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The Healthcare Bill is based on lies on top of lies on top of lies

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posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 11:56 AM
This is based on lies.

First off people do have access to healthcare. Many of these 33 million Americans choose not to pay for health care because they don't think they need it.

For instance, I have a cousin and he didn't have any health insurance. He started to get these bad headaches so he went to a Health Clinic and they gave him a rating based on his income. He now has been assigned a Doctor and he has his Prescriptions and they pay for most of his care.

What this Bill does is take away choice and freedom from Americans by mandating them into a broken system.

Things like Medicare and S.S. are pyramid schemes. They depend on workers at the bottom of the pyramid paying out the benefits to those retiring at the top of the pyramid.

So are government depends on a certain percentage of people dying before they reach the top of the pyramid.

What has happened is the baby boomers are starting to live longer and this widens the top of the pyramid and eventually you will reach a point where there's not enough workers in the system to pay out the benefits and the pyramid will collapse.

So you try to add workers to the bottom of the pyramid and Bush tried this with immigration reform or you close the top of the pyramid through government rationed health care and death panels and this is what Obama has done.

Obama wants to mandate more people into a broken system and then give out less health care to control cost. So people will die under Obamacare because this bill tries to close the top of the pyramid.

This is why Obama talks about reducing the volume in healthcare. You can't reduce the volume because Doctors are not psychic. This is why Obama told the lady her mother needed to take a pain pill instead of getting surgery. This is why they were mandating end of life care until they were exposed.

This is all based on lies. Obama says look at the evil insurance companies and 33 million Americans will be insured so he can appeal to your emotion and cloud your reason.

We have over 14 trillion dollars in debt, 100 trillion in unfunded liabilities and close to 10% unemployment. How in the world are we going to pay for all of this when Obama said himself that we are broke on C-Span? People don't live in the real world.

Hitler said it's a fortunate thing for governments that the people don't think.

He said people are generally stupid, if you repeat the same slogans again and again they will eventually believe it.

Sadly this is true. This bill has nothing to do with healthcare. The entitlement programs are bankrupting the country and the democrats want to mandate people into a broken system.

Say they take in a billion dollars in taxes for Medicare. The government spends most of the money because many people paying into the system will die before they see the benefits. The ponzi scheme is in trouble because of good healthcare that has increased life expectancy to close to 80 years of age.

The democrats want death because the fewer people who make it to the top of the pyramid the more they get to spend.

See if they don't kill people with this bill, eventually you will have more people retiring than there are workers to pay the benefits and that means the government will have to use all the taxes they collect to pay benefits and they will have to borrow even more money as more people make it to the top of the pyramid because of good health care.

Many of the benefits of this bill don't kick in until 2014. This means the government has another pyramid scheme. They will collect these new taxes and spend the money on pet projects. When 2014 hits, they will raise taxes again or try to borrow the money to pay for the new mandated benefits. America is in deep trouble.

[edit on 22-3-2010 by Matrix Rising]

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 12:52 PM
All this Healthcare Hoopla is just to keep us distracted from the fact the the emperor has no clothes. Our economy, like most, (helll probably all) around the world is just a giant ponzi scheme. Ponzi scheme's are designed to steal, simple as that. They are not designed to last or foster the betterment of the people. They are designed to steal from the people. I don't see how this Ponzi economy can last? Do you? The house of cards is about to have a big fall. The elite's know this. That's why they are grabbing everything that's not nailed down. Poor fools! It will do them no good. Start thinking locally and globally. Let's start a new World. Lets outlaw Greed and corruption!

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by Klaatumagnum

The scheme can't last and this is why Obama wants to mandate people into a broken system.

If these schemes were tried in the private sector, people would be in jail with Madoff.

I think America will break into two classes. The Global class and the Slave class.

The Global Class - this will be people with money who can invest overseas in emerging markets or move overseas if they have to.

Slave Class - this will be people who are slaves to the government. Their labor will be owned by the government in exchange for cradle to the grave entitlements.

For example, Oprah avoided moving to California even though she wanted to move because of California's high taxation. Oprah has a house in Cali but she doesn't stay there long enough to be considered a resident and then she can avoid the taxes.

Now if billionaire Oprah doesn't want to pay the heavy taxation, imagine the middle class person who can't get on a jet an leave the state and fly to another house. This will happen throughout America as people leave or move their money out of the country.

The problem is big government, massive debt and these pyramid schemes called entitlement programs.

Again, the government collects taxes to pay out benefits. They spend that money and then they depend on a certain amount of people dying so they don't have to pay out more money than they take in.

The problem is people are living longer so they have to "reduce the volume of healthcare" like Obama said. This just means rationing healthcare and killing folks in order to close the top of the pyramid.

So when you get to a point where the government is paying out more than it's taking in then the pyramid is about to collapse and America is in trouble. Sadly this is already occuring and this is why Obama and the democrats are lying to you.

Social Security to Start Cashing Uncle Sam's IOUs


This year, for the first time since the 1980s, when Congress last overhauled Social Security, the retirement program is projected to pay out more in benefits than it collects in taxes — nearly $29 billion more.

