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They Want the President Dead?

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posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 10:38 AM
What I'm about to describe is a seemingly innocuous incident that nonetheless left me highly disturbed about the state of mind of our country. I'm not quite sure what to make of it or think about it or maybe even do about it, if anything.

One day last week, a friend and I were in the waiting room of a vascular specialist and surgeon's office. The friend was there for an ultrasound as a followup to a motorcycle accident that damaged a vein in his left thigh. As is typical in many doctors' offices, and with a flat-screen TV on the wall giving us a clue as to how long we might be there, we settled in for a long wait. MSNBC was on, and there was a sign that said "Do Not Touch TV."

As I looked around the room, I noticed there were 11 people waiting, not including us, and that every one of them was significantly older that we were, by at least 20-40 years. There were 5 women and six men. Two people, one man and one woman, were snoozing in their chairs, and the rest had eyes glued to the TV. I settled down to read my book, and my friend was filling out some forms. All of a sudden one of the men says, "Why are we watching this station? Can't we change it?"

A woman replied, "The sign says not to touch, but maybe we can ask them to change the channel." Another five or six voices chime in and they have a quick discussion about what channel to change it to (my nose was buried in my book, so I wasn't paying much attention at this point). Finally, one of the men wobbles over to the reception window on his walker. A slow and painful process, and as there is an IV shunt in his arm and a hospital bracelet on his wrist, it seems to me he's recovering from some sort of surgery or incident. Anyway, he has a discussion with a woman at the desk, and the channel gets changed. To FoxNews.

I watch for a second to see what Fox is talking about, and say something to my friend about how predictable it is that they're dissing Obama when he's not even running things. The man two seats down from me overhears what I said and starts ttrying to engage me in conversation in response, says the Bilderbergs really run things, says he's a native American and they stole this nation from the natives, says they're evil. I'm nodding and smiling and empathizing but don't really want to get into this particular discussion at that moment and keep trying to read my book. My friend is smirking as if to say I got myself into this with my big mouth. In a few minutes, this man is focused back on the TV.

Everything's quiet until a clip of Obama speaking about something or another comes on. I don't even notice until this same man points his finger at the screen and says quite loudly to everyone in the room, "If I could get me and my gun to DC, I'd shoot that son of a bitch dead."

Well that startled me big time. I'm sure my jaw dropped open, and I think I squeaked out a, "Oh my god. don't really want to say or do you?"

Well, at this point the little ole lady (literally blue haired) who had been snoozing pipes up without even opening her eyes and says, "I wish you would shoot that worthless such and such. He's destroying this country."
Another man breaks in about this time and says, "Believe me, I'd drive you there myself if I could," and then another man says, "Me too. I'd shoot that criminal and anyone who did would be a hero."

A hero.

And I look around and all these old folks, every single one to a person, are all nodding their heads in agreement, and getting more agitated. I couldn't even keep up with all the comments but did hear another of the little old ladies, I think she may have been Korean, say, "Someone will shoot him soon," and then nod her head up and down.

This kept up for a minute or so, and then they all tapered off their nodding and simmered down. The room got back to a now more eeried (to me) silence other than the sound of the TV, where Fox had moved on to some story or another about the economy.

I swear it was surreal. I sat there just stunned during the whole outburst and think I might have said, "Shhhh...." or maybe "Eeeek...." a few times, but mostly to myself as I watched it all unfold...this angry frenzy.

Eventually we got called back for the ultrasound, and then left. We discussed it in the car going home, and all I can say is that this whole minimicrocosm of an experience left me rather shaken and disturbed to this day.

I understand frustration. Things are not good. I understand why this might have happened. Mob mentality and getting caught up in a moment. But this seemed like such an extreme outburst of hatred to have happened in what is really a public place.

I also could assume, that based on the ages and infirmities or these people, they're not really going to drive to Washington, DC, to shoot the president. But damn...if this kind of sentiment is being expressed so openly and vocally in public, I cringe to think what's going on in private. I fear for our president and our country. I really do.

