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Cure for Mental Disorders (Depression, Bipolar, Schizophrenia)? Enter Neurofeedback!!

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posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 04:14 AM
Just thought I'd mention neurofeedback, I've only come across it once on ATS, and it was quoted, no other searches have had yielded any results. The reason behind this, is I think I've found the cure to my depression, Schizo affective, dissociative, and borderline personality disorders... thats right... a cure....BUT PLEASE... this is my OWN experience..

This is my own testimony only after 3 sessions, I have another 12 to go. My wife, has 13 sessions to go, we both are feeling the immense benefit that this cutting edge technology is providing us.

"What is Neurofeedback",

Neurofeedback is a specialised and advanced form of biofeedback that attends to the central nervous system and gives information about brainwave activity. Neurofeedback can also be called neurotherapy, EEG Biofeedback, and neurobiofeedback.

The Central Nervous System (CNS), consists of the brain and spinal cord and is the fundamental information processing network of the body. It enables coordination of all parts of the body including motor systems and higher brain functions such as memory, emotional processing, language, and executive functioning.

The energy generated by CNS processing can be detected by sensors placed on the scalp and displayed on a monitor in REAL TIME. This is called the Electroencephalograph or EEG. With specially designed computer software, information about the performance and behavior of the Brian and Central Nervous System as a whole is then presented back to the individual via visual and auditory perception. The additional information enables the CNS to improve its information processing capacity, efficiency, resiliency, and learning such that long-term outcomes can be achieved.

People using neurofeedback have experienced relief from a vast array of psychological, emotional and medical conditions. Neurofeedback is also widely used by people whom want to increase physical and mental performance such as athletes, sportspeople, business people, musicians and students.

From my personal experience, I have felt a huge shift in my depression, I've felt an increase in motivation, felt a decrease in anxiety, my thinking process has this foggy glaze seemingly removed, and its only after 3 sessions!!

I had these electrodes placed on my scalp, my 'disorders' were clearly visible on the EEG display on the practitioners laptop. They were in the form of erratic spikes in the 3 to 5 hertz range, otherwise known as 'bad theta' waves.

What then happened, is I was given 15 seconds with eyes open, then 15 seconds with eyes closed - a recording of the brainwave activity PRE session.

I then listened to music, and then the POST session of 15 seconds eyes open, and 15 seconds eyes closed was recorded. After second session I was 201 in the positive, and after 3rd session I was 950 in the positive. I am still wanting to find out what this means, all i know is that its good news.

So during the session, I would listen to music, and the music would stop and a click or pop would follow as a result to the music pausing. At first it was rather frustrating hearing this music pause, but the more frustrated I got the more pauses and clicks/pops I would hear.

So i stopped trying to 'force' this clicking to stop, i started to just sit there and not pay attention to the music pausing, what i noticed was the music would pause/click/pop less often. I then started to clear my thoughts, and the pause would occur on a random basis. What i found out later was that the Neurofeedback device would work regardless what I was consciously thinking of, it would occur subconsciously. So during the first session the pauses were quite regularly, after the 3rd session they wouldn't occur as often. I was told that the less pauses/clicks/pops the more 'calm' my Central Nervous System was and less 'disorders' I would experience.

So this is part of the package I received, this is what it says about how NeurOptimal (Software) Works.

The EEG is an emergent phenomenon representing the dynamical activity of conscious and unconscious processing. When processing is compromised, with resultant loss of efficiency and impaired functioning, turbulence develops within the EEG. This is evident in the dynamical activity of the EEG rather than how much there is of any particular frequency or frequency range. NeurOptimal is designed to detect the turbulence at its earliest unconscious origins and alert the CNS so that it can maintain stability and efficient processing. The constant return to stability and renormalization interrupts the dynamic driving the problematic behaviour and trains the CNS to maintain stability and efficiency processing.

