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Solar Cycle 24: the Perfect Storm

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posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 06:08 AM

Hi everyone. I'm not here to blister people's goats with a deep fried theory, nor am I here to cause mass panty attacks from f3vr Mongering.

I would however like to point out some relevant facts about (Part 1) the Sun and it's relationship to Earth's processes, as well as bring to light (Part 2) what Scientists both believe could occur and have a geologic record of events that HAVE occured, and then (Part 3) we'll take a look at the sun as it has evolved from June 2009 to the present Day... June 26, 2010.

Part 1: The Sun's Relationship to Earth's Processes

Besides the obvious things the Sun provides for the Earth, such as Light, Heat, and Photosynthetic nutrients, it affects this planet in other ways. It creates changes
on Earth at every spheraic level of it's existance, except for one, which is what has been proven to be the key to why mankind evolved and remains alive upon this planet: Earth's solid Iron Core.

Solar Mass Coronal Ejections (C.M.E.) are what cause the negative effects of the Sun upon Earth's processes, as they affect Earth's spheraical balances, much more
so with an increased C.M.E. Intensity Level.

C.M.E. Events arrive upon Earth at different time intervals, according to how fast certain elements involved in the C.M.E. travel. some travel faster than others.

Lets look at these aspects and find out what they do.

the Layers of the Earth

Proton Events:

Energetic protons can reach Earth within 30 minutes of a major flare's peak. During such an event, Earth is showered with energetic solar particles (primarily
protons) released from the flare site. Some of these particles spiral down Earth's magnetic field lines, penetrating the upper layers of our atmosphere where they produce additional ionization (Ionosphere, Thermosphere) and may produce a significant increase in the radiation environment. It is speculated that this event also includes Nutrinos, which are still being researched as to how they affect the Earth. It is speculated that Nutrinos - which travel directly through the Earth and it's core, instead of around it - have an affect similar to a Microwave Oven, and can quickly cause Earth's Outer Core as well as the asthenosphere to heat up. This isn't good...

The outer core of Earth is a scorching hot, electrically conductive liquid in which convection takes place. This inner layer, in mutual combination with the rotational motion of the Earth creates a dynamo effect where a force field of electrical currents is generated. This field is also known as Earth's magnetic field.

Geomagnetic Storms

One to four days after a Solar C.M.E., a slower cloud of material and magnetic fields reaches Earth, buffeting the magnetosphere and resulting in a
geomagnetic storm. These storms are extraordinary variations in Earth's surface magnetic field. During a geomagnetic storm, portions of the solar wind's energy
is transferred to the magnetosphere, causing Earth's magnetic field to change rapidly in direction and intensity and energize the particle populations within it.

These events disrupt electrical and electronic processes, both artificial as well as biological, as they exist upon Earth. The more intense the C.M.E., the more the
affect it will have on these processes.

Part 2 continued Below!

[edit on 6/26/2010 by Megiddodiddo]

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 06:10 AM

Part 2: the Science Behind the Reasoning

Scientists have begun to understand that the Magnetic balance of the Earth can become disrupted very easily, which is not good for us, as fragile humans...

The theory of Earth Crust Displacement is more and more now, even on a daily basis, becomming a COLD, HARD FACT... Pole Shifts, or even partial Shifts, create Earthquakes of a magnitude unfathomed as of yet, cause volcanic eruptions we only have geologic records of, and cause tsunami activity on such a massive scale, the best way to describe the intensity of them is to reveal to you the evidence...

Fossils in the tens of thousands, of CLOSED giant clam shells, have been discovered literally litering Mt. Everest, and adjoining Mountains. What's significant about that is that the only reason clam Shells close is due to the clam becomming iritated, or disturbed somehow, otherwise they would have been open, single shell fossils. These disturbed Clam fossils have been discovered as deposited on the highest point on Earth...

These events become a global ordeal, durring a Magnetic Pole Shift, which causes Earth Crust Displacement.

Alternative Hypothesis

Is 2012 the End of the World

Einstein - Earth Sciences

Atlantis 2008

Pole Shift

Earth: Forbiden Secrets Part 2

The Geomagnetic Field During a Reversal

[]Geomagnetic Reversal[/url]

Revisiting the Jurassic geomagnetic reversal

Polarity reversals of the Earth' s magnetic field

The great solar superstorm of 1859

Earth Magnetic Field Reversal

Magnetic Storm

Earth s Magnetic Field Follies Revealed

Earth's north magnetic pole racing towards Russia due to core

An IMAGE Satellite Guide to Exploring the Earth s Magnetic Field

Warning to All People on the Earth

Magnetic Free Energy: pole shift

Earth Change Survival

Part 3 continued Below!

