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Biggest problem with religion is that only One Man communicates with "God"

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posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by AlreadyGone
Does God speak to men and women....yes.

Are all men and women

First, have you humbled yourself and committed yourself to a faith...the Lord....have you submitted in following God so that you may actually hear what He is telling you?

God speaks in many ways... an opportunity that suddenly opens up....a certain phone call from someone you haven't seen in a very long time....a song.... nature... an idea....and yes, a voice.

If someone is calling you on the phone...and you don't pick never know what they said.

If someone is calling to you, and the clutter of noise and distractions are such, that you don't hear or acknowledge them.... how do you know what was said?

God is speaking in so many places, but for many...we either don't hear, can't hear, or refuse to hear.

edit on 10-9-2010 by saabacura because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by saabacura

In my world of logic there is an explanation for this...

For instance, why don't monkey's have a "God"?? Simply because they are not aware of it. It is not that they lack any awareness (they recognize them selfs in a mirror for instance, self-awareness) but it is definitely not as highly developed as the conscious mind of humans. We can appreciate the taste of a fine wine or the different nuances of the color yellow in a painting.

Human consciousness is pretty unique in it´s design compared to other creatures. We overestimate this conscious mind by default because it is only the conscious mind that we are conscious of. While reality might say that only 1% of our total brain capacity is being used for conscious "processing". Your conscious mind will go to great lengths to convince you that it is the other way around.

What you are aware of, that is you!! (according to the conscious mind)

Well it´s not!! That big computer running in the background, taking up all information and handing over the answers to your conscious mind, so that you may become aware of it, is doing all the work.

So why is our conscious mind such an ego-tripper?? Why are we so convinced that what we think and know makes up who we are?? It's a trick of the (conscious) mind. (I think the brain merely developed consciousness so it could ask itself questions in order to sharpen that tool that gives us our edge, the brain)

Back to the monkey's. The most common social group pattern among primates is the multimale-multifemale group. (I think this must have been the case for us humans as well, a long time ago). Within such a group a dominance hierarchy is usually the norm. Each individual is ranked relative to all other community members of the same gender. This tends to reduce serious violence within the community since everyone knows in advance who they must defer to and who must be submissive to them.

For monkey's this works fine. Nobody is going to complain if a higher placed group member will lash out at a submissive member for no reason. It is logic. Now imagine we give those monkey's a consciousness similar to ours.....

That's right, our conscious mind is also the place were we keep our notion of ethics. It might very well be that somebody in your social structure is higher ranked than you but that does not give him the right to lash out at you without a good reason.

A dominance hierarchy has no place for moral or ethics. There is no need for rules or laws. the alpha male is the law and basically that's it.

Now how are you going to keep your society together when the conditions under which this group stays together are changed?? We can trust our notion of moral and ethics but since everybody has a different definition you would never reach consensus and each will go his/her own way. The best solution would be some Alpha-male that still has all the control but without that alpha-male actually being present in the group. There only needs to be the notion of fear that if you don't behave your in trouble!!

Now when you have a group member that manages to transcend that powerful grip of illusion that is called the conscious mind. He also looses his notion of moral and ethics. So that one person must always conclude that if everybody in that group would enlighten them selfs, the very construct of why we stay together as a society, falls away.

We then need to go back to the old structure of a hierarchy based on dominance or die.

Because let's be honest. You do not need consciousness to survive mother nature. We (humans) need to work as a group to survive mother nature. It used to be like that and it still is.

Come to think of it, religion and "God" are merely a man made copy of what the conscious mind has been doing to our brain for ages. BS us into thinking there is only him. You could destroy that "God" as easy as you can destroy your own ego.......but then what?? The great indifference?? Everybody becoming an objective observer??

Before we transcend to a higher plane we will have died by the hands of evolution. ( but more by our own hand)


posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by saabacura
Biggest problem with religion is that only one man somehow, miraculously communicates with "God"....

