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Gulf Oil Spill Another Extinction-Level HOAX?

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posted on May, 16 2010 @ 01:03 AM
The fact is, there's over 3,400 (that's THOUSAND) oil platforms off the coast between Louisiana and Texas. That math adds up!

Actually, I read the other day that there was 3,400. Can't remember but was a good source. Trying to find the source I found this from 2005:

Currently, the number of US structures in the Gulf is roughly 4,000, with 819 manned platforms. And those numbers are only expected to grow, says Caryl Fagot, a spokeswoman for the federal Minerals Management Service (MMS), which regulates the oil industry in federal waters.

The following image mentions 8,237 "leases", with over 6,000 in the Gulf:

The issue with the Deep Horizon is its all concentrated in one place. But Doc, you do have a good point old buddy.
That's an interesting link:
Radarsat image of oil seeps near Green canyon in the Gulf of Mexico. The oil reaching the sea surface produces a slick that reflects little radio energy, seen as black lines in this image. Radarsat is a Canadian satellite that uses a synthetic-aperture radar to map radio waves reflected from the sea surface.

The major sources of petroleum in the sea, in order of importance, include:

1. Natural seeps from rocks below the sea floor. Oil seeps are common in many areas, including the Gulf of Mexico and offshore of Southern California, and in other areas where oil is found beneath the continental shelf.
2. Consumption, which includes runoff from land and oil from marine boating and jet skis in coastal waters. Most cars drip oil on streets and highways which is washed off by rains. The millions of cars in large coastal cities are important sources.
3. Transportation, which includes spills from tankers and pipelines as well as intentional discharge from ships at sea.
4. Extraction, which includes spills from offshore platforms and blowouts during efforts to explore for and produce oil and gas. An example is the IXTOC I oil well blowout in the Bay of Campeche, Mexico, June 1979 to March 1980, which released 476,000 tonnes of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico.

Oil Spills

Oil spills from oil tankers operating at sea world-wide account for only 7.7% of oil in the ocean, yet large spills attract far more attention than other much larger sources of oil pollution. The International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Historical Data has information on all spills, large and small. They note that "The average number of large spills per year during the 1990s was about a third of that witnessed during the 1970s."

So basically we're adding to the natural order. Sounds a lot like Global Warming.

I had never heard of the 'inconspicuous' tar beaches in Texas before this thread. I can see why people are scared here in Florida.

I definitely agree there is major hype going on with all of this.

Observe this image of the projected path a hurricane:


This all reminds me of hurricane reporting, as I recall that insanity during 2004 when they projected literally FOUR hurricanes in one season that were all at one point projected for a direct hit in Tampa (and everywhere else in FL for that matter). They propagated total madness when they'd point the projected path towards a part of the state. 'Crowds start running down the streets screaming and pulling out their hair.' Then the next day they move the path up a notch covering the next part of the state, and show the people at Home Depot and the grocery store lined up to the back of the store (literally), thereby showing you 'what you should be doing too'. Then the next day they move the path up another notch covering the next part of the state. Now the leftover unbought building materials and etc from the now surpassed former ground zero hurricane targets would be shipped up to the Lowes etc stores to the now open 24 hour locations in the new path, most of which was already shipped down from other stores out of state.

Then they'd move the path up a big notch again. In the end for the most part only the path directly hit by the eyewall ends up in total destruction. Take a look at an aerial of a hurricane for perspective here:


Hurricanes are no joke. But they're hyped to ridiculous extremes. For example, during Hurricane Charley (Category 4) my mother was down in Cape Coral FLorida, which neighbors Ft. Myers (literally), and rode out the storm (which 2 hours before lanfall was supposed to Tampa direct). She had only one broken window in the aftermath. See the eyewall appear to be directly over Ft. Myers / Cape Coral:

In Tampa we had the power go out for a number of hours, and some random trees fell down, from teh eyewall moving north past us maybe 40 miles to the east. I forgot to mention that its mainly where the eyewall that makes landfall that really needs to evacuate.
Side note: we did have fun out in the rain and field trying to catch some wind with a tarp. If only we had a bigger tarp out there.

What I'm getting at here is that where the 'eyewall' of this oil slick hits will be tragic, and other areas will notice effects, but the madness being projected right now is by default overblown. I saw one projection image that showed a virtual oil slick wrapping all the way down the Florida Coast on down and past Key West and going up the Atlantic FL coast. Craziness. Wish I could find it right now...

