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Obama Impeachment Charges

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posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by SouthernSON
there sure are a lot of douchers in office

It's the system. Scum always rises to the top, you see.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 05:44 PM
It's the Dems. And Rep. Going on with endless arrow slinging only gives the elite planners more time. Dem. Or Rep. The life you save may be that of someone you love. Staged domestic violence, poor health care will be the realities of the very near future. We all agree that past Presidents (nwo) have been each doing their part to get us where we are now. We need a plan. And we need to stand behind Christopher Coates, Gerald Walpin, and the long serving servicemen who are trying to break through the corruption.
In the meantime we need grassroot ideas at the local level. Schools can't seem to get it right after millions,etc. Take your student out. Homeschool is proven better. At a local level schools need to go back to the nieghborhood. Locally communities need to get their own leaves out of the street. States need plans to return to their place in this government, after all it is the legal way.
We certianly cannot expect to clean up the governing body in one election. We need real action toward the fight for freedom in the form of planning to say no to government programs. Stop thinking with an old head or we will be the generation that lost our great nation.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

I hope you are kidding about a second term? A snowball in hell has a better chance of being president in 2012 before Obama is re elected. This guy has even turned away some of his biggest supporters. I am wondering wether he has even accomplished any of his campaign promises? I will go as far as to say no he has not.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 06:32 PM

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by Cygnis
So.. What do we do? Options?

1. Realize there is no going back. The timetable has started.

2. Start reading and educating yourself on every possible scenario
THAT WILL COME and what you need to do to survive.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by Erica1631
I sincerely believe that the BP debacle and environmental nightmare will pale in comparison to what we are about to face in the coming months. A meltdown is imminent. It cannot be propped up any longer. ... handle the inevitable war escalating between Israel and its many enemies?

Erica, everything you wrote is good, and true.
But what most people don't realize is: .."we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers
of the darkness of this age,..Ephesians 6: 12

Obamination is disgusting in that he is muslim and foreign born.
He is a puppet: put in office and controlled by those who are advancing the new world order.

America must die for their plans to go forward. The hundreds of thousands of patriots, survivalists,
whatever, must be reigned in. Their staunch individuality must be curtailed. thus hilary clinton working
though the United Nations to put into effect small arms gun control.
Everything the Obamination does is told to him; he is directed by those who put him in position.
From his first phone call at the White House to Saudi Arabia; to removing the United States Flag from
the room where he gives 'speeches' (press releases).

He has increased monies to the immigration offices for when he allows millions and millions of
muslims to enter this country. It doesn't matter if they claim to be climate change refugees (Africa).

The sole purpose is to have enough people 'naturalized' so that the Constitution of the United States
of America will be shredded to pieces and no longer the law of this land.

This is why he was ordered to bank-rupt America. So the agenda of the new world order can be
implemented with a one world currency.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 09:40 PM
It's cute how all someone needs to do for some stars and flags is talk smack about Obama, or the Tea Party, or whatever. But where's the constructive analysis? Where's the ability to understand opposing perspectives without belittling and marginalizing each other? One obviously desnt need to know what they are talking about, or have even a modicum of realistic insight into the mechanisms of power to get a bunch of people to agree with them if they say "Impeach Obama". And heaven forbid someone ask how such actions could be pulled off by a congress that is, on average, as deplorable if not more so.

And what a great example of what a wasteful, counter-productive, short-sighted approach; impeach obama. Never mind the clear lack of understanding of Constitutional law this idea demonstrates. Never mind the 'perfect world' scenario required to be able to isolate one small aspect of the problem without seeing the forest for the trees, never mind that the VAST MAJORITY of real power that is actually in the hands of the people is through their state representatives in Congress --no, ignore all that and talk about something that is basically a distraction: Impeachment. Who cares if we dont have any tangible solutions? We want to tear it down! And who cares what it will look like when the dust settles. We are ABSOLUTE in our certainty!