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 06:12 AM

Part 3: What the Sun is Doing Now

SOHO observed a series of coronal mass ejections blasted out from the Sun over a 6-day period (June 11-16, 2010). Although none of them was a major storm, they did explode into space about once a day. And that pace suggests an
uptick in solar activity. Coronal mass ejections are solar storms that carry clouds of particles and magnetic field into space. In these coronagraph images, the Sun (represented by the small white circle in the center) is blocked out by the larger occulting disk so that we can see the faint structures in the corona.







This is what the Magnetosphere looked like 24 hours ago:


Earthquakes Magnitude 5.0 and above, since January 2010

Magnitude 5.1 NDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS., ALASKA June 16, 2010
Magnitude 6.2 NORTH COAST OF PAPUA, INDONESIA June 16, 2010
Magnitude 5.1 NORTH COAST OF PAPUA, INDONESIA June 16, 2010
Magnitude 7.0 NORTH COAST OF PAPUA, INDONESIA June 16, 2010
Magnitude 6.4 NORTH COAST OF PAPUA, INDONESIA June 16, 2010
Magnitude 5.5 SOLOMON ISLANDS June 16, 2010
Magnitude 5.1 SULAWESI, INDONESIA June 16, 2010
Magnitude 5.4 BANDA SEA June 16, 2010
Magnitude 5.0 NICOBAR ISLANDS, INDIA REGION June 15, 2010
Magnitude 5.1 SCOTIA SEA June 15, 2010
Magnitude 5.7 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA June 15, 2010
Magnitude 5.4 TAIWAN June 15, 2010
Magnitude 6.1 EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN June 13, 2010
Magnitude 5.1 NICOBAR ISLANDS, INDIA REGION June 13, 2010
Magnitude 5.1 NICOBAR ISLANDS, INDIA REGION June 13, 2010
Magnitude 5.0 NICOBAR ISLANDS, INDIA REGION June 13, 2010
Magnitude 5.0 KEPULAUAN TALAUD, INDONESIA June 13, 2010
Magnitude 5.0 LAKE VICTORIA REGION, KENYA June 13, 2010
Magnitude 5.0 COCHABAMBA, BOLIVIA June 13, 2010
Magnitude 7.0 PAPUA, INDONESIA June 16, 2010
Magnitude 5.0 SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA June 16, 2010
Magnitude 5.7 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA June 15, 2010
Magnitude 6.1 HONSHU, JAPAN June 13 2010
Magnitude 7.5 Nicobar islands June 12 2010
Magnitude 7.7 INDIA June 12 12010
Magnitude 5.0 SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS June 11, 2010
Magnitude 5.4 BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION June 11, 2010
Magnitude 5.5 BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION June 11, 2010
Magnitude 5.5 SOUTH INDIAN OCEAN June 11, 2010
Magnitude 5.0 LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE June 11, 2010
Magnitude 5.2 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION June 11, 2010
Magnitude 5.5 SOUTHERN XINJIANG, CHINA June 10, 2010
Magnitude 5.0 KERMADEC ISLANDS, NEW ZEALAND June 10, 2010
Magnitude 5.0 MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES June 10, 2010
Magnitude 5.7 HALMAHERA, INDONESIA June 09, 2010
Magnitude 6.0 VANUATU June 09, 2010
Magnitude 5.1 VANUATU June 09, 2010
Magnitude 7.2 VANUATU May 27, 2010

Continued below!! =

[edit on 6/26/2010 by Megiddodiddo]

