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Yahoo News reports story: "1,270 Architects/Engineers Reveal Hard Evidence of Explosive Demolition

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+198 more 
posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 01:45 AM
Thought some of you would find this interesting,

There's an AE911 conference coming up in Washington DC, going to be later today, Friday Sept. 9th at 2 pm. Yahoo News is reporting this, and that the agency has accumulated 1270+ verified, petition-signing architects and engineers demanding a better investigation.

Former US Senator Mike Gravel (D-AK) and Richard Gage, AIA, Founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Discuss Scientific Findings

National Press Club, Washington DC, 2:00 pm, Thursday, September 9, 2010

WASHINGTON, Sept. 7 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- On Thursday September 9, 2010, Gravel and Gage will host a central press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, presenting hard evidence that all three WTC skyscrapers on September 11, 2001, in NYC were destroyed by explosive controlled demolition.

Yahoo also added this to their article:

* For information on satellite press conferences in your area, contact CongressionalOutreachTeam [at]

To arrange print/broadcast interviews, with Richard Gage, AIA, contact Tania at 510-292-4710, or via email at 1000 [at]

CONTACT: David Slesinger 410-499-5403

SOURCE Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth

I'm thinking that as awareness of this organization spreads, so will its membership.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 01:52 AM
reply to post by bsbray11

isn't this thread about the same petition?

+13 more 
posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

No, it's about Yahoo News covering it and their conference which is going to be held later today in Washington DC with Alaska Senator Mike Gravel.

Edit to add, Yahoo reporting something like this is actually unusual, and they didn't seem hostile towards the conference in the tone of their article either. That's what caught my attention.

edit on 9-9-2010 by bsbray11 because: add last paragraph....

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 02:05 AM
I for one a glade too see this, it is about time the truth comes out. So what will happen if and when the 9/11 A&E prove there point? Will all 1,270 be... some how silenced? or will they get a day in court? This is going to open a hole can of worms, wonder if CNN will carry it, or FOX for that matter.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by bsbray11

ok. thanks for sharing. i don't know if there is enough room in my head to take in all the variables and information needed to make an informed decision. and after 9 years i wonder how much information is actual. just seems like a lot to accuse others of without knowing all the facts. what do i think? i don't think i know enough. do i think what happened on 9-11 could have been prevented at least? yes, yes i do.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 02:51 AM
Still going with 1200+ Architects & Engineers, despite the majority of them "only" being architectural & engineering professionals

+25 more 
posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 02:51 AM

Originally posted by bsbray11
Yahoo reporting something like this is actually unusual, and they didn't seem hostile towards the conference in the tone of their article either. That's what caught my attention.

I totally agree. I can't believe this doesn't have more flags. Here we have a MSM news outlet covering a 9/11 Truth conference without the usual truther-bashing. The article seems so matter-of-fact. Like it's any other conference of accepted factual information.

Well maybe that's cause it IS factual information.

But check this out! Since that went up on Yahoo News, NOW look at some of the places carrying this story! Yep.
PR Newswire? Yep.
The Sun Herald? Yep. Yep.

And others like the Huffington Post too.

I mean, this is killer folks!

So how about giving this thread some flags peoples!

edit on Thu Sep 9th 2010 by TrueAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
But check this out! Since that went up on Yahoo News, NOW look at some of the places carrying this story! Yep.
PR Newswire? Yep.
The Sun Herald? Yep. Yep.

And others like the Huffington Post too.

That actually is pretty impressive.

Maybe the Washington Post is next? Then MSNBC? CNN?

Is Richard Gage going to Bill O'Reilly's next guest? Oh god, please, no...

The mass media is still a monster that's out of control.

+1 more 
posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 04:20 AM
Good to see. Perhaps this will get more people asking questions.

Get ready for the troll brigade though. You know the high and mighty bunch that just can't accept the fact that there are unanswered questions cause the U.S. government is so trustworthy and the official story is gospel.

Still I'm glad that this is starting to reach those entrenched in their own ignorance.

+10 more 
posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 04:37 AM
reply to post by bsbray11

"...And in future news, 1270 Architects/Engineers die of heart attacks on same day. The heart attacks are thought to have been caused by several self-inflicted gun shot wounds to the face and head."

While there are many stories out there, the one that can be immediately dismissed is the official govt story. I hope some light is shed upon this terrible mystery.

edit on 9-9-2010 by iamcamouflage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:02 AM
I love it. Right before elections to. Hopefully some independents will get elected into the 2 party sham and we can start to branch off and right the errors of our alphabet agencies.

Go team

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:51 AM
you people just don't get it. it doesn't matter how many architect, engineers or airline pilot come forward, they will never admit to this. to admit to this is to end america goddamnt. even if jesus himself came down from the heaven and said that it was and still is an inside job, they will deny it. if GOD himself put himself on every news channel known to man for 5 years straight and point a holy finger at america for 9/11, they would still deny it.

so please, its over and done with. people died and no amount of airline pilot, architect, or engineers will bring them back alive, both in iraq and america. this is one truth that will not be reveal, live with it. to take their words for is the same as knowing the truth, it changes NOTHING.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:51 AM
you people just don't get it. it doesn't matter how many architect, engineers or airline pilot come forward, they will never admit to this. to admit to this is to end america goddamnt. even if jesus himself came down from the heaven and said that it was and still is an inside job, they will deny it. if GOD himself put himself on every news channel known to man for 5 years straight and point a holy finger at america for 9/11, they would still deny it.

so please, its over and done with. people died and no amount of airline pilot, architect, or engineers will bring them back alive, both in iraq and america. this is one truth that will not be reveal, live with it. to take their words for is the same as knowing the truth, it changes NOTHING.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:59 AM
Any link to the Huffington Post, I can't find one..

