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Woman evicted and house condemned for using solar power

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posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by ldyserenity

I think it's a lot more insidious than just wanting her money, maybe they want or need her property for some reason or whatever, so this is how they're taking possession legally without having to put a dime into the property!

Maybe someones brother is a real estate investor.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by To Many Lies

my husband is at the moment an unemployed machinist (hopefully, he'll be going back to full time work next week. But, I was scouring the jobs online one day and I ran into an add for a machinist for one of the companies in the area. according to the ad, they were making "magnetic ballbearings"...

well, I went quite awhile wondering about these magnetic ballbearings. I know what ball bearings are, they are those little metal balls that are stuck inside some items, they help the moving pieces flow easily with less friction. okay, so, why would you want to magnatize the things I wondered??

well, my husband explained that to me, the ball bearing is a magnetic field, and according to him, it makes the moving parts turn at incredible speeds!

he will be working with one of these babies, for some part of the gov't.
so, hopefully, maybe our gov't is moving us into this directions....since well, I imagine something like he described to me could produce alot of power quite cheaply!

then again, maybe they are working on their own ufo, just to get them off this planet when all heck breaks lose...who knows.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by UmbraSumus

well you can't tell how much electricity, its producing, but 2 things I notice is there are different panels there so she must of bought them 2nd hand.

also her battery rack is just a bunch of car batteries, very dangerous, car batterys like that are not made to discharge and charge constantly. I've seen them explode a few times. No way that would even come close to passing inspection, thats just a ticking time bomb.

the batteries are all differant also, I hope she atleast bought those on sale and not at a junk yard. but seeing the pictures make me think she got them from a junk yard. You might be able to use deep cycle batteries, they are the ones with the yellow tops usually, I would have to look into that. but those are not deep cycle batteries. plus It would most likly be cheeper to just buy batteries made battery banks like that.

another note, that glob of wire by the batteries would never pass inspection. thats horrible. also am I seeing plug-in cords? I really hope those are for nothing to do with the solar system, no way would that be allowed.

so just from those pictures, some hack put that system together and created alot of possible dangers. It was never inspected or the city inspector is an absolute moron for signing off on that.

I still don't see why she didn't atleast part out the solar panels to pay for some bills.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 09:17 AM
Being a former resident of AZ I can vouch that there is not a state that is so anti-environment, years behind the times then AZ. I had to drive 15 miles out of my way to find a recycling center.
Though the state is fighting 5 others and Mexico over water rights, and Lake Powell gets lower all the time, they use water more then I have seen here on the east coast.

We have watched broken lawn sprinklers shoot like gysers in the air for 2 weeks at at time.

As someone who worked with water quality there, the fact that they are concernced with anyone's quality of life is laughable, considering the water is undrinkable, comes out like mud, is green in the summer, and forces everyone to get a water service.

Avondale being among the worst.

Phoenix metro area could be ground zero for the use of solar energy. They should be promoting it, not prohibiting it.

But then it is still like the old west in so many ways. People talk about going back to simpler times well that is what you get.

No civil liberties, few rights, and people are not cared about.

We witnessed church ceremonies on court house steps.
Your lucky if you saw a minority in superior position.

When my husband graduated school, the parking lot was full of u-hauls. OUtsiders were so ready to get out of there they moved the day of graduation.

Phoenix is now the fifth largest city, it pushed Philadelphia to sixth. People don't realize the size of the area now. But for every 2 people that stay, three people leave. That is how transiant the city is.

There isn't even enough police and fire coverage. A car is stolen every second. Our household had cars broken into 3 different times in a short period of time.

Meth is a major major rampant problem.

Yet they are worried abotu solar panels?

This smells fishy to me.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by ohhwataloser

I noticed that after someone here mentioned stuff in the yard, so I went back to the article and found the images. From the image it doesn't look as if the system was installed earlier, and it doesn't really look that safe.

A section under the images discusses the process for obtaining a permit & inspection of solar panels in that neighborhood. It ends with a sentence that wasn't quite clear. I couldn't tell if it was discussing the inspection form with a box unchecked for this property, or if it was meant as general statement about the process.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by ldyserenity

It doesn't matter how much energy she thinks is adequate - the city told her she didn't have enough, and warned her. She ignored that, and then got evicted. That's my point - she was warned, and she did nothing. That is the worrying point.

Who has the right to tell anyone how to live? Society. That's the whole freakin' point. She was living in an unsafe condition. If she'd continued to live like that, there was a very good chance she'd be a burden on the rest of the city by causing disease through rotting food (or even her bloated corpse being discovered months later after she died from overheating in summer, or freezing to death in winter). All things that affect the rest of the city (either financially, or from a health standpoint), and so the city has the right to intervene to stop that from happening. I don't agree with the lack of care from the city, but those are the rules, and she was well aware of it, and yet chose to do nothing about it.

reply to post by To Many Lies

Sure - it's called hydroelectric, geothermal, wind energy, and anything else that can be plugged in to a "dynamo", otherwise called an "electrical generator". You need a lot more than just the electrical generator, you need something spinning very fast in order to get any electricity from it. No one is stopping you from using it.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 05:52 PM
Extension cords running from her neighbors' houses? Different types of solar panels? Different types of batteries? A tampered with electrical meter? A Mazda Miata??? If I didn't know any better I would swear that she lived in an unicorperated area of Arizona. But she didn't. She lived in an H.O.A. neighborhood. A lot stricter than a "normal" neighborhood.

