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Republican Candidate: "It is time for white people in NH and across the country to take a stand"

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posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by astrogolf

Can you give me a good reason why white people shouldn't have a home land?

There's always Scandinavia!

Or, let's see, the fact that the dude your talking about is a giant douche too and not representative of all blacks?

Or do you believe that ALL blacks feel the same way as he does?

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 09:39 AM
I love how liberals pick out one racist nut job and say he represents an entire political movement.

Leave it to the liberal press.

Good job.

The following blacks must actually hate black people:


[edit on 15-7-2010 by mnemeth1]

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by whatukno

Republican Candidate: "It is time for white people in NH and across the country to take a stand"

It's almost as if the GOP/TPM wants to alienate moderates. To become the party of hate and division.

I don't think the electorate is quite ready for a move to the Forth Reich, but you never know how they will respond to racism and hate if it is wrapped up in red white and blue packaging.

It's happened before. They say "it can't happen here" but if you are even moderately aware, you can see the beginnings of a movement surprisingly
reminiscent of what happened in Germany during the 30s.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by catwhoknows
reply to post by whatukno

I have a problem with this man - he is dividing when the human race needs to get together.

I wish we had someone who could get the human race together. If you are not together, someone else takes you over - aliens probably, although they have been kind for a long time because they saw that we have no brain - WAKE UP, WE HAVE A LOT OF BRAINS!

JUST USE THEM! I am talking to you people. Use it or lose it.

I am talking to you WARMONGERS - stop it now. Because you are ending the human race.

End of rant.

um, we already ARE divided. and he's correct in saying that in the media white men are allowed to be mocked and derided, but if any other ethnicity is, it's racism.

this was inevitable! now that blacks and whites are on equal ground, blacks continue to degrade whites in the media and society, but whites are not allowed to respond out of fear of being branded a racist.

if we can have black history month, affirmative action, etc., then what is wrong with celebrating white culture? you can't have it both ways.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 09:46 AM
Interesting post. After carefully considering everything that is posted and that is going on in the country, this is what I can conclude:
1) Yes there is racisim that goes on in the country. It runs the entire gamit of society and in just about every organization that exists. Companies and organizations that attempt to fulfil the letter of the laws of the country, inevitably end up discriminating against one group or another.
2) With everything going on, many people, who would not actively be racist are starting to polarize and seperate, based off of the current condition of the country and the idea of PC. A majority of the people are decent, good, hard working and desire only to see equal justice, but in the name of ideas that are perverted and rhetoric that insults and slanders, alienates those people who have done nothing more than state a disagreement with a political figure who is of a different color. Language cuts both ways, and many people tend to give and give, to keep the peace, but they are slowly being forced against the wall, and are tired of giving. It is my belief that the politician is stating what is on the mind of most white people in the country, who are tired of being expected to give up so much, ask for so little, and when they dare to voice a disagreement, to look and state, I think that is a bad idea, or no don't, and then are told they are wrong, or are racist, it is going to upset those silent masses and force them into a position where they are having to think and then start to think that maybe it is not such a good idea to keep backing down.
Too many times, when a minority group feels wronged, the first thing that comes out is that the person is racist, using it like a weapon to get what they want. Right now it is my beliefe that the ball is in the DOJ and the executive branchs court, as the country is watching to see how they are going to resolve the following: The DOJ and the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case, and the illegale immigration problem. If they listen to the people, then voices of discent that may seem racisit will quite down, as the people will believe that they are supporting equal justice across the board. However, and mark my words, if they rule against, actually dropping the investigation against the DOJ and the New Black Panther Party, and actually win in court against the state of Arizona, then you will see a rise of voices of the people who will seem to appear to be racist and that cry will be heard loudly in the halls of power.
When you look at what the President of the United States, his wife, the NAACP and other national groups do and state, where the appearence of supporting one group of people over all others, that is when the seeds of racism is going to be laid, and those seeds will either die, or will bloom with a bitter tasting fruit.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
I bet he get's a surprising amount of votes from Republicans and TPM.

Most whites know that this is not the road to go down....this race identity thing.

If a temptation to do so however is present, its coming from the left, the race baiters ect that are running thier mouth.

Its like this....if a large group of any race gets together for some reason Bubba might drive by and say wow look at all those &@^%#. The drive by and others do the same thing when whites get together. "Just hang around long enought and they will break out the hoods and burning crosses".

See what a foul fake spectical you are with all this bashintg the TP on these grounds. Your just like ol Bubba.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

Absolutely on point.

This guy is an idiot, IMO. But at least he's honest about his views. It makes it easier to not elect these throw back jokers. It's the closet views of candidates that scare me more.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by Logarock

Well, I stand by my statement. If this douche gets elected, it will show the core beliefs of both the GOP and the TPM.

I just hope I am wrong and people in these two parties (and I say two parties in the loosest possible sense of the word) aren't like that, but, from what I have seen and heard from both of these groups, I am not.

I hope he doesn't get elected, but you never know.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by mnemeth1

Why would you post a picture of Dave Chapelles obvious joke as proof?

