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911 is joke in your town...CDI bought to make you cry

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posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 06:38 AM
Thanks for posting the clip, it was nice to see it again and I knew I would see it again. I had a feeling the first time I saw this on morning TV the CTers would probably dive on this slightly ambiguous comment.

Yep, I think it's certainly an odd comment to compare the steel beams that they are preparing to demolish to the World trade center beams. Did those beams in the WTC pose a problem for CDI too? Why would they say that if they had no experience of rigging the WTC beams for demolition?

Even knowing they were only officially involved with the clean up efforts I still think it's an odd thing to say when planning the demolition. Perhaps this is a rumour but I heard CDI were turned away early on from assisting in the clean up, which would make the comment even more bizarre.

[edit on 18-7-2010 by Insolubrious]

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 07:26 AM
GoodolDave and Weedwhacker, please be informed you are obvious to one and all. I hope you either truly believe the stuff you spout or you are being handsomely rewarded. Please keep at it, we need the light entertainment value you bring. To all the other genuine researchers, don't get side tracked by guys like them, have a giggle at them, sure, but don't forget the work at hand.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 07:50 AM

Originally posted by ypperst
Good video
I think there is no way jet fuel can rip worldtrade center like that way.

But I still dont really get why USA would do that on them self. Was it to get a reason to attack isreal?

Oh, if it is done by USA, how did they force osama bin laden to say in his video, that he did it?
Oh, is that why Laden maybe is still alive?

and is that a helicopter or a UFO in the skies in the start of the first building rip down.

The first thing Bin Laden said right after 9/11 is that he did NOT do it, He understood why someone would but that he and his group did not do it in a hour long typical OBL speech.

Later we have the fakes made by the CIA claiming to be OBL, claiming he did and you know the rest.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by letthereaderunderstand
Thanks for your post. Agreed. Even if Jet fuel caused them to collapse, only explosives could of turned steel into powder. Not only that, the squibs are clearly visible on the WTC collapse.

a) All the reports from FEMA to NIST to MIT all report the steel was warped from irregular heating where it buckled and lost structural integrity. It would be one thing if the conspiracy people read this and disagreed with it, but it's blatantly obvious they didn't read it at all. How can you say somethign is a lie when you don't even know what it is that's supposed to be a lie?

I work with steel every day. You need to hold a dam hot blow torch on it for along time to even think about weakening it. Office stuff or jet fuel can NOT even compare to an O2-Acetylene torch.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by weedwhacker

What brought down the core?

The building came down with little resistance, almost freefall, all 3 directly in their footprint. I always tell believers of the OS to look at this image twice a day for a week, if they buy the OS about the twin towers, this one is insanely hard to swallow.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by Sky watcher

That is correct Sky Watcher. This is what they tried to pass off as Osama, remember this blurry video, does this guy look like Bin

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:15 AM
For those people that buy the governments story about the callapse of three buildings on 9/11/01. Continue to drink the kool-aid and trust your government and do as you are told. As for we people that are ,as you might say, "In love with the conspiricy". We hate evil. We want it uncovered. It burns in us. The fact that some low lifes got away with mass murder. I know you heard this quote before, but I,m gonna write it again. "First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win'. Mahatma Gandhi.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:18 AM
This is really getting tiring. Steel loses its structural integroty at around 800 degrees fahrenheit, well within the heat range of any jet fuel fire. Also the heat would have been exacerbated by the induction of oxygen as the heat created its own firestorm.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by letthereaderunderstand

Here we go again at NO repeat NO point did anybody claim that only fire brought the towers down plain and simple.

A combination of structural damage , fire and load above impact point brought them down.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:36 AM
I am a Non-Destructive Testing technician.

We use things like eddy current, ultrasound and x-ray to inspect big important structures for flaws.

while i was not at the WTC i can tell you this.

NO jet fuel cannot melt steel.


now on top of that, id imagine that the shear impact of a large plane going several hundred miles per hour dislodged a few i-beams on top of that, putting more load on existing i-beams that would be heated to the point of failure.

