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Women are gods too

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posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 09:05 AM
Women are gods too

For the past 2000 years human beings have been forced by the ruling elites to focus almost exclusively on the Masculine Divine. As a result of this destructive deception we have become angry and find solutions only in war and violence.

This stranglehold of masculine superiority and destructive deception really intensified with the rule of Roman Emperor and self-proclaimed god Constantine in 325 A.D. At that time Constantine decided to create his one world religion, what we now know as Roman Catholicism.

Prior to the time of Constantine, there existed a multitude of differing religions, some centered upon the worship of the Divine Feminine, symbolized by the Goddess. One of the earliest Goddesses was of Sumerian origin named The Goddess Kubaba, the Hittites’ Goddess. She was prominent around the time 2500-2330 B.C.

Of course, over the years greedy, jealous, and vain macho men, who couldn’t stand the thought of women possessing more power than men, conspired to discredit and renounce the Divine Feminine. Finally, during Constantine’s reign, around 325 A.D., it became unlawful to worship Goddesses. Openly worshipping the Divine Feminine was now punishable by death!

The simple truth is that all of these Catholics and Protestants, and everyone else, who claims to believe in one God, an omnipotent God, and an omnipresent God, must accept that everything consists totally and entirely of this substance we call God. If you claim that your One God is omnipotent, then this same God must also be omnipresent. It would be physically impossible to be otherwise.

Therefore, if your One God is omnipresent, as you claim, every man AND woman must be comprised of this stuff called God totally and entirely. This is the only rational conclusion, based on these assumptions. This means that all of humanity must be divine, including all women too.

It is time for humans to bring an end to the blatant deception being perpetrated by organized religion, especially the Roman Catholic Church, by far the most evil institution in world history. Ever since Constantine commissioned the first Bible, when he also served as the first Editor of the Bible, human beings have been horribly deceived and destructively manipulated. Organized religion is and always has been a control mechanism for the ruling elites.

Constantine omitted numerous Biblical texts that did not serve his deceptive agenda to control the masses. Check out THE OTHER BIBLE. The Gnostic Bible, The Cathars, and many other profound truths have been rigorously suppressed by the evil Catholic Church over the years.

The Catholic Church is truly the Church of Satan, a flaming caldron of homosexual and pedophile priests, bishops, and cardinals, led by the most diabolical criminals in world history, the Jesuits.

See Eric Jon Phelps’ Vatican Assassins for proof of these claims. I have found the research of Dana Horochowski to be very interesting. Her website is Canada Street News. Currently, there are numerous researchers to be found on the internet who have a lot of interesting information, none of which you will ever learn from the mainstream media.

Of course, many of these researchers are also disinformation agents working for the global elites. While they do reveal an enormous amount of suppressed truth, they also cleverly mislead people, especially with regard to who is at the very top of this worldwide criminal cabal actually calling the shots. Phelps believes it is The Black Pope, the leader of the Jesuits.

One thing is absolutely certain, however, which is that every important member of the governments of each of the largest and most powerful nations on Earth, as well as all major corporations, are all working for this criminal cabal. Yes, I realize this statement sounds crazy. However, it is absolutely true. When you do your homework, you will understand why this is true.

Watch a video entitled The Money Masters.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 09:16 AM
It was a woman who spawned the SON!!!!!!!!!!!! And obviously the creator knows the femals are just important as males or he wouldnt of blessed ADAM WITH 1 or 2 depending if you acknowledge Liluth. So yes OP we are = loved, companionship is a very powerfull thing to have in ones corner.

[edit on 2/24/10 by Ophiuchus 13]

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 09:23 AM
withou woman there were not live

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 09:37 AM
unfortunately, the goddess was the only feminine divine that enjoyed a semblance of respect. the actual women that made up the communities, were treated like dirt.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 09:42 AM
false: god maybe a concept created by women to describe the existence of men; men never accepted the title of god because of the natural consequences of disassociation with form that entails after.if women accept the role of god the i propose all of what a man knows as god be expressed on woman.women are but the after effect of creation penetrating manifestation and the resultant aspect of self expressed as god in the act of; being god.
maybe the concept of god is one of mans to deliver himself freedom from the shackles of the expression of "his" manifestation into creation: thus expectant freedom in the formless form knowing his form as man.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by bwinwright

not sure if you saw this on cnn a while back but it is related and VERY good

it is titled "girl power can save the world"

(CNN) -- The future is "girl." Imagine girl is a cell that each of us -- boys and girls -- are born with. Imagine this girl cell is central to the evolution of our species and an assurance of the continuation of the human race.

Now imagine that a few powerful people, invested in owning this world, understood that the oppression of this cell was key to retaining their power, so they reinterpreted this cell, undermining its value and making us believe that it is weak. They initiated a process to crush, eradicate, annihilate, humiliate, belittle, censor, reduce and kill off the girl cell.

This was called patriarchy.

