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"All Black People" Asked to Leave S. Jersey Wal-Mart

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posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by dalan.
If you had read my previous post...

Oh, I read it, Dalan... And you may have even said it tongue-in-cheek, but you did say "There's NOTHING WORSE than being made the brunt of a cruel joke..."

And a lot of people out there really believe that. Mostly pre-pubescent kids and teenagers.

Which is why I jumped in to clarify — for their sake, if not yours — that being made the brunt of a cruel joke is the least of your worries in this life.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by hadriana
Ever search on witchcraft? There's people that get killed day in and day out for being witches.

Witchcraft ranks far below Christianity for the number of practitioners killed for their beliefs. Going back over the history of "witchcraft" of all kinds, it's well known that practitioners of witchcraft were and still are a reclusive bunch, as their nature-worshipping practices are usually carried out in appropriately natural settings, away from the madding crowd.

Even at the height of the witch-hunting hysteria in Europe, there were only a few thousand victims, and most of them weren't even witches. Same thing in America, where only about 200 people were tried for witchcraft, and only a couple of dozen of them were executed — again, it's doubtful that any of the defendants in the Salem Witch Trials were actual witches to begin with.

So, no, witches, as a group of nature-worshippers, haven't been unduly targeted over the centuries. More often, the victims of witch-hunters are actually just eccentric people who are despised by their neighbors and are unfairly labeled as witches.

I mean, come on... How many defendants at the Salem Witch Trials stood up before their accusers and boldly admitted to being witches? ZERO. They all denied it. Even under the worst circumstances, say, during the 16th Century witch hysteria in Europe, they had to torture people to force them to confess to being witches.

See, that's the major difference — Christians don't hesitate to profess their Faith, even in the face of certain death. Which is why they have been widely persecuted and murdered over the last two millennia.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 12:50 AM

Originally posted by Aggie Man
I want to know what this jerk was arrested for. I don't like what he did, but what law did he break? It's not illegal to be a bigot. He didn't incite a riot. It's not a hate crime. It's not illegal to get on a store PA system and make a what was the arrest for? I bet the guy that did it probably had an outstanding warrant for a traffic violation, so the media is going to spin it as if he was arrested for this incident. Either way, he has been identified and now will be subject to public ridicule....well deserved public ridicule!

This kid — this 16-year-old "bigot" — was arrested because our society is ignorant, fearful, weak-kneed and thin-skinned.

However, an example MUST BE MADE of this CRIMINAL so that other mischievous kids will think twice before committing such HEINOUS pranks.

Yeah. RIGHT. Since when has a 16-year-old ever thought twice about doing something stupid?

In the meantime, other kids are robbing and beating the hell out of old people in public, recording themselves on video committing the crimes, circulating the videos online, and the story ends there, IF it even makes it into the news.

But, OH MY GOD, some stupid kid burps "All black people leave the building" and he becomes Public Enemy Number One.

This is such a fekked-up country, I tell you.

— Doc Velocity

[edit on 3/21/2010 by Doc Velocity]

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by Doc Velocity

I wasn't implying that people that actually practice witchcraft were being murdered. Only people targeted as witches - even today- and yes, STILL by Christians.

Campaigners against the practice say around 15,000 children have been accused in two of Nigeria's 36 states over the past decade and around 1,000 have been murdered. In the past month alone, three Nigerian children accused of witchcraft were killed and another three were set on fire.

Truth gets pretty ugly.

This child's life will most likely be ruined because of a stupid prank.
It used to be that teenagers were thought of as teenagers, and when they did crap like this, folks just rolled their eyes.

[edit on 21-3-2010 by hadriana]

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 05:18 AM

Originally posted by Raist
reply to post by Aggie Man

It is the hate speech law.

Start expecting to see more of this sort of thing. Does not matter if you agree or disagree TPTB want everyone to know who is in charge.


Well in this case I would say that the law is an ass. The kid was stupid. His parents are probably angry and humiliated. The law also says that you cannot chastise a kid. I would have hit mine and then gone to jAIL!!!

That is enough. A point was made.

How many people were raped that day! how many dies horrible deaths? Did anything happen in the economy or politics?? In short I am positive that more important things happened on the day.

You cannot blame black people for the litgation culture that pervades the legal system.

[edit on 21-3-2010 by Tiger5]

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by Tiger5

You cannot blame black people for the litgation culture that pervades the legal system.