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by 12GaugePermissionSlip

In a way, I agree with this man. I don't think we need to seperate races but I agree that white people are losing their cultural identity. White people have too long carried the burden of shame over what happened in the past.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 11:54 AM
He's just the opposite side of the coin. I really don't think he'll get elected, if for no other reason nobody wants to be labeled the "R" word. However, I do applaude his honesty, something we'll never see from the WH. Seems funny how this is a horrible racist thing for him to espouse, however the same people in the media celebrate the diversity of racist groups of other races. The only reasons I can see for this are these three, One, they were told what to say, two, they actually believe that we the white people deserve this, or three, when they talk about white people, it must mean us, because surely they coldn't be talking about them (the media).

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by Nosred

Can i ask a serious question here.

What is white culture? Even my white mother has asked this on several occasions.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by antonia
reply to post by mnemeth1

Why would you post a picture of Dave Chapelles obvious joke as proof?

because its an obvious joke.

Its called sarcasm.

I know it can be complex and nuanced at times, but I have faith that most people (besides yourself) can figure that out.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by antonia

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 12:06 PM
He is against LEGAL non-white immigration and he thinks the united states is his homeland?

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

Oh so that's white culture? Funny, I know black people who act like that white guy. Looks like that's more "American capitalist culture with some kind of discussion about manners".

[edit on 15-7-2010 by antonia]

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by antonia

And I know plenty of white people who act like that black guy.

Any ethnicity or race can participate in any facet of a "culture" predominately attributed any other ethnicity or race.

There isnt some mutually exclusive barrier. Dropping my pants to my ankles and slurring my speech as if I have suffered massive brain trauma doesnt make me "black" and taking responsible care of my finances doesnt make me "white".

Culture is just the polite word for stereotype. It isnt absolute by any means nor especially definable but it is a whole lot of fun to mock.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 12:33 PM
As a black man, I find nothing so outright silly as pandering white apologist and their apparent psychological need to apologize, grovel, and be determined to give away any cultural indicators they might have left.

The hard fact is, a double standard between the races as far as pop cultural influence is clearly evident in this nation. Whites either deny or overlook or simply do not grasp that they are no longer the cultural driving force that they once were and thus are in fact targeted for cultural derision and ridicule.

For instance, as I type these words being a black man, I have no fear of the overused charge of 'racism' being aimed at me; I have no worry at being labeled a bigot or racist simply due to the fact I am black! The words I say could well be echoed exactly by any white person, and the label would be applied at once to that person and not myself.

Herd mentality is rampant, here. And conformist, confused whites seem to be the order of the day. One poster in this thread has (apparently) no realization that whites even HAVE a culture! Incredible.

I am one black voice, but I only type sentiments that I heard every day from having dealt with racial demographics across the board for 27 years.

I certainly don't agree with white(or ANY) racists, but I can absolutely realize that it is the mans race and not his message that dictates the reactions, and derision, he receives.

And that is as wrong in one direction as it is the other. Like every other race of man, whites have cultural indicators worth defending as absolutely as any other race. To deny one and accept the other is madness, pure and simple.

edit for grammar

[edit on 7/15/2010 by Clark Savage Jr.]

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by Clark Savage Jr.

Herd mentality is rampant, here. And conformist, confused whites seem to be the order of the day. One poster in this thread has (apparently) no realization that whites even HAVE a culture! Incredible.

It might hard for you to understand this if you've haven't been outside of the U.S., but all whites don't act the same. They do not have the same cultural identifiers. This why I said that. A white person in Germany does not do the same things as a white in person in France. To call it "white culture" or "black culture" is a misnomer.

[edit on 15-7-2010 by antonia]

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by asholgoof

The problem is, if a black guy said it, you'd probably agree with him.

Wrong. If he was purple tiger stripe I wouldn't.

So you're brai washed a bit. Aren't you.

Nope. I am a very content white man who is comfortable in my skin, and don't have any insecurities that cause me to separate people by skin color. One who believes I would agree with him if he was black, is someone who is brainwashed.

You didn't make a post about the black panther keeping white folks away from the poles, or post a clip of him when he said we need to kill white people and their babies.

I have been very actively involved in these Black Panther threads and have done 3 hours of research on this case. BTW, the Black Panthers where not keeping white people from the poles, the were there to protect black voters from white vote suppressors. The one saying he wants to kill white babies was exercising his 1st amendment rights just as Murdough did.

Can you give me a good reason why white people shouldn't have a home land? I mean, can you?

In forming a response to your question, I realized it was too stupid to answer. It also exposed your own racism. You didn't uncover it completely, but you did let it peek out.

White people have a origin, it's called Europe. But for white people to form a nation based solely on their skin color, is racist, just as if it were a purple tiger stripe people nation. Can you give me a good reason ignorant people shouldn't have a homeland? I mean, can you?

Most of the frustration comes from the fact that if any other race said such things, nobody would mind, and most would claim to agree.

People of other races say these things all the time and everybody minds, and most disagree, so this racist statement also exposed you, bigot.

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