+10 more 
posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by DOADOA

Congrats, you just won the troll of the year award....

Your prize in is one way ticket to the heart of the next FF attack...

Ohh, and there's a ticket for your favourite lackey to go with you

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 06:26 AM
Sorry to say...

But if the popular media starts to believe this stuff, I might start thinking the opposite.

Just saying... Y'all can't have it both ways.

Either the media is being controlled and is manipulating for all purposes or the media isn't being controlled as we all think and this is finally coming to their attention.

I'm doubting the latter.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 06:31 AM
1270 kooks and conspiracy theorists is what the Government wil call them.
Truth will out, sooner or later and heads will roll.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 06:36 AM
Well there is no dought in my mind planes did hit these buildings there are way to many witness to think otherwise.
But considering this new info maybe there is more to this then just planes .
On the other hand no matter how much evidence came out saying this is true they will say no its not.
But I still find it hard to believe o im not saying they mite not want to do something like this .
I am saying this would take a few hundred people minum being involved.
So just how do you keep that a secret?
really walmart had a scale model of the stealth on the shelf long before the government ever admitted they had built them lol.
The higher ups could keep there mouth shut but what about the people involved with placing the explosives? I meen all it takes in one guy getting drunk one night to say hey man we blew it up.
out of say 300 people involved not one had second thoughts?
well man I just dont know any more is it possible thye would want to yes but keeping every one from not talking? thats a whole other ball game.
On the other hand building 7 came down as well and yes it only had a regular fire no plane hit it.
and i cant immange a regular fire bringing a steel structure down .
you know I dont think about this much but I can see why you guys are obsessed with it.
even discounting the towers how can anyone say building 7 should have collapsed because of a fire and to top it off the building wasnt the towering inferno.
why you could see smoke comeing out there wasnt all that much .
you know I think ill just go back to lala land here because no matter what noting will change

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 06:36 AM
Well there is no dought in my mind planes did hit these buildings there are way to many witness to think otherwise.
But considering this new info maybe there is more to this then just planes .
On the other hand no matter how much evidence came out saying this is true they will say no its not.
But I still find it hard to believe o im not saying they mite not want to do something like this .
I am saying this would take a few hundred people minum being involved.
So just how do you keep that a secret?
really walmart had a scale model of the stealth on the shelf long before the government ever admitted they had built them lol.
The higher ups could keep there mouth shut but what about the people involved with placing the explosives? I meen all it takes in one guy getting drunk one night to say hey man we blew it up.
out of say 300 people involved not one had second thoughts?
well man I just dont know any more is it possible thye would want to yes but keeping every one from not talking? thats a whole other ball game.
On the other hand building 7 came down as well and yes it only had a regular fire no plane hit it.
and i cant immange a regular fire bringing a steel structure down .
you know I dont think about this much but I can see why you guys are obsessed with it.
even discounting the towers how can anyone say building 7 should have collapsed because of a fire and to top it off the building wasnt the towering inferno.
why you could see smoke comeing out there wasnt all that much .
you know I think ill just go back to lala land here because no matter what noting will change

+20 more 
posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by DOADOA

Yes, it does matter.

It matters to the families of those who died on 9/11 to know WHY their loved ones died so horribly. It's their right to know why and who did such a crime, making things so horrible that people would rather jump from the top of the buildings, instead of dying in the flames and smoke.

It's the right of any reasonable human being to question and demand answers from those who have an obligation to protect us.

We all know that governments are not the way they are supposed to be. But that doesn't change the fact that people deserve to know the truth.

We don't need them to admit it, we don't need them to say "I'm sorry, we are the responsible ones".

All "we" ask, is that they come clean. Show the tapes, allow access to the few evidence that is still worth studying, let independent people check the evidence and see what is their conclusion.

The BS about security worked for weeks, maybe a month or two. It has been nearly a decade now, the "national security" crap doesn't stick anymore. Most of the "enemies" portrayed in those events, are dead or missing for so long, that they are provably dead too...

And no, if they admit it, it won't be the end of America, nor the world, nor even current status of things. It will bring closure to many families in grief, it will put closure on all the questions that the whole world has.

Make no mistake, this was an act carried on by few, not many. Those few are the ones to pay, not a whole country. Provably, if the real guilty ones are brought to justice, the american people will unite. Maybe the whole world will unite when everyone realizes that we all have been fooled.

The Nazis, lead by Hitler and his party, were punished (within possibilities) for their actions. The same would happen to the people responsible for 9/11. The german people didn't die, didn't "end"... They moved on AFTER that whole chapter was closed. But for that, we all need answers. Answers, that at the moment, are not being given....for 9 years.

So many people have lost so much because of one single event 9 years ago. It's not a "get over it" issue like you say.

If your life is so non-affected by 9/11, fine, be like you want to be. But at least have some respect for those that long for answers that were never given, although it's their right to know.

edit on 9/9/10 by Tifozi because: small typo

edit on 9/9/10 by Tifozi because: (no reason given)

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