Now that being said i do think other stuff was going on on 911, and we are not being told everything. I'm not saying anything one way or the other b ut just know that it is possible.

one thing to note: i'd like to see what they end up doing with that i-beam in the video, pretty convenient that that part is cut out. So for that reason im betting it was taken down with minimal effort. if it would have been impossible to remove it would have been left in to further support your point.

I cant believe all the folks who try to use the fire wasnt hot enough argument. For crying out loud, you can melt steel in your own home using a simple crucible, and how do you think things are forged and shaped? the stuff is not some miracle material that once made is impervious to everything.

Everyone here knows the government has its hands on both sides of the table, we're not arguing that. just stating some science.

[edit on 18-7-2010 by Wademus]

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by ugmold

Is that for real? A blatant lie if ever there was one - it is clearly a different person. I'm going to go have a quick look at the two videos. The whole thing is so damn fishy, from Silverstein saying 'pull it', to the BBC reporting tower 7 collapsing before it happened. Hell, tower 7 shouldn't have collapsed.

There are so many anomalies, one starts to wonder how any sane, clear thinking person could come to any other conclusion than it is very unlikely the official story is accurate. In any case, we have been lied to and cheated, and the people responsible for those lies must be brought to justice, whether Osama did it, another country's special forces did it, or rogue fragments inside the US government did it.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by pacific_waters

And the molten steel that eye witnesses saw? This is also getting tiresome . Sorry. I'm sure by now you don't need the witness testimony (firefighters etc) as you MUST have already seen it.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 09:01 AM
like flogging a dead horse

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by Sky watcher

I work with steel every day. You need to hold a dam hot blow torch on it for along time to even think about weakening it. Office stuff or jet fuel can NOT even compare to an O2-Acetylene torch.

Here is a little graph so you can educate yourself a little

I also work with steel VERY often as my first job was working for a STRUCTURAL STEELWORK FABRICATOR in the design / drawing office so your statement DOESN'T wash mate plain and simple

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by SphinxMontreal

You know, the people put in place to influence the repeaters among us are not chosen for their stupidity and lack of tenacity.

They are clever people, who all read of the same crib sheet.

It's about time the rest of us followed suit.
Almost ten years later, and we are still no closer to arresting and punishing the real guilty parties.

If the disjointed and directionless and uncoordinated among the truth movement carries on as it has, the real perps of this atrocity will be dead from old age, before we get the chance to make their lives miserable for what they've done.

The same is true of many different areas, of different subjects we preoccupy ourselves with..from political corruption, to UFO and ET's to whathaveyou.

The people in these research areas need to organise. They need to establish talking points, and rigorously stick to them, without allowing the clever plants to deviate them from those points, as they invariably do.

Without this, we are going to go around and around and around, again and again and again, and ultimately get absolutely nowhere, as is the intention and hope of the guilty of course.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Now, THIS is why the conspiracy theorists are getting nowhere with their conspiracy stories.

a) All the reports from FEMA to NIST to MIT all report the steel was warped from irregular heating where it buckled and lost structural integrity. It would be one thing if the conspiracy people read this and disagreed with it, but it's blatantly obvious they didn't read it at all. How can you say somethign is a lie when you don't even know what it is that's supposed to be a lie?

" Getting nowhere ...... " ? If this is in reference to the publics perception of the events I'd have to disagree. Just from casual coffee conversation I rarely find anyone who doesn't suspect wrong doing by the government. This is understandably in stark contrast to public opinion immediately following the events.

a) : ) This statement is ridiculous Dave. I'd suggest there is no exclusivity of ignorance on both sides. Start reading ! We can talk again when you have finished. This is not to imply I have done so, the magnitude of said read is way beyond my degree of commitment.

My salvation lies in knowing, as do most Americans that government / politicians are synonymous with pathological lying.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by ugmold

How does "controlled demolition" explain the near "free fall" speed? and the fact that the very large explosion sounds were not present?

IT was an 'Act of God" -- UFO/ET -- by the guy in the sky who controls gravity -- and everything else.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by letthereaderunderstand
Thanks for your post. Agreed. Even if Jet fuel caused them to collapse, only explosives could of turned steel into powder. Not only that, the squibs are clearly visible on the WTC collapse.