[edit on 16-5-2010 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 07:30 PM
Hey Doc, I think you might appreciate my new thread debunking all of this extremist fearmongering:

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by 911stinks

What you don't mention here is the Dead Zone which is now about 7,000 sq. miles of no marine life in the middle of the Gulf..a zone that has grown every year for decades.
The Gulf region covers approximately 600,000 square miles, measuring approximately 995 miles from east to west, 560 miles from north to south.
The Gulf of Mexico basin resembles a large pit with a broad shallow rim. Approximately 38% of Gulf waters are shallow intertidal areas. The waters of the continental shelf (

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 02:07 PM
Anyone claiming thousands of gallons of oil squirting into the ocean isn't "bad" need to get their head examined, SERIOUSLY!! How bloody brainwashed are you for crying out loud, STOP drinking big business' cool aid!!

The oil companies are trying hard to downplay the events, so it wouldn't surprise me if there's a few disinfo agents here too.

[edit on 17-5-2010 by MrXYZ]

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by MrXYZ

How about the guilt / fear monger disinfo agents?

The gulf is 641 TRILLION gallons of water. Spread out one BILLION gallons of oil across that span and see what number you get.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by IgnoranceIsntBlisss
reply to post by MrXYZ

How about the guilt / fear monger disinfo agents?

The gulf is 641 TRILLION gallons of water. Spread out one BILLION gallons of oil across that span and see what number you get.

This catastrophe could have most likely be prevented if they had followed proper security procedures...they DIDN'T because they were under time pressure from BP. They traded not replacing that part, and as a consequence contaminating vast stretches of ocean, for higher short-term PROFITS. So yeah, they SHOULD feel guilty for letting their greed neglect not only environmental protection, but also the lives of human people.

Anyone defending their actions clearly puts $$$ in front of human lives and the environment....says a lot about a person imo. Talk to the people living close to the catastrophe...I'm sure they agree with you...NOT!

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 06:27 AM
Thought ya'll might be interested in this, I just heard about it on our local news. The University of Texas Energy Institute is hosting a webcast for the public going over all the aspects of the oil spill. It starts at 10:00 AM CST til 12:00 CST.

“Oil in Troubled Waters” Public Forum to Examine the Cause, Consequences and Cost of Spill in the Gulf

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 10:04 AM
Hello to everyone at ATS.. this is my very first post.

I would like to thank Doc Velocity for this thread because without it I would probably still be in my own personal hell which is known as godlikeproductions.

It is this very issue that has caused me to abandom what has been my home for 16 months.

I am 100% behind what Doc has been saying here.

By evaluating the postion of the mainstream media AND the alternative media the only conclusion to make is that this is a HOAX.

An agenda driven farce of the likes we have not seen since 9/11.

Just like 9/11 one has to read a lot and learn a lot to even begin to unravel what is going on.

As an orignal tree-hugging hippy from way back I have been devastated to find our movement corrupted by the very people we were trying to stop.

With the demise of the global warming sham I guess I should not have been surprised at the speed and ferocity of the response.. but I was.

This response is now known as Deepwater Horizon.

After several weeks of constant abuse at godlike for trying to put forward this point of view.. I am now seeking refuge at ATS.. where although I know there will be disagreements.. I also hope that I will be dealing with REAL people rather than coping with Trinity, taking on many disguises and roles, trying to beat me into submission.

But it is like a relationship ending.

I will miss things about godlike but I know that my departure can only mean good things for me.. with hope of a better more stable state of mind.

I hope to be an intelligent, courteous and creative member of the ATS community and I look forward to many deep and meaningful discussions about things that effect all of our lives.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 10:07 AM
Congrats! Doc Velocity: Disinformation Specialist!

You just have got your first FOE for this Thread!

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 01:30 PM
I am now startled having read this:

Seems they have come up with the "perfect storm"

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 01:39 AM
Some time has passed and I have learned much about this massive oil spill and who is at fault.

BP is the company that needs to foot the bill for this clean up.. But the full 100% blame can not fall on their heads alone.

I for one have never thought off shore drilling to be a good idea.. Case and point for what is going on right now.. And its still not patched up nor fixed at this point.

We have seen many people flip flop on their stance about off shore drilling.
Its almost like a clown show!

