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MSNBC Newsvine Poll on Healthcare reform bill - 66.7% are angry

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posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by Aoxoa
Come on. If you needed medical help, yet couldn't afford it... Im sure you would be angry.

If you can afford it, yet don't use it... Why are you paying for it?

Taxes, taxes taxes... Trust me if its not this tax, its another, and another. You won't even notice the difference im sure. Let the poor broken human get some medical help.. Instead of walking past them and telling them "Get a job you bum!".

Some people just have huge barriers preventing them from working. These are the people who should be getting free health care. Those who work of course, and earn a living should of course pay for their own dental, and etc. But when alot of treatments can cost thousands of dollars... in the thousands then, maybe they can use some help.

If they can so much as even blink we should be finding a way for them to repay their debt. Maybe we could just hook them up to giant power producing towers like in the Matrix. At least then we could get something back out of them.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 09:05 AM
The problem with these internet polls is that the vocal people who oppose these bills are the ones going to the news sites to get more information about it. To see how this bill will damn us. They are running and screaming their ignorant speech anywhere they can, just because the republicans/tea party (tea party is republican by the way, even though they claim not to be their leaders are in bed with republican leaders.) told them to do it.

Well, thats not the case, and the sane people know this. They know its not a big deal and they aren't spending hours looking over all of these news sites.

Constitutional or not, a private company shouldn't have the right to put someone to death. (Which is what everyone wanting to repeal this bill disagrees with)

There will NEVER be a fair way to make the insurance companies stop being @(#*!@.

Face it Republicans, the will of the MAJORITY superseded the will of the MINORITY, and the american people have been served justice against those that would harm them.

[edit on 23-3-2010 by Takamuri]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

query parameters FTW.....script written by outkast searcher = FAIL

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
Did you just post an internet poll as a source?

Shall I write a quick script to put 1 million votes in the "excited" category???

Why don't you? And then as soon as you do lets see the numbers rise. Put your money where your mouth is.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 09:23 AM
This Rasmussen poll (NOT INTERNET POLL) reports that 17 percent of respondents DO BELIEVE that the bill will decrease costs of healthcare....

OOPS! Edit to remove NOT!

57 percent believe ( rightly so IMO ) that costs will go up.

[edit on 23-3-2010 by butcherguy]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 09:28 AM
While internet polls are notriously unreliable, it is an anomoly that a Poll on MSNBC would show such results, it would be like a similar poll on FOX showing 68% in favor of the new healthcare law. It's not an expected result and probably is a more accurate reflection of attitudes than some here are willing to give it. Other "real" polls show similar results.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:01 AM
Just a quick observation. Look at the way it's phrased:

66.7% are ANGRY with the "health care vote"

26% are excited about "healthcare reform"

6.4% don't know how to feel

To make a point rather than debate, I support the bill, but am angry with the vote. That is, angry with all the dickering, name calling, and political gridlock involved.

Most people only know what their side tells them. If HE says it's bad, it must be, without realizing where HE gets his campaign funds from. Same with those who blindly support it.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents...

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by drwizardphd

I imagine that, given a few months to let the bill have its effects, people will begin to realize that it's not nearly as big a deal as they are making it out to be.

Yes, but in a few years it will be apparent that it is one of the first steps in a very big deal.

Originally posted by drwizardphdIt's not government takeover, it's not Socialism, it's not Communism, and it's not Fascism.

Well, I don't know about fascism just yet anyway... But I'll argue the Socialism and Communism (I won't quibble about semantics there...)

I will say, not in and of itself no. But it will inevitably lead to laws and mandates that are down that path when the proverbial chickens come home to roost. The Government can't afford this program. They already are demanding concessions for efficiency within the healthcare industry itself for this that will reduce quality of care, and are sometimes simply not possible.

They will eventually demand concessions within the population they cover (ourselves) to attempt to further reduce cost. Ostensibly, to make us 'healthier. They will eventually determine what we eat, how much we should weigh and for some of us, when we die, by fiscal necessity. I feel it is very likely they will attempt to control much more than even that. There is a slippery slope aspect to this that is apalling. They are gaining control over our very physical selves in a way that gets most of us where we live. In our health, and our money... In short, dictating our way of life whether we agree with/to it or not.

