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They Want the President Dead?

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posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by whatsup

Wow that's pretty scary.Take him out versus take the government out or fix things. Something is leading us into this mentality. probably more like a combination of things and opportunists taking advantage of that and even inciting that kind of thinking.

Many see a revolution coming....revolution in the old sense of guns and killing and rioting in the opposed to evolution or a different kind of revolution based on thought and maybe real reform.
Sad thing is no kind of revolution is going to be successful because we are at the moment too divided on so many lines.

I feel for you not wanting to be around when it happens. It could be a very scary thing. But I'm not sure there are too many places in the world that are really going to be much safer today. If you know of any, please let me know.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 04:18 PM
Hi everybody. Not sure where ya been, but the serntiments expressed by the folks in the waiting room are more the norm than the exception.

Say what you will, reach what conclusions you want...but go down to the local feed store or hardware store and wander and listen. Journey out to a country store or grill, sit back with a cup of coffee or a Coke and just listen.

If you thought those patients were scary, friend..the converstaions I hear would make Patrick Henry or Thomas Jefferson proud. down right revolutionary.

I said it before and I'll say it again. things are kind of like the movie "V"...

the tensions are mounting, people are getting scared and frustrated...all its going to take is some miscalculation, some oddball happenstance to start a chain reaction that will break out in social and civil disorder of the worst sort.

Last year, enough guns were sold to arm the Chinese and Indian armies... that does NOT include all the guns already outthere across America... myself included.

When it will deteriorate very quickly.

Imagine some event or excuse to warrant the cancellation of the November elections.... maybe martial law...maybe the confiscation of firearms? Wouldn't take long for the USA to look like the Balkans circa 1994...what a mess.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix
reply to post by ~Lucidity

I believe this is representative of most peoples views. these older people have been through wars for this country and our Constitution. They have a stronger sense of nationalistic values than people do today. I am in my 40's and i agree that this man is going to help destroy this country.. and has already done much damage.

These people can see the truth. I applaud them. If we do not stop madmen like Obama things will get worse. When your over 40, perhaps you will understand.

I am way over 40 today and I'm here to tell you that you fall into this crab pot JohnPhoenix - probably willingly, but you're in none the less.
Obama didn't appoint himself nor did he sign the Patriot Act which crippled our rights in this country. Wire tapping was a Bush issue and all other liberties gone, Bush and the republicans of his term. I don't see any of you going after him and the question is why?
Because it is easier to arouse what is already within you - your prejudice against blacks - in order for you to kill him and bring in NEW WORLD ORDER via MARTIAL LAW!
Funny, but John Wilks Booth was sadden to find out after he shot Lincoln that no one supported him. This person will be in the very same boat.
I've been saying for years they wanted him in there because it is easier to kill a black man than a white one. You are proving my point to the 9's each and every time.
This is Bilderberg politics, plain and simple. You kill Obama, You kill America.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

I get that you are an Obama supporter. The point I am making is that Obama refers to himself as a marxist. You would admit that he calls himself a progressive. Progressivism is marxism. Research the movement fromt the early 20th century.
If Mr. Ed the talking horse refers to himself as an "equine", he is, by definition, calling himself a horse as well.
Take that open mind of your and watch these without bias. Then

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 04:30 PM
I've been saying this ever since he disappeared off of the campaign trail with Clinton that he would be president because no one will shoot a woman. The Bilderberg group (Please research the 13 satanic blood lines) set each family up with their own 'family money' - some have big pharma, some have oil, some nuclear power, water and waste, real estate, insurances and the like so they could encourage monopolies for these families, effectively shutting out the 'peasant' cultures in industry. Once the masses have no way to amass money to even protect themselves, they are out the door via re-education or termination camps. This time it won't be the old story of blacks as slaves whites as masters. Nope, it will be Rich Blood masters and white slaves. This is the world they envision and they've not stopped the march yet.
All you have to do is look at the rhetoric to see it. Its on every chat board thousands of times over. Its on ATS as well, you see them railing to get him, in many different forms.
What kills me is that one of the people in your story first says he KNOWS the Bilderbergs are behind it all - then still chimes in with the kill him crowd. It is because it has been said so many times that now everyone has ACCEPTED IT, like its the new age mantra of the day or something. Someone once said you repeat a lie long enough, people see it as the truth and this is the best example yet! He knew the truth, but wants to raise the gun to the target as his brain washers wish!
Mark my words, if he is killed, there will be no more America, PERIOD! Anyone else telling you differently is trying to put the gun in your hand.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by brianmg5

star from me

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by astrogolf

You get WRONG.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

Seems this would be a great idea for them. Get everyone so much in a tizzy they eventually strike out. It would only take one sizable event.
The powers that be could then blame it on anti-gov, conspiracy types and shut it down while at the same time passing more restrictive laws on the citizens

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by AlreadyGone

Guess I've been a little to sheltered or not hanging out in the wrong places. They might be proud of the revolutionary spirit, and we might need it, but I wonder what they'd think about the idea of assassinating a sitting president. As for armed revolution? Unless the military and LE are on our side, don't hold out a lot of hope for that. We have to find creative ways to hit this problem we face...banding together at the state level or attacking the financial monopolies.

reply to post by DaWhiz

Yeah...they both went to the Bilderberg meeting in Virginia in 2008...Clinton and Obama...and when they came out, he was the winner. Things changed immediately thereafter on the campaign trail. As near as I will speculate is that what you mention was a factor plus something she may have said or done turned the tide as to who would win the election.