No, that's the biggest problem with people.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by saabacura
There are several posters on ATS,

Like unleashed86 and ET_Man...

Who somehow, posses this knowledge from a "higher" source and only through THEM....

Can the rest of us common folks understand the real celestial truth!!!

How lovely!

That's because they have dedicated a part of themselves to discovering this knowledge. If you're mocking them, why don't you also mock the cutting edge scientists who publish their latest theories on quantum mechanics, string theory, and other explanations for the nature of the universe? Instead, you should welcome them for sharing the knowledge and ideas with you that would take years for you to learn.

Most people don't fully understand the latest scientific theories, but they can still find them interesting and maybe find something that resonates with them. And even if they don't, they can maybe at least find it simply entertaining. But as soon as you start trying to eliminate them you become a damn worthless idiot for trying to suppress simple knowledge and ideas.

You see, neither of these people are trying to order you around. They are simply sharing knowledge and insightful ideas. Just because a person on ATS has knowledge to share doesn't mean they are trying to use it to control you. They are trying to help you, you nitwit, and you are spitting on years of effort, and even if you have nothing to gain from what they have to share, others might, plus you are making them feel bad for doing no harm to anybody.

There are people who don't believe in science, and people who don't believe in the supernatural. But nobody has the right to ridicule somebody for simply sharing what they've learned. Then you become the one who is trying to order people around. Stupid idiots.

edit on 10-9-2010 by metalore because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by operation mindcrime

operation mindcrime, I think a huge flaw in your example is that even monkeys don't let a higher placed group member "lash out" for no reason. They let that higher placed group member lash out FOR A REASON.

The capacity for evil in human beings comes from those who want to lash out for no reason in order to appear like the one who is lashing out for some reason, even if that reason is the very sustenance of social structure. You see, the evil ones aren't even concerned about social structure. They're just jealous of the alpha and want to fool people into thinking they are the alpha. And they even want to convince you that it is normal for them to lash out for "no reason." THAT is what is actually capable of destroying society. NOT transcension. And it looks like you fell for their trick.

They know nothing about maintaining social structure, and, in fact, nothing about destroying social structure. But it is only the latter that they can accomplish.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by saabacura

Actually this is a deception put forth by the various churches in order to keep some sort of a hold on their members. This is so people still feel they NEED the church or a "holy man" to be their liason with the Lord who created them.

This is pure BS designed to enslave and entrap people and to illicit funds from same.
If everyone knew God was in their heart who would need the church?

God listens, responds, and replies to the individual.
Not to the individual speaking through a priest, a Pope or a shaman,
not to the individual speaking with a group of petitioners.

God prefers a one on one.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 09:56 AM
Well first of all let me put my head in the guillotine and disclose
that I am very sensitive and I pray a lot and I use proper names.

As to the OP's question, it is phrased in just such a way that
normally I wouldn't participate at all, as it's parameters
suggest an answer is already in mind, and it is not
an answer of learning or clarity, but condemnation.

Yet the surprising thing is when I read the OP
I get the distinct sensation that they are just
curious, they actually want to know why.

I guess the query is framed in such
an inflammatory way is just a reflect-
ion of the times we live in as this
is how people are talking now.

What concerns me most is
that the OP's generation
would happily imprison
the church leaders
without even once
reading the book.

So in the hopes
of staving off any
bloodshed, because
history shows that it is
quite easy for one generation
to decide they are too advanced
and sophisticated to tolerate any
old fashioned or boring groups and
to decide to speed that process along,
I will try to answer the OP with full faith and intent.

Biggest problem with religion is that only One Man communicates with "God"


I congratulate you,
because soon you will
be able to congratulate me!

This question was not true until
just now at this very writing, I win!

The Bible is actually a contest to see
who gets to live forever and who seeks death.
By being the first one who figures out that the Bible
is a contest I get to live forever. Surely in a few hundred
years when people start to notice they'll say that "God" must
have communicated with me in some form or other. Now if I can
stay out of any secret longevity research labs and continue with my
daily routine of work, exercise, and design, then I can build this solar
system wide culture that I'm making. When it's done what will they say?