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 06:13 AM
Magnitude 5.8 PUERTO RICO May 16, 2010
Magnitude 7.2 NORTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA May 09, 2010
Magnitude 5.2 SOLOMON ISLANDS May 28, 2010
Magnitude 5.3 SOUTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA May 28, 2010
Magnitude 5.0 UNIMAK ISLAND REGION, ALASKA May 28, 2010
Magnitude 5.3 UNIMAK ISLAND REGION, ALASKA May 28, 2010
Magnitude 5.1 VANUATU May 28, 2010
Magnitude 5.2 OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE May 27, 2010
Magnitude 6.4VANUATU May 27, 2010
Magnitude 5.2 VANUATU May 27, 2010
Magnitude 5.7 VANUATU May 27, 2010
Magnitude 7.5 VANUATU May 27, 2010
Magnitude 5.0 SOUTHEAST OF THE RYUKYU ISLANDS May 26, 2010
Magnitude 6.4 SOUTHEAST OF THE RYUKYU ISLANDS May 26, 2010
Magnitude 5.0 SAVU SEA May 26, 2010
Magnitude 5.0 SAVU SEA May 26, 2010
Magnitude 5.1 BIO-BIO, CHILE May 26, 2010
Magnitude 6.3 NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE May 25, 2010
Magnitude 5.1 BALLENY ISLANDS REGION May 25, 2010
Magnitude 5.0 EASTERN SICHUAN, CHINA May 25, 2010
Magnitude 5.0 OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE May 24, 2010
Magnitude 6.5 ACRE, BRAZIL May 24, 2010
Magnitude 6.1 CENTRAL PERU May 23, 2010
Magnitude 5.0 VANUATU May 22, 2010
Magnitude 5.3 LOYALTY ISLANDS May 22, 2010
Magnitude 5.7 PACIFIC-ANTARCTIC RIDGE May 22, 2010
Magnitude 6.5 SOUTHEAST OF TAIWAN April 26, 2010
Magnitude 4.9 UTAH April 15, 2010
Magnitude 6.9 SOUTHERN QINGHAI, CHINA April 13, 2010
Magnitude 6.3 SPAIN April 11, 2010
Magnitude 6.8 SOLOMON ISLANDS April 11, 2010
Magnitude 7.8 NORTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA April 06, 2010
Magnitude 7.2 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO April 04, 2010
Magnitude 6.7 OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE March 16, 2010
Magnitude 6.5 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN March 14, 2010
Magnitude 6.9 LIBERTADOR O HIGGINS, CHILE March 11, 2010
Magnitude 6.1 EASTERN TURKEY March 08, 2010
Magnitude 6.8 SOUTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA March 05, 2010
Magnitude 6.6 OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE March 05, 2010
Magnitude 8.8 OFFSHORE MAULE, CHILE February 27, 2010
Magnitude 7.0 RYUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN February 26, 2010
Magnitude 6.9 CHINA-RUSSIA-NORTH KOREA BORDER REGION February 18, 2010
Magnitude 3.8 ILLINOIS February 10, 2010
Magnitude 5.9 OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA February 04, 2010
Magnitude 6.2 BOUGAINVILLE REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA February 01, 2010
Magnitude 5.9 HAITI REGION January 20, 2010
Magnitude 4.0 OKLAHOMA January 15, 2010
Magnitude 7.0 HAITI REGION January 12, 2010
Magnitude 6.5 OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA January 10, 2010
Magnitude 4.1 SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA, CALIFORNIA January 07, 2010
Magnitude 6.8 SOLOMON ISLANDS January 05, 2010
Magnitude 7.1 SOLOMON ISLANDS January 03, 2010
Magnitude 6.6 SOLOMON ISLANDS January 03, 2010

(this list could be expanded upon) I read here on ATS today that the South Pacific had another 6.9 earthquake...

Volcanic Eruptions Since December 2009

16/12/2009 Philippines - Mayon volcano
02/01/2010 D.R.Congo - Mt Nyamulagira
03/01/2010 Colombia - Galeras
08/01/2010 Montserat - The island of Montserrat
19/03/2010 Tongatapu - Sea floor Pacific ocean
02/04/2010 Shiveluch, Klyuchevskaya, Bezymianny, and Karymsky volcanic Eruptions - Kamchatka Peninsula
03/04/2010 Chatén Volcano in southern Chile
15/04/2010 Iceland - Eyjafjallajokull
19/04/2010 Vanuatu - Gaua
24/04/2010 Vanuatu - Gaua
28/05/2010 Guatemala - Southern Pacaya
28/05/2010 Ecuador - Throat of Fire
24/05/2010 Near Bali - Mount Baru Jari on Lombok island
25/05/2010 Costa Rica - Arenal volcano
04/06/2010 Pagan Island, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands - Mount Pagan
01/06/2010 Mount Cleveland, Alaska

I'm sure there are others I did not include...

continued Below!

