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Officer for NYPD secretly records colleagues and superiors for over a year, exposes mass corruption!

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posted on May, 11 2010 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by MysterE
reply to post by BreachedZone

I want to make it clear that I don't think all police are corrupt. I believe this represents a very small percentage of officers. For the most part I believe our law enforcement are honorable brave men.


[edit on 11-5-2010 by MysterE]

Ma, Henry's drinking the Koolaid again! I told that was the s#$t we give to the sheep, but he doesn't want to listen.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 06:04 PM
You know this reminded me of some videos that I watched last night about a BRILLIANT gentlemen by the name of Robert Anton Wilson about him calling out obvious disinformation puppets like Alex Jones (trust me guys if you do not believe that AJ is a complete and total disinfo agent, then I implore you to conduct research into his blatant fear mongering...I could go on and on about that shill)...

ANYWAYS...he made a comment that I found to be very interesting and it was (paraphrasing here):

"You know the TRUE heroes that bring about global change WILL NOT be those knuckleheads that blab their mouths off, incite fear among the populist in order to to provoke the mob into taking action, as well as the large groups of protesters. No they will only accomplish furthering the powers that be agenda by giving them the reason they are looking for.

No..the one THAT WILL BRING ABOUT THE BIGGEST CHANGE will be the one person that is in a position that goes to work everyday, is good at his/her job but never lost sight of goodness in the world, and once he/she sees the injustices that are occurring...IT WILL BE THEM that truly does something that makes a difference. They will either completely expose the corruption from the inside out, or will take the necessary step to circumvent evils plans. It will be they, not those that you see speaking the loudest or demonstrating with the largest it will be the quiet person next door that performs the greatest contributions."

Anyways...I had just learned of this person last night while surfing youtube in search of many of my own answers as to what is happening in the world today. Just thought I would share as to how what that HONORABLE COP did reminded me of last night.


posted on May, 11 2010 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by BreachedZone
This is not indicative of all police officers. My husband is a retired officer, and is an honorable man. It is a shame what is going on, but it may just be this precinct

No. It's just THIS precinct that happened to have an officer in it's ranks with enough backbone to take some course of action against these pigs. Like so many others, you can live in your fantasy world or your gated community in the hills and look down at the rest of us and try and tell us how things REALLY are, without ever setting foot in the real world, where police abuse, misconduct and corruption IS the reality. And then, when it reers it's ugly head for all to see, people like you respond with "It's a shame, but....." and continue making excuses for these criminals. Well there are no if's and's or but's about it.

I've had numerous encounters and relationships with cops from many different regions of this country, and I can honestly say that they ALL had a superiority complex, and an "us against them" mentality alongside an unwillingness to distinguish the "us" from the "them" in relation to just who exactly the so-called "bad guys" are. Cops are trained to view EVERYONE as a potential criminal, and are completely unwilling and unable to smell their own sh**.

From my own personal experience, it is the "honorable men" that are grossly out numbered by the PIGS in every police department that I've encountered.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 06:27 PM
The real question is, what do you do to stop it? We all seem to be incredibly good at seeing the problems, but rarely seem to bother to come up with solutions or take action...

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 07:18 PM
Here's another viewpoint on this issue....

First I am in no way defending the corruption is the police departmenet we all know it's there and I applaud the guy for his efforts in recording and documneting it. However the problem that comes into play is this. The man blatantly violated the federal and probably state wiretapping laws. Additionally he further violated the law by publishing the recordings.

My problem is this. I recently went through a very nasty divorce in which I discovered amoung other things my now ex wife was a child abuser. In an attempt to prove this I recored phone calls in my own home as well as ambient recordings of her and the children. The things that I caught on tape were absolutley awful. Things you can not even imagine saying to children. ANyway the bottom line is becasue of the wiretapping laws the tapes are inadmissable in court and to further complicate the issue I was sued for violation of the wiretapping laws.

The fundamental problem with the law is that it needs to be changed in that there needs to be an oversight body that a normal citizen can go to to obtain legal wiretaps. Currently as an ordinary citizen it is impossible to obtain a warrant to wiretap someone legally.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by MysterE

This pretty much just confirms everything myself, and probably a lot of you, already knew even more. And to think this came from a low level cop, imagine if it were a chief who had recorded stuff...

I truly hate cops, but one thing I do want to say in their defense is that this guy was recording private situations without consent. I could care less, but that guy better watch his back...

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 07:21 PM
I want to make this CLEAR AND CONCISE.

I believe people that break the LAW should be punished to the fullest EXTENT of the LAW.

What is LAW?

LAW is clearly defined in NATURAL LAW.

We no longer follow NATURAL LAW, we follow "color of law".

The government and the COMPLICIT lawyers have defined "color of law" as LAW.