IF threads like this are any example, America is nowhere near being mature or intelligent enough to have a real conversation about ways to enact realistic, substantive change.

Perhaps that's what engenders 'extremist' politics and the absolutism they contain; people arent smart enough to see the world for how it is, so they cling to all kinds of ideas of a 'different' kind of government we just need to 'get back to'.

Funny how that is SO reminiscent of religious dogma; dont work on making the here and now better/dont work with the system we have to enact functional change; No!-- reject it all and 'start over'! Hallellujua holla back, RonPaul be praised! America needs more tri-corner hats and belt buckle shoes!
edit on 5-10-2010 by justadood because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 09:46 PM
Original post reads like it was written either by someone with a HUGE, irrational chip on their shoulder, or an ignorant, pseudo-intellectual, angsty teenager.
edit on 5-10-2010 by inivux because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by Freedom of Thought
Obamination is disgusting in that he is muslim and foreign born.

Just your typical birther lies, not based on any facts at all!

to removing the United States Flag from the room where he gives 'speeches' (press releases)

Yet another lie from you, a quick search finds the flag present when Obama makes speeches or does press conferences!

But you know you are telling lies, why do you do it?

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by alienreality

It isn't just that. The attitude is that it is the democrats' turn now (is this the real reason no effort was made to hold the Bush regime accountable?).

Saint, don't forget the blank check Fannie & Freddie received last Christmas eve & COS Rahm Emanuel's ties to it.

Dereliction of duty, violating his oath of office, war crimes. He has colluded &/ or aided & abetted those things the Bush regime should have been prosecuted for. Is the present attempt to shift our system of government from a representative republic to socialism/ communism possibly an act or indicative of an intent to commit sedition? His connections to radical elements from his own mouth, in writing, and that the New Black Panthers were allowed to act as "security" at a polling place may be circumstantial, but they are irrefutable.
Are there not multiple violations of international law & possibly genocide, in Iraq & Afghanistan?

It is my opinion that every elected official who voted for the Patriot Act, FISA, the Military Commissions Act, etc should be removed from office & permanently barred from ever holding public office again- possibly disbarred if that applies. If I am not mistaken, the president voted for all of these.
All of these people- Clinton & Gore, Bush & Cheney, the current administration, need to be held accountable for the things they've done (I do NOT mean silly # like Lewinsky or lying about sex, but things that directly defraud the taxpayers). Every subsequent administration will get worse & worse if we don't. I'm talking financial restitution to the US Treasury & jail time. I would probably add Paulson, Bernanke, Greenspan, "Fredo" & Ashcroft, Janet Reno, & some cabinet members/ generals as well.

ETA: Where is the money missing from the Pentagon? Why has no attempt to audit & recover it been made?

edit on 6-10-2010 by DogsDogsDogs because: to add (marked)

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by DogsDogsDogs
reply to post by alienreality

Saint, don't forget the blank check Fannie & Freddie received last Christmas eve & COS Rahm Emanuel's ties to it.

I haven't forgot !!!
But one nail at a time

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 02:14 AM

Originally posted by inivux
Original post reads like it was written either by someone with a HUGE, irrational chip on their shoulder, or an ignorant, pseudo-intellectual, angsty teenager.
edit on 5-10-2010 by inivux because: (no reason given)

and this post looks like it was written by an
opinionated Obama staffer on the payroll or
somebody who has absolutely no clue as
to what's going on around their virtual

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

#1 Do you know what impeachment is? He will still be in office if impeached and it wouldn't change his mind of thought.

#2 You can't relate Obama directly to the governor's problem, if your friend gets a speeding ticket do you deserve to get one too?

#3 The Bush-Cheney administration deserves death for starting the war and killing thousands of americans to engage in a war funded and supported by the CIA...Obama is trying to provide a slow stable slow down.