No the problem isn't that only one person ever got to read the bible,
the problem is that it's so simple that it's an embarrassment when
one sees it being done right. What are you going to do when
you find out that he's already here on earth, taking over
everything, and you are _not_ in his circle of friends.

This is why the secular world wants you to
destroy religion, because it is far too easy
for a group that treats people like family
to take all business away from corp-
orations and their abysmal cust-
omer service. They fear all
their work will wind up in
the hands of one peas-
ant enthroned by a
dubious miracle.

/humble meekness
me now?

David Grouchy

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by metalore


I did say "In my world of logic..". I agree it's a weird place!!

You are probably right and I really don't know what the h*ll I am talking about but I do know that it would be ludicrous for me think that I could even comprehend a fraction of God's plan if their were such a concept as God.

If you believe in "God" then you shouldn't question his plan and if you don't believe in God than you should realize that any discussion about him is pointless. (Unless you are looking at where the (biological??)fact comes from that all through out mankind's history some notion of "God" has excised.)

That is all. Just wanted to share my ridiculous point of view.


posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by davidgrouchy

Congrads. Way to structure an answer.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by operation mindcrime

You are making me sad.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by saabacura

Actually I don't need to be told read revelations and it is all explained in there as what is in our future to happen and by the way you answer like a smart ass it's almost no point in answering you question as all you will say did god tell you that does god speak to you. Read the book start with revelations I found that interesting then go into it a bit more. There was a doco on Genesis a year ago where this guy walked the path the Jews did by following the bible and everything that was described in that book was still able to be seen and used today. But if you want to keep turning you back on it do it but I'm fairly certain you may have an incling to find out more that is GOD trying to get you to find him cause thats what he wants GOD can't talk to all cause then faiths wont be tested remember the saying nothing in life is free well you have to give yourself to him before he will open your eyes to feel him.

Also don't know where i pulled that from felt like it was coming from somewhere else as usually when i type about these topics the words are there before i really think of a way to say it all

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by metalore


I have that effect on people sometimes.....yes.

Hence the signature. Got any more off-topic things while we are at it?

Seem like a waste of a perfectly good post to only put one line in it, don't you agree?


posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by saabacura

No He doesnt talk to me maybe if you pulled your head out of your arse you would have noticed I was pointing out historical reference to an ignorant misinformed statement, Dont try to make me look like a git for knowing a little history. So your little attempted attack on your self implied religious views for me shows us all that not only are you uneducated but also lack basic reading comprehension skills.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by saabacura

The Catholic church teaches that prayer is Communion with God. Any one can do it. There are many ways to pray.
Blessing and Adoration,Petition,Intercession,Thanksgiving,and Praise. Just to name a few. Also, Revelation is a form of communication. What religion are you speaking of ?. Most certainly not the Catholic religion.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by Hefficide

Originally posted by saabacura

You missed my point, why does God not tell all of us? Why must we have a medium to understand God? By the way, these people lived thousands of years ago.

edit on 10-9-2010 by saabacura because: (no reason given)

I didn't miss the point at all. The question you are asking is no different than me saying "Why doesn't Santa still bring me cool stuff on Christmas even though I'm 44?"

The answer to both questions is exactly the same, and equally as obvious.

You still believe in Santa clause???

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 03:36 AM

Originally posted by metalore

Originally posted by saabacura
There are several posters on ATS,

Like unleashed86 and ET_Man...

Who somehow, posses this knowledge from a "higher" source and only through THEM....

Can the rest of us common folks understand the real celestial truth!!!

How lovely!

That's because they have dedicated a part of themselves to discovering this knowledge. If you're mocking them, why don't you also mock the cutting edge scientists who publish their latest theories on quantum mechanics, string theory, and other explanations for the nature of the universe? Instead, you should welcome them for sharing the knowledge and ideas with you that would take years for you to learn.

