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1.3 million unemployed won't get benefits restored

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posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 08:51 PM
Good - I'm glad this didn't get extended again.

Unemployment is supposed to be a stop gap measure for up to SIX MONTHS, not two years, and has been extended several times already to enable people to collect for 99 weeks.

At some point, the free ride has to end. Sure, the economy is bad, but people have been getting cut off from unemployment benefits for decades when they haven't found jobs since they started - why should this change now?

As a recruiter and human resources manager, I have also had to fight bogus unemployment claims from exemployees and non employees alike - in British Columbia you can't claim welfare or unemployment if you were fired or quit through no other reason than "i just don't want this job", and employees have filed for claims with unemployment claiming for rates they were making that they weren't, that they worked for us when they didn't and just "lost their dismissal paperwork", that they quit because we wouldn't help them out with problems they never told us about, and many, many other reasons.

If people have a GENUINE reason for leaving a job, then they can claim unemployment, but it has to be pretty well documented on their side - dates of incidents, who they escalteed it to, persons involved, etc etc.

I've been told by unemployment investigators that they're busier than they've ever been, because unemployment fraud is at an all time high right now.

And I agree with other posters - why should the Government (TAXPAYER) bailout homeowners who got themselves into loans that they knew they couldn't afford, or people who lost money speculating in the stock market? Sorry folks, values of investments have gone up and down throughout history - you just happened to lose this time.

I didn't see you offering to pay more taxes when you were making money!

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by brainwrek

Why shouldnt those who pay the majority of the taxes be the first to realize any tax cuts? Income redistribution is unconstitutional and an enemy of liberty.

So what are you saying? That your grandparents were enemies of liberty? Didn't they live under a system were the richest were taxed over 90 percent? It was 70 percent before Reagan and now it's what...25 percent 15 percent because of Bush's tax cuts?

I guess all of our grandparents and anyone who voted for any politician that supported higher taxes on the rich must have been enemies of liberty!!!

Nevermind that the strongest middle class IN THE HISTORY OF THIS WORLD existed under that tax system......

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 08:54 PM
It's also a point that it was not just Republicrats that voted against this bill.

Several Democracans also voted against it.

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 08:55 PM
This is terrible. I despise those who blocked this decision. I work for a welfare office, it should slow down this time of year. Instead, we are busier then ever, because all the people whose unemployment just ran out are trying to get any kind of help they can get their hands on. Sad part is, all the grants and programs have been wrung dry. It is squeezing blood from a turnip.

All this decision did was now dump a whole lot more onto already broke states.

This is disgusting, disgusting, disgusting.

Yet they get their free meals, great healthcare, and nice planes while Americans, who were put into this position by the same morons in the first place.

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by Fractured.Facade

China is keeping their currency purposely undervalued which is why they are obtaining all of our jobs. The only way to stop this is to raise tariffs on them..and any other country that uses slave labor.

Free trade is a result of much of the chaos we are seeing...people are attacking the symptoms of the problem and not the source.

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by David9176

The world has changed. Implement a 90% tax in any state and anyone who can will leave that state. NY lost a ton of revenue by raising taxes because the rich simply LEFT the state.

Same goes for the U.S. as a whole, raise taxes and the rich move to Costa Rica.

Income tax is not the answer. Fair Trade Tariffs, Tax breaks for "domestic" only employers is.

The Dems have done jack of sh!t since they have been in power. The Patriot Act is still there and even upgraded. Were still in Iraq & Afghanistan and have even spread the war to Pakistan now. The Bankers are being taken care of even more by the Dems than they were with the Reps.

What is better? The talk is about the only thing as no actions have been good for the country.

Anyway, solutions are needed and those solutions are not difficult to achieve if the politicians really wanted to solve it.

Fair Trade Tariffs, Domestic tax breaks for domestic only companies that hire. Return the mandate on government contracts that the product must be made in the US. Stop the useless spending. Get out of the sand and stop dumping money into it. Invest in our own prosperity instead of trying to integrate with the world.

Trans-nationalism is treason, plain and simple. Don't fall for the Republicans are evil and Democrats are not game. They both are corrupted. The only way to solve our problems is to vote them out every time they screw us.

[edit on 1-7-2010 by infolurker]

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by David9176

Too late, there isn't anything that can stop our $14 TRILLION national debt, which is growing by the second now, perhaps before you read this paragraph it will have grown by more than you make in a year.. Just in interest!

Attempting to wake people up to the harsh reality that is coming soon now seems rather cruel.

So, drink heavily and enjoy life.. While you still can.

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by David9176

Don't any of you realize we are headed for a double dip recession?

