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Daughter of Mossad Head: I refuse to enlist in the Israeli military

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posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by Sky watcher
They should force her to the front lines so she can see how much she is hated by the Pallys.

lol, she was on the front lines with the Palestinians and it was Israel who shot at her.

all i can say is.... Duhhhh!


excellent video, good find.
i salute this very brave girl.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 02:22 PM
Brave young lady. You have my respect! Hope there are more people like you in Israel.


posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 02:28 PM
If this is true, good on her. I worry that she is a mole however.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 02:33 PM
Unfortunately for her, enlistement in the Israeli army is a requirement of every single Israeli citizen living in Israel, regardless of their political or personal feelings on the matter.

Her only choice would be to leave Israel, but it is doubtful they would let her being who she is, so she should remain in jail as a conciencious objector.

Military service for all citizens - another reason for the USA not to support this corrupt regime.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 02:58 PM
why is this thread lost here ... shouldnt it be on the frnt page?

weird ...

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 03:16 PM
Join her facebook fan page:

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by DOADOA
this will go nowhere and will soon be forgotten like a dollar and fifty cents for a gallon of gas. this i can guarantee you.

I could say the same about Israel but I'll refrain out of pity and mercy.

It's funny that the Israelis will open up so readily on Palestinians, they're even loading up their own people without realizing it. I guess these must be the consequences when you are the military equivalent of a rabid dog with no leash.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
My fellow American does it feel to see this woman with bigger balls than you?

I love this story.

How can they wage war when we refuse to pick up arms and spill our blood for them?

How does this give her bigger balls than American men? Are American men being forced to join the IDF, against their will? Then, are these same men to afraid of saying no?

Many American men join the military for all sorts of reasons, but hardly ever out of fear. Some join to better themselves, while others join to "pull their own weight", so to speak. Even yet, some join the military for both reasons mentioned above, irregardless of whether those reasons are righteous or accurate. This doesn't mean that we lack balls and in fact, I would argue the exact opposite. Also, there are a multitude of reasons for refusing military service, with most of those reasons being based in fear, though disguised as a political statement, especially for conscription. People sure aren't going to say that they refused service because of fear.

To join and refuse an unlawful order is one thing, though to refuse service all-together is a whole different animal. While I applaud her stated intent (most of it anyway), I think she is going about it in the wrong way. Pacifism rarely ever accomplishes anything. A pacifist in this world trying to secure their liberties and freedoms is like a lobotomy recipient trying to secure a win on the Jeopardy game show. You aren't going to be counted when you are the only one not armed.


posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by AquariusDescending
the military equivalent of a rabid dog with no leash.

Mm, the United States of somewhere or other springs to mind.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by Sianara

Wow. Touching story. It's amazing how often it seems children must teach their parents. Of course the parents say the children just don't understand or it's too complicated for their fragile little minds. It will be people like this who change the world.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by PuterMan

Originally posted by AquariusDescending
the military equivalent of a rabid dog with no leash.

Mm, the United States of somewhere or other springs to mind.

Yes, the US military has been unrestrained in recent years as well.

But the existence of Japan during WW2 didn't make Nazi Germany any less grave. It only made the whole situation that much MORE dire.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by airspoon

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
My fellow American does it feel to see this woman with bigger balls than you?

I love this story.

How can they wage war when we refuse to pick up arms and spill our blood for them?

How does this give her bigger balls than American men? Are American men being forced to join the IDF, against their will? Then, are these same men to afraid of saying no?

Many American men join the military for all sorts of reasons, but hardly ever out of fear. Some join to better themselves, while others join to "pull their own weight", so to speak. Even yet, some join the military for both reasons mentioned above, irregardless of whether those reasons are righteous or accurate. This doesn't mean that we lack balls and in fact, I would argue the exact opposite. Also, there are a multitude of reasons for refusing military service, with most of those reasons being based in fear, though disguised as a political statement, especially for conscription. People sure aren't going to say that they refused service because of fear.

To join and refuse an unlawful order is one thing, though to refuse service all-together is a whole different animal. While I applaud her stated intent (most of it anyway), I think she is going about it in the wrong way. Pacifism rarely ever accomplishes anything. A pacifist in this world trying to secure their liberties and freedoms is like a lobotomy recipient trying to secure a win on the Jeopardy game show. You aren't going to be counted when you are the only one not armed.


Let me clarify: this has nothing to do with our servicemen and women. It has to do with the quadrennial iteration of apathy that we see. Instead of shaking off the programming, and determining who is the best candidate, we see the continual shirking of our responsibilities as voters by electing the same flotsam cycle after cycle.