I cannot (will not) blame all black people for the flaws... but if the person abusing the system is black, certainly I can blame them. After all, if they did not abuse the system, the system would not be as flawed.

If the complainants had tattoos, neither would I blame all people with tattoos... but I could mention that the complainant was 'tattooed'.

I know you did not mean it as such, but that statement is in itself racist because it assume racism where none is shown to exist. There is no difference, save unimportant cultural differences that we all have regardless of race, that makes a person any different from any other, regardless of skin color. It is not black people abusing the system, it is people abusing the system. The only reason color is even mentioned in this instance is that the system has been adjusted by those in power to favor people based on skin color, and that, my friend, is wrong. That is racist in itself.


posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by Raist
reply to post by Aggie Man

It is the hate speech law.

Start expecting to see more of this sort of thing. Does not matter if you agree or disagree TPTB want everyone to know who is in charge.

Well, if it's hate speech law...that's fine with me. I'm all for freedom of speech; however, there is no constructive place for hate speech in this country...whether it was meant as a prank or not.

Save the racial jokes for the comedy clubs and conversations between bigots. Anything otherwise is nothing more that an attempt to inflame race relations.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:22 PM
I agree with Zindo, PC run AMOK.

I googled the phrase, "bias intimidation and harassment charges"; and a similar case popped up.

This was anti semite, and judging from the responses, the poster who started that one thread about that jewish defamation league was SWPOT ON.

Unfortunately I could not find an answer to my original reason for the query.

I assume with the light jail sentence attached it is misdemeanor?

Where the heck is the ACLU?? This poor kid's right to free speech was violated if he was arrested for this charge and not abusing or trespass of company property.

This is the perfect type of case to bust up these stupid PC laws that restrict our right to free speech.

The only consequences I see fit for offensive language and words (which are completely nonphysical) are social consequences.

Free speech means I have the right to say I dont like *insert group*. It means I can tell a joke about *insert group*. But it means I have the right to use my free speech to speak out in discourse against people who offer those opinions. Free speech is a two way street, and I am afraid way too many people cry FREE SPEECH then turn around with their pitchforks and torches and go after teenage punks who hyuck hyuck perpetrated a prank and Wal Mart.

My god, with this turn of events, I am seriously leaning towards a corporate planned event/conspiracy in which Wal Mart is going to spend money lobbying for more restrictions on free speech, such as consumers who freely speak out about WALMARTS pathetic and human rights abuses it itself perpetrates.

[edit on 21-3-2010 by hotbakedtater]

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by Aggie Man

So who judges what is offensive and considered hate speech?

I do have a problem with hate speech laws. Not that I want to spew hate, but that someone has to be the judge of what is said. That means it could change from person to person.

There is no freedom of speech if you take away the rights of others to say things which might offend you. I am offended daily by what many others say. I though tend to ignore it and brush it off as ignorance. Maybe there needs to be some sort of classes for tolerance of the speech of others. If one thinks about it you can hear offensive things any place you go.

As for keeping it in the clubs….well I do not see that working out. There would be someone who would go to that club just to stir trouble about being offended by something they heard. Not that I like to listen to him but I have heard Chris Rock can be pretty offensive in his comedy acts. Come to think of it many comedians today are rather offensive compared to the comedians of yester years.


posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 04:44 AM
It probably wasn't even Wal Mart who made the announcement. Average Joe's crack the code around here all the time. It's as simple as being near an employee who's making a real announcement and watching what keys they hit. Recently someone did that here and played porn over the loudspeaker for a good minute and a half before they found him.

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 05:24 AM

Originally posted by Raist
reply to post by Aggie Man

So who judges what is offensive and considered hate speech?

I do have a problem with hate speech laws. Not that I want to spew hate, but that someone has to be the judge of what is said. That means it could change from person to person.


Well I have not researched hate speech laws but I don't like the sound of them. These laws will obviously require lawyers to interprete them $$$$$$$

Also over time they may be used and even misued. I believe that we the people can actusally cut out hate speech and racism. Let us not ban anything by laws.

The 60s were a time when black and white took a stand against racism.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by network dude

Wasn't it a teenage prankster that said it through the intercom?

You gotta admit, it wouldn't make the news if he said "all white people" because we'd all laugh it off as a joke. LOL No one takes us seriously. ;D

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 04:44 PM
This was a sick joke, at least not as bad an the intruder that shot a 16 year old black boy in my neighborhood Saturday night. He's in critical condition.

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