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Sick of Cell Phones and Human Obsession

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posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:29 AM
What rubs me the wrong way about cell phones is when my step daughter calls every other month in tears because her service has been turned off due to non payment.

Not only is the service for herself, but her 12 year old daughter and 8 year old son.

Instead of loading her refrigerator with healthy food for her kids, she'd rather they can gab away like there is no tomorrow.

Is it just me, or have cell phones also caused the IQ of people to drop off drastically?

Don't even get me started on a face to face conversation with these kids. They talk like they are texting!

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by Blanca Rose

Well sounds like their father didn't raise them right. Oops I mean your husband. Either that or his ex wife was a real you know what LOL.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:52 AM
About a week ago I was sitting at a red light, then my light turned green to turn left. I almost always wait a second or two and look both ways to make sure people are going to stop at THEIR red light.
Well, its a good thing I did because a guy talking on a cell phone made no attempt to stop when HIS light turned red and drove straight through it.
Had I not looked and stopped when I did he would have hit me broad side on my drivers side of my car doing about 50 mph.
I don`t care about people talking on them but NOT while driving. Its becoming an epidemic worse than drunk driving. These people are totally oblivious.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by gwydionblack

Yes, one of the most annoying things!
Although they've saved a few lives, its truelly a love/hate thing.
There now aimed at everything. They've destroyed Walkmans/C.D. Players and eventually will have i-pod tech so that we dont have I-players. Or hand-held consols. Or Camaras. Or Camcorders. Even Gps. Everything i just said can be done on todays mobile phone. Im even on Here, currently on my phone typing this! (Just got a better browser than the phones original browser) There making things obsoleate.

I find it annoying when your speaking to someone when they just start typing into their phone. Ugh.
But still, its just technological evolution... Which dosnt show much signs of slowing down.

Also, their giving people bad manners.
Oh yeah, i still dont have a P.C. Or laptop.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 12:46 PM
It is very apparent that cell phones can be hazardous to your health especially

if you or another person are talking on the phone when driving. To make a

point I am inside a grocery store shopping and this woman talking loudly on her

cell phone while pushing her grocery cart almost runs me over in the isle

oblivious of me being there. I was there way before she got there again it was

as though I was not even there. ^Y^

[edit on 21-2-2010 by amari]

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 01:08 PM
I remember the day the 'nazi hunter' wiesenthal died. I got an anonymous message saying 'hi' at the precise moment he expired. But that didn't justify having a mkultra helper by my side, and one I actually had to pay to support. How are we supposed to have a peaceful revolt when 'they' (israeli owned company that 'routes' all calls) can know so much about our habits, thoughts, and conversations?

All we have to do is throw them in the proper recycling bin, every last shattered piece...and we may have a chance at taking our Constitutional Republic back.

There are other ways to communicate besides a completely bugged brain-interactive radioactive dog collar. Once we abandon the slave aide, you will see how quickly they move to make it a law that you must own one.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 01:11 PM
I ran over my cell phone six months ago and haven't had one since.

You know what?

Life carries on.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by Blanca Rose

lost my women to brain cancer a few years back now they say it usually forms in the frontal lobes or at the base of the neck but the doc said hers formed around her ear she gabbed on that cellphone for 5 or 6 hrs of every day it got so bad i had to tell her im not going to take you out for an 80 dollar dinner unless you leave your phone here she got all kinds of bent at me i told her all that gabbin makes the food taste bad now im hearing that hip cancers are on the rise can someone connect the dots for me im not that bright never had a cellphone dont you think everyone should go out buy one for their loved ones its all the rage not!

