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Daughter of Mossad Head: I refuse to enlist in the Israeli military

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posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Great post bfft! I agree wholeheartedly except for this:

"Our grandfathers were willing to march into a wall of bullets to preserve freedom and liberty."

The generation who were, as you say, "willing to march into a wall of bullets" did so because they were so brainwashed to follow any and all orders that they didn't know any better and had no choice in the matter. The commanders who ordered their men to stand up, make themselves easy targets, and run head long toward the muzzles of machine guns were criminal. Do you really believe it is a badge of honor to stupidly throw your life away by following an order given by a man or a chanin of command who want see whether the enemy has more bullets than they have warm bodies to absorb them?

Was it an honorable thing to invade France on D-Day in the manner the allies did? It was a nice spectacle for the commanders, the news media, and later filmmakers, but hell for the men. Why did they force foot soldiers to march head-on into machine gun nests that day at one of the most heavily fortified areas of the French coastline? Sure, the allies won that battle and the war. But who paid the heavy price? The men at the lowest rung on the chain of command. Why didn't they carpet bomb the Normandy coast like they did Dresden? How many allied soldier's lives would have been saved? Or was saving those bombs for carpet bombing civilians in cultural centers more important than the lives of those men?

I hate the arrogance, self-importance, stupidity and moral depravity of the military "elite" who in the past and today treat their soldiers and the "enemy" civilians d this way.

Back to the thread. That young Israeli woman shows deep moral substance. God bless her.

[edit on 7/6/2010 by dubiousone]

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 04:08 PM
In Israel there is conscription so there is the possibility of making a political statement by refusing the draft. In the United States there is no longer conscription so the political situation with regard to war is very different.

America no longer has a citizen army. They have what amounts to mercenaries, or to use a nicer word, employees doing military work for them. This is a very significant alteration in the military and social planning of the United States and it comes with costs as well as benefits.

Because there is no draft, the American population can afford a high degree of indifference to America's international posture. What America does abroad doesn't matter to them because it doesn't cost them anything.

This is a problem for more than just Americans.

I admire the young Israelis who are looking for another way out of their country's problems than the military solution.

[edit on 6-7-2010 by ipsedixit]

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by DOADOA
oh puhlease. this changes nothing, this is like canada claiming they've done something noteworthy, pure mumbo jumbo that is not worth mentioning.

Its people like you that are killing America with your blah blah blahs while the remote is in your hand and Lucy is on TVLand laughing.
Great job and good video otherwise. Yes we need tons more of her and a whole lot less of people that resemble their handles. Yeah, we can tell you were DOA on this one.
go get a beer!

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 10:20 AM
Excellent thread!

How did this not make the front page?


- Lee

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by Sianara

Oh, OK, a 19 year old has it all figured out. And conveniently refuses to fight against savages who train their own children to be bombs because God wants them to kill. I guess if this is authentic, the mistake the Mossad father made was not raise her to hate. Meanwhile, the Palestinians were teaching their children to revel in gore.

There is one difference that has importance. If she had been a Palestinian who refused to obey her father, the father would have committed an "honor killing."

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by Berens
reply to post by Sianara

Oh, OK, a 19 year old has it all figured out. And conveniently refuses to fight against savages who train their own children to be bombs because God wants them to kill. I guess if this is authentic, the mistake the Mossad father made was not raise her to hate. Meanwhile, the Palestinians were teaching their children to revel in gore.

There is one difference that has importance. If she had been a Palestinian who refused to obey her father, the father would have committed an "honor killing."

Lol .... your sooooo funy ... u crack me up buddy.

So your plan is to teach everyone to hate .... hahaha.... that's brilliant that is.

I'll assume you were just joking ... a wind up.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by Sianara

I find it fascinating that people can unquestioningly accept the party line and motives of their countries enemies and then turn around and question and assume the motives of their own country are evil.

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