Originally posted by drwizardphd
MSNBC (who are obviously heavily in favor of the legislation) made their bed with this one.

LOL. Boy, got that right!

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:07 AM
There's a good chance they could throw in the public option. It's not over yet..

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:49 AM
If anything these polls the MSM are reporting are under reported, I mean it is the MSM... why they are actually allowing the truth to come out, I have no idea.

ATS should have a poll, but then again we all know how that will end up, ha. I'd like to see some popular alternative news source host a poll though about ObamaCare and see how it turns out.

But, like I've said in other threads regarding the new health care bill, what can we do about it? Are chosen representatives chose ObamaCare for us, even though the majority did not want it to pass. So much for democracy... it's been longgggg gone.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 11:04 AM
Here's another nail in the coffin for anyone doubting that Americans overall actually are angry about the outcome of this vote. This is an OP ED piece from The Atlantic and posted on MSNBC.

To summarize, the author agrees that health care reform needed to happen and should have happened a long time ago.

However, the author says the Democrats failed to make their case to the public and even stooped to lying to get this thing passed:

People struggle to understand how extending health insurance to 32 million Americans, at a cost of a trillion dollars over ten years, can be a deficit-reducing measure. If cuts in Medicare will pay for half of that outlay, as the plan intends, they struggle to see how the quality of Medicare's services can be maintained — let alone improved, as Pelosi said again in her speech on Sunday. The CBO notwithstanding, the public is right not to believe these claims.

So even a Democrat/left-leaning writer contends that it's insane to believe that extending health care to 32 million Americans will actually reduce the deficit OR not allow the quality of health care to slip, which it inevitably will.

And about the notion that most Americans ARE NOT angry about this vote?

Whether you agree with that or not, the law the Democrats just passed is unpopular. It is a far-reaching, transformative measure that in the end will affect almost everyone; it is opposed by most of the country; and it is now law.

And the writer bring up another good question. Now that the thugs in Congress have proven that they ram legislation down our throats, what will they try to ram down next? Amnesty for illegal immigrants? Cap and trade? Repealing the Fairness Doctrine?

And one wonders, is this trampling down of public opinion going to be habit-forming? Recall Pelosi's recent comment that once the Democrats have "kicked through this door", they can move on to the rest of their (equally unpopular) agenda.

And here's the rub - the author calls out the lying for what it is:

It is right to provide guaranteed health insurance, but wrong to claim this great prize could be had, in effect, for nothing. Broadly based tax increases and fundamental reform to health care delivery will be needed to balance the books. Denying this was a mistake. What was worse — an insult to one's intelligence, really — was to argue as Obama has in the past few days that this reform was, first and foremost, a cost-reducing initiative, and a way to drive down premiums.

And of course, this leads to the inevitable conclusion of his piece. Obama has forced the bill on an unwanting public and people are mad. What will be the cost to the Democrats and his presidency? Time will tell, but I'd say it doesn't look good, especially when appalling details of the innards of this bill start to become public knowledge, like rationing of health care.

With help, to be sure, from a rabidly partisan Republican party, he has divided the country more deeply than ever. And he has pushed through a far-reaching measure that country does not want.

The writing is on the wall, Obama. Although your intentions may have been noble, you did this in exactly the WRONG way. And now, God willing, you are on your way out of office come 2012.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 11:13 AM
How we can say that polls don't matter:

On this very site people claim that the general populations is bunch sheeple, that need to be woken up. They claim that the MSM is full of lies which serve TPTB.

On the other hand, we have this poll. In order to say that these numbers matter, we have to say that the general population is well and accurately informed.

*I am personally not going to jump on either side of that; I'm just putting this out there*

What I will say is that this has been one of the most confusing pieces of legislation that has gone through in a long time. Out of anything that the general population wouldn't understand, this would be it (I know this because I find my own knowledge on the situation lacking). This piece of legislation is so confusing that it forces people to find out it's details from the news; we all know how dividing that can be. With misleading rumors of "death panels" and other sensationalist lies, I'm not surprised the public is reacting in this manner.

