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Solve this crisis already darn it!

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posted on May, 1 2010 @ 06:15 AM
Does it really take ordinary Americans just sifting through pages on the internet to know more than a Washington politician? Sadly the answer is yes.

While I doubt it is a lack of IQ on the politicians behalf I believe he/she is so weighed down with corporate interests and lobbyists they almost have no choice to join them. Unless they decide to 'go radical' and support the people.

A relatively simple answer and it is one of those snapple moments.

Nationalize the Federal Reserve

As many of you hopefully know the Federal Reserve is the heart of our economy that is run by the wall street banks. Sounds safe right?

Ron Paul, a white knight so to speak is leading a crusade in the House to audit the Federal Reserve. He overall wants to abolish it in the end(won't happen). There is an alternative though, nationalizing the federal reserve.

This would mean removing all those wall street fat cats out of the federal reserve and replacing it with government employees, this way it will always be overseen and there will be no need for audit the fed.

This leads us to ask, "Who's dumb ass idea was this to give these wall street fat cats the total control of our economy!?" It was good ol' Woodrow Wilson, ya gotta love that guy.

If we nationalized the federal reserve we would know exactly what is going on and the corporate fat cats can stop manipulating our entire economy for their own benefits. OH AND SAVE OUR ECONOMY AT THE SAME TIME.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by Misoir

the federal reserve is "nationalized."

Ben bernanke -- nominated by the president and approved by the senate -- has penultimate authority over the Fed and its operations.

If you want better leadership, take that into consideration when you vote somebody into office. Might I suggest voting independent, next election.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 07:18 AM
Personally i think that ATS members would be an ideal government, we know more, we bounce off each others and get to truths and the bottom of problems, maybe a thing of the future?

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 07:32 AM
Simple answer is, you can't. The constitution specifically prohibits the government from issuing fiat currency. That's why we have the Federal Reserve in the first place. Since they are not part of the government, they can issue their paper notes backed by only their "good word", and it's perfectly legal. The govenment backs them on the scam by making them "legal tender", meaning you pretty much have to accept them in lieu of genuine US money. If we followed the constitution, the Congress would have to issue the money, and it would have to be backed by gold and silver at a fixed amount. One ounce of silver = one US dollar; one ounce of gold = fifty US dollars.

It would be a lot harder to rip people off and enslave them if the IMF couldn't manipulate the value of federal reserve notes. People could work, earn money, save the money, and when they went to spend it, the money would have the same value as when they earned it. You wouldn't have to "invest" your money just to keep it from losing value.

Here's something you can check into when you have time: look into how much gas an ounce of silver would buy in 1965, and how much an ounce would buy in 2005. Then look at how much a federal reserve note would buy in 1965 and in 2005.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by VictorVonDoom
The constitution specifically prohibits the government from issuing fiat currency. That's why we have the Federal Reserve in the first place. Since they are not part of the government, they can issue their paper notes backed by only their "good word", and it's perfectly legal. The govenment backs them on the scam by making them "legal tender", meaning you pretty much have to accept them in lieu of genuine US money. If we followed the constitution, the Congress would have to issue the money, and it would have to be backed by gold and silver at a fixed amount. One ounce of silver = one US dollar; one ounce of gold = fifty US dollars.

I'm a little confused by what you're saying.

Congress is the only entity entitled to "coin" money in the Constitution. Congress is a part of the U.S. government. Therefore, the government can issue money - but they've chosen to illegally "outsource" it to the privately owned, non-governmental Federal Reserve. The Constitution makes no mention of what money has to be backed by, specifically, it makes no mention of gold or silver nor does it say that it has to be at a fixed rate. In fact, it says that Congress' job is to regulate the value of it - meaning that the writers of the Constitution expected value variations - but, didn't expect that a private corporation would be the one regulating it.

Article 1, Section 8

To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures;

To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States;

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 08:23 AM
lol It's funny to see people still thinking this was unintentional...Or maybe kinda sad...Do the research please they are stealing your money...If you pay income taxes then you are a slave.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by NWOWILLFALL


The Promissory Note To Pay Our Debts
HJR-192 of June 5, 1933 is the promissory note (the promise of Abraham) the government issued to balance the exchange to credit the people. The Promissory note is on the debit side of the United States Governments ledger, which was a debited from their credit, created by the Executive Order of April 5, 1933 when they took the gold out of circulation. Public Policy is rooted in HJR-192 and is Grace that creates our exemption. This is your temporal saving grace. Under grace, the law falls away to create a more perfect contract. Public Policy removed the people's liability to make all payments by making a contract null if it required the payment to be in substance, because the people didn't have any money to pay with. All that must be done now is to discharge the liability. Pay and discharge are similar words but the principles are as different as Old and New Testaments. The word "pay" is equated with gold and silver, or something of substance like a first-born lamb, which requires tangible work to be invested in it to remove the liability because an execution must occur. The word "Discharge" is equated with paper, or even more basic, simple credits and debits, that exist on paper only, like the slate held by the agents/angels of heaven that get swiped clean. You cannot pay a bill with a bill and you cannot pay a debt with a debt. What HJR-192 did was, remove the liability of an obligor (someone obligated to pay a debt) by making it against Public Policy to pay debts. All that needs to be done now is discharge the debit with an appropriate credit "dollar for dollar." Debt must be discharged dollar for dollar in the same sense, as sin was discharged on the Cross. The moment a debt exists, it must be written off. The catch is, we can't write off the debt because we are not in possession of the account in deficit; our fiduciary agent is in possession of the account so we must provide him with the tax return (by the return of the original offer) so the fiduciary can discharge the liability through their internal revenue service (the bookkeeper). Most feel that when the money was taken out of society, the people became the slaves, this is not true, the people were freed from every obligation that society could create thus freeing the people from any obligation which they may incur simply because we cannot pay a debt. Ask yourself the question, What are you charging me with? And how do you expect Me to pay? Simply said, there is no money, plain and simple for me to make the payment with and on top of that, if I were to pay, who is paying Me to pay that guy and who's paying that guy and so on... Public Policy is the supercedious bond because it limits our liability to pay. It is the more perfect contract because it operates on grace to pay our debts after we have done all that we can. We go as far as we can to fulfill the obligation (acceptance and tax return) and after we have done all we can, mercy and grace kick in being our exemption to make the payment. Grace creates our exemption in the industrial society so long as we accept the charge.

To the OP of this thread!!!!
Please review these 2 threads and more....

The Federal Reserve NEEDS to be abolished like Andrew Jackson did. A federal reserve note is a DEBT INSTRUMENT, it is an IOU for the gold TPTB stole from the public, you would have gold and silver right now if they had not stole it from the public. THERE IS NO VALUE IN PAPER MONEY!!!!

Wake up please and do the world a favor, take care of yourself!!

[edit on 1-5-2010 by daddio]

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 08:41 AM
not gtoing to happen. you really think you can take a rich bank from rich bankers..? good luck

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by Myendica

Actually, they've just gotten what they want which are the trillions in bailouts (on top of the interest they've been charging for decades.) America's toast as far as they're concerned. They'll then use the money to build up the East where they'll have more customers. That's how empires are built and destroyed. On purpose.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

Huh! I would have sworn I read something to the effect of 1 oz. silver = one dollar somewhere. Can't find anything now to back that up. Must be one of those parallel universe / time slip / history changes things.

Ah well, as the Lord of Latveria once said, "It takes a wise man to realize when he's wrong, and a noble man to admit it. I am both." I just love that quote.

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