The American persona was built on independance, hard work, and a paranoid and nearly violent jealousy about liberty. My grandfather would punch you in the nose for not standing at attention for the national anthem.

We don't see this today. Our national character has lost its spine. We no longer, as a nation, stand for what we believe in. To be honest, when i look around, i see more people just kind of stymied by what has happened. Everyone is looking around where the hell everything went wrong.

I say this in general, knowing that generalizations rarely work without exception. But our fathers are where it started. And we have just made it worse. Of course, this is my opinion...but take it for what you will.

Our grandfathers were willing to march into a wall of bullets to preserve freedom and liberty. They lived their lives with honor and distinction, and earned the title "the Greatest Generation". After that, it all went downhill.

If our nation does not develop some backbone, we are doomed. This young lady....she is standing for something. Right or wrong, she is standing for what she believes in. She is fighting tyranny, and willing to sacrifice a lot to wage that fight. How many of us are willing to do this? How many of us are willing to "buck the system", even in something so minor as voting for independant candidates when our only other options are a lame duck (McCain) and a smooth talking rookie (Obama)?

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by Faiol

As someone who has worked and lived with jewish Americans over long periods in the last 60 years I know that most of them are like everybody else in most ways. Israelis on the other hand don't seem to understand that 911 celebrations and all the other strange connections to 911 along with the Gaza concentration camp and the spy teams everywhere, the USS Liberty, Pollard and the selling of nuclear secrets to N Korea and, and..... can not be glazed over with "We are defending ourselves" anymore. Lieberman, Emmanuel, Chertoff and the rest are Israelis disguised as neo-con americans and when the American people eventually remove all of them from any position of power or authority, America and the world will be a better place. And that includes the worldwide central banking system that is showing it's real identity as the largest slaveholder in human history. That is why there are plans to reduce the world population by 2 or 4 or 6 billion. They have too many slaves. Don't want to take a chance on one of those "Spartacus" deals happening.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by airspoon
Pacifism rarely ever accomplishes anything. A pacifist in this world trying to secure their liberties and freedoms is like a lobotomy recipient trying to secure a win on the Jeopardy game show. You aren't going to be counted when you are the only one not armed.


what do you expect her to do?
pick up a gun and start attacking the IDF??

Pacifism is the only option when you are faced with a mighty military machine

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 06:28 PM
Explanation: S&F!

Personal Disclosure:
I love it for the [my paraphrasing here ok
] "I refuse to join the Israeli Armed Forces, because the Israeli Armed Forces are without any decency and without decency I am despised! I'd rather not be despised OK Dad, regardless of your political/military/intelligence ties and NWO comrades wishes to the contrary!".

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 05:58 AM
What shocks me is how young these kids are and are being used, manipulated by their government. These are young impressionable children. They should not be forced to go to war and believe the propaganda of their country.

They should (Like the USA should) wait till someone is at least 30 years of age before being allowed to willingly join the military. This way, they are older, more mature and can decide for themselves if this fight is the right thing to do for their country. At 18 they are children being led as sheep.

This is why I am against 18 year olds joining the military in any country. This is why I am against the draft.

Like 18 year old American solders these kids are brainwashed to believe they have a sense of duty to their country and to follow orders blindly.

They believe this crap and another generation grows up believing this is alright, then they send their children to fight their wars.

It is the exact same as a kidnap victim or victim of sexual abuse identifying with their attacker and then grow up to become like that person.

Proof all of our military is mentally unstable and Not fit for duty.

They instead should be old enough with life's wisdom to stop and ask is this really the direction I want my country to go in. If they then agree, then they should be allowed to serve in the military.

[edit on 6-7-2010 by JohnPhoenix]

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by WallOfRock

The world must start to consider that there is no real justification for a state of Israel. A bad idea that turned into a worse reality.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by Master Shen long
She must be Anti-semetic.

How dare she? Jew hater

Hey folks, be careful with that kind of sarcasm. Not that it's displaced, but it's just not obvious enough. At least put some smiley to signify that it's sarcasm and not some hardcore assertions.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by Sky watcher
They should force her to the front lines so she can see how much she is hated by the Pallys.

"Pallys"? Thanks for leaving no doubt about what's in your head!

[edit on 7/6/2010 by dubiousone]

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by Maslo
Join her facebook fan page:

Some of the hate messages from pro zionists on that page are sickening. It just makes this girl's (and the others in her group) stand all the more courageous in the face of the sickos. To think the west actually pays to keep these imbeciles in power.

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