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I have “Conspiracy Fatigue” Do you?

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posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by OldThinker

Hey there OT, nice to see another thread of yours.

First things first: How have you been?

On topic:

Yes, I am very tired. Not only that, but it just seems like nothing "significant" has happened in the conspiracy world in the last 2 years or so.

Were always just rehashing and re-evaluating the same old stories, but sometimes new information, but it just always leads to the same.

I come to ATS now more for the political discourse and to read the news of the day. I am rarely discussing conspiracy theories of old or new cause there haven't been any.

Just MHO...


posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

I am absolutely great!!!!!!!!!!

Cold, for sure! Things out your way should be below freezin too...

The two yr mark....very interesting observation.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by lagenese
There are other invisible worlds out there, and some of them are actively involved in the human experience. One of them is the astral world (land of the dead) which is the plane responsible for maintaining total domination over mankind trough doubts, beliefs and desires. If i continue on this path, i will have to start another thread on that very subject!!

I'd rather we remained focused on the subject of your thread because the way i talk is sometimes very occult in nature

No one will mind....this is about conspriacies....please feel free, ok?


What is "occult in nature" mean?

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 09:09 PM
History tells of how the ancient Romans began to offer their people entertainment, as a way to gain popularity and thereby buy their votes in elections. The Roman poet Juvenal called this phenomenon "bread and circuses," meaning that as long as the senators provided the mass with the essentials (bread) for human survival and gave them entertainment (circuses) to distract them from more important things in life, the clever leaders in power could manipulate and use the people for their own selfish ends, without no one ever noticing it.

This was a clever tactic pulled by the senators, but most of all, it's an interesting study of the human nature and the relation between the people and the State. Even though modern democracy says we're all capable of making decisions for a country, reality tells us a different story. As long as people have a work and a family, are able to pay their bills and watch TV, the rest of the outside world matters little. Their concerns are always primarily those that relate to their own immediate existence, and that is also how they vote in elections.

When the Romans manipulated people with "bread and circuses," they tried to pacify the people with things they knew would satisfy their basic urges. Much like our people in power today use TV and social acceptance to keep us in check and make sure no one tries to find out the truth about what is going on, the Romans realized that people essentially aren't interested in actual politics. For the mass, it's all just a soap opera and a struggle for how much land or money they will end up with, regardless of how the system operates internally. Therefore we hear people today vote on who they think will lower the taxes and offer them a higher standard of living, discussing Obama and Palin much like discussing the love affair in their favourite TV show. Politics today isn't about finding the right idea, but finding the most popular one, and advertising that to people whom only grasp the symbolic process.

So why did Juvenal attack his contemporaries like he did? Partly we understand that corrupt senators were able to get away with selfishness, as they had efficiently silenced the people and made politics uninteresting. But what Juvenal most likely saw as most threatening, was the declining spirit and awareness of the people. Contrary to popular belief, fascism and fascist States are not systems that want to pacify people into numb robots - they actively force their citizens to engage in culture and activism, based on their individual capability. Rome managed to build an unbelievably vast empire simply because it had such a strong consensus that made each Roman citizen feeling as if being a vital part of the Roman Empire as a whole. Without the people, Rome was nothing, as seen with the numerous revolts that occurred now and then when the people felt betrayed or treated unjust by the senators.

When consensus and spirit broke down, the senators realized that the only way to keep the power together was to oppress people at their own conditions. Similarly, our modern societies today lack any form of consensus or motivational force, outside producing and consuming products and services, hence why our leaders constantly have to repeat political slogans and dogmatic messages via TV, radio and newspapers. Bread and circuses replace consensus, and like all short term fixes, it lasts as long as convenient and then collapse completely. Without the external control, and without the opium of the masses in the form of entertainment and selfish pleasures, people will run amok and revolt against the corrupt leadership.

More than two thousand years later, and nothing has essentially changed. Most people still don't know nor care, about what is really going on behind the smokescreen of all good-sounding profit making in the name of freedom and democracy. Do we believe them? Not necessarily, but as the Romans knew, it doesn't ultimately matter. As long as people are able to feed and enjoy themselves, they request no more, no matter how corrupt the current system is. Partly they're afraid of what they'll find, partly they feel attached to a system that satisfies their basic urges.

