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Scientists are worried about killer methane release

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posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 10:04 AM
Article from Helium Earth Science

Doomsday: How BP Gulf disaster may have triggered a 'world-killing' event

by Terrence Aym

Ominous reports are leaking past the BP Gulf salvage operation news blackout that the disaster unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico may be about to reach biblical proportions.

251 million years ago a mammoth undersea methane bubble caused massive explosions, poisoned the atmosphere and destroyed more than 96 percent of all life on Earth. [1] Experts agree that what is known as the Permian extinction event was the greatest mass extinction event in the history of the world. [2]

55 million years later another methane bubble ruptured causing more mass extinctions during the Late Paleocene Thermal Maximum (LPTM).

The LPTM lasted 100,000 years. [3]

Those subterranean seas of methane virtually reshaped the planet when they explosively blew from deep beneath the waters of what is today called the Gulf of Mexico.

Now, worried scientists are increasingly concerned the same series of catastrophic events that led to worldwide death back then may be happening again-and no known technology can stop it.

The bottom line: BP’s Deepwater Horizon drilling operation may have triggered an irreversible, cascading geological Apocalypse that will culminate with the first mass extinction of life on Earth in many millions of years.

The oil giant drilled down miles into a geologically unstable region and may have set the stage for the eventual premature release of a methane mega-bubble.

[mod edit: clipped quoted content, add required EX tags and source link]
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[edit on 9-7-2010 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by ptmckiou

Well, that being the case, my bloody mary's will no longer be virgin and I will make a resolution to start earlier in the day. How much time do we have left, ya think?

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 10:27 AM
Fantastic thread, about a sad situation.

I can't help but remember that 30 years ago, many "mediums" announced that they saw the south of the united states underwater...

I wonder if this is it...

Very good work!

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 10:30 AM
Heres a link to a 2003 study of methane release as the cause mass extinction and how it would work. Very good read with full documentation. It is the text from the OP thread but in full

Link to research paper

[edit on 9-7-2010 by jlafleur02]

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by ptmckiou

Did I miss the part where a scientist was worried about a methane bubble in the gulf at present time?

No....I dont think I did....In fact NO one except people trying to hawk DVDS, Subscription based websites, and their own sick egos has actually propsed that this is imminent.

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by Aresh Troxit
Fantastic thread, about a sad situation.

I can't help but remember that 30 years ago, many "mediums" announced that they saw the south of the united states underwater...

I wonder if this is it...

Very good work!

you all seem so excited to see our demise down here. Well, I hope it proves to be the big event you expect.

Perhaps after we breathe the methane gas and then when the "roaring tsunami scrubs us away" , eventually the plate shift will cause a new island to rise. The christians have been saying for years that there will be a new earth created. They never seemed to appreciate the one they had. Always looking for greener pastures instead of building a better world in their present existence.

I hope you all get the thrills you are looking for and the new world and new lands with all of us "wicked" people wiped out of your way.

(ps. this is not directed at you personally, Aresh. It's the general attitude of many that I see.)

[edit on 9-7-2010 by Alethea]

[edit on 9-7-2010 by Alethea]

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 10:47 AM
I just hope and pray that this doesn't happen, for the sake of all of us who share this lovely planet. And especially for everyone so close to the Gulf.

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 10:54 AM
I'm less worried about this as it is right now. I do think that this is a good reason to not put a nuke down hole. As a catalyst goes, that might do it.

I'd have to see some modelling.

What I would be more concerned with is not that the current circumstance might release the methane hydrates to bubble up as a mass at once. I believe it needs a catalyst to do so. A comet. A large volcanic event. A large slip and split earthquake.

What I would be concerned about is that it might be the start of a slower release. One that is much easier to ignore but still has climate and health impact.

edit to add: Of all the "conspiracy" angles that I've seen and contemplated this is one. That the bed of methane hydrates in the Gulf has been assessed as a severe security threat. That as a way of undermining that security threat goes, triggering something to slow release that threat to disperse it was determined to be needed. And that this is it. Because, I gotta tell ya I'd be tempted to do it myself.

[edit on 2010/7/9 by Aeons]

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by ptmckiou

What we need now is for the scientists to come forth and give us (the people) more detail into their findings. Ominous scientists just doesn't get it. Don't get me wrong I like your findings - just wish it contained more detail.

Keep searching my friend and I will as well.

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by Alethea

I hear you well! I know many wish to see the US get destroyed, but I don't wish that even to my "enemies".

I can understand how all this doom directed at the US might be unnerving.

But many of these "mediums" were Americans themselves...

Of course, I pray that this disaster can be resolved quickly and in a positive manner, at least, as positive as can be in the situation...

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 11:47 AM
The thing that bothers me is that IMO, there may be no fix short of a big earthquake that shuts it all off. That well was so deep the pressure must be incredible. If, as is surmised, the oil works its way up the East Coast and into the conveyor that drives the ocean currents around the world, we could end up with the "red waters" that the Bible describes. Think of what all that methane can do to our atmosphere vis a vis the ozone layer, and global warming could be sped up by a century or more. I am not a doomster, but these observations make a lot of sense to me, and I've had TONS of real science. Seems like I remember something about the Law of Unintended Consequences.