Imagine girl is a chip in the huge microcosm of our collective consciousness, which is essential to the balance, wisdom and future of humanity.
Buying a girl is cheaper than buying a cow in many places.
--Eve Ensler

Imagine that girl is the part of each of us that feels compassion, empathy, passion, intensity, association, relationship, emotion, play, resistance, vulnerability, intuitive intelligence, vision.

Imagine that compassion informs wisdom. That vulnerability is our greatest strength. That emotions have inherent logic and lead to radical saving action.

Now remember that those in power essentially taught us and conditioned us to believe the opposite:

Compassion clouds your thinking.

Vulnerability is weakness.

Emotions are not to be trusted.

Don't take things personally.

To be a boy means not to be a girl.

To be a man means not to be a girl.

To be strong means not to be a girl.

To be a woman means not to be a girl.

To be a leader means not to be a girl.

It must be very powerful to be a girl if everyone Is taught not to be one.

Having traveled the planet for 12 years, visiting more than 60 countries and living in the rape mines of the world, I have been with girls. I have witnessed their realities.

I have seen girls with knife wounds and cigarette burns, treated like garbage, beaten by their brothers and fathers and boyfriends and mothers, starving themselves to death to look the way they are supposed to look -- which is close to invisible.
I have witnessed across this planet ... the wild natural resiliency, fierceness, grace and nobility of girl.
--Eve Ensler

We are so accustomed to prohibiting girls from being the subjects of their own life that we have turned them into objects: commodities in the marketplace, bodies to be bought and sold and plundered and married off or raped in war. Buying a girl is cheaper than buying a cow in many places.

I have been with boys as well, watched as they have been ridiculed, censored and abused for their tenderness, their doubts, their grief, their need for comfort and protection. I have seen how the tyranny of masculinity has forced boys and then men to cut off their hearts and cast them into a brutal, lonely state of disassociation and isolation.

The state of girl, the condition of girl -- in the world and in us -- will determine if this species survives.

I believe unleashing the intensity of girl, the outrage of girl, the passion of girl, is the only way to chip away the thick sludge of denial, oppression and indifference that has led to our insane acceptance of a world spinning us toward our end.

What I have witnessed across this planet is the wild natural resiliency, fierceness, grace and nobility of girl.

The girl cell is our greatest resource, a renewable, untapped energy field like the wind. It is there for us, if we activate it and allow it to resist, dare, challenge, feel and connect.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 10:02 AM
The history of God begins, some experts claim, not with God at all - but with Goddess. The deity was first imagined as female for at least the first 200,000 years of human life on Earth. To prove this, archaeologists cite the very common occurrence of what they call 'Venuses' - female figures and cave paintings which emphasize breasts, the pregnant womb and the vagina, those parts of women most obviously associated with the production and nourishment of new life.

In the early settlement of Catal Huyuk in present-day Turkey (6500-5500 BCE) only Goddesses are shown in paintings and reliefs. It is thought that Goddess-worshipping cultures were overtaken by patrilineal, semi-nomadic invaders from the steppes of Russia.

These were militaristic and brought with them a religion based on male gods. A similar process occurred in India, when the Aryan invaders of the Indus Valley (from around 1500 BCE) introduced a masculine conception of deity.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 10:09 AM
Ausar that's an extremely interesting analysis. I too am familiar with the merkaba as well as many of the sacred geometerical concepts which are the foundation of creation. Your explanation is quite involved for the person whom you are replying to and probably will be misunderstood.

So let me also say false. God is neither male nor female and cannot be broken down into a dualistic perspective. Worshiping attributes is understandable but incorrect. The first movement in the void was a male line, then came the female
arc spawned from that line. From that point creation was in unison for every square a circle around it. Thus we are all products of the infinite Creator spawned from love, but make no mistake God does exist outside of ourselves as well as in us it is not just a random collection of everything even though everything is connected through the creative process. I could go deeper but this will suffice for now.

One hint if your still taking all both old and newer Scripture literally you are far astray it is allegory.

[edit on 24-2-2010 by ISHAMAGI]

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by LiveForever8

that's not a female human. btw. that's a female reptilian. someone put a fake human head on it, conjecturing that it couldn't be anything else than human . i found the original headless version and did a close inspection of it before it was modified. it had scaley, thick muscled legs with huge clawed feet, clawed hands and sat on a throne surmounted by lizard heads.

the first goddesses were not human women. there has never been a living human goddess culture, other than perhaps a couple warrior tribes that were wiped out before they ever became some all encompassing world system like matriarchy.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 08:27 AM
it is like a woman at weel of car
my world

[edit on 28-2-2010 by kgb123]

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 09:04 AM
women are gods *too*? how about *only* and it's the job of men to protect and keep them least in the days before tv, coc aine, elvis...........

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posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 09:12 AM
find some other minion to maintain what you want your minion to think of you

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 09:13 AM
try this experiment at home.

tell your wife, significant other, girlfriend, that she was nothing untill men,
like you, told and GAVE her all she has.

not talking to the guys that would just kill them if they looked sideways at them.

i think, that this might hold true since the DAWN of time.

women hold everything. they don't need money. they sell themselves short.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 10:31 PM
i agree the catholic church is the worst part of our is sexist and for no reason...the bilble say the bishops should be allowed to marry and have a companion yet it strictly bans it? is it just me or this completely retarted

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 10:39 PM
Males and Females are all born equally. Men are not gods and females are not goddesses. Your trying to exalt your gender above the creator.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 11:05 PM
Men and women are NOT equal.