Sure there is ALOT of hype when it comes to this oil spill.. But it still does not take away the massive mess that is out there right now..
Putting aside all of the hype and fear mongering we still face a BIG mess!
A BIG mess with a huge price tag connected to this!!!

This pretty much boils down to money! Is this not what its all about anyway.. BIG money! Big Oil!

So this big Mess is going to cost alot of money to fix.. But to me you can not put a price tag on life. Yet many folks do and will put a price tag on our oceans and our lives.
This is a BIG wake up call to everyone on this Earth..

Its time we face the fact that it is what it is..
And its time we stand together, and either boycott BP.. Or keep going on about our lives to only allow this to happen again!
Maybe this will be a wake up call to those who are in places of power that can get things done.
But I will not hold my breath..
We can only do so much.. Hurricane season offically started today..

There are alot of ideas of what a hurricane will do... But when I sit and listen to what is said.. Its one of the biggest "lets sweep this under the rug." I have seen in my personal life!!!

Really! They figure if a hurricane does hit.. It will take care of much of that oil... But the oil must go somewhere!!!
And its like they are just lifting up a HUGE rug, and going to sweep it under there!! Its a damn shame... But hey, What do I expect from such folks?

Hmmmm... I guess thats all for now...
More later if I feel up to it..


posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 02:48 AM
reply to post by cushycrux

Don't forget me! I'm a Reverse-Disinfo Agent! (as once alleged by a member long ago, whatever that means

Originally posted by zysin5
Its time we face the fact that it is what it is..
And its time we stand together, and either boycott BP.. Or keep going on about our lives to only allow this to happen again!

I've been advocating this to the extreme, as you'll find in my BP's Brainwash Marketing for Kids (scroll down, trust me!)...

But honestly as long as people use oil these things will happen, and even if we replace oil as the primary fuel we'll still need the rest of its components. If only all of the products we buy weren't 'throw away' products...

[edit on 2-6-2010 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 01:35 PM
I recommend having a look at this video. It posits an argument which deals with both, seemingly opposing points of view on this situation

a) Is this a deliberately manufactured incident?

b) Beaches polluted by tar balls more than by oil - and air pollution from Corexit.

Basically, this is based on an alleged inside informer leaking information from the very top of the pyramid.

He is saying there has been a leak - but a leak which was deliberately made, by drilling into the side of the volcano and not the top. Drilling in the side means that the leak is, in fact, relatively easily put right.

He also says that the real reason toxic Corexit is being used is to cull the population on this coast.

This is the first explanation which makes sense of all the unexplained aspects and unanswered questions about the bizarre and incomprehensible way this event is being managed by those in charge - those, I have to add, who have everything to gain if this hoax scenario is true.

It makes absolute sense to me - and I have long been a believer that common sense is the enemy of the continual obfuscations, deceit and lies of these criminals.

Is it a hoax? Look at all the anomalies, bizarre actions, contradictory information - nothing is right about this oil spill situation, nothing adds up.
So, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck......probably is a duck.

Without any members of the public and/or media being able to scrutinse what is really going on down there, it is perfectly possible that huge amounts of disinformation regarding the amount of oil being spilled is being spewd out to their puppet contacts and through them disseminated far and wide as truth.

Frankly, common sense tells me that if they had nothing to hide, there would be NO need for a media ban and military presence. They try to make things complicated and confusing (a favourite strategy) by giving out all sorts of disparate and conflicting information - but it's actually quite simple. THEY ARE HIDING SOMETHING, WHAT IS IT?

Now that international pressure has been applied and US has been forced to accept help from various countries, my guess is that they will drag out whatever formalities they can come up with to delay the foreign assistance for as long as possible, and that at some point before the foreign assistance can start, they will come up with some kind of 'incredible' solution and hey presto, oil leak will be sealed, and they will be hailed as heros and given some kind of ridiculous award.

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 01:36 PM
I recommend having a look at this video. It posits an argument which deals with both, seemingly opposing points of view on this situation

a) Is this a deliberately manufactured incident?

b) Beaches polluted by tar balls more than by oil - and air pollution from Corexit.

Basically, this is based on an alleged inside informer leaking information from the very top of the pyramid.

He is saying there has been a leak - but a leak which was deliberately made, by drilling into the side of the volcano and not the top. Drilling in the side means that the leak is, in fact, relatively easily put right.

