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Enough Is Enough - Time To Take Action! "The ATS Gulf Project"

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posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by triplereiki
sure action helps-----if YOU have wads of money to do that, then knock yerself out. but many of us are stretched....

The best effort people combined can give can be what the OP is suggesting. Be sincere, open your heart, really care. It can make a difference whether big or small.

Sacrifice about a half hour of your TV show, and by doing this combined effort it also helps in healing you....You take a pause for yourself focusing on positive energy.

Thanks for your post! Sounds like you've got it!

Great point too that i didn't consider. Since we are all connected (people with animals with earth with every etc), by praying/sending energy/etc to heal the Gulf/Mother Earth we really are healing ourselves and helping ourselves be more "in the light" or positive.

Nice one

For the record tho, I don't think people even need to take 30 mins! 5 GENUINE minutes will help alot!!! If we all chip in, our individual load lessens

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by GBP/JPY

Thank you so much.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 12:51 AM
A quick tip to anyone thinking of joining in but unsure of exactly what they can do.

One thing I do on the days where meditating is not going to happen for whatever reason... I put on music. Music builds up my energy levels like few other things can.

For others it may be other things, but for me, music works so well.

I listen to fave tunes and with all that energy the music has created in me reaches a point where it is palpable (you can feel this as simply being SO in the moment and 'into' the music), i visualise a ball of energy leaving my being and being projected to the Gulf area.

I visualise a 'google earth' type view and picture my energy ball spreading glittering energy all over the area/areas i wish to affect.

I have used this type of technique to assist healing of friends and loved ones and they have reported significant improvements related to the healing visualisation.

So you'll see, it is something we can all do!

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 02:17 AM
this thread reminds me of the following.


posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 02:54 AM
This is a great idea. It does not matter whether you are religious, whether you believe in god, whether you pray on Sundays.
I does not matter who your god is - every religion has a name for it.

There are many of us who want to help but don't know how.

Those who can get to that location, great, do it.

Many of us are not in the US (I am in New Zealand)

In my view, this is not an American problem, this is a planet problem that affects us all. We all have the right and responsibility to get involved, no matter how little you think you are contributing, even if its just thinking about a solution and sending it love.

I know it sounds fluffy, but it works.

How can rules and regulations stand in our way? There are many countries and companies wanting to help but are not being allowed. Keep up the pressure and intent, it cannot hurt but only help.

This tragedy has united us in common purpose - to fix/heal/resolve this terrible problem.

Its time to be united because of common purpose and our similarities rather than be divided because of our differences.

I has been shown scientifically that thought, especially targeted focused thought does affect matter.
Praying is focused thought (energy)

By thinking/day dreaming/focusing on a positive outcome that you want, will make a difference. The more of us doing that, the more energy is being sent and targeted.

No judgement needed, just a common intent to fix it.

In my view everything that happens, small or big, has a reason.
Perhaps one of the reasons this happened was to provide us, humankind, with an opportunity to grow, to move beyond ourselves, and to realize the impact our current way of living has on this planet.

So keep it positive, even though there is so much fear and doom and gloom out there.

Thanks for starting this thread.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 03:02 AM
Thank you so much for this.
Yes praying and hope visualization meditation does have power.
dont listen to the negative people.
you , no WE need to go to other sites and get all the world to do this.
I can hope

I am a pagan/Buddhist. so I will go to pagan sites I try to get them to join in.
what it need from America. is for them to Let the world help clean the gulf.
before it gets out.
the dispersant sinks the Oil. so we can not see it all.
later! god help us.

I think they are hiding it from the rest of the world. as all the planet will suffer from this. it will take about a year plus for it to reach Europe. the fish in the sea are low now. soon the life in the sea will die. not all of it. we get a lot of are air we breath from the seas. in 5 to 10 years the rest of the world will truly Hate America, and its people! they will wont to make you pay. no amount of money will ever pay for this. this is why they try to hide it. not from the Americans. but the rest of the world. God help us ALL !

America = Genocide

no, not the american people...
but the world will not see it that way.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 03:14 AM
I believe this thread is a wonderful idea.

All theological wrangling and cynicism you may or may not have aside, this exercise cannot hurt. Perhaps its not the same as "direct action." But what does it cost you to do this?

At the very, very least, it is a way of remaining mindful of the tragedy and yet hopeful. And the knowledge that at the same moment others are doing the same thing is very powerful and comforting. It doesn't matter one bit whether or not you believe there are actual eminations or forces at work beyond the mere act of multiple people around the world doing something like this. Simply the fact that we are able to hold the same thought at the same time -- a good thought, a healing thought -- from Kansas to Karachi is an amazing and uplifting thing.

This is not a substitute for "real action" nor is it intended to be, and no arguments should be made opposing physical action and mental excercises of this sort. Even if you can't bring yourself to believe in metaphysical energy of any sort, it is something small that you can do in solidarity with others that have good intention. Something within you and without you. And what does it cost you? A few seconds, a glance at the clock, a moment of positive feeling? What do you have to lose.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 03:34 AM

Originally posted by remrem
There are many of us who want to help but don't know how.

Those who can get to that location, great, do it...