PARKERSBURG, W.Va. – The retirement nest egg of an entire generation is stashed away in this small town along the Ohio River: $2.5 trillion in IOUs from the federal government, payable to the Social Security Administration.

It's time to start cashing them in.

For more than two decades, Social Security collected more money in payroll taxes than it paid out in benefits — billions more each year.

Not anymore. This year, for the first time since the 1980s, when Congress last overhauled Social Security, the retirement program is projected to pay out more in benefits than it collects in taxes — nearly $29 billion more.

Here's another one:

Medicare paying out more than it takes in

The financial health of Social Security and Medicare, the government's two biggest benefit programs, have worsened because of the severe recession, and Medicare is now paying out more than it receives.

Trustees of the programs said Tuesday that Social Security will start paying out more in benefits than it collects in taxes in 2016, one year sooner than projected last year, and the giant trust fund will be depleted by 2037, four years sooner.

Medicare is in even worse shape. The trustees said the program for hospital expenses will pay out more in benefits than it collects this year and will be insolvent by 2017, two years earlier than the date projected in last year's report.

The programs should be phased out.

First you raise the eligibility age for people under 40 like myself and eventually you phase them out.

In a global economy with cheap labor you can't have massive government and massive debt.

Again, they are lying to America because the pyramid schemes are about to crash.

When an investor runs a ponzi scheme he does the same thing. He will need more and more investors at the bottom of the pyramid to pay returns to investors at the top of the pyramid. When there's not enough new investors entering the scheme then the system crashes.

This is what's happening with the government.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by Matrix Rising

Which is better at least than the Disease Management Program we had.

That was based on deliberately shoving chemicals in food products and poisoning people, then convincing them they have some dreaded 20th century illness so they go to their doctors and ask for this or that drug to cure it.

This way the public actually played a part in the Disease Management Program and acting as live guinea pigs in the pharmaceutical research studies.

News flash: Don't take the cholesterol lowering drug "Zocor" anymore unless you want to have permanent damage to your musculature along with a little plaque.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 03:02 PM
Actually it's the health care opposition that is built on lies upon lies upon lies. Remember death panels? It seems if you want to see what the right is doing you just have to listen to what they say the left is doing and you get exactly what the right is doing. I noticed this early in the Clinton administration. They just lie nonstop. I don't just mean the wackos either (Beck, Palin, Bachman, etc).

Read and find out, don't listen to the right, read and find out the facts, read the bill yourself. The right is lying through their teeth.

EDIT: Health reform and you: A new guide

[edit on 22-3-2010 by damwel]

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 03:10 PM
Based on lies! Kinda reminds ya of how Bush dragged us into Iraq.
But most of you don't remember that !

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by OLD HIPPY DUDE

Of course Bush lied to get us into Iraq. This is what politicians do.

They lie and call it spin. Why do you think they say the President needs to sell you the war or sell his policy to the American people?

They have to lie to you and they sell it to you by painting a rosy picture.

Bush sold you Iraq and Obama sold you a healthcare plan that's designed to ration healthcare, mandate people into a broken system and close the top of the pyramid by giving out less healthcare.

Obama acts like the Heavens will open up if we just pass his plan. This is because Presidents are glorified salesmen. They lie in order to get you to buy what they are selling.

Again, this is about the pyramid schemes called Medicare and S.S.

If they didn't pass this then Obama and the liberals knew the system would be phased out. This just puts the pyramid scheme on life support and this could truly destroy this country.

So yes, I talked about Bush and his massive borrowing and spending and Obama is even worse when it comes to big government.

Obama said in a 2001 radio interview that the Constitution was fundamentally flawed because it restrains government and it doesn't talk about redistribution of wealth.

This is scary talk coming from a President and this is why I couldn't support Obama.

The Founders restrained government because they didn't want any king or government dictating to people on how they should live their lives.

Any guy who talks about transforming the world and transforming America from the Presidency has delusions of grandeur. We don't elect Presidents to dictate their ideology onto the American people. We elect them to protect & defend American people and our Constitution.

It's a problem when the guy you elected is so full of himself he thinks his way is better than the Constitution.

The only thing that has protected Americans from an oppressive government is the Constitution. It restrains and ties the hands of governments but Obama and the Progressives don't like these restraints and that's not good.

[edit on 22-3-2010 by Matrix Rising]

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 03:49 PM
Now that the scumbags have FORCED this travesty through Congress AGAINST the will of the American People, they've sealed their fates in November...

Which means they WILL NOT HESITATE to force through the remaining bulk of their anti-American agenda between now and November — everything from amnesty for illegal aliens to draconian gun-control legislation and beyond.

In other words, Now The Masks Are Coming Off.


— Doc Velocity

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by OLD HIPPY DUDE
Based on lies! Kinda reminds ya of how Bush dragged us into Iraq.
But most of you don't remember that !