Did you HARM or HURT someone?
Did you infringe on their inalienable rights of Life, Liberty or Property?
Sorry to say, the gubmint breaks the LAW more than any other entity.
Why is it, that the MAJORITY of "supposed" crime, there is NO VICTIM?
That is CONTROL, utter and infinite CONTROL!

Jury Nullification-if there is no victim, there is no CRIME!

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 08:10 PM
Nothing new, believe me. What I don't like is that they have the stop and frisk law in New York. That is humiliating at best, the sheep that think this is okay don't understand what a true police state is. If your connected and/or part of the machinations of the police state, your protected and not preyed upon. But if our not, you can be nice as you want or friendly etc. but if the cop or govt. official is having a bad day or likes the look of your wife or your daughter they will do whatever it takes to break up your world. I truly believe that much of your political figures are scared of the monster they have helped build over the course of decades. It's like a person or persons training a dog to be a vicious killer and will attack anything. You are so pleased that it will attack, but won't leave your child alone with it. You make it dangerous and then send it out to do your "bidding". The problem with a mad dog is that eventually it will bite the owner it's just a matter of time.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 08:11 PM
What's even more crazy, is that they want us to rely on this organization for protection, instead of letting us protect ourselves. If we try to protect ourselves, we can and most likely will be charged with a crime and fined and/imprisoned. We are also not allowed to arm ourselves, even with a non-firearm weapon. We are forced to rely on this obviously corrupt organization for protection so in effect, they are forcing us to abandon our own personal safety. It is more than clear that "freedom" is only a buzz word and no longer a reality. We need to put the power back in the hands of the people, where it belongs.


posted on May, 11 2010 @ 08:14 PM
The more you look at the subject of "Law Enforcement" and CrimianlS Justice, the more it looks like any other marketing scam. On a recent thread, this article ( was listed showing clearly that the Policy Enforcer is 5 times more likely to shoot an innocent person that a civilian with a gun. "Law Enforcement" is just one way to create this network of dependencies used by the Illuminati. People compromised who are then almost always bound to the dark side. A world full of slaves to their character flaws and those who exploit them.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 09:10 PM
I did not read all of the posts, and am unsure if this has been mentioned. But I dont think its an uncommon factor. I have said this in previous posts, that my hubby is a policeman here in Australia. He, even though he shouldnt, has told me a lot of stuff, not good, that goes on in the forces.
One of the things that he mention, which really pinged him off, was the fact that they have "quotas" to meet. Doesnt matter what station your in, there will always be a quota, and as said by a previous poster, this is normally due to financial reasons.

Gov money versus Private industry money:

Here in Australia we, like everyone have traffic cops, but they are not paid by the government, they are paid by one of the top insurance companies in Australia, the NRMA. So because NRMA is paying for the time of the traffic cops, they can pull a lot of OT and not have to worry about it, no process to get approval or anything, they are doing their jobs. But as an average cop, the time wasted in not only trying to get OT "Approved", but also lost and wasting more time trying to book people, because your waiting around for authorisation to Spend the Gov's money, is phenomonal. WTF is with that.
The worst part is that if you go ahead and do the OT, even if your at an active event, and dont have time to report and request this authorised OT, you get your butt reefed by the Station commander and may not even get paid for it, even though you were doing your job.
Then you have the difference in quality of cop now. Over here if you wish to become a cop, training is not paid for by the Gov, the person that wishes to join has to pay their way through (again WTF). To me I feel that its not attracting the kind of Policeman that is needed here. Is there any where else that experiences this?
Digressing again, but because of this, hubby and myself are finding that the type of Policeman we are getting are either useless as a pig in well you know, or they are power hungry, or just dont care and wish to get rid of their cases asap... Sad state of affairs.
The ones that really do want to get out there and do the right thing are penalized for everything they do and are made to look like fools or treated very badly, they dont like to see cops stand up and rock the boat or make the station to look like it wasnt doing the job right in the first place.
Sadly in some cases, when a reasonable cop has done nothing, its because he either cant or is not allowed to! Corruption at its finest...

Sorry if I rambled on. I have so much to say on this subject.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 09:59 PM
This is a very intriguing as many reports and news articles report significant crime rates dropping due to the policy and guidance of Major Rudy Giuliani. Cooking books seems to be quite the trend in today's politics. When will the corruption cease?

[edit on 11-5-2010 by Failed_Experiment]

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 10:13 PM
The police in Canada fare no better in terms of corruption or service to the people....
Th mounties are simply a hired bunch of thugs that the feds use as an army of occupation just as they have since the start of the force.
They even call riding on patrol "showing the flag"
And God forbid you get into their clutches and they dont like you...theyll torture you in ways that are very difficult to prove....if one did lay a compaint against them...they are the agency which investigates it!
small wonder they can get away with so much.
The average RCMP recruit spends more hours bashing the parade square than doing criminology classes that is fact.
In this country the laws are constructed so that the police have a virtual stranglehold on the populace, and they can and will be only too happy to frame their prey in court.
I have seen them Lie, and manufacture evidence,beat suspects, and ignore their civil rights because they could.
There is no reason any country needs a paramilitary force acting in a policing role....
The caliber of humans which the police tests are designed to advance into the force is of an extremely brutish nature...
They test for this....and other traits which they want in their cops....
Thats why theres so damn many corrupt ones....