Then again neither are my hands and feet equal.

This is Feminism at its finest. Classic I want too attitude. For you feminists that think men have only created war and destruction, don't take penicillin, use the phone, electricity, boats, cars or the other things we men have made that make your life easier.

Total freaking BS! Men and women aren't freaking gods! We are people!

If women want equality I got some suggestions. Stop claiming you want equality and chivalry. Women need do develop mentally past the age of 15 and not whine to get their way. Stop saying anything a guy can do a woman can do, this is false. If you women are so equal why do you need drastically different scoring methods of scoring in the military APFT?

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 11:14 PM
Here is part one of 22 on youtube

Here is the link to longer probably better google video

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by oppaperclip
Men and women are NOT equal.

Then again neither are my hands and feet equal.

This is Feminism at its finest. Classic I want too attitude. For you feminists that think men have only created war and destruction, don't take penicillin, use the phone, electricity, boats, cars or the other things we men have made that make your life easier.

Total freaking BS! Men and women aren't freaking gods! We are people!

If women want equality I got some suggestions. Stop claiming you want equality and chivalry. Women need do develop mentally past the age of 15 and not whine to get their way. Stop saying anything a guy can do a woman can do, this is false. If you women are so equal why do you need drastically different scoring methods of scoring in the military APFT?

Don't be threatened...nobody is going to hurt you or take your gun.
Face the truth with a little dignity will you?

I am sorry if I am a little jaded but if hundreds, or thousands of boys and men were beaten raped, murdered missing or dead everyday at the hands of women....

Women would be rotting in jails and all you guys would be armed to the teeth. Say it ain't so?

[edit on 1-3-2010 by rusethorcain]

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 11:36 PM
There was a charming little Rabbi who lived from c. 12 BCE to about 36CE (he was unfortunately executed by crucifixiion for armed sedition against the Maiestas of the Divine Emperor Tiberius during The Rebellion honouring the 100th anniversary of the Invasion of Palestine by Roman armies, but that is another matter...)

Of course we were not there and most of the words placed into the Good Rebbe's mouth were in late 1st century Koine Greek (and NOT Galilean Aramaic, his native tongue), but he seems to have said something to the effect of

ISHAH, MAH LI U-LEKHAH ? ('John' whoever he was, chapter 2)

which roughly translated into Modern American English reads something like:

WOMAN, WHAT HAVE I TO DO WITH YOU AT ALL? (lit. 'female, what to me and to you?')

What a way to speak to one's mum !! At any rate, it seems that Our Son of Man wasn't too keen on equality of the sexes: here's another gem

'Let Miryam become Male like my other male disciples, so that she too might be Worthy of the Life: for only by becoming a Male like Adam, can she enjoy the Fruits of the Kingdom of Heaven' (Gospel of Thomas, Logion 113)

Apparently orthodox Jews in those days believed that ONLY ADAM had the BREATH OF LIFE breathed into him (Gen chapter 2) so that ADAM became a LIVING NEPHESH ('breather' or 'soul'), but HAVVAH (or CHAYYAH in some texts) aka EVE was taken from Adam's 'side' in the 2nd Creation Myth of the Jews (Gen 2:4b to 4:26), and therfore DID NOT HAVE A SOUL of HER OWN...

Zionist racism & xenophobia is one thing in the supposedly ancient 'Torah' of the Jews, but this outright sexism is too much for us moderns to swallow, it seems to me !!

As for me, I like the 1st Creation Myth of the Jews a little better than the 2nd one (1st Myth = Gen 1:1 to Gen 2:4a, then the same writer with his Hezekielite accent reappears in Gen 5:1-2)

e.g. "In the Day when ELOHIM created Adam, Male and Female created he them in his OWN IMAGE, and HE CALLED THEIR NAME ADAM and he blessed them both.' (Gen 5:1-2).

So ADAM is EQUALLY MALE AND FEMALE just like the clan-god of the post Exilic (post 530 BCE) Jews seems to have been---after all ADAM was MADE IN HIS IMAGE AS MALE AND FEMLAE...

So forget the 2nd Creation Myth - it's sexist and nasty (with all that talking snake nonsense) - if we have to discuss myths that have anything at all to do with modern times out here in the West, let's chop up the 1st Creation Myth - comparatively much less sexist, at least for its time and place !

Oh, the Things that make you go...HMMMMMMMMMMM - especially when you spend so many years studying unpointed Paleo Hebrew creation myth fragments !!

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 11:36 PM
everyone is equal to sin?!

but 2 has a different place when put in an equation. since men are not women there is a distinction between both and one can be counted and the other can say one is what is expressed as the other; well, in some spiritual circles the incorporation of "divine feminine" is "necessary in "men": are they then goddesses?

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