We remember that the U.S. Congress COULD HAVE refused to support the war in Iraq, but the two-faced liberals — from John Kerry to Hillary Clinton — were ALL IN FAVOR of invading Iraq and of supporting the ongoing military operation RIGHT UP TO THE PRESENT.

Don't give us that crap about George Bush dragging us into Iraq — the Liberals in Congress MADE IT POSSIBLE and they CONTINUED TO FINANCE THE WAR, even after they assumed control of BOTH houses of Congress.

Whatever you've been smoking has destroyed your memory of who the REAL culprits are.

— Doc Velocity

[edit on 3/22/2010 by Doc Velocity]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by Doc Velocity

Exactly, the mask is coming off.

Obama lied again today. He said the reason why it's taking 4 years to put many of these things in place is because it takes time to set them up.

This is not the reason. The reason why they collect taxes for 4 years to pay for most of these mandated benefits is because they want to spend the money.

The reason why Medicare and Social Security is going broke is because they spend the money they collect in taxes and then they have to raise taxes or borrow the money when it's time to pay out benefits.

So the government will collect new taxes for 4 years and they will spend the money and replace the money they spend with I.O.U.'s. When it comes time to put these benefits in place, they will have to raise taxes again and borrow money to pay out the benefits.

I don't know why people fall for the lies of politicians.

We have a 14 trillion dollar debt, over 100 trillion in unfunded liabilities and close to 10% unemployment.

The government is going to spend the money it collects in new taxes to pay for these programs. When 2014 comes around, how will we pay for all these benefits?

I fear our children and grandchildren will be born as slaves to this massive government.

Sadly people are replacing reason with emotion. Obama and the democrats talk about a 100 year dream when it comes to universal healthcare. They only care about ideology and little facts like how will we pay for this means nothing to them because taxpayer money is like monopoly money to them.

The CBO numbers only work if money raised for the benefits through taxes and medicare cuts will be spent on the program. We know this isn't the case and this is why Medicare and Social Security are nowhere near there projections.

This is because government will spend the money it takes in and the only thing that will be left to pay for these things is I.O.U.'s.

America is in deep trouble.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 02:12 PM
The hospitals are owned by religions.

If they were regulated by any fairness in practice, there is no reason for an aspirin to cost $100.

If the charges were fair, people could better afford to pay out of pocket.

Religions already hold all the wealth. What have they ever given back?

I bet they have their corporate hands into big pharma as well.

Many people have been guilted and frauded into giving to these churches. The scams have gone on for centuries. Religions have built their empires on the backs of the uneducated working class people. They have solicited funds under altruistic pretenses that never came to fruition because they have all been socking the money away in offshore accounts.

Let religions and the hospitals they own give back FREELY to the people for all they have extorted from them.

Let's have reasonable prices for medical care so that people can maintain their dignity and be able to afford treatment.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 03:17 PM
Hey there Matrix, ol' buddy. Guess who. I found another thread where you are barfing up your brainwashed BS.

You want to b*tch about mandates? Guess what. IT IS A REPUBLICAN IDEA!!

"The truth is this is a Republican idea," said Linda Quick, president of the South Florida Hospital and Healthcare Association. She said she first heard the concept of the "individual mandate" in a Miami speech in the early 1990s by Sen. John McCain, a conservative Republican from Arizona, to counter the "Hillarycare" the Clintons were proposing. Read more:
McCain did not embrace the concept during his 2008 election campaign, but other leading Republicans did, including Tommy Thompson, secretary of Health and Human Services under President George W. Bush.

Seeking to deradicalize the idea during a symposium in Orlando in September 2008, Thompson said, "Just like people are required to have car insurance, they could be required to have health insurance."

Among the other Republicans who had embraced the idea was Mitt Romney, who as governor of Massachusetts crafted a huge reform by requiring almost all citizens to have coverage.

"Some of my libertarian friends balk at what looks like an individual mandate," Romney wrote in The Wall Street Journal in 2006. "But remember, someone has to pay for the health care that must, by law, be provided: Either the individual pays or the taxpayers pay. A free ride on government is not libertarian."

in his 1993 bill, John Chafee of Rhode Island, along with 20 other GOP senators and Rep. Bill Thomas of California, introduced legislation that instead featured an individual mandate. Four of those Republican co-sponsors — Hatch, Charles Grassley of Iowa, Robert Bennett of Utah and Christopher Bond of Missouri — remain in the Senate today.

It's too bad for conservatives that there stupid gripes originate with them. It was a great idea when it was theirs, now it's unconstitutional and requires suing the federal government. Classic case of republican leadership pulling reasons out of the butts to inflame their base and it backfires.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 03:26 PM
OH! SNAP! I just saw another post of Matrix Rising where he describes 4 fixes for health care reform.

What is number one? Mandates. Now he is all pissed off about it.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 03:28 PM
Great, yet another HCB thread stating nothing that hasn't already been said. Why not use one of the gazillion of previous threads?

It's kinda annoying that every 2nd thread seems to be made by someone stating what has been stated before over and over again.

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