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 06:14 AM

Solar Coronal Mass Ejections Since December 2009

March 17, 2010
Mar 20, 2010
June 20, 2010
May 24, 2010
Feb 28, 2010
July 6, 2009
February 26th, 2010
December 16, 2009

I'm sure there are many others I've missed, I havent completed my personal list on C.M.E. events yet, please excuse me...

To conclude, Allow me to provide a report released by NASA concerning Solar Cycle 24:

NASA report

Here is a report I think everyone here should take a good hard look at! The Perfect Storm

This is my first report for ATS... hope this fills everyone here full of joy and happiness to know that beyond the facts, figures, and reasons why...


[edit on 6/26/2010 by Megiddodiddo]

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 06:35 AM
Great thread buddy

I think the two most hazardous natural bodies that possess the means to ruin the Earth are:

1. Us/Humans.
2. The Sun.

The old Mayan prediction about our doom by "Fire from the Sky" is starting to like mighty true with our soon finally deciding to show its true colours and all.

Two more years fellas, just Two more years and we will find out.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 06:56 AM


266 out of 366 days with no sunspots.

1948 earthquakes with a magnitude of 5.0+


260 out of 365 days with no sunspots.

1935 earthquakes with a magnitude of 5.0+


35 out of 176 days with no sunspots

725 earthquakes with a magnitude of 5.0+

Calculating a rough projection (doubling the figures) for 2010 we get...

70 out of 343 days with no sunspots

1450 earthquakes with a magnitude of 5.0+



To further elaborate I will direct you to this thread by Phage:

A couple of graphs of interest:



There seems to be a discrepancy between the theory you are presenting and these figures.


[edit on 26/6/10 by Chadwickus]

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 07:08 AM
GO SUN !!!
I dont know, i perceive the Sun as a benevolent being which would never do any harm, after all it literally gives its live away so we and everything else may live.

I wouldnt fear the sun. Just the actions of humans who live in fear of it

[edit on 26-6-2010 by Dynamitrios]

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by Chadwickus


266 out of 366 days with no sunspots.

1948 earthquakes with a magnitude of 5.0+


260 out of 365 days with no sunspots.

1935 earthquakes with a magnitude of 5.0+


35 out of 176 days with no sunspots

725 earthquakes with a magnitude of 5.0+

Calculating a rough projection (doubling the figures) for 2010 we get...

70 out of 343 days with no sunspots

1450 earthquakes with a magnitude of 5.0+



To further elaborate I will direct you to this thread by Phage:

A couple of graphs of interest:



There seems to be a discrepancy between the theory you are presenting and these figures.


[edit on 26/6/10 by Chadwickus]

Greetings Chad! thanks for posting.

My inclusion of the Earthquake data was to emphasize a relationship with our sun in relation to Earth Crust Displacement - the real topic of this post.

While a correlation to a direct C.M.E. to Earthquake / Volcanic Eruption link won't show inevitable cause and effect of the nature of that relationship, I think that it's safe to say that the 'tremors' caused by the interaction of a C.M.E. to Magnetosphere pressurization can, and in my opinion DO create magnetically intolerant pressures on Earth's Outer Core, which will then create the pressures that cause fault lines to slip, strike, or even magmatic batholiths to expand and crack open a new surface opening, to release said pressures.

Crust Displacement has occured in our past, and scientifically speaking, C.M.E. 's (Which are believed to be the cause of these displacements) have an affect on techtonic movements as well.

It's actually quite logical to state such, and given some research into such it's my whole hearted belief that it will prove just as viable as "Crust Displacement".

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 08:39 PM
It seems you have showed us just the info that will make all the doomsayers latch on to this thread.

What about showing us all the Big Earthquakes and Volcanic activity that has happened when there have been no Sunspots/CME's etc?

What about showing us that the previous Solar Cycle 23 which peaked in the early 2000's was much stronger than Solar cycle 24 is expected to be when it peaks NO EARLIER THAN MAY 2013 (nothing to do with 2012 or Mayans in any way)

What about showing us all the evidence that Earthquakes/Volcanic activity/Harmful effects on Earth in General was greater during Solar cycle 23 , which was much stronger than 24 is to be?

What about showing us how the Title of your thread actually fits to what Solar Cycle 24 will be? "A Perfect Storm" implies some kind of extraordinary events that culminate in something that is way more large and destructive than normal, when actually it is stated in your own sources that it will be less of a Cycle than average.