Now, THIS is why the conspiracy theorists are getting nowhere with their conspiracy stories. It's blatantly obvious they're so in love with these conspiracy stories that they want them to be true, but becuase there isn't even a microbe of tangible evidence of any foul doing they think nothing whatsoever of making stuff up on their own. Case in point-

a) All the reports from FEMA to NIST to MIT all report the steel was warped from irregular heating where it buckled and lost structural integrity. It would be one thing if the conspiracy people read this and disagreed with it, but it's blatantly obvious they didn't read it at all. How can you say somethign is a lie when you don't even know what it is that's supposed to be a lie?

b) There was no "dustification" of steel. That comes 100% from the conspiracy people. There are enough photos of ground zero to prove all the steel lay there in piles.

c) The "squibs" were from air being forced out of the building as it collapsed, like a bellows. When the towers fell the air inside had to go somewhere. If these were genuine explosives there'd be explosive flashes seen as well.

I'm not here to insult you or to make you feel bad. I'm here to point how how these damned fool conspiracy web sites are filling your head with utter rubbish exactly like this. You yourself are merely the victim in all this becuase I know you didn't come up with this yourself, you read it from somewhere else and you posted it thinking it was correct. Even you have to agree that if someone has to lie to convince someone of something, it necessarily means they know what they're saying is false, doesn't it?

And that huge freakin airplane fit into that iddy biddy hole in the pentagon without raking huge gouges from the engine nacelles in the lawn too...
and the lady never saw the drone in shanksville, and the head of ISI wasnt in USA that day, and never passed 100,000$ to Mohammad Atta, and cell phones of the day were capable of connecting all those calls without having any "casscading of signals....right, sure ill believe you...thousands...millions wouldnt.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by dazbog

Hey, i agree.

But here we are almost a decade later, and there are those still talking about the same old crap that was talked about a year or two after the event.

The really crucial point is nobody is doing time or having a syringe or three stuck in their arm, whilst strapped to a gurney, are they.

It's as though all common sense is lost and doesn't matter.

Physical evidence of high explosive, of the same composition as military grade thermate and such, found all over the scene doesn't matter.

Expert testimony from people on the scene, such as the professional responders who saw and heard explosive charges going off, doesn't matter.

Slug-bag Silverstein admitting they 'pulled building 7' during an interview, and the subsequent lorry loads of cash he personally made out of the atrocity doesn't matter.

Building 7 not being hit by an aircraft, suffering minimal damage from falling debris and localized small fires, coming down in it's own footprint, in fact all three mega buildings coming down in their own footprints, at almost free fall speeds, as though nothing is retarding their downward fall, doesn't matter.

Various military drills being carried out on the day, causing confusion as to whether or not events were real world or exercise, and causing vital fighter aircraft to be absent from the area when needed most, doesn't matter.

A mysterious 're-fit' of the twin towers, a short time prior to 9/11, which saw WTC tenants and businesses put out and not allowed entry for quite a number of weeks, up in arms about the lack of notice and the financial losses they suffered as a result and that the firm responsible for security of the WTC, while this was going on had on it's board the brother of President Bush, doesn't matter.

Not only lack of video at the Pentagon, despite being covered by cctv, but the actual confiscation of security videos from hotels, gas stations, shops and businesses, that did overlook or could have conceivably overlooked the impact area of the pentagon, confiscated by the FBI and never released to the public or MSM for any scrutiny, save for 4 or 5 frames from the gatehouse security camera, which shows nothing of value, doesn't matter.
(and this is the HQ for one of the most powerful military machines on the planet)

I could go on, and many of you have come up with much better and worthy lists than I, but really as the passage of time has shown...none of it matters.

Nobody has been arrested, nobody is paying for their crimes, not even a sniff of it despite all of the glaringly obvious evidence to this having been a crime of a treasonous false flag rather than an foreign terrorist attack.

These perps are basically untouchable...and they know it.
Nobody is ever going to brought to justice for it..not legally anyway.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 10:36 AM
Lol Funny video indeed! And wasnt Thermite found at the wtc site? Something used in demolitions?

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