The sensitivity of the software is initially set to low so that only the peaks of turbulence are detected. Each detection of turbulunce triggers a very brief (microsecond) interruption in music you are listening to. It is the interruption that the feedback and not the music itself. The CNS very quickly connects these interruptions with the turbulence events that trigger them. Fundementally, NeurOptimal is saying to your brain - You just did just did it just did it again. etc.. etc.. etc.. Your brain will use this additional information to reduce the turbulence events and thus begin to stabalise.

Each time the brain stabilises in the Neuroptimal training session it gets better at returning to stability and developing its capacity to maintain the stability for increasing periods of time. As the Brain and CNS as a whole develops learnt stability the full potential of efficient processing and transformational capacity becomes increasingly available. This increased, processing and transformational capacity across sessions and then into the future independently of NeurOptimal Training.

To sum up the above 3 basiclly says that once I complete the treatment, the new functioning of the brain will continue even without further treatment. This means that the transformation is PERMANENT!!!

Here are some benefits of NeurOptimal

Optimal Performance:
Improved eye hand coordination
Improved mind body coordination
Faster response times
Improved executive functioning
improved focus and attention
faster information processing
accelerated learning
increased productivity
Better and easier decision making
increased accuracy
burnout protection
increased energy
better control over open and closed focus
Increase presence
less reactivity
Reduced anxiety and stage fright
impulse control
maintain calm and flow
more alert
better endurance
faster recovery
calmer mind
increased body awareness
mood stability
increased self control
smoother action with less impact on the body.


Calmer mind
increased mindfulness
Less absorbed
increased awareness
Improved meditation
Mood Stability
Greater awareness of energy
Transformational awareness
Awareness of spirtitual feeling
Insight and understanding
Awareness of connection
Impulse control
More centered
Increased presence
greater sense of direction
understanding flow
increased control
ability to let go
smoother transition.

Psychological Healing

Effotless Resolution of old wounds and issues
Trauma Recovery
Grief Recovery
Quiet Mind
Improved cognitive Functioning
Better and easier decision making
More Presence
Improved self esteem
Personality Stability
Increased Self Confidence and assertiveness
Mood Stability
Improved Mood
Development of Emotional Intelligence
Improved Sleep
better problem solving
Impulse control
less reactivity
More Control
Increased Psychological Energy
Resolution of psychological conditions
improved memory
improved relationships
increased immunity to stress
Enhanced Wellbeing.

Thats just a HANDFUL. And to note, the practitioner did say, that they cannot say its a CURE for mental disorders, but can say that clients have walked away being relieved of such disorders, such as depression, ADHD, ADD, Alzheimers, bipolar, schizophrenia and what not.

As I said, I've only had 3 sessions and this is the most beneficial practice that i've come across in healing my diagnosed ills.

If anyone has any queries, i still have more documentation that I can type up..... I've found very little on the internet with regards to Neurofeedback, there are some Youtube videos about, but the best way, is to have a go yourself.


I'm no expert on medications, all i know is that they have worked 'little' over the years. I have advised my doctor and he's taking me off my medication slowly to not cause side effects. Please do the same, do not self medicate. (or unmedicate).

[edit on 28/2/2010 by Im a Marty]

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 04:29 AM
Thank you for sharing this information with us. I'm sure many members will find your ideas to be a fresh perspective on how to combat mental disorders. I would be careful about using the word cure because some people will take it the wrong way and think it is a guaranteed success. Only time will tell. It appears like a promising avenue for those who have to deal with mental stresses on a daily basis.

[edit on 28/2/2010 by Dark Ghost]

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 04:39 AM
Marty, that is awesome! Any chance this is available in Canada?

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 04:55 AM
I suffer from schizo effective,,this sounds great,I'd love to give it a try!

How did you go about this?

I suppose its not on NHS,would it be worth me asking my CPN about it?

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 05:02 AM
Great post Marty

As someone who has suffered from chronic depression for around 30 yrs and been on and off the pill/therapy roundabout, this is indeed of interest to me.

