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Palin 'Would Be Willing' to Take On Obama in 2012

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posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by Misoir
reply to post by tothetenthpower

I would really love to hear what people outside of America think of Palin. I'm sure the thought of her winning would scare the hell out of them, she would probably act like Dick Cheney on foreign policy then act as her self and step down at her second state of the Union address and leave it to the VP. It truly scares me who she might pick for VP, my guess would either be religious maniac Mike Huckabee or corporate love bird Rick Perry.

I'm inside America, but I'll tell you my opinion. I see her as one of the most authoritarian presidential candidates I have ever seen in my life. She just has a certain vibe of "control freak"

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Well, he's been in for almost 30 years total with the military, he's at the top of the game without being in the Joint Chiefs of Staff or directly involved in politics.
History has shown the Republican party using a former General for Presidential candidate to be an effective combination.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

3) If you are dumb enough to think that while you are running for President, that you would EVER receive a call from the President Of France, just crawl under a rock, your ego is too big for America.

Obama had (has) a pretty big ego. He threw a fit when Germany wouldn't let him give a speech at the Brandenburg Gate and told him to go to the Victory Tower (each in Berlin) instead, because the Brandenburg Gate as a backdrop for a speech is reserved for actual heads-of-state.

[edit on 2/7/2010 by octotom]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by octotom

Not misinterpret what I said, I did not mean everyone in the world is sitting on the edge of their seats or even keeping track of this once a month because like you said every country has their own problems to worry about. But when I say scare the hell out of them I mean because this lady is wreckless and if you are a NATO country you would probably be dragged into more wars.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by Misoir

I find it hard to believe that Palin would win against Obama.

I think it would be a landslide victory for Obama, if all goes well in the next few years and his agenda is moved forward.

Palin has nothing to run on really, other than opposing Democrats. She has no real experience in politics and has no achievements under her belt.

Not any substantial ones anyway.

Obama's I inherited a mess and I'm just trying to clean it up is a damn good argument to those who don't really follow things as closely as we do.

Technically he's right.


posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by octotom

First black president who most likely without a doubt knew he had the election in the bag, wouln't you have an ego too?

Not to defend his or anything.

I agree though, he does have a big ego. Lucky for him he's a great orator and can back it up mostly.


posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 02:33 PM
Thank God for Sarah! I’m with her all the way. If the lefty demoncrats hate her so much they attack her when she isn’t a contender, they must be very afraid.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by octotom
Not really. Her winning would be about as scary as it was when Obama won.

You clearly were not watching world news when the announcment came...there was worldwide parties that Obama won.

People whom never even cared about american politics were all but dancing in the street...half for just getting Bush out, but the other half for getting someone with Obama's mindset in. Had McCain would have been a shrug of not caring.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by D1Useek
Thank God for Sarah! I’m with her all the way. If the lefty demoncrats hate her so much they attack her when she isn’t a contender, they must be very afraid.

Afraid...hmm...interesting choice of words.

I want to contribute to her campaign running, I want her to be the front runner..perhaps that is fear, but fear of what?

perhaps fear of dying with laughter at the debates...that is a concern of course.

Now, if Ron Paul was running against Obama...that would be cause for concern, but it would be good concern...Ron is a sharp man whom isn't about legislating morality. He has some seriously wacky ideas, but I am of the opinion that it wouldn't hurt to try...either it will work great or fail miserably...but wont know until its been tried anyhow.

so, Ron Paul = yes...deep concern about the elections
Sarah Palin = laughable and a big nail in the coffin of republican credibility of thats the best you got to offer.

My advice...send forth Sarah to the slaughterhouse...I dont mind Obama and look forward to 4 more years so long as he keeps getting his crap together has he has been these past couple weeks.

Sometimes humor does mask fear...but sometimes humor is just to show something as being funny

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 04:28 PM
What do Canadians think of Palin? We dont like her. here's an article about her getting canned as a celebrity fundraiser...they redirected her to work with a different local charity.

Palin is a big joke to the canadians i know...a BIG joke. none of us really take her seriously.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 04:32 PM
Palin makes George Bush look like an intellectual!

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 04:34 PM
I like how Palin is becoming the political equivalent to Christianity. It keeps the retards busy and out of adult matters.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 04:53 PM
I think Palin is just being used. She's a great distraction. I don't believe the GOP would put her up against Obama, not a chance. What she is to them is an attention getter. She helps to keep the focus from fading. Nothing more. She will not run (at minimum, she may be one of many in the primaries) but NO way she will be the top ticket in 2012.


Sometimes humor does mask fear...but sometimes humor is just to show something as being funny

Yes, indeedy...

[edit on 7-2-2010 by LadySkadi]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 04:56 PM
lets just say that in the realm of possibilities....

i really hope that it's possible that the GOP learned their lesson from the 2008 campaign...

Nominating someone like Sarah Palin would be far worse than McCain.

Palin needs to realize that she was nothing more than the GOP response to Hillary Clinton. Just like Michael Steele being a response to Barack Obama.

She was VP'd because of her anatomy, not her mentality.

[edit on 7-2-2010 by Snarf]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by D1Useek
Thank God for Sarah! I’m with her all the way. If the lefty demoncrats hate her so much they attack her when she isn’t a contender, they must be very afraid.

Afraid of what?
Knocking back womens rights to the 1950's?

How about the fear that Sarah Palin could send our country down the path we saw from the movie Idiocracy?

Fear? Yes. I do fear Sarah Palin. But not for the reasons you think i do. I fear her because i believe there are enough people like you in this country that might actually give her a voice.

And that is not a good thing.

It's sad. It's pathetic and it's sad.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 07:24 PM
Most of my fellow Brits don't understand why former Governor Palin is so popular in the United States. A story to illustrate:

For the 2008 election I was at a Republican election party in a midwestern state covering the event. When it became increasingly apparent that Obama was going to win, the party goers started to talk more about Palin running in 2012. I asked a couple of the attendees why they thought Palin would be such a good choice; the answer was amazing to me.

The people told me that they thought she was "one of them" and not an "elitist" like Obama. They thought that Palin thought like they did, held their values and they actually liked the fact that she lacked a strong educational/intellectual background!

My editor and I had a good three hour conversation the next day about it. He, a lifelong member of the Labour Party, upper middle class and from London, could not wrap his head around why Americans would not want the smartest person they could find to be their president.

It is true, from what I have seen of Palin (I've never met her personally) she does remind me a lot of the people I met at that party. However, why would America want to put an average person in control of their country? Why not go with the best, the smartest, most empathetic, most inventive, coolest under pressure, most extensively educated candidate you can find?

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