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:57 PM
My cellphone makes me sad. It haven't ringed in a whole month =(! nobody calls me in holidays, because they call me just when they need help on their homework or with their PC

hum... here in Chile even the most poor people haves a cellphone, because you can prepay it once in a year with the minimum (in my provider it's around 6 USD, in others is less than 5 USD) and you have a number where other people can contact you, you can't make calls but receive incoming ones. It's cheaper than a land line too.
I don't use it, It just lays on the other side of my bed or stays on my purse, the only human being that calls me to ask if I'm still alive is my mom (who lives in the south) and nobody else. I often forget to recharge the batteries too.
I can live without it, absolutely, even when I got my first one when I was in high school (like 12 years ago)

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by gwydionblack

You are not alone, that is for sure. I started a thread here on ATS:

Named the 'cellphone takeover', that is exactly what I see, they take over not only the quality of life of the owner of the phone, but affect all those around them. We don't need them, we really don't. But they are pushed onto even 5 yr olds now as a means of protection. Jesus, I look around and what I see is sick. Wrong. And it is not me being 'old fashioned' it's me looking first hand at the effect they have on kids and adults, their lack of human, one on one, conversations, the quality of their relationships reduced to a shortened lol. Lol. Laughing out loud. A real laugh suffices me. That is fake. Even while typing in the letters lol you know damn well you are not laughing out loud. You might have a little giggle in you heart, but not laughing out loud. So you take a good feeling, and reduce it to lol. That is just an example. I hate cell phones. I don't allow my friends or family to even turn them on while at my house anymore, that is the rules. And guess what? We have fun again. Play cards, monopoly, watch shows and DISCUSS things together. Look each other in the eye. You know, real interaction. Imagine the implications down the road to the kids who know nothing else but cell phone relationships, how crude their own relationships will be, they don't have examples! I could go on and on, but I think you get the point. S+F

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by ladyx
Technology has not made our lives any easier. I am working as hard now as I ever did!

You're probably actually working harder. The only technology that we receive is either for entertainment of to make us more productive.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 12:53 AM

I enjoy my cell phone, I got an iPhone and because of it I rarely ever use my computer anymore. I text a lot, allows me to jump in and out of convos quickly.
reply to post by stereovoyaged

This is exactly part of the issues with the phones. You are not even on a phone and yet cannot find it in you to even complete the word 'conversation'. How freaking ironic, or for you, HFI

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by gwydionblack

Does anybody feel the same way I do or am I alone on this one? Also, can anyone explain why humanity is so obsessed with being connected to one another indefinitely. I can barely stand being around some people for a one day much less having to talk to them every day of my life.

You are definitely not alone on this. The obsession with technology leads to more cons than pros, in terms of social interaction and etiquette.
I barely keep my phone charged and this tends to annoy a lot of people. In my house, we still have a landline up and it's pretty much all you need. It's not portable, so you're not going to be constantly on it (like nearly all my peers are these days) and it won't rule your life. There is nothing more disheartening than seeing young people stuck to their phones at social events. It's no wonder good verbal communication skills are something to be desired these days. Oh, and not to mention how tragic the growing popularity of horrible 'SMS' typing is.

Parents these days are finding it a social norm to give young children - even as young as eight or nine cells and frankly, 'custom' has to change. It's not always the fault of the parent. One can only deny a child something for so long, before they make up justifications for giving into the plea. Children too are growing up to believe it is a 'rite of passage' in becoming independent, either through peer pressure or the media. I guess the lure of these things was originally the novelty of owning it and these days, perhaps it's the thrill people from the instant gratification.

Sure, they could come in handy. However, people in the past did just as dandy - if not better, without them.

Originally posted by SilentShadow

The Invisible Leash

[edit on 17/2/2010 by SilentShadow]

Excellent way of describing it.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 01:31 AM

Originally posted by Seekingmyself
I have had a cell phone since I was 13, and I must say that it is attached to my hip most the time; HOWEVER...I am still able to communicate effectively as a human being WITHOUT a cell phone, which I think is a big issue. I'm 21 but I am concerned for the 9-18 year olds. They don't seem to be capable of normal person-to-person interaction. I am a server, and it sickens me to go to a table and try to interact with my guests, only to have them stare down at their phones...and then during the meal, instead of interacting with their dinner date, they play with their phone! I think it's an issue, but only if the user forgets that REAL human interaction is much more valuable then a text conversation. Not to mention issues with sexting and things like that. Also, I think cells have taken away discretion from adults...I cannot help but wonder how many would have stayed faithful if they hadn't had a cell phone to be sneaky with.