Beyond that lies idealism, or the motivation to find and aspire towards higher ideals, even if it means criticizing the system you currently live in. Not all people can do this. But those who can, those few and brave, are always out there and giving voice to their ideas. It's high time to fight back against the system that has robbed us of our freedom to live a meaningful, passionate life in reality. The pleasure is on our side.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by OldThinker

Hi OT, long time no see.

Fatigue? Yes. Bored with the same old same old? Yes.

I peruse here each morning looking for something interesting, but those threads are few and far between these days.

Yes I am over the whole scenario of the NWO, the aliens, the illuminati, the religioners, the new agers and everything in between.

Since there is nothing new showing itself I will instead go about doing the things I need to do for myself in these increasingly tough times. When one is whole within themselves they won't need outside input to motivate themselves on their path.

Hence why I have been dropping all the spiritual and conspiracy forums that I've been attending for many years. It gets very boring seeing the same quesitons being asked over and over, as if no one can use the search function, etc. Such a breath of fresh air to let it go and move on.

Be well OT my friend.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by Tayesin

My good friend!

We are ole timers on ATS, huh?

Good to hear from you...I appreciated your take on my latest...

It's kinda late in the nations capital, So I'm gonna hit the sack for now. I'll respond in more detail to you tomorrow evening, after some dragon slaying


posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 09:17 PM
It all depends on the context, or situation. I mostly use the "occult" to explain the unexplained. The occult, in some esoteric circles, is in simple terms, to see things in a different light, outside the box... I use a form of intuition (inner knowing, connection to my source) to get answers on what i must know. It doesn't work if the quest stems from an egoic desire.
Other people consider the occult as the dark side of things, explanation that do not fit within societal views nor psychological views.
For most people that use it, the occult is the hidden knowledge, it's the paranormal way to explain stuff the normal mind cannot understand.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 09:49 PM
It is an odd thing, isn't it? As of late I spend more time here, relative to previous search habits. I see the subject matter changing to surveys on sex, as presented by hot chick, and my finger itches to become 'Joe the wart faced ham handed asbestos removal worker' posing similar survey, just to see if my subject survives. That is hardly constructive, though.

It does get fatiguing, but remember that only the imaginative do avoid boredom, and only the free are really passionate about bringing back that freedom. It is a never ending uphill battle. I almost cringe when I consider the next 'revolution', because the ones who made it necessary are expert at putting themselves at the front of the line for controlling us, yet again. I see many message boards, and at times I wish I had a better memory for persons here and there and their wavering beliefs, based on whichever way the wind blows. As soon as the shtf, they are suddenly the leaders of the new direction. It doesn't matter which way it blows, just so they can tout how they are the biggest, mostest believer in it blowing the way it's going.

It caused me to finally ask this: What is the true currency of 'power'.

Everyone knows that money is the same as privacy is the same as being able to dig up phone records on someone is the same as being able to follow their computer keystrokes is the same as being able to use satellites and scalar penetration to read that persons thoughts, and perhaps mold them as well.

I don't get tired of wishing to have a normal life, where there are no 'friends' who don't secretly place you in porno clips to pay for college, or family members who aren't whacked out on having to use 'put downs' or religion as a form of maintaining a perceived hierarchy, or the run of the mill media masters who have to have every truth twisted to lies for their ego's sake. I just don't get tired of trying to find a higher power, so it always makes me happy to read about 'conspiracies'. In a way I know I am looking for the real 'power', the true currency of power, if you will. Everything else is just a prelude to this. If I am tired of anything, it is the weak brew that most people concoct in teir efforts.

Say, did you ever wonder if Jesus would wear a Rolex™?

Or, you talk to a guy who happens to be a shrink, and you let him hear about a cannon blast you just took from a satellite firing waves at your house, taking out 6 lightbulbs at once, and causing great mental and physical anguish which your nerves can actually feel as it happens, and you get something like: 'I hope things get better for you...'

I could go on and on. But I have seen the hole in the sky, after being fired and framed at work, which lingered all day long, while thunder and lightning closed every beach in sight but the one I was at. I have seen many many things that could only be gifts from God, and they usually had come with a price. It was precisely because I was willing to hold my ground and not be afraid of anything, ANYTHING, and to use the senses I was born with to say my piece. As such, rumors of impending censorship do threaten to hurt my lust for life, because I live to see this horror play out, for better or worse.