...In my view, this is not an American problem, this is a planet problem that affects us all. We all have the right and responsibility to get involved, no matter how little you think you are contributing, even if its just thinking about a solution and sending it love...

...Perhaps one of the reasons this happened was to provide us, humankind, with an opportunity to grow, to move beyond ourselves, and to realize the impact our current way of living has on this planet.

Thank you for the post!!

It's exactly that, this is a means to help but also to turn a negative into a positive - let's use this horror to craft a new way of thinking, being and cooperating.

As i say in my avatar - Be the silver lining, not the cloud!!!

You will possibly cop it from other members for saying that this horror should be seen as an opportunity - but i TOTALLY get what you mean. There is no doubt that people are suffering because of this - really suffering - financially, emotionally, physically. But our positive thought will also help them - IMO anyway

Originally posted by buddha
Thank you so much for this.
Yes praying and hope visualization meditation does have power.
dont listen to the negative people.
you , no WE need to go to other sites and get all the world to do this.
I can hope

I am a pagan/Buddhist. so I will go to pagan sites I try to get them to join in.

I have already posted a link to this page on a few sites I frequent which have metaphysical/spiritual themes. Facebook too. Hopefully, with your added help in this regard, we can really reach some people!

It may go nowhere, or it may grow into something great! Time will tell and thanks so much for the help!!!

Originally posted by silent thunder
I believe this thread is a wonderful idea.

All theological wrangling and cynicism you may or may not have aside, this exercise cannot hurt. Perhaps its not the same as "direct action." But what does it cost you to do this?...

...Simply the fact that we are able to hold the same thought at the same time -- a good thought, a healing thought -- from Kansas to Karachi is an amazing and uplifting thing.

This is not a substitute for "real action" nor is it intended to be, and no arguments should be made opposing physical action and mental excercises of this sort....

...And what does it cost you? A few seconds, a glance at the clock, a moment of positive feeling? What do you have to lose.

Great post mate - i agree with everything you wrote!!

You are so right in that this is NOT a replacement for physical action, it is something that those physically unable to help can do and yeah, it doesnt take much!!

Thanks for finding the right words to express this!

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 03:48 AM

i'm in!!!!!

7 and 7 and 1 and 1

i will be there!

here are a couple of things i thought of:

if it so happens that the appointed time comes and you're in the water - the bathtub or shower or even washing dishes...send your good thoughts and intentions directly into that water!
all water is one body.

lighting candles is good, too, and if you want to scratch a word on the side of the candle, before you burn it, it can increase the potential of your intentions - something like clear blue or water is life or even just I LOVE YOU.

just a couple of suggestions.

i made a playlist on my ipod that i named "mother nature mix" and i listen to it often - not much the last week, i think i'm very wearied from this whole thing, but i'm going to listen to it again, at 7!

srsen, you are a genius! i have been wracking my brain for an idea like this and you've hit it on the proverbial head! i'm so happy that you have - i feel happy and useful and relieved, suddenly!

thank you, friend!

when i scrolled to the picture of the sweet and clean baby turtle, it wrenched my gut (in a good way) and i cried a little bit. those photos are AWESOME!!!
i will contribute some as i come upon them, i have a whole HDD full of art and photos and i'm sure there are some things that are relevant to our endeavor to save our precious and beautiful world!

look at my sig!

thoughts ARE things!

restoring beauty to our gulf will prove the power of will!
then there will be nothing we cannot do, if we agree!

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 03:54 AM
The ONLY thing that this will do is make those that participate feel better. If one actually believes that positive thought alone will have a material effect then quite frankly we are all doomed.

Your thirst will not be quenched no matter how hard you visualise drinking water.

This sort of 'action' provides the participant (if they believe) with a sense of achievement, participation or 'doing something'. They also differentiate themselves from the cause of the problem (it was not me).

The fact is waving crystals around and humming in harmony will make you feel a lot better in some cases. It will have a ZERO measurable effect on the material problem. It never has and never will. A child, one minute and a toy shovel will have a greater measurable positive effect.

When things go wrong people feel powerless. They turn to some other non material means for help. I am saddened that in 2010 this is still an option. We are all doomed if this is the best we can muster. FFS.

It is time for a real plan of action people. The problem is bigger than the Oil. It is killing the USA.

Where are the free and the brave?

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 04:55 AM
Great idea and about time
I am in, 10 and 4 here in UK and I have just finished 5 minutes of positive thought centered on the Gulf.

At first I went with clear water and slowing down the flow but then got a very strong image of the oil just flowing back into the well head.
What did others see I wonder?

I have always been a beliver in positive thought but as an engineer I saw science as the only real option so for many years ignored my gut feelings.
But now I see science more and more offering evidence that maybe just maybe there is something to it.

Things like

Quantum Teleportation

Crystal Clear – Messages from Water

Yes it may still require a leap of faith but perhaps it's a slightly smaller leap, and who knows what else science will present us with in the years to come.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by queenannie38
7 and 7 and 1 and 1

The relevance of those numbers... only just noticed... 7 is my number and is strongly connected with spirituality, and 1... well i see 1 and 1... 11 heheh
There are no coincidences - higher self at work.