Please reassure me and tell me this was just some old people venting off steam. That this isn't representative of a good chunk of our population here in America. And that it won't happen. Also, should things like this be reported? What would even happen if they were.

Scary times.

[edit on 7/26/2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

I believe this is representative of most peoples views. these older people have been through wars for this country and our Constitution. They have a stronger sense of nationalistic values than people do today. I am in my 40's and i agree that this man is going to help destroy this country.. and has already done much damage.

These people can see the truth. I applaud them. If we do not stop madmen like Obama things will get worse. When your over 40, perhaps you will understand.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 10:51 AM
I've heard these types of comments from people in their 30s. It's very scary because most of the reasons the don't like Obama come from the MSM and these people don't even try to do any research. I've heard several people talking about how he wasn't even born in the U.S. and they say it as FACT.

I also have heard these same type of comments about the last president as well. I think no matter who is in office they will always be blamed for ruining the nation. The times they are a changing, and it is not for the better. Every year seems to be worse than the year before.

Thank you for starting this thread, I'm sure we will see a lot of interesting anti-president stories come up.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 10:58 AM

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 10:58 AM
MOD EDIT: Duplicate post removed

[edit on 26-7-2010 by burdman30ott6]

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

I'm well over 40 and nowhere do I say I didn't understand or don't empathize. I totally understand.

My concern is with the extremeness of what they were saying. And also the focus on the MAN. It can be argued that it's his job to take the heat, but still both the hate being projected and their solution are radical. I understand they're older and may think they don't have so much to lose. They've seen a lot and don't have a lot of time left to be pussyfooting around.

I understand that there's a huge frustration and desperation, but it's still not cool and maybe even outright dangerous to THEM to be speaking out this way...about killing the president. About wanting him dead.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

You could be right, people are starting to wake up to the fact that what most (maybe maybe not, I know I didn't) vote for obama and it's starting to sink in that he's doing the opposite of what he said, and he's pulling us further an further into a hole we might not be able to get out of.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 11:16 AM
I often wonder if all the conspiracys about mindwaves effecting people are true.
I have seen, especially lately, rational people start going completely bonkers insane...talking crap they are typically not known for, being angry at even the smallest thing, and acting like an addict.

I noticed a connecting factor towards a specific channel (obvious) dad was talking about stocking up on food...I asked him what for, he almost seemed confused, talking about how health care would do something, socialism, etc etc was almost surreal listening to him.

Keep in mind, he is retired air force, highest rank achievable, and has always been as solid as a rock....for the first time in my life, I laughed at his crazy talk..
he did eventually calm down for awhile...(he watches...a channel...exclusively..acts like he is going through withdrawl if he is away)...

I am suspecting something is up...and this passion and insanely amped up nationalism is not about regulation of health insurance...but some sort of social experiment...

You know your on the losing battle when you think its being patriotic to talk about shooting a duely elected offical of the country while screaming your saving the republic...the illogical argument itself should key people in verses enrage them...

Something is completely wrong here..

In saying that, the same form of insanity was rampant during the Clinton years..but it seems the tech has been developed.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by Chance321

But death? Assassination?

Maybe I should have level set further by saying this happened in the Atlanta metro area. Has anyone in other areas of the country had an experience like this? Heard sentiments like this expressed?

I mean I'm angry and frustrated, but there are other ways to accomplish what needs to be accomplished? Are we becoming a nation of extremists? Or is this just a pocket of sentiment among a few?

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by OldDragger

What's delusional is thinking obama's helping. He's not, he's doing the opposite of that. And people are starting to wake up to that.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

I think I would lean very hard toward agreeing with you. Something is definately off. I wonder if it's something that might affect elderly minds and the minds of children more. It sure does give us something to think about.

It was just weird how they all wanted FoxNews, and then it was like the minute they showed Obama's face something snapped in their minds and this small frenzy happened. I don't even know what he was talking about to be honest...I could probably trace it down, but I'm not sure it would matter?

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
I often wonder if all the conspiracys about mindwaves effecting people are true.
I have seen, especially lately, rational people start going completely bonkers insane...talking crap they are typically not known for, being angry at even the smallest thing, and acting like an addict.