I wouldn't call it double dip. We are 'technically' out of recession, but we are still extremely depressed. History will not see a double dip as a separate incident from the first.

Things are about to get much worse...but oh well.....let's cut taxes for the top 1 percent....

Things are going to continue to get worse until our government stops feeding the fire. These Keynesian zealots are actively pursuing more of the same policies that got us here in the first place. Expect global war soon.

who used to pay over 90 percent of their income during the cold war but now pay just a fraction of that while much of thepeople of this country...MILLIONS.

This statement is so misguided it makes my ears bleed. Back in the "good ol' days" as you seem to see them as, the sheer amount of wealthy people was much lower than it is now. Theft is wrong no matter who does it. It is just as wrong when you advocate to take more of others money as it is these large companies advocating that they get money/deals/contracts from government.

Its wrong when big business does it, and its wrong when we do it. The problem is, we, as a nation, are perfectly fine with both. And the few of us that aren't, are blinded by rhetoric and only see one direction as wrong.

A liberal is a jerk because he/she advocates stealing and calls it 'taxes'

A conservative is a jerk because he/she advocates corporate welfare, protectionism and, regulation favorable for those with the most money.

Stop being jerks.

even though it won't matter because they will still OUTSOURCE JOBS as slave labor will always be cheaper than the worst jobs here.

Thanks to our 'slave' labor, we have helped pull hundreds of millions of people out of poverty worldwide and at home. Most sweatshop jobs are cleaner, better, easier, and pay better than any other job someone in a third world country could have ever dreamed. There are those nightmare incidents, but those are few and far between and are nothing compared to the suffering those people would have faced without their job, guaranteed.

I look at a 'made in China' product like this. I helped someone over there because I bought something he/she made so they can get paid, and they helped me because I could buy the product cheaper than if it were produced here. All parties involved benefit.

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 09:08 PM
Like I have said 100 times now if the extension does not pass watch out. Many people will be loosing everything we are talking about millions of people. What do you think is going to happen?

The economy will spin out of control and the people might follow. It is alot like when they said in France to let them eat cake. People will not forget this one and if the Republicans think they are doing this country a favor they could not be more wrong.

It amazes me that they dont see the implications of this. This could turn into the SFTF scenario really fast. This hits people at home and at the dinner table. It is huge but many refuse to see it for what it is.

[edit on 1-7-2010 by Subjective Truth]

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by David9176

My grandparents and your grandparents never proposed legislation, nor did they sign confiscatory tax rates into law.

Do you vote? If so, do the people you vote for fulfill each and every promise they made to you?

Do you agree with 100% of their legislative actions?

If not, your argument has no merit, nor intellect behind it.

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by David9176

hear, hear. Thank you for working hard to expose the situation.
blessings to you and yours.

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by Fractured.Facade

Too late, there isn't anything that can stop our $14 TRILLION national debt, which is growing by the second now, perhaps before you read this paragraph it will have grown by more than you make in a year.. Just in interest!

Yes we's not going to be easy...but we can do it. And i do agree that if we don't do something quick we are in deep S....and the only solution I see tariffs.

It's tax revenue...a huge tax revenue source...hell...we might even be able to stop borrowing money from china so we can buy their slave labor products!!! It also gives small businesses a chance to compete and grow.

We have to kill the cycle.

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 09:11 PM

How can some people go out and find a job without the worry of giving up a FREE paycheck? Now that they don't have to worry about giving up the FREE paycheck, maybe they can concentrate on actually earning one.

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by brainwrek

Cut the bull. I don't recall ever seeing threats of overthrowing government because the rich were paying too much in taxes back then.

Do you think Grandma and Grandpa are going to want to vote the SS they've been paying all their life away?

It's welfare right? What about their pensions they busted their asses for? Should they give those up to so a few CEO's and STOCKHOLDERS can make a few more billion?

Don't you realize that nearly every stance you make is benefiting economic royalty....most of which don't even give a DAMN about this country?

Hell...many of them weren't even BORN in this country...some aren't even legal citizens.

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by David9176
reply to post by Fractured.Facade

Too late, there isn't anything that can stop our $14 TRILLION national debt, which is growing by the second now, perhaps before you read this paragraph it will have grown by more than you make in a year.. Just in interest!

Yes we's not going to be easy...but we can do it. And i do agree that if we don't do something quick we are in deep S....and the only solution I see tariffs.

It's tax revenue...a huge tax revenue source...hell...we might even be able to stop borrowing money from china so we can buy their slave labor products!!! It also gives small businesses a chance to compete and grow.

We have to kill the cycle.

You are correct. We can recover but only if we start now.

5 Easy Steps:

1) Lobbyist reform - get business OUT of politics, pass corruption law which states members of government cannot make a profit on their actions in office.