I agree with this post out of all the technology haters. I am a very networked individual, but only to a point. Technology is ongoing and will not stopped being developed. You have to be able to regulate your time on the phone and use it wisely. I hate speaking on it for long periods of time, but it is very convinient to have it when you need to access the internet very quickly or are bored waiting for something. Now you may not find it important, but other people do. You're my age dude, I can go hours without it. Which I have to. I'm in the USAF and when I'm on the flightline I can't bring my phone out there, and I live 2000 miles away from my family, so it's always nice to know if anything happens I can instantly talk to them at any time. There are addicts with phones (which are most likely those people with brain cancer), but there's an addict for anything and everything. So calm down with your little rant and just stop worrying about everyone else. Seems to be the whole problem with this country. They worry about everyone else when it's none of their concerns. Get over it dude.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 01:55 AM
Everytime i have owned a cell phone i get a crazy 700 dollar bill, but thats my dads fault for not telling me "The Plan".

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 02:36 AM
I feel you!!

After a while of dealing with constant texts and phone calls... I started putting my phone on silent. I only check it a couple of times during the day, otherwise it bothers the crap out of me. If it's an important call then they'll leave me a voicemail if not, then at least I didn't have to hear my phone ring!

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 06:24 PM
the thing i cant believe is how everyone is texting now how stupid they couldnt give texting away 6-8 years ago now its the coolest thing to type on a small keypad
i cant stand typing on a full sized keyboard forget on a phone
are keyboards the best we are going to get to put info on a computer
will anyone invent something better than a keyboard

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by dean007
the thing i cant believe is how everyone is texting now how stupid they couldnt give texting away 6-8 years ago now its the coolest thing to type on a small keypad
i cant stand typing on a full sized keyboard forget on a phone
are keyboards the best we are going to get to put info on a computer
will anyone invent something better than a keyboard

they did. It's called voice recognition. Good luck training it though

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 12:18 PM
I never owned one and I never will. They're turning Americans into a-holes (I seem to be using this statement A Lot these days!). Funny thing is, people used to make fun of me for being a Trek fan and telling me to "get a life" but these cell phone users are the biggest "lifeless" lot of them all. Yap Yap Yap! Used to make fun of "chatterboxes" when we were young--now it's The Norm. I remember how kids used to be obsessed with hand-held games like Nintendo thingies and their parents had to scold them, tell them to put them down while eating or whatever. These kids have grown up to become cell phone addicts--and they don't have parents telling Them when to put them down.

My tech background also tells me that these things are, if not causing, certainly promoting, Cancer and all that goes with that. Look up "blood brain barrier" for anyone who wants to laugh at me for the millionth time.

Personally, I like cables anyway. Some years at various jobs I've made custom cables for a number of different applications.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 06:05 PM
I like that this thread is over two years old. It shows that there are still some resistance fighters out there!

I got my first cell phone in 2001, to use in case of emergency because I drove to and worked at night and was quite young, still living at home. None of my friends had cell phones, so I basically only used it to call home once in awhile. In 2002, several of my friends got cell phones, so we began texting one another... though we rarely ever called one another.

In 2003, I decided I couldn't afford a cell phone because it was a waste of resources. Incidentally, I had already stopped speaking to my "friends", so didn't feel like I was missing out on anything.

In 2006, I got a cellphone again because I was doing 12hr clinical rotations and driving down a dangerous highway daily while pregnant. I used it to check in with my family members.

I think I've had one off and on since then, though always the most basic plan - no texting, no messaging.

The one I have now is hilariously simple, but it does its job: I use it to check in with my family during the day while I am working 30mins from them, and I use it for business.

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