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by Merigold
reply to post by ptmckiou

Did I miss the part where a scientist was worried about a methane bubble in the gulf at present time?

No....I dont think I did....In fact NO one except people trying to hawk DVDS, Subscription based websites, and their own sick egos has actually propsed that this is imminent.

Sweet! Please send me the links for the DVDs so I can add to my library, and also wouldn't mind signing up for subscription websites for a cost.

You are an idiot!!! So excuse us Gulf Coast residents that may have an interest in this.

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 12:26 PM
First I've heard about the research ship Jefferson reporting a massive crack in the sea floor hundreds of feet long...? Where is this actually documented I wonder

The article mentions methane % one million times the normal amount but fails to add that this is only in certain's not like every part of the sea in the gulf is returning those kinds of percentages

The sea bed bulging for tens of feet for thousands of miles...? Who says so as there is just NO proof of that yet !

And yet again all these conclusions from scientists as to what might be going on but nobody is named

I'm not saying the scenario can't happen I'm just getting really cheesed off with reading unsubstantiated rumours or info that is misrepresented

[edit on 9/7/10 by cosmicpixie]

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by ptmckiou

Braces 1z self for what ever they have been lying about these past 3 months. Its sad but it makes sense why they request no more help because if the GoM is filled with ships to help that would be sad for them all to parish, so keep em away seems to be a good option....

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 12:36 PM
If this is true or if it is not then either way, WILL humanity LEARN??????

I think not, perhaps.....?

If we are doomed to a methane bubble rush and subsequently wave, skies of fires and the ineveitable extinction of man then I might as well go and buy that expensive sports car or go to that far flung place again...... because I live for the present , the moment and I know it is a waste of my time worrying about it !!! I can't do anything about it so why worry ?

If I could physically do something then I WOULD in an INSTANT but if we are all going to fry then Hey Ho.........

I live in the UK and I do remember from my childhood that there was a collection of Monks in a church/temple in Birmingham who claimed to have witnessed the end of mankind.. Scarilary they were told not to discuss it but there was a rumour that it involved fire in the skies and the climate being unbearable for man to live in........ !!! ?


PurpleDog UK

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by cosmicpixie

If you follow the Rov feeds you will see that a few days ago it was thought to be a quake on the sea floor - I saw the seafloor afterwards and it looked very disturbed - lots of cracks. The did a lot of repair afterwards - not a scientist in the field so I am unsure of what they had to fix. When news such as this comes out we do need to pay attention because it spurs the interest for people to investigate further. I have been looking for more substantial information this morning. Being patient is the key to the truth sometimes.

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by deadred

Yes it would speed global warming up by a century or more (even though GW goes in cycles), but with that much methane in the air it won't really matter. Unless of course you've discovered a way to breath methane in high concentrations and survive. I'm stuck with O2 myself.

[edit on 9-7-2010 by DaMod]

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 01:00 PM
I could dream of a thousand worlds and each of them would look like Earth!

I just cannot help but wonder what kind of world our leaders see and in which direction they feel they must take in achieving that world.

I see a much healthier, happier Earth after this go around.

Everything around us is an attachment, simply let go and free yourself; from there you realize the important things and the most meaningful things in our lives. Without attachments most folks would have already migrated to safer ground.

When I lived in Houston I visited homes where they would show a piece of furniture that was saved from the loss of Galveston, 1900. I would imagine there are ever increasing stories from Katrina as well. Everyone had a story to hold onto; but this story is about letting go.

If we all migrate North where it is safe, a clear message would be sent across the planet that this must be fixed and addressed! Not poppies in Afghanistan, not Iran being a brat to Israel, this is our home, our families, so get to it and fix it! Bring our boys home if you have to, together we can address this and more. We are the Breadbasket that is about to get dumped on with toxic waste and gas.

By now it is obvious that this is in Nature's hands now, with the release of information on 40 years of capping wells and abandoning them, never to be inspected again; and the information being accepted that the entire Gulf is 'prone' to such drastic releases because the area is already a scar upon the planet, made fragile by an Asteroid to the Yucatan'

I don't see fear mongering here or peddling catastrophe, eventually a catastrophe finds us, we attract such things when we live in catastrophe zones. Peoples of North America have the right to Migrate; when it is done we may be lucky to return again.

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 01:01 PM
Excellent, finally some encouraging news.

Maybe this potential methane scenario might convince the humans to stop drilling into and stealing blood (oil) from the Earth to satisfy their selfish self-serving greedy planet trashing desires. And if not, maybe a teachable moment will occur when nature retaliates against humanity for their crimes against her.

Come on nature, defend yourself and kick some major human ass here on planet Earth! It's the only way their kind will ever learn, if at all. And if not, kick their asses off the planet and into hell where such a destructive species surely belongs!

Oh man, would I love to see nature fart on humanity and then ignite them all with a bolt of lightening. TEACH! For their crimes against nature !!! That would be so cool to see happen.
I would have to believe in a vengeful god if that happened !

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by deadred

This well isn't even close to as deep as the deepest well. This one is about 18000 feet, which still makes less than half as deepest as the deepest well, though it approaches the depth of the deepest ocean well.

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