Originally posted by queenannie38
if it so happens that the appointed time comes and you're in the water - the bathtub or shower or even washing dishes...send your good thoughts and intentions directly into that water!
all water is one body.

lighting candles is good, too, and if you want to scratch a word on the side of the candle, before you burn it, it can increase the potential of your intentions - something like clear blue or water is life or even just I LOVE YOU.

Great tips Annie! Never thought of the water thing, will definitely give that a go soon! Perhaps even tomorrow morning before work

And don't you just love playlists... Good for all occasions ehe

Originally posted by queenannie38
thank you, friend!

when i scrolled to the picture of the sweet and clean baby turtle, it wrenched my gut (in a good way) and i cried a little bit. those photos are AWESOME!!!
i will contribute some as i come upon them, i have a whole HDD full of art and photos and i'm sure there are some things that are relevant to our endeavor to save our precious and beautiful world!

restoring beauty to our gulf will prove the power of will!
then there will be nothing we cannot do, if we agree!

It is my honour and pleasure Annie - the thread because more and more worthy with every comment such as yours!

And if you do find any appropriate pictures I will add them my picture post straight away. Just the best ones, so the thread has a nice, visual, positive, collaborative start to it. Thanks again!

Love your energy, enthusiasm and sincerity Annie - great post

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 05:17 AM

Originally posted by HealingHands
Great idea and about time
I am in, 10 and 4 here in UK and I have just finished 5 minutes of positive thought centered on the Gulf.

At first I went with clear water and slowing down the flow but then got a very strong image of the oil just flowing back into the well head.
What did others see I wonder?

OK - great idea - let's talk bout the first group healing!

Firstly - THANK YOU to anyone who actually took part!!!!!

I used my 'music-based' technique for this first attempt - mainly because i have a song in my head badly, and that is my weakness in meditation - i struggle so much to get good songs outta my head.

So as i meditated/visualised with my music on, I had visions of the entire Gulf region, viewed from space so to speak, as having the clearest bluest water imaginable. Somehow, the waves and ripples in the water were VERY clear and evident from my perspective 'in the sky', almost magnified.

I then saw/created images which i can only describe as - you know when you are soaking an oily frying pan in water and you add a drop of dish-washing detergent in and the oil dissipates...? Well i had this type of effect appearing in my mind's eye in the waters of the Gulf, creating pristine and beautiful crystal clear water.

I also spent time thinking of all the beings (human and animal) living in/near the Gulf and sent love to them.

Was pretty strong energy at times!

Originally posted by HealingHands
I have always been a beliver in positive thought but as an engineer I saw science as the only real option so for many years ignored my gut feelings.
But now I see science more and more offering evidence that maybe just maybe there is something to it.

Also - YES! This is my position too - that science is now slowly beginning to prove more spiritual/metaphysical concepts. Let's hope THAt trend continues.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 05:21 AM
i'm not sure why, but it seems i could only give you one star for that op.

anyone with one brain cell working can see you put alot into it.

so here, these are for you:


posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 05:27 AM
I though you were going to ask us to grab our guns and visit BP HQs.

But pray......??? seriously?

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 05:43 AM
reply to post by CayoJulio

Haha that's pretty funny man - I was wondering if the thread title made it sound that way! Sorry to get your hopes up

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 06:11 AM
Prayer is good and all but god helps those who help themselves. If you are serious then actual physical actions would be better. Heres my ideas:

1. Create a website that takes donations. Use those donations to buy a ROV and get information about the spill on a first hand basis. We would need money, an operator of the rov, a boat for deployment, and some tech volunteers. This way all the speculation on the oil spill will be put to rest and the facts would be in hand.

2. Get donations then pay a computer hacker to infiltrate the BP network and download internal documents. Use these documents to paint a picture of what is actually going on then submit to wikileaks. Should use them as they are relatively untraceable.

Any other thoughts?

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by jlafleur02

Firstly, just to clarify, this has nothing to do with 'God'

When i say 'prayer', i state that as an option because people ARE religious and hence would pray. I am not religious (highly spiritual, yes) and hence did not mean to infer God in any of this

Your first idea is a bit out there in terms of viability, logistics, etc, but your second idea is kinda cool. I would like to see someone actually do this haha

Though the thing bout both the ideas is that they do little to actually help the situation. Fact finding, yes, but they won't actually change the situation.

Many people in this thread would say the same bout my idea, but that is a matter of interpretation, belief and experience. My experience is that it definitely works!

Thanks for the contribution

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 06:53 AM
Good work. I am with you brother.

It is very very easy to be critical of the this thread. Very easy. A child could make fun of it.

Why should you take the easy route again. Take a chance this time.

We can be critical of everything if this is what we CHOOSE.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 06:56 AM
For all the negative nellys out there, read The Intention Experiment by Lynn McTaggart. In this book multiple double blind placebo tests have been done and shown the power of prayer/intention/reiki to be statisticly valid. I have seen what reiki can do first hand even from a distance. It works, there is proof it works, and for those who don't have resources to help, why not chip in any way you can.

Thanks OP great thread, I will be joining you all.

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