[edit on 26-6-2010 by grantbeed]

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by Megiddodiddo

Crust Displacement has occured in our past, and scientifically speaking, C.M.E. 's (Which are believed to be the cause of these displacements) have an affect on techtonic movements as well.

Please provide the evidence you use for these claims. Tectonic activity can be considered crustal displacement but I know of no evidence that any overall and rapid crustal movement has ever occurred or that such movement was caused by coronal mass ejections or that tectonic activity is affected by them either.

The strength of Earth's magnetic field at the earth's surface is at its strongest near the poles and at its weakest near the equator. At the poles its strength is over 60 microteslas and at the equator its about half that. For a comparison, a refrigerator magnet (a strong one) has a strength of .01 tesla, more that 160 times more powerful than the Earth's field at the poles. At the peak of a recent geomagnetic storm the magnetometer at Boulder, Colorado recorded a fluctuation of about 125 nanoteslas. That is .125 microteslas, 1/480th of the strength of the magnetic field at the equator and 80,000 times less powerful than that refrigerator magnet.

The actual magnetic fluctuations produced by a geomagnetic storm are minuscule. But there is another problem. The Earth's outer core is thought to consist of liquid iron and nickel. It is the movement of this material which drives the dynamo which maintains Earth's magnetic field. Liquid iron is very hot, far hotter than the Curie point. Above the Curie point, it is not affected by magnetism. How can fluctuations in the magnetosphere affect it? Even if it did, there are thousands of miles of material (the mantle) between the outer core and the crust. How can movement of the outer core (which is occurring on an ongoing basis) affect the crust?

[edit on 6/26/2010 by Phage]

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 09:21 PM
Have both of you gentlemen done any reading of the PDf documents I've posted? The information is in the documents. =

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by Megiddodiddo

I've read bits and pieces but don't have the time to read such a wealth of information.

Can you answer my questions using your sources and quote the info on this thread?


posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by Megiddodiddo

There is no evidence provided of sudden crustal displacement or of its cause being coronal mass ejections.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by grantbeed
reply to post by Megiddodiddo

I've read bits and pieces but don't have the time to read such a wealth of information.

Can you answer my questions using your sources and quote the info on this thread?


It took me approximately 3 days to compile this information that I have provided. The information you request of me:

1: Is based upon a speculation that Solar Cycle 24 will be milder than 23 - so far, it has shown to be just the opposite - so much so that NASA recently called a meeting with scientific and community leaders to discuss the potential that SC 24 may indeed actually get very intense as it nears it's maximum... so intense it could cause billions of dollars in damage to Earth's technological electronic and electrical critical infrastructure, and set mankind back about 10 years technologically...

(sound like any other CME stories we've heard about?)

2. is based upon comparing a Solar Cycle that has not run it's course yet to the previously OBSERVED one - which is impossible, but... I think you know that. =

BTW - this thread has nothing to do with the 2012 doomsday crowd - it has EVERYTHING to do with the science, and available factual observation.

[@ Phage]

previously recorded Crust Displacements - one of them at least - is documented in the above PDF link entitled "Revisiting the Jurassic geomagnetic reversal"

[edit on 6/26/2010 by Megiddodiddo]

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 10:14 PM
I've got one two-part question for crustal displacement enthusiasts that should help diffuse any worries anyone has about it.

1a. How much force would it take to move all of Earth's crust at once?
1b. Where does this force come from?

Two me these would be the two most basic facts to investigate. Once you know how much force it takes to do a, you can see if a solar flare could do it. This is the logic I use to dismiss crustal displacement out of hand, because no crustal displacement theorists can answer this question.

There's nothing in the PDF I could find about any crustal displacement. Could you quote it or direct me to it? In fact it talks about there being less volcanic activity during a time of geomagnetic reversal.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by Megiddodiddo

so far, it has shown to be just the opposite

Show me the figures to show that cycle 24 has been stronger than 23.

The Sun is fairly quiet considering it should be well on the way to the next solar max. One only has to look back at the space Weather archives from the previous solar cycles to see that the activity then was way more than it is just now.

[edit on 26-6-2010 by grantbeed]

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 11:03 PM
Very good thread. S&F. I have been reading quite a bit concerning pole and crust shifts lately including a very long presentation of many facts concerning the very same. I can't remember the details of who was the presenter off the top of my head. I'll have to go dig but between your thread here and what he had put together it seems that this could very well be possible! Thanks again for the info!