Therefore, allow yourself some downtime for said fatigue. How will you feel when they start arresting us here, for suspecting the 'holocaust' was written inaccurately? They do arrest and punish people who say so, in many many countries. They haven't taken everything yet, but they are working on it. Next stop, looks like a smart grid/net registering feast coupled with the new term for obamas civilian army, now dubbed 'militarized national guard'. ( I saw the jews do a little exercise on CNN last night). Don't get tired of trying to take your life back, because that is what conspiracy theory is all about. You don't search these things out unless something is missing, or wrong, in your life, generally. I suggest we get over being on the brink of being personally bankrupt, mentally, spiritually, and monetarily, and that we make room in our lives for searching for higher truths. If it means we have to do away with our captors, fine. The goal is worth it.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by OldThinker
What is ‘Conspiracy Fatigue’?

Hey ATS-er’s!

1) Are you tired of predictions NOT coming true?

2) Are you tired of seeing the “experts” being wrong time and time again?

As a long time member of ATS, I simply ask, why do we do this? What is it about conspiracies that seem to get our attention? Why do we want to see the miraculous?

What makes ATS a success?

OT just askin’

= = = = =

Thoughts?[edit on 21-2-2010 by OldThinker]

Why is a question I often ask myself, but not just for this particular forum, although I have to admit this one take up much of my online time. I call it knowledge overload. There comes a point when knowledge, first attained by the reading of books, and reading websites, but then that got a little better, and we became more connected to the Collective Intelligence. This is a wave field of energy, (everything is energy, BTW) and surrounds the planet, always moving, always gathering speed, always taking in more and more. This is what is happening, I believe, for those of us like you describe.
So, where does it end? That too is a very good question. how about it, people, where, exactly. does it end?

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by autowrench

Why is a question I often ask myself, but not just for this particular forum, although I have to admit this one take up much of my online time. I call it knowledge overload. There comes a point when knowledge, first attained by the reading of books, and reading websites, but then that got a little better, and we became more connected to the Collective Intelligence. This is a wave field of energy, (everything is energy, BTW) and surrounds the planet, always moving, always gathering speed, always taking in more and more. This is what is happening, I believe, for those of us like you describe.
So, where does it end? That too is a very good question. how about it, people, where, exactly. does it end?

Thank may be information overload...

I think the searching tho, is we humans have the need for the miraculous...


posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by OldThinker

1) Are you tired of predictions NOT coming true?

Well, very few predictions have ever come true. Ever.

There are no flying cars, no robots in every household doing chores, no Atlantis rising, no massive UFO landing on the White House lawn, no WMDs in Iraq... you get the picture. But none of this has ever stopped those who hope and wait for one thing or the next.

In fact, it never will.

2) Are you tired of seeing the “experts” being wrong time and time again?

I'm just tired of 'experts' period. People don't need self-proclaimed gurus of life to tell them how to live. Nor do we need those in sports to tell us who will win... because they don't, lol.

Most of these wonderful creatures are actually no more than 'desk'perts... like you and I; people who have an interest in a subject and just enough imagination to make any real education dangerous.

But it's always fun to hand out advice. There's a little 'Dear Abby' in all of us.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 07:11 AM
Just remember it’s always darkest before the dawn. Just when you think it's time to give up... It’s probably the best time to persevere

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 07:28 AM
although I do not have conspiracy fatigue, I do realize that patience is the key. When something happens, it takes a while for new facts and revelations to surface. As for predictions not coming true, consider that maybe the conspiracy theory was right, which resulted in TPBT having to pull back, which makes the conspiracy theorist look stupid but actually he is the anonymous protector of society. One day, after the conspiracy theorist gains enough knowledge to successfully predict conspiracies, he (or she) will be so good that TPBT will scale back whenever they say anything, successfully preventing the conspiracy while at the same time making it seem like they were wrong. Then, people will stop believing the conspiracy theorist, and at that point, TPTB will continue with their conspiracies. Oh cruel, cruel ignorance.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by OldThinker

Me too

What amazes me is the cross-breeding or hybridisation of conspiracies so we get for example: THE GREYS ROLE IN THE MURDER OF JFK!! The other part of the problem is the ongoing sloppy journalism that first inflated the Bermuda triangle and them maintained the conspiracy myth. Or is it that their money and fame from trottingout such garbage. Yet there are also those who need these myths for some reason…Yet within this mess there are occaisional points of real interest and also a great team of explainers who explain the unexplained.


posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by lagenese
For most people that use it, the occult is the hidden knowledge, it's the paranormal way to explain stuff the normal mind cannot understand.

