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How to take your country back!

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posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 03:44 AM
Supplies you will need.

1.Common Sense
2.High School Education
3.A few friends
4.A computer with a printer
5.A little money
6.A local printing shop
7.A copy of dirty political secrets that are open to the public (tax code included)

First you should know that by far the most powerful entity in the world is the press. If someone reads a newspaper regardless of sources it must be true. You and your friends are going to start a local paper with the intent of legally changing the political spectrum in your respective community. The overall goal should be to break down the 2 party system and push a 3rd party that will try to fix our countries problems. A great beginning for your newspaper is the tax code. While long and extremely boring you should practice writing the facts on the tax code in an entertaining fashion. Throw fun facts about politics in the paper along with quotes from famous patriots. Remember not to take your writing lightly though and you should invest in protection as you will probably be targeted until you gain national noteriety. Never attack one party in your paper. Both parties have made great strides in destroying this country and both should be criticized equally. Always check your facts before printing them. One problem you will run into is trying to be discredited. This problem can be overcome by never giving any firepower to the opposition. Finally, do not think of the future of your paper. It will be good enough to print one issue monthly or even yearly so don't over do it. Everyone you hear that says a 3rd party system is a bad idea right now is drinking kool aid. Nowhere in history have their been so many independents in this country and there are many more in each party. The 2 party system both share a combined 20 to 30 percent core base. This means that there are many more like you that are just tired and don't know what to do. Well now you know what to do. So Good Luck and God Speed.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 04:11 AM
I'm afraid that you plan fails at point No.2 The fact that yours and every other Global Elite run country has created and sculpted the Education Systems to churn out the sort of people that probably would never make it onto this site and even the few that do still have a mind entrenched with brainwashing propaganda.

The first thing to do when starting this process is to not willing go to their brain washing schools and remove your children from them. All you need to do is to show them how to read and they can do the rest because they will already have common sense and it will remain with them as long as you don't put them in schools.

However, most people use school as a free crèche to get them away from their children and the GE know this!

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by mlmijyd

I see what you mean but I was actually referring to the fact that by graduating high school you can most likely write and read. I remember public school being so bad that many of my classmates couldn't read in the 6th grade. The majority of them dropped out in tenth. The emphasis should be on reading and writing though.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 04:27 AM
How to take your country back !!!

I was hoping you'd say ..... With a shotgun and a false sense of invincibility.

I think its a great, original idea, ..... but unfortunately I don't have any friends who would be interested in helping me, ....

let's face it, ... the vast majority of american's wouldn't help us.

self absorbed, ignorant, lazy, .... completely wastes of space.

a third of americans can't point out america on a globe, how can we expect them to change it.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 05:33 AM
High School? well my friend, it just so happens i dropped out of highschool due to their inability to teach history and physics.

Sorry guys, you all have to take this one this time

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by ventian

Keep me posted on how this goes for you. I'm very interested to know!

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by ventian

I actually was intrigued your by your idea, and I'm one of the biggest gun toting revolutionaries around here.

However, I was thinking about a few replied, and I couldn't help but to think that the situation is probably the same all around. People might not have enough friends who agree with this or perhaps they are not good at writing and getting a point across.

SO here is what I propose. An ATS designed newspaper formula the is open for all to take advantage of and use to awake people in their area. If we at ATS put our heads together to come up with the best possible publication, with collective minds from throughout the country and world - then the chances of such a product effectively working is much higher.

What say anyone to the idea?

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 04:15 AM
reply to post by gwydionblack

That is an excellent idea. I am not up on the software we would need but I would guess openoffice would be a good place to start. There are indeed many people that are lazy but want the same things we do. Perhaps a small newsletter that is free to print and everyone could easily publish it would be the perfect spark. Anyone else like this idea?

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 05:14 AM
Couldn't you just print off the ATS newsletter and hand that out to people?

Just a thought.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by whatukno

Printing off the ats newsletter and handing it out is not going to get the country back. It is a quick way to get labeled a nut though. I love this site but to say that it isn't polarizing would be a flat out lie. You have to have a completely independent media outlet if you want to be able to take the country back. Anything like this as stated will get you nowhere with the "everyday Joe."

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 05:55 PM

Before you start shooting except in self defense, just remember that violence is met with more and greater violence. They have the RPGs and tanks and they don't give a damn about women and children. Remember WACO.

Till then, all we each need is a computer while we still have the internet. BLITZ all your relatives and friends with the following message;

NO to Congress Persons with over 12 or 18 years.
NO to Congressional retirement & perks
NO to Congress having DIFFERENT Health Care & Retirement Plan than they give us
NO to lobbyists
NO to Congressional greed & corruption
NO to bailout of banks & corporations
NO to CEO bonuses on taxpayer money
NO to Derivatives & money laundering
NO to lending money not in hand
NO to brokers selling & repackaging mortgages
NO to credit card interest >10%
NO to tax breaks for overseas manufacturing & out sourcing
NO to foreign oil
NO to unequal Money Base. Compare cost top 100 items; bread, meat, milk, small car, small house of each country.
NO to FCC control of internet

PASS THIS TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS over and over before EVERY election till they VOTE “NO" to CAREER CONGRESS PERSONS” VOTE even if you never voter before in your life.

And just hope that we can get rid of the "GOOD OLD BOYS" because THEY will SCUTTLE THE INTERNET AND CELL PHONES when the shooting starts. They are LOOKING for an excuse to start MARTIAL LAW.

I am sure that I am already on their list for posting this on several other websites SO HELP ME by posting your version everywhere.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 05:59 PM
How about printing out Thomas Paines Common Sense with a rewritten copy so it is easier to read in new english, make points on how it is relevant today.
If it could kick of the first revolution, it surely could help with the second.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:56 AM
I have seen the following posted many times and just wanted to ask about it instead of creating a whole new thread. When someone says "now isn't the time for a third party" when is the right time? Does anyone honestly believe we can fix our countries problems with the same two parties that have run this country for 150+ years? I believe these questions need answering very badly.

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