P.S. It would also help explain why certain elites would be buying up land at extremely high altitudes and the CIA and NORTHCOM moved their headquarters to Denver despite the fact that DC is the hub of politics in our country?...

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by Megiddodiddo

The prediction for solar cycle 24 is not based on what happened during the prior solar maximum. There is a lot more to it than that.

There is greater concern about the upcoming solar maximum not because it is expected to be particularly intense but because we are now more vulnerable to the effects of geomagnetic storms than we ever have been due to our dependence on satellites and our power systems.

We have no ability to predict the timing or intensity of solar activity which may lead to geomagnetic storms. While there is more solar activity during solar maximum, and thus greater probability of an intense storm, such a storm can happen at any time during the cycle. It could happen next week, next year, or not for 100 years.

[@ Phage]

previously recorded Crust Displacements - one of them at least - is documented in the above PDF link entitled "Revisiting the Jurassic geomagnetic reversal"

That article is talking about a geomagnetic reversal. That is not the same thing as a crustal displacement (by a long shot). Geomagnetic reversals have occurred many times in Earth's history but there is no evidence that they involve crustal displacement, are caused by CMEs, or that they occur suddenly (in human terms). From your source:

Considering that the reversal is recorded over a thickness of some 150 m and that the mean duration for field reversal is of the order of 5000–6000 yr (Kristjansson 1985), the eruption of the Lesotho Basalt might have lasted for some 50 000 yr or so.

[edit on 6/26/2010 by Phage]

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 10:45 AM
The electromagnetic pressures constricting Earth's magnetosphere is what causes the geomagnetic reversal. These pressures arrise by way of Mass Coronal Ejecta from the Sun.

[edit to add] I originally asked you to provide an alternative to the causes of geomagnetic reversal with this sentence. I found an alternative reason why all this excited ideology points to CME events as a cause for alarm.

I'm sure that if anyone would be aware of this phenomina it would be Phage... so here it is, The cause of the alarmist sensationalisms involving an increase incatastrophic awareness, events, and idealism...
English Presentation Sponsored By: THE MILLENNIUM GROUP ( January 8, 1998 )
Published in Russian, IICA Transactions, Volume 4, 1997



Dr. Alexey N. Dmitriev

( Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, and Chief Scientific Member, United Institute of Geology, Geophysics, and Mineralogy, Siberian Department of Russian Academy of Sciences. Expert on Global Ecology, and Fast -Processing Earth Events.

Russian to English Translation and Editing by A. N. Dmitriev, Andrew Tetenov, and Earl L. Crockett

Summary Paragraph

Current PlanetoPhysical alterations of the Earth are becoming irreversible. Strong evidence exists that these transformations are being caused by highly charged material and energetic non-uniformity's in anisotropic interstellar space which have broken into the interplanetary area of our Solar System. This "donation" of energy is producing hybrid processes and excited energy states in all planets, as well as the Sun. Effects here on Earth are to be found in the acceleration of the magnetic pole shift, in the vertical and horizontal ozone content distribution, and in the increased frequency and magnitude of significant catastrophic climatic events. There is growing probability that we are moving into a rapid temperature instability period similar to the one that took place 10,000 years ago. The adaptive responses of the biosphere, and humanity, to these new conditions may lead to a total global revision of the range of species and life on Earth. It is only through a deep understanding of the fundamental changes taking place in the natural environment surrounding us that politicians, and citizens a like, will be able to achieve balance with the renewing flow of PlanetoPhysical states and processes.


Current, in process, geological, geophysical, and climatical alterations of the Earth are becoming more, and more, irreversible. At the present time researchers are revealing some of the causes which are leading to a general reorganization of the electro-magnetosphere (the electromagnetic skeleton) of our planet, and of its climatic machinery. A greater number of specialists in climatology, geophysics, planetophysics, and heliophysics are tending towards a cosmic causative sequence version for what is happening. Indeed, events of the last decade give strong evidence of unusually significant heliospheric and planetophysic transformations [1,2]. Given the quality, quantity, and scale of these transformations we may say that:

The climatic and biosphere processes here on Earth (through a tightly connected feedback system) are directly impacted by, and linked back to, the general overall transformational processes taking place in our Solar System. We must begin to organize our attention and thinking to understand that climatic changes on Earth are only one part, or link, in a whole chain of events taking place in our Heliosphere.

continued on next post! =

[edit on 6/28/2010 by Megiddodiddo]

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