[edit on 7/26/2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 04:45 PM
Those people you describe are everywhere I have heard things like that to.But those people are blind to what is really going on. They dont seem to understand that people much more powerful than Obama are controlling him and the rest of our government. I really wish people would wake up to the truth but I dont think this is going to happen.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 04:47 PM
ATS always shows it's hypcrisy with threads like this (not ragging on you OP). You say TPTB control this world yet you bitch about Obama?

Really, do you believe anything you spew? No, you don't. If you did you wouldn't be crying about Obama now would you?

As for it being an age issue: If I get to 40 and I am wishing death on a man with two kids-just shoot me. Please, kill me. I'm quite certain no one would want to be around me and I wouldn't want to be around myself.

[edit on 26-7-2010 by antonia]

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by AlreadyGone

the tensions are mounting, people are getting scared and frustrated...all its going to take is some miscalculation, some oddball happenstance to start a chain reaction that will break out in social and civil disorder of the worst sort. Last year, enough guns were sold to arm the Chinese and Indian armies... that does NOT include all the guns already outthere across America... myself included. When it will deteriorate very quickly.

I am afraid you are very right on about that. We are currently being held together by the thin glue of government stimulus but that pine straw flare is not going to get the logs started. The main thing I fault Obama for was not just letting things fall apart when he got in office. Hell, the whole world banking system was set to collapse over one weekend, and they should have just let it go. I fault the dems for attempting to hold this together with Keynesian economics, but that is no reason to blame the pres for all the evils which have been brewing for ages now.

Anyhow, my point is that if there is so much anger out there now, just wait until the props fail.

[edit on 26-7-2010 by whatsup]

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

"You get WRONG"

That is the debate equivilant of "OH YEAh?"
I am right and you are outnumbered.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 04:55 PM
The saddest part of what was being said in that waiting room is that, had THEIR candidate been elected, they would be praising the man/woman.

This would all be regardless of the fact that THEIR president would work for the same goons as Obama or any other liberal/commie/socialist/terrorist loving/democrat president does and would be doing all the same things to "tear this country apart". Yet instead of disgustingly calling for his/her death, they would be praising the man as a true patriot and bringer of freedom chosen by the Almighty himself because he/she is fighting the war on terror and trying to salvage the economy by giving money to the rich while beefing up national security with unprecedented legislation to spy on all American's (i.e. everything Obama is doing now).

That is what is sickening to me about your experience. I wish you (and even me if I were in that situation) would have had the cahoones to say something like, "You're so right! I remember when Bush did all the same stuff Obama is doing and I wanted him dead too" (not saying I wanted Bush dead, cuz I didn't, but you get my drift).

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by astrogolf

I already covered that in quite some detail earlier in the thread...several times.

If it will make you feel better, I voted for Ron Paul in the last THREE presidential elections. I did not vote for Obama. Nor do I support everything he does. Nor do I believe everything he does is evil with evil intent or that he is Trotsky come back to haunt us. So please don't try to label or pigeonhole me...all that happens is that I don't read the rest of your post. Ignorant of me I know, but years of being labeled as everything from an anarchist to a liberal to a neocon to a communist have pretty much left me numb and laughing. I prefer to avoid discussions that have people slinging and flinging labels at each other, usually with no reason.

Outnumbered? In what way, please.

[edit on 7/26/2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 04:58 PM
No matter how much you dislike Obama, I don't think shooting him or even talking about shooting him is appropriate. Not only will it do absolutely no good, but most of the time it is BS anyway.

Lets just say that god forbid he does get assassinated, then so what, we will just get someone equally as bad in office, only it will give the government a very good excuse to clamp down more. If people haven't realized by now that it really isn't up to us who gets elected to the nation's highest public office, then they clearly aren't capable of viable plan to terminate the current office of President.

I say the same thing about people who can't wait for the next Presidential election. If you don't like the current President, then the next one won't be any better, unless you are fooled by the false left-right paradigm and the propaganda spewed by the MSM.

The Republican and Democratic Party are only two different sides of the same coin. They really only differ on relatively unimportant cosmetic differences. They both are fighting for the same thing with the same goals and I can tell you that neither one has your best interests at heart. In fact, the only reason why they differ on this small cosmetic issues, is to fool us into believing that there is an opposition party in our government.


posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
reply to post by AlreadyGone

They might be proud of the revolutionary spirit, and we might need it, but I wonder what they'd think about the idea of assassinating a sitting president.

[edit on 7/26/2010 by ~Lucidity]

Great point! If the shoe were on the other foot and those same people heard someone threatening assassination against their approved president, they would call you a traitor and un-American while probably also calling you a communist/terrorist lover.

I'm not chastising their opinions about whether Obama should be alive or not, just the utter hypocrisy of their words.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 05:00 PM
There's been alot of this same talk going around up in my area too. I was shocked at first but now it's so common it's not surprising any more when I hear it. People are furious and so many are broken right now.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by antonia

Thing is, there are subfactions within the very PTB too, with different agendas. There is a battle playing out along those very lines right now, and most people don't even realize it. Some subfactions are worse than others. And sometimes to beat the beast you must support one to beat another more evil one. Temporarily. Use their own differences to get what you want (out of Afghanistan, for example) then reset the game and go on to the next battle.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 05:02 PM
The problem is that we are a very young and spoiled country. Many societies in Europe have been tested with centuries of internal warfare, famines, plagues, you name it. We are a spoiled rotten society and have never really been tested on our own shores (accept our own foolishness of the civil war). As such, we then want to demonize when we can no longer get out way, have our mac mansions, ride our jet skis, have our 3 SUVs in every driveway, and get our nails and hair done every week. We are in for a rude surprise within this next decade and it won't be pretty with all the amo heads, religious fanatics, and racists out there.

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