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by photobug
Here's another viewpoint on this issue....

First I am in no way defending the corruption is the police departmenet we all know it's there and I applaud the guy for his efforts in recording and documneting it. However the problem that comes into play is this. The man blatantly violated the federal and probably state wiretapping laws. Additionally he further violated the law by publishing the recordings.

If you don't want it played back in whatever "Book Of Life' don't say it. Nuff Said

My problem is this. I recently went through a very nasty divorce in which I discovered amoung other things my now ex wife was a child abuser. In an attempt to prove this I recored phone calls in my own home as well as ambient recordings of her and the children. The things that I caught on tape were absolutley awful. Things you can not even imagine saying to children. ANyway the bottom line is becasue of the wiretapping laws the tapes are inadmissable in court and to further complicate the issue I was sued for violation of the wiretapping laws.

The fundamental problem with the law is that it needs to be changed in that there needs to be an oversight body that a normal citizen can go to to obtain legal wiretaps. Currently as an ordinary citizen it is impossible to obtain a warrant to wiretap someone legally.

Sorry for your situation --- NO Waiting for the wheels of "Justice" too many are greased, or stuck

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by MysterE

You write an article about NYPD and from there you make the assumption that all police are working on quotas as you or we had suspected. Please don't generalize. We are not all bad guys.

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by photobug
ANyway the bottom line is becasue of the wiretapping laws the tapes are inadmissable in court and to further complicate the issue I was sued for violation of the wiretapping laws.

The fundamental problem with the law is that it needs to be changed in that there needs to be an oversight body that a normal citizen can go to to obtain legal wiretaps. Currently as an ordinary citizen it is impossible to obtain a warrant to wiretap someone legally.

An interesting story.

It's just funny when you think about it. The same people giving out all those REAL warrants for wiretapping could already be on the uptake. It makes you wonder, doesn't it?

There will never be a federal organisation that is free from corruption. If you create a new system for civilian citizens to obtain wiretapping permits, abuses will occur and people will be corrupted. Average citizens wanting to provide some insight into these kinds of injustices will inevitably be denied said permit if the people providing the warrants are paid off.

The government just isn't very good when it comes to policing itself.. Which is basically what such a program/organisation would do.


posted on May, 12 2010 @ 01:32 AM
Iveknown about the quota for years* i live in southwest CT though. Isnt this lovely owonder no one talks to cops, ther afraid of being taken in on soemthing they didnt do. naturally, in court, the judge will favor the cop....justice is blind. these cops keep this up, one day, public tension will explode with all the problems in the eceonomy going on, and then boom* they will be shocked when thier being dragged otta thhier copcar and beaten to near death...people remember people* thats a rule i think ops have forgotten* people remember you* esepcailly if yuo did something to screw them over for greedy purposes.
a c ops is supoed to SERVE the public. nowadays, as another member said, they want you to serve them. they want you to give in so easily, so you dont put up so much a fight and ruckuss when being booked for something you didnt do, so he can keep his job that is at taxpayers salary, and gets the overtime*
very corporate communist if you ask me

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 02:56 AM
Interestingly enough, if you listen to the audio tapes you can always hear an officer or two perform a suggestive cough when whoever's doing roll call speaks the "corruption" mentioned in the summaries. It seems as if the guy who recorded them wanted to emphasize those points.

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 03:29 AM
A distinct American quality of law enforcement has always been the elected Sheriff, and the importance of this is that Sheriff is directly accountable to the people. The distinct advantage to this, is that a Sheriff does not have to acquiesce to a Mayor's or even the Governors whims, and generally will not if such a move will reflect badly upon he or she come election time. In New York city, the Sheriff is not elected but appointed by the Mayor, and is one of the few Sheriff's in the United States not directly accountable to the People, and is instead an employee of the Mayor. Much of the problems in New York City's law enforcement stems from this remarkably unAmerican practice.

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 05:08 AM
Sound exactly like were i live in Pontiac MI, my home was broken into a couple months ago, and i was sleeping upstairs,was alone that night. and when i called the police they asked some stupid questions, the only things they got were my wallet and a leather coat. the burglers woke me up and heard me, and ran out, only had 70$ in wallet and the coat was ripped,so why make insuranse go up! and i told the cops the same but they treated me as though i had another agenda i eventuly told them to leave if they were going to act like idiots and thy did and i called there superviser and got more of the same! i know the city is broke but that does not give them reason to treat folk's like that!

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