Ok, very good, you believe in a source of evil? And does that fit in your worldview/take?


posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by ancient_wisdom

Do you believe TPTB are orchestrating things?

And who/what are they?


posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by OldThinker

First, i don't believe. I must know for sure. But you can't take my word for it, for you must find your own answers. So, you cannot believe what i say to you. If you believe, you submit your mind to another authority. There is no higher authority above you. You will realize this when you start the process of finding out about your multidimensional aspect.

And yes, evil is very present, and that evil resides in the astral world. This plane is anti-human. It is their role to maintain domination over mankind.

Earth is a school for souls, until the soul realizes that he's dominated, and manipulated from the invisible worlds. When you talk evolution, you must consider the that the more evolved dominate the less evolved. For example, parents dominate their children, strong animals dominate weaker ones, and it's the same thing for humans. Higher evolved systemic entities, which are not part of the physical world, dominate mankind on all levels. The biggest domination is the manipulation of our thinking process.

Our entire life is programmed in advance, until we start the process of bending, and ultimately breaking the rules of this program, which is called the karmic tie to the astral world.

*Note: remember, do not believe.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 09:15 PM
History has been shaped by many conspiracies that have taken place. Once you realize that you have been lied to, duped, played like a fiddle, well, you begin to look into matters more deeply. I think a lot of people have been guilty of accepting things blindly at face value. Whether it is tradition, peer pressure, fear of questioning due to ostracism, or just laziness to confirm what's being spoon fed, we have all been lied to at some point. Now, it's time for the chickens to come home to roost.

We will never find truth if we do not boldly question and confront the lies and find the motive for the deceits.

ATS is where the wolves and the lambs lay down together and chew the cud. They know we are on to them and we are not afraid of them. When wolves hang out with sheep, they eventually become vegetarians!

[edit on 22-2-2010 by Alethea]

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 09:22 PM
I'm I'm very much a newbie around here.
But I really get your point. There is so much crap going on in the world and so little trust.
One side worships greed and another is jealous. People are waking up from their dreams realising their still very much a sleep.
I've noticed after a while of conspiracy thinking, you suddenly realise the trust is gone and behind every corner lies a conspiracy on wait.

This paranoid thinking feeds on the body. So I stopped ( for as much as possible.) with it and realised the same misery what is done to people is done to people 24-7 millenia's before we even become human.

I don't think it means us to stop with it,only maybe we just go head on a situation instead of anonymous name calling on a dark but crowed piece of fantasy land.

Fact is people do kill for money even more for power.
Since we only sit in our little corner. We should stop wining about it.

What I love about ATS are the thoughts of some. The story of others.
And even the complete retarded people who claim to every letter of their holy work to be an absolute truth.
To read them twist and spin perfectly good arguments or explanations based on real proof and evidence, to fit their shallow and dangerous minds. Mostly because it;s usually about something pretty much nothing to do with the other.

So I just enjoy it and in the mean time I learn a thing or two.

What I very much do believe is especially in myth and ancient text. Like Noah's flood , giants, aliens whatever. They must be a peace of truth inside.

Unfortunately we would believe we are god way faster and easier then we would gain the understanding we do not actually understand anything.

I can understand you name the unexplained a miracle from god.
Why on Earth the one thing we believe to no the best ( we don't ), also call god. is just plain stupid.

Never say no and stop worry.
The thing that gets you down is always the one you never thought about.


I did read all the quotes

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 01:11 AM
Yeah it is the same old stories, same old ideas. The problem is that conspiracies lead down a rabbit hole and at times it appears that, "Oh this must be true!" but, it comes to a brick wall at some point and no new information is found out about the particular conspiracy.

It is interesting for a time but, the stories sometimes become decades old with nothing new to add to the mix. I've thought about adding a few articles to ATS and see that it has already been done to death on the particular subject so I look for something else.

I've taken much time off ATS preparing to move, music, raising children.

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