2) 20% straight consumption tax - no exemptions. (good bye income tax, good bye tax dodging, you buy it you pay) IRS can then be turned loose on medicare fraudsters and bank audits. (If you must tax the ultra rich, do a additional 10% to 20% FLAT tax at a particular millions $ mark.)

3) 0.5% mortgage refinance, a full financial reset. (I will find the old post and edit in a few.)

4) Fair Trade - Yes, time to tariff foreign slave labor. Also a container tax, used to pay our inspection of EVERY container, truck and train that comes into the country.

5) Pour money into America's sand instead of Iraq and Afghanistan - Build Algae Oil Farms in New Mexico now.

See link for Algae Oil, we could be 100% energy independent in less than 10 years!

Also, My new plan B for economic reset (once tariffs and regulation in place)

Direct "Fed to Consumer Mortgage Recapitalization" or "Debt Recapitalization".

My plan is for "existing" mortgage holders / consumers to borrow mortgage recapitalization funds directly from the Fed or Gov directly at the rate of 0.5 %

This is a fraction of the interest that we are currently being charged by the banks and it makes a significant and direct positive impact on our economy.

By taking the 0.5% Mortgage "Recapitalization" from the Fed directly, mortgage holders pay-off existing mortgages in full to the banks and the banks now have the capital of millions of "paid in full" mortgages. Note: Please go to a mortgage calculator online and input the standard 6%-7% mortgage rate is... now try it again with 0.5%. This factor makes even more impact on someone with a much higher ARM interest rate.

At 0.5 % monthly mortgage payments are about half of what they are today. (STIMULUS PACKAGE DONE) Additionally,which is better, a one time subsidy to the US people which causes a flood of revenue across the board or simply GIVING away as much to the Bankers? Think about it. "win/win"

The banks get Mortgage pay-offs from millions of mortgages and have all the money they claim they need to alleviate their shortages and asset troubles. (As stated later, Banks will pick-up standard mortgage lending after the "recapitalization period".)

This is not a refinance and does not require property assessments, this is strictly a "mortgage recapitalization" with a hard $3000.00 "origination fee" added to the loan amount. (This can be adjusted, below is a quick example of how this origination fee would be used to assist our troubled city & state governments, as an added bonus it this plan solves our current monetary crisis at the Local & State levels.)

$500 is paid to a bank or finance organization who provides the paperwork & processing.
$750 is paid to your city / municipality / county (Local Government - Fire, Police, etc.)
$750 is paid to State Government.
$1000 is paid to the Federal Government.

(Plan B also assists our local / state governments that are currently experiencing large budget shortfalls through the origination fee)

Recapitalization to the American people done. And would have cost less than what we have already done which has FAILED.

[edit on 1-7-2010 by infolurker]

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by DINSTAAR
I look at a 'made in China' product like this. I helped someone over there because I bought something he/she made so they can get paid, and they helped me because I could buy the product cheaper than if it were produced here. All parties involved benefit.

Do all the closed U.S. production facilities look like beneficial parties?

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by David9176

Ever heard of due process?

Confiscatory tax rates hurt everyone, including the rich and the poor.

Income redistribution is unconstitutional, yet that fact seems to conveniently fly right over your head.

You never answered my original question: Why shouldnt the wealthy be the first to realize tax cuts considering they pay a majority of the income taxes in this nation?

Wealth creates jobs, not government. Taking away that wealth harms the economy in ways that are too difficult for you to understand.

You sound like you have a serious case of wallet envy, and want to penalize anyone and everyone who has more than you.

[edit on 1-7-2010 by brainwrek]

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by David9176
reply to post by Fractured.Facade

Too late, there isn't anything that can stop our $14 TRILLION national debt, which is growing by the second now, perhaps before you read this paragraph it will have grown by more than you make in a year.. Just in interest!

Yes we can..

I've heard that before.

Wanna see something really scary?

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 09:52 PM

Federal involvement in unemployment is unconstitutional.

Good thing it didnt pass.

This is all I've heard you say in every thread. The same old tired bull#.

I'm beginning to think you feel this way because your job is paid opposition.

Hows it feel sacrificing your integrity for a buck?

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by djzombie

So because hes employed and feels that its not right for the federal government to do so much to "enable" people to stay on welfare and collect unemployment, all the sudden hes sold his soul?

One could say the same about you, i suppose with your position....since you dont agree with blocking unemployment, one could say "why dont you quit being lazy and get a job"

Now.....both statements to both parties im sure are WRONG......however, drawing this conclusion on your part is ignorant, just because someoen thinks its better for people to stop pulling money that WE DONT HAVE, and have some motivation to get some work, WHATEVER it is.....

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