Most people don't fully understand the latest scientific theories, but they can still find them interesting and maybe find something that resonates with them. And even if they don't, they can maybe at least find it simply entertaining. But as soon as you start trying to eliminate them you become a damn worthless idiot for trying to suppress simple knowledge and ideas.

You see, neither of these people are trying to order you around. They are simply sharing knowledge and insightful ideas. Just because a person on ATS has knowledge to share doesn't mean they are trying to use it to control you. They are trying to help you, you nitwit, and you are spitting on years of effort, and even if you have nothing to gain from what they have to share, others might, plus you are making them feel bad for doing no harm to anybody.

There are people who don't believe in science, and people who don't believe in the supernatural. But nobody has the right to ridicule somebody for simply sharing what they've learned. Then you become the one who is trying to order people around. Stupid idiots.

edit on 10-9-2010 by metalore because: (no reason given)

You are saying you are more special than the rest of us 6 billion people who live here today....

god is creating the scenario of us vs them.

God divisive.

Because, you know why?? The "few" that actually talks to "God"...actually comes out with complete different message. God tells this person do that, God tell this person do this......

The message is inconsistent.

Big problem.

edit on 11-9-2010 by saabacura because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 03:44 AM

You see, if all those few, who supposedly talked to God, came with a consistent message to the humanity.... Then

perhaps I would have Not even started this thread....

You see, in reality, those who actually claimed to know the truth/or the real God.... comes with inconsistent messages....

So do you see the reason behind my post?

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by hadriana

To had and sab,

I respect what you are. I am a believer in Jesus, and I cannot tell you how angry I am about Jesus being connected to the church of His name. He is not.

The Anglican church is full of hypocrites and liars.

So is the Roman Catholic church.

So is every church - that is what I believe.

Jesus is about love, forgiveness and brotherhood. You might want to consider Him.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 03:57 AM

Originally posted by metalore
reply to post by operation mindcrime

operation mindcrime, I think a huge flaw in your example is that even monkeys don't let a higher placed group member "lash out" for no reason. They let that higher placed group member lash out FOR A REASON.

The capacity for evil in human beings comes from those who want to lash out for no reason in order to appear like the one who is lashing out for some reason, even if that reason is the very sustenance of social structure. You see, the evil ones aren't even concerned about social structure. They're just jealous of the alpha and want to fool people into thinking they are the alpha. And they even want to convince you that it is normal for them to lash out for "no reason." THAT is what is actually capable of destroying society. NOT transcension. And it looks like you fell for their trick.

They know nothing about maintaining social structure, and, in fact, nothing about destroying social structure. But it is only the latter that they can accomplish.

I also don't like to compare humans to any other living specices on planet earth....

You give a chimpanzee 1000 years... you end up with the same thing or they manage to get extinct due to nature...

You give a Human 1000 end up with everything we have today or we manage to get extinct due to our own creation...

Humans maybe an animal...but we are not even close to any living thing here on earth.

We humans are unique. We don't fit with nature.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 04:01 AM

Originally posted by vkturbo
reply to post by saabacura

Actually I don't need to be told read revelations and it is all explained in there as what is in our future to happen and by the way you answer like a smart ass it's almost no point in answering you question as all you will say did god tell you that does god speak to you. Read the book start with revelations I found that interesting then go into it a bit more. There was a doco on Genesis a year ago where this guy walked the path the Jews did by following the bible and everything that was described in that book was still able to be seen and used today. But if you want to keep turning you back on it do it but I'm fairly certain you may have an incling to find out more that is GOD trying to get you to find him cause thats what he wants GOD can't talk to all cause then faiths wont be tested remember the saying nothing in life is free well you have to give yourself to him before he will open your eyes to feel him.

Also don't know where i pulled that from felt like it was coming from somewhere else as usually when i type about these topics the words are there before i really think of a way to say it all

Who wrote "The Revelations"???

Was it "John"??? Did only John get the memo???

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