I noticed a connecting factor towards a specific channel (obvious) dad was talking about stocking up on food...I asked him what for, he almost seemed confused, talking about how health care would do something, socialism, etc etc was almost surreal listening to him.

Keep in mind, he is retired air force, highest rank achievable, and has always been as solid as a rock....for the first time in my life, I laughed at his crazy talk..
he did eventually calm down for awhile...(he watches...a channel...exclusively..acts like he is going through withdrawl if he is away)...

I am suspecting something is up...and this passion and insanely amped up nationalism is not about regulation of health insurance...but some sort of social experiment...

You know your on the losing battle when you think its being patriotic to talk about shooting a duely elected offical of the country while screaming your saving the republic...the illogical argument itself should key people in verses enrage them...

Something is completely wrong here..

In saying that, the same form of insanity was rampant during the Clinton years..but it seems the tech has been developed.

When it all boils down to it, us on ATS will be the sane ones with a level head. Imagine that?

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

I think you might have been reading too much into what the people were saying. Think about it, how many times have people said. " Oooo I could just kill so an so." over a game/race, job, ect. They don't actually mean their going to actually do it, it's just talk. Same with those people you were with, it probably was just a heat of the moment thing.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Maybe the economic crisis affecting municipalities is such that they are cheaping out on the water fluoridation?

Anyhow, I find your mind wave theory interesting.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

I know a few fox news watchers here in Canada...there seems to be NO reasoning with them.
Saddam did 911 with OBLand had WMDs, Russia invaded Georgia, There is no such thing as Palistinians, The Indians were starving when the white Christians got here, we did them a favor by putting them on reservations and feeding them...The US is a Christian country. God hates homosexuals. Jesus tells me how to vote, Muslims are of the devil...Faux is fair and balanced news....What I choose to beleive is the way it is...I'm gonna be raptured out of here...It doesn't matter what crimes I commit, I'm going to heaven 'cause I believe in the bible word for word...(except where faux tells me what I choose to believe, and it contradicts the bible...Some times I'd rather be told what to do, it's easier....

You can't make this stuff up....

[edit on 26-7-2010 by Danbones]

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 11:31 AM

Most people voted for Obama.. prove it. Most people did not even vote. Many of those who did vote for him have changed their minds about him now. They see his true colors.

I said we needed to stop Obama, not murder him. Only the people in the story said that.

Most people may not be murderers, but Obama certainly is. He has sent thousands of America's young boys to die for his personal agenda.

I am apparently a murderous traitor?.. so.. you consider the founding fathers murderous traitors too? Who have I killed? Who would i kill in cold blood?

The U.S Constitution gives us the right to bear arms for the purpose of overthrowing our own government when they become a tyrannical faction that does not serve the peoples constitutional rights.

So, your saying anyone who agrees with the U.S Constitution are traitors too?

I say they are patriots who love this country enough to do the right thing and oust the corrupt government.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by ~Lucidity was like the minute they showed Obama's face something snapped in their minds...

Yeah, it was probably Sara Palin's "Death Panel" lie.

Sounds like these were all old folks....not Obama's voter demographic. They probably reflect on the "good old days" of segregation

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by Chance321

Maybe so. But they were VERY angry. The man who started it literally spit and his hand finger pointing at the TV was shaking. That's why I even noticed. If it had been just a mumbled, "Someone ought to kill that guy," I probably would totally agree with you and wouldn't have even looked up from my book.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenixWhen your over 40, perhaps you will understand.

Why, what happens at 41 that didn't happen at 31...or 25...or even 18?

Maybe when your over 62, you will understand some social programs are a good thing? (like..oh, social security, medicare, etc...)

More illogical arguments...

Why not say what you mean....Someday you will be rich and greedy and wont want to share with the lower people of society...after all, you lucked out by being born in middle/upper class homes...the poor people should also have chosen to be born into a nice environment..

oh, and lub jebus...just dont listen to what the hippy was saying..especially not the stuff about giving away all your belongings...

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

I gotta say I sympathize with your sentiments in this regard
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