Will do my own digging about this, but would greatly appreciate any more detail you can post about bio-feedback and how it works for you

Peace and good luck with the therapy mate

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 05:07 AM

Originally posted by Dark Ghost
Thank you for sharing this information with us. I'm sure many members will find your ideas to be a fresh perspective on how to combat mental disorders. I would be careful about using the word cure because some people will take it the wrong way and think it is a guaranteed success. Only time will tell. It appears like a promising avenue for those who have to deal with mental stresses on a daily basis.

[edit on 28/2/2010 by Dark Ghost]

Dark Ghost.... I re-read the title, and i realised that saying its a cure can be taken the wrong way, i did however stipulate in my first paragraph that its my own experience......that was after edited it...

Neurofeedback is used for many reasons, treatment of disorders is just one aspect, what I can say that it has help me so far with being 'happier' although not cured of depression, its a sign that it may be heading that way.

So far so good.

Success rate from the practitioner says that its very high (I think he said 90%) the other 10% are the ones who do not complete treatment, stop short say after 6 treatments because they feel happier and feel like not wanting anymore. Unfortunately this is not enough time for the brain to re-train itself and goes back to the old ways.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 05:09 AM

Originally posted by AccessDenied
Marty, that is awesome! Any chance this is available in Canada?


I believe the technology started out in Canada, under the company called "Zengar". "Dr Valdean Brown from the Zengar Institute in Canada"..

[edit on 28/2/2010 by Im a Marty]

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 05:11 AM

Originally posted by Alienmindflare
I suffer from schizo effective,,this sounds great,I'd love to give it a try!

How did you go about this?

I suppose its not on NHS,would it be worth me asking my CPN about it?

I'm unfamiliar what NHS and CPN terms are referring to? They USA terms or... ?

I went to a business meeting in the local council and the person sitting next to me was a practitioner, I'm developing his personal website in exchange for my wife and myself having treatment. Was a stroke of luck actually

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 05:14 AM
Interesting idea this neurofeedback. Good thread.

Some wiki info:

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 05:25 AM

Originally posted by Retrovertigo
Great post Marty

As someone who has suffered from chronic depression for around 30 yrs and been on and off the pill/therapy roundabout, this is indeed of interest to me.

Will do my own digging about this, but would greatly appreciate any more detail you can post about bio-feedback and how it works for you

Peace and good luck with the therapy mate

PS.. Its neurofeedback, a newer form of bio-feedback...just works on brainwaves though.

Here's another quote about how the benefits unfold.

Working from inside out, rather than a symptom directed approach from the outside in, NeurOptimal addresses the health and capacity of the Central Nervous System. As a result, all other systems arising from teh CNS or interactive with it, are able to function with increased health and efficiency.

The recovery, performance, or transformational path with neurOptimal varies from person to person. This is because NeurOptimal is assisting your Brain and CNS to operate according to natural potential rather than forcing any predetermined path toward predetermined outcome. considering that everyone is starting from a different position with a unique history this is particularly relevant. However, apart from the natural ease and flow, the change process can be talked about in five general overlapping aspects.

1) Stabilising of the central nervous system. During this process people begin to feel relaxed, mind quietening between sessions, sleep improvements, decreased reactivity, and generally feeling more settled. For some this can occur with one session for others it may take more.

2) Beginning of deep unconscious Processing: Further improvements in benefits above, stability, vivid dreaming, life begins to feel easier, energy begins to increase, alertness increases, increased endurance, stabalising of mood, noticeable improvements in psychology.

3) Improved processing: Improved stability and freeing up of psychological energy brings increases in attention, focus, mind body and eye hand coordination, adaptability and flexibility, increase awareness, more present, decision making easier and faster, more creative better response times, increased intuition, improved access to higher resources, coping significantly better, sense of self clearer and more stable, able to reference internally more easily for decision making, clarity in thought, identification of emotions and processing of them without being overwhelmed. Significant shifts can occur seamlessly with the increased adaptability and flexibility such that within days you feel you have always been like it. Increased awareness leads to objective observation of own and others behaviour along with environmental dynamics in general. As a result of developing mindfulness the developmental and transformational processes are receiving uncontaminated feedback for further enhancement of outcomes.

