lone congressman zealot foil their entire plot.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 01:46 PM
It is uncanny how easy this can be pulled off, this "sheep's clothing", so that the masses step into line. Of course, the OP skipped past the nasty ugly part when those that do not agree are controlled and beaten down, removed.

I do not know Ron Paul, I have never listened to him and I think he looks like a squirrel gathering nuts; although most squirrels do not look like they are starving.

His son, R.and P (I see his name oddly and cannot focus on anything but that it looks like a hidden meaning; dare I say "Rest in Peace"), seems like a thorn to his Father; this tells me that the Father is not embraced in his own household/Family as far as fundamentals and beliefs.

At any rate, I cannot help but notice some things as odd without really needing to know the details or actions of the individuals. The real funny part is that they don't believe in it themselves enough to make it real, but we do! It is that simple! They will all fail and all the demons and all their attachments will be expelled from this Universe. They know the Story too but they don't believe in it! If they did they would usher in proper Change, and they would begin to speak openly to us all with candor and thoughts on our needs, but they do not.

We have come a long way to hosting TV dramas that mimic real-life, in as much as people now believe the movies and "entertainment" as the truth, and not our Political Leaders or World Events. Just the other day I saw a post titled "NBC reveals what the President doesn't know!", or something like that, and it is a complete mesh of drama and "entertainment" at best. Yet the product was cast in a light as if it were revealing Truth. Very sad!

I think this is going to bite them in the rears! There will be a "Return of Christ" and it will likely not work in the favor of our World's Governments. America will fail because this is about the Middle East! It is not about anyone but Islam and Christianity at this point and they know this, but they don't believe in it enough to stop it. It is truly a Revelation to reveal!.

I do not foresee another President in the US, because this one is not going to let go! He is the False Prophet! His place is in the Middle East as President of the US-De Facto. A figurehead of a once thriving Country but now lost in the destruction of itself (unnaturally and Naturally), speaking in future-tense of course.

I will be ready to receive our Lord and Savior, because I will recognize him and know him, we all will! In the meantime, I reject any and all who are in contact with Demons, especially the Entertainment end of it, especially the False Lords that think they own us.

Nice Thread, please don't let my words cause havoc, I am sure I am in the Minority of Thought on this one. I do think that someone is playing the field in that they are trying to Force the Hand of God into revealing himself, but I also believe those that are, do not believe in God, GOD, or Lords; if anything they are above those titles in many ways and they think in terms of tangible Science, as if they were Masters at it. I believe our False Lords want to create this "end-times" scenario for their own benefit, but they still don't believe in it enough!

As for this New World Science, this Heaven on Earth, I think this is and has been Heaven all along, we were never privy to this level of Science before now and with very good reason. We are but Children to this part of existence, because we have not grown enough to prevent ourselves from destroying GOD within it.

Heaven on Earth is possible, but not through our Governments, and certainly not through a single earth-bound Human or select group of them. S&F

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by RelentlessLurker

Yeah, I understand the sentiment. I would love for Alex Jones to be some big hero, and in some respects he really is, but I've just gotten too cynical. And about the Patriot movement, these are well informed, skeptical, good-hearted people. To think they would be the backbone of the NWO secret police in the future is a truly disturbing thought - thanks for not flaming me on that one!

And about Ron Paul, it just seems to me that he is going to shut the barn door after the horse has left. I mean, ending the Fed might be good at this juncture, it might hurt the elites at this point, but not when they have their ducks in a row and are ready to spring the global currency on us. Of course at that point, what need would they have for the Federal Reserve?

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 08:26 AM
"A person carefully cultivated over many years by Alex Jones - Ron Paul."

HA. Wow! What have you been smokin? I am speachless at the ridiculousness of that statment.

edit on 14-9-2010 by VAPatriot because: poor spelling

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by Greensage

It is uncanny how easy this can be pulled off, this "sheep's clothing", so that the masses step into line. Of course, the OP skipped past the nasty ugly part when those that do not agree are controlled and beaten down, removed.

Hey, it's hard enough to get traction on most of the ideas in my post, I don't think I could pull off "inescapable doom" too.

I do not know Ron Paul, I have never listened to him and I think he looks like a squirrel gathering nuts; although most squirrels do not look like they are starving.

I do think that someone is playing the field in that they are trying to Force the Hand of God into revealing himself, but I also believe those that are, do not believe in God, GOD, or Lords; if anything they are above those titles in many ways and they think in terms of tangible Science, as if they were Masters at it. I believe our False Lords want to create this "end-times" scenario for their own benefit, but they still don't believe in it enough!