Over the past 10 years, I have learned that if you want to win the general public's support, you must have the media on your side. There have been very few occasions where the media has not been divided since 9/11.

I knew that everything was all a partition game when there was a slight sense of joy coming from certain individuals as Chicago lost the bid for the Olympics. If we can't come together over something as simple as that; we will never come together regarding anything political. That's just the way things are.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
interesting to read through the comments...its almost 100% tea party slogan issues by people leaving the comments.
Someone sent a note.
Time to send a note to the coffee party and skew any fox news polls? or just ignore internet polls as always.

I missed the huge coffee party rally with tens of thousands of people. When and where is the next one? I want to go.


posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by AwakeinNM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
interesting to read through the comments...its almost 100% tea party slogan issues by people leaving the comments.
Someone sent a note.
Time to send a note to the coffee party and skew any fox news polls? or just ignore internet polls as always.

I missed the huge coffee party rally with tens of thousands of people. When and where is the next one? I want to go.


Check with Soros since he funds them.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by Thirty_Foot_Smurf

Originally posted by AwakeinNM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
interesting to read through the comments...its almost 100% tea party slogan issues by people leaving the comments.
Someone sent a note.
Time to send a note to the coffee party and skew any fox news polls? or just ignore internet polls as always.

I missed the huge coffee party rally with tens of thousands of people. When and where is the next one? I want to go.


Check with Soros since he funds them.

That was sarcasm, since the coffee party isn't real. It's a MSM construct.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by sos37
Thanks for that post! Very nice. Sums it up well.

If people are angry now, just wait until the bill has it's effects on the working populace over the next couple of years.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by AwakeinNM

Originally posted by Thirty_Foot_Smurf

Originally posted by AwakeinNM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
interesting to read through the comments...its almost 100% tea party slogan issues by people leaving the comments.
Someone sent a note.
Time to send a note to the coffee party and skew any fox news polls? or just ignore internet polls as always.

I missed the huge coffee party rally with tens of thousands of people. When and where is the next one? I want to go.


Check with Soros since he funds them.

That was sarcasm, since the coffee party isn't real. It's a MSM construct.

Go ahead and donate to them and see if they really pull money out of your account. Looks real to me.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 11:45 AM
The same number of people are still mad about healthcare reform. The difference is HOW mad. The same people are a lot more mad.
That the MSM as the government propaganda arm is willing to report it because it fits in with somebody's (some high-thinking puppet master's) idea about step two in their agenda. Getting the American people to revolt in order to put them down with their kevlar padded police-traitors and institute martial law, more control, or maybe try some depopulation moves. Like dragging people off to fema camp roach hotels. (they go in but they don't come out) They might have actually used that move in Katrina. We will never know. That our government is EVIL, you decide.

[edit on 23-3-2010 by m khan]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by Thirty_Foot_Smurf

Originally posted by AwakeinNM

Originally posted by Thirty_Foot_Smurf

Originally posted by AwakeinNM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
interesting to read through the comments...its almost 100% tea party slogan issues by people leaving the comments.
Someone sent a note.
Time to send a note to the coffee party and skew any fox news polls? or just ignore internet polls as always.

I missed the huge coffee party rally with tens of thousands of people. When and where is the next one? I want to go.


Check with Soros since he funds them.

That was sarcasm, since the coffee party isn't real. It's a MSM construct.

Go ahead and donate to them and see if they really pull money out of your account. Looks real to me.

They may pull money out of your account. That doesn't mean they are real. False flag coffee? False front organization

[edit on 23-3-2010 by m khan]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by m khan

They may pull money out of your account. That doesn't mean they are real. False flag coffee? False front organization

[edit on 23-3-2010 by m khan]

I agree. Something just didn't feel right about after looking at them a while back.

[edit on 23-3-2010 by Thirty_Foot_Smurf]

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