4) Smooth Traveling: Carrying the benefits easily from sessions to session, finding that the old you is getting harder to recall as you settle into and stabilise within the emergence of increased capacity, better functioning, and stronger positive sense of self. Life experience is now driving the growth and transformational process and confidence develops as you become familiar with this. Growing sense of self control with a positive view to the future and winding down of the session frequency with a view to finish.

5) Into the Future: Once your central nervous system is functioning according to its inherent design the gains will continue to unfold independently of neurOptimal. Some people are happy with this level of improvement and stop training, others dip in and out of the NeurOptimal process over time for additional benefits or for assistance with periods of unhealthy stress

[edit on 28/2/2010 by Im a Marty]

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by Alienmindflare

I suspect there are quite a few people around here who could benefit from this technology...i'm not being rude, i know i could use a go or two at it!

Where could we go to try this out in the UK?

Is this available as a PC peripheral? You know, a set of sensors that plug into your sound or video card, and a software suite.

No doubt some enterprising company will start making PC or phone attachment kits soon.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 05:47 AM
This information is very interesting.

I was contributing to a thread about depression started by Tentickles some months ago and I've just gone in there to provide a link to your thread, hoping this information will be picked up by those who could benefit from it.

Thanks for this thread - and I hope all continues to go well for you.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by Im a Marty

wow yeh I'd say stroke of luck thats cool and probs stroke of luck for alot on here that read your thread.

I guess the treatment wont hit UK yet if it is quite new.
NHS is national health service,we dont need to pay for treatment unless in some cases treatment is private.
CPN is my communinity psychiatrist nurse who visits me every 2 weeks.

I may just mention it to her next time just to see if they heard of it.

Thanx Marty

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 05:55 AM

Originally posted by spikey
reply to post by Alienmindflare

I suspect there are quite a few people around here who could benefit from this technology...i'm not being rude, i know i could use a go or two at it!

Where could we go to try this out in the UK?

Is this available as a PC peripheral? You know, a set of sensors that plug into your sound or video card, and a software suite.

No doubt some enterprising company will start making PC or phone attachment kits soon.

I dont really know anything about this but Im certainly gonna be asking my CPN about it.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 06:08 AM
not available on nhs as yet, but there are a handful of private services in the UK offering it, from personal experience i can recommend these

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 06:08 AM
Ahhh OK, never heard of the terms NHS and CPN before today (Im in Australia).

The information on neurofeedback goes back 30 years, but only since the recent laptops/PC's have been out that this technology can be fully utilised!

I believe it costs around $10,000 for the whole setup, I know here in Western Australia they're trying to get it into the prison system as well as aged care, because these systems are at wits end in trying to treat either prisoners or aged respectively...

Will update the progress further, our next session is on Tuesday Morning, thats Monday night for people in the USA, will advise on how I go.


[edit on 28/2/2010 by Im a Marty]

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by sixfootsnake
not available on nhs as yet, but there are a handful of private services in the UK offering it, from personal experience i can recommend these

Just started to read the beginning of that site, and yes, there is a visual stimulant version, however not the one i'm using..... i believe they use the same technology though, Neuroptimal uses audio/music instead of visual stimulation, nice find, thanks

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 06:12 AM

What is Neurofeedback

Neurofeedback, at Zengar Insititute

[edit on 28/2/2010 by Im a Marty]

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 07:15 AM
interesting. about time somebody came up with treatments for these nuisance. these illnesses can really hold back who you really are, your potentials and cause tremendous suffering. like having all your hopes and dreams destroyed by everyone you love, betray you over and over again.

how much are they paying you?

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by DOADOA
interesting. about time somebody came up with treatments for these nuisance. these illnesses can really hold back who you really are, your potentials and cause tremendous suffering. like having all your hopes and dreams destroyed by everyone you love, betray you over and over again.

how much are they paying you?

Do you mean how much I'm paying them???

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