I agree, if they believed it they'd be scared crapless as to what's in store for them.

posted on Sep, 17 2010 @ 01:49 AM
I'm a right wing christian conservative and I do not like La Hayes left behind. I believe pre-tribulation rapture to be a dangerous false doctrine. However your analysis is flawed in a couple of other ways.

Dominion Theology is a very small splinter group of evangelical christianity. Moreover they are largely amillenniallists, who believe that we are already living in Christ's millennial kingdom and deny most aspects of Jesus 2nd coming. The Dominionists add to this the idea that the full kingdom will not occur until the church takes over the world, after the gospel is spread to all nations. Some even add a political or military bent on it. Some splinter groups of the Identity movement, that are overtly racist, adopt views like this.

However a literal interpretation of the Bible, firmly contradicts the idea of christian conquest. Jesus himself said that his kingdom was not of this world and that the world was in the hands of the evil one. Moreover all teachings about the antichrist say that he will be given power to war against the saints. Thus the so called christian church must lose any physical war against the antichrist, whilst triumphantly winning the spiritual battle.

No I do not doubt that there are many false leaders who would, if possible lead evangelical christians away from the truth. Jesus explicitly warns of such false prophets. Moreover I have no doubt that the power elite and the banksters work closely with such as these. However it is unlikely that they are associated with some of the christian "bogey men" you cite. Jerry Falwell has passed on to be with the Lord, and there is no indication he was a dominionist. Hal Lindsey is definitely in the pre-trib rapture camp and thus theoretically, has no stake in this world, counting on the next for his reward.

There is no place in the New Testament where force is commanded as a tool for converting the lost, or even for keeping the faithful in line. The faith is always advanced by the foolishness of preaching, and by the example of the righteous. Indeed Jesus commands us to love our enemies and to do good to those who abuse us. It is the exact opposite of the insane fear mongering of the brainwashed left.

posted on Sep, 17 2010 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by SevenThunders

I'm a right wing christian conservative and I do not like La Hayes left behind. I believe pre-tribulation rapture to be a dangerous false doctrine.

I was implicitly (I've been more explicit in other threads) trying to point out that the Left Behind series was, among other things, a tool to promote a pre- trib rapture lie. The purpose of which is to humanly determine/ falsely kick off the "end times" in people's minds. In other words, if the elites wanted to create a fake end times scenario so as to trick people into falling for their "Christ" dictator (our "Antichrist"), they would need a fake antichrist and end time scenario to set them up to worship the next leader that came along. If the rapture were at the end of time they could not set up their end time storyline. So yeah, they are going to have a fake Rapture too.

As to the rest of your post, I guess I'm not sure what we are disagreeing over...

posted on Sep, 17 2010 @ 04:03 PM
Its not Ron Paul saying any of this - your thread title contains false advertising

posted on Sep, 17 2010 @ 04:08 PM
Are you claiming this is a quote from Ron Paul. Or Ron Paul is involved in the nwo agenda.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

All apologies. I couldn't think of a better title... It never occured to me that people would construe it that way.

@ logicalthinking
Ron Paul is part of the NWO.

I'll just ask one rhetorical question: who would the NWO fear more - conservatives with strong convictions that have lots of guns or liberals that can be fooled by any "scientific" pronouncement the establishment can throw out at them?

edit on 18-9-2010 by jcrash because: response to logical thinking

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by jcrash

As to the rest of your post, I guess I'm not sure what we are disagreeing over...

I just wanted to correct some of your terminology more than anything. These days a lot of blogs and various websites are extremely polarizing, and they try to use emotionally charged language to stir up the faithful. In this case they may be referring to things they don't really understand.

Militant evangelical christianity is a small minority and inherently inconsistent with the holy texts of the faith. By contrast militant islam is a large minority (10-15%) of it islam, and is wholly consistent with the teachings and the life of Muhammed.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by SevenThunders

I find the subject of Dominionism very fascinating. I read about it from various sources, but exceptionally enjoy reading about it here:
My point about Dominionism is that it is the way Protestantism and Catholicism will be knitted together into one Christian church in the near future.

I'm confused about where your point of view is coming from concerning the NWO. I would be VERY happy to hear your take on it as it is a little foreign to me. I don't believe in "right" or "left" and did not think that type of thinking was compatible with understanding the NWO. I think Islam is part of God's plan and the people in the Middle East should not be subjegated as they have. It seems to me the NWO is demonizing Islam in an effort to take over the land and also to promote their version of Christianity upon the US (the unified "Christian" church).

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by jcrash

What exactly is "quantum mechanic techno-jargon"?

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