He also says that the real reason toxic Corexit is being used is to cull the population on this coast.

This is the first explanation which makes sense of all the unexplained aspects and unanswered questions about the bizarre and incomprehensible way this event is being managed by those in charge - those, I have to add, who have everything to gain if this hoax scenario is true.

It makes absolute sense to me - and I have long been a believer that common sense is the enemy of the continual obfuscations, deceit and lies of these criminals.

Is it a hoax? Look at all the anomalies, bizarre actions, contradictory information - nothing is right about this oil spill situation, nothing adds up.
So, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck......probably is a duck.

Without any members of the public and/or media being able to scrutinse what is really going on down there, it is perfectly possible that huge amounts of disinformation regarding the amount of oil being spilled is being spewd out to their puppet contacts and through them disseminated far and wide as truth.

Frankly, common sense tells me that if they had nothing to hide, there would be NO need for a media ban and military presence. They try to make things complicated and confusing (a favourite strategy) by giving out all sorts of disparate and conflicting information - but it's actually quite simple. THEY ARE HIDING SOMETHING, WHAT IS IT?

Now that international pressure has been applied and US has been forced to accept help from various countries, my guess is that they will drag out whatever formalities they can come up with to delay the foreign assistance for as long as possible, and that at some point before the foreign assistance can start, they will come up with some kind of 'incredible' solution and hey presto, oil leak will be sealed, and they will be hailed as heros and given some kind of ridiculous award.

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 01:36 PM
I recommend having a look at this video. It posits an argument which deals with both, seemingly opposing points of view on this situation

a) Is this a deliberately manufactured incident?

b) Beaches polluted by tar balls more than by oil - and air pollution from Corexit.

Basically, this is based on an alleged inside informer leaking information from the very top of the pyramid.

He is saying there has been a leak - but a leak which was deliberately made, by drilling into the side of the volcano and not the top. Drilling in the side means that the leak is, in fact, relatively easily put right.

He also says that the real reason toxic Corexit is being used is to cull the population on this coast.

This is the first explanation which makes sense of all the unexplained aspects and unanswered questions about the bizarre and incomprehensible way this event is being managed by those in charge - those, I have to add, who have everything to gain if this hoax scenario is true.

It makes absolute sense to me - and I have long been a believer that common sense is the enemy of the continual obfuscations, deceit and lies of these criminals.

Is it a hoax? Look at all the anomalies, bizarre actions, contradictory information - nothing is right about this oil spill situation, nothing adds up.
So, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck......probably is a duck.

Without any members of the public and/or media being able to scrutinse what is really going on down there, it is perfectly possible that huge amounts of disinformation regarding the amount of oil being spilled is being spewd out to their puppet contacts and through them disseminated far and wide as truth.

Frankly, common sense tells me that if they had nothing to hide, there would be NO need for a media ban and military presence. They try to make things complicated and confusing (a favourite strategy) by giving out all sorts of disparate and conflicting information - but it's actually quite simple. THEY ARE HIDING SOMETHING, WHAT IS IT?

Now that international pressure has been applied and US has been forced to accept help from various countries, my guess is that they will drag out whatever formalities they can come up with to delay the foreign assistance for as long as possible, and that at some point before the foreign assistance can start, they will come up with some kind of 'incredible' solution and hey presto, oil leak will be sealed, and they will be hailed as heros and given some kind of ridiculous award.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 03:17 AM
Gulf Oil Spill and Extraterrestrials: MCBs linked to Crisis

Dr. John Lash’s research insights on the ancient Pagan Gnostics link alien entities to the Gulf Oil Spill, and also to a whole number of related patterns of destructiveness which have been on-going on our planet Earth. Dr. Lash’s research insights suggest that ‘genetic humans’ could not be the masterminds of patterns of destructiveness on Earth, any more than cows can fly. Why would, for example, Earthbound humans use toxic dispersants that would result in the manifestation of the spread toxic rains planet-wide? Wouldn’t such an action threaten their very own survival, along with...


internet site reference:

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by investigative_journalist
Why would, for example, Earthbound humans use toxic dispersants that would result in the manifestation of the spread toxic rains planet-wide? Wouldn’t such an action threaten their very own survival, along with...

You've got to be kidding....

You might reread the thread for the answer to that question.

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