#4 Is it Obama's fault these companies wasted the money? No that is why they are being charged. BTW a President only signs a bill into act after the large majority of our reps vote...he doesn't create and enforce all laws...the congress as a whole has more power than he does when it comes to these things. he just says yes or no and even then they are able to overturn his rule.

#5 Do you have a job or even health insurance? In 06-07 I paid $15 for a doctors visit and $50 for an ER visit. Before Barrack even was voted into office my copay tripled and overall coverage was worse. Insurance companies and Doctors are commited large fraud as it is, and a lot of the health care bill is reformed around preventive care (ex: restraunts having to post calories, fats, ect on their menus, tobacco and alcohol taxes and prices being increases, care for children whose parents can't provide it and more)

#6 Birth Certificate was legit...he may have had duel citizenship but that means nothing, his mother was American Born and an American Citizen which means he is AMERICAN.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 03:39 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Obama Impeachment Charges

7) Bailed out Bankers and Wall-Street to the tune
of Billions while Americans suffer in poverty with
no jobs and eating on food stamps. Yet allowed
fat bankers to take home millions in bonuses.

Uuum #7 was G. W. Bush's baby! TARP was on Bush watch; though Obama was Senator (a whole 43 days in federal government before he decided to run for President) AND Senator John McCain BOTH voted FOR it.

edit on 6/10/2010 by Trexter Ziam because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

I agree that all should be look into. A far as impeachable offenses, I'm not an expert though...or even a novice.

The Illegal Immigration one steams me to no end along with the wars.

I do disagree with your last point, the "Birth Certificate" thing. Can we let that go, or is it never gonna die?

Still gave a Star and Flag though. A 95% good list is close enough..

edit on 6-10-2010 by Prove_It_NOW because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 05:25 AM

Originally posted by Prove_It_NOW
A 95% good list is close enough..

I would have to agree. 95% is a fairly good show of evidence for impeachment. Not all charges against a criminal are substantiated. Meaning he may not be proven guilty on every count. But there are enough charges if found guilty on to warrant impeachment.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 05:47 AM
I'd like to ad that Obama's handling of the BP oil spill probably can be defined as 'criminal' if looked into.

1) No thorough testing of the water and/or true data represented. Independent studies have shown levels of toxins far higher than stated by Government sources and BP.

2) Obama's and/or his Cabinet's statements that the seafood is fine to eat...with no long range or medium range testing that I'm aware of as to toxicity.

3) Proven video of BP and local law enforcement (with possible Federal mandate) in affected areas working together to bar citizens and news agencies from certain sites.

4) Evidence of spraying unknown chemicals and no detailed ingredient list, study, or sufficient warning of said chemicals made available to the general public (that I have heard).

Yet Slick Willy got technically Impeached for lying about a BJ, and Bush got a pat on the back for his whole 8 years of nearly destroying 2 countries....

There's no Justice anymore.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by inivux
Original post reads like it was written either by someone with a HUGE, irrational chip on their shoulder, or an ignorant, pseudo-intellectual, angsty teenager.
edit on 5-10-2010 by inivux because: (no reason given)

ten bucks sez the guy who started this thread (OP) has never voted and has no idea who his state representative even is. Blaming the President for systemic problems, or issues that are far, far more connected to congress is either sheer ignorance (my guess) or an intentional distraction.

Congress is the problem. Dont fall for the okey-doke.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 10:11 AM
Wasn't Clinton impeached?

What good did that do? He just refused to leave...

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by dereks

Just your typical birther lies,...

Just typical obomination denial

Yet another lie ...

Why is obama ashamed to fly our Flag is Haiti? April 22, 2010
"The obama administration decided that there should be no American flag flying
at our main installation near the Port-au-Prince airport..",,,/why-is=obama-ashamed-to-fly-our-flag-haiti?

obama's press conference: Missing Flags.. May 31, 2010

But you know you are telling lies, why do you do it?

methinks derek doesn't like any truth

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