It sounds to me like she was out of her element. When she moved there she probably had a good job, houses in that area aren't cheap, then lost her job, fell on hard times, and tried to n- rig it all. You don't do what she tried to do in an H.O.A. heighborhood and expect to get away with it.

I'm all for self-suffiency. But in a big city with an H.O.A. breathing down your back? Gimme a break. I'm not defending TPTB, but you don't go into the chicken coop trying to steal eggs with the rooster standing right there watching you. She just didn't know what she was doing IMO.


posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by Dramey

Fits right into the New world order, Aldous Huxley- A brave new world-

" People will be forced to live life WELL. If they cannot live WELL, they dont deserve to live."

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 07:21 PM
This is an amazing thread.. I appreciate you bringing this topic to our attention. It is wonderful to see people looking for answers.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by Genfinity
I have heard stories that if your light bill isn't high enough, the light company will investigate.

On the other hand, if your bill is extremely high, that's a-okay. You'll pay it or they will turn off your power. So it has nothing to do with whether or not there is a problem. It has everything to do with making sure you get ripped off.

Almost right. If your bill is high, The police will raid you for growing pot. Lots have been raided just because they have inefficient windows/baseboard heaters. Google: police raid high electric bill

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by davesidious
reply to post by ldyserenity

It doesn't matter how much energy she thinks is adequate - the city told her she didn't have enough, and warned her. She ignored that, and then got evicted. That's my point - she was warned, and she did nothing. That is the worrying point.

Who has the right to tell anyone how to live? Society. That's the whole freakin' point. She was living in an unsafe condition. If she'd continued to live like that, there was a very good chance she'd be a burden on the rest of the city by causing disease through rotting food (or even her bloated corpse being discovered months later after she died from overheating in summer, or freezing to death in winter). All things that affect the rest of the city (either financially, or from a health standpoint), and so the city has the right to intervene to stop that from happening. I don't agree with the lack of care from the city, but those are the rules, and she was well aware of it, and yet chose to do nothing about it.

reply to post by To Many Lies

Sure - it's called hydroelectric, geothermal, wind energy, and anything else that can be plugged in to a "dynamo", otherwise called an "electrical generator". You need a lot more than just the electrical generator, you need something spinning very fast in order to get any electricity from it. No one is stopping you from using it.

you keep saying she chose to do nothing about it

to be fully honest thats incredibly frustrating to me as someone who is also not financially secure

what exactly do you suggest she do about something, when she cant afford to do anything about it

what is she supposed to pay them with?

is she expected to go prostitute herself to get the money?

she supposed to go out and sell drugs?

should she go rob someone or something?

should she be expected to sell all her belongings in order to pay for electricity?

have you read the other posts from people who live in the area who talk about how crappy the water and other utilities are in that area?

have you read other people talk about how within just a few miles there are thousands of homes without electricity?

so since you fully believe she was wrong and its her fault she got kicked out

what should she have done?

and if your only answer is to go get government help then please dont even bother to respond, many would be surprised at how hard it is for some to get government help, while incredibly easy for others

on top of all of that

are we seriously debating all of this over the fact that "the city" told her it wasnt enough??

so because the city said so, then everything is kosher?

so if kids are going hungry they can take your house because you cant afford food?

if thats the case then almost everyone in america should be homeless and have their kids taken away because according to health reports there are barely any kids in the USA who are eating properly

if you're thirsty they can take your house because you arent buying enough gallons of water a month?

you say im putting words in your mouth but im just reading what you're saying and saying its her fault in any way is ridiculous and honestly i wont even respond to the matter anymore after this as there is really nothing left to say

[edit on 31-1-2010 by Dramey]

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 08:13 PM
one last thing that is left to be said

remember ww2

remember the Nuremberg trials

it was decided that the people were guilty because they followed orders

they said that they had every opportunity to not go along with the nazis and because they did they are guilty

so when a government does something wrong, we are just supposed to go along with it and all be nazis and all be held guilty for those crimes in the end?

blindly following something just because the government says so, is the absolute opposite of what a patriot should do

thats according to historical court cases

[edit on 31-1-2010 by Dramey]

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 05:02 AM

Originally posted by Taupin Desciple

I'm all for self-suffiency. But in a big city with an H.O.A. breathing down your back? Gimme a break. I'm not defending TPTB, but you don't go into the chicken coop trying to steal eggs with the rooster standing right there watching you. She just didn't know what she was doing IMO.

ya, well, if I was broke enough, and hungry enough, umm.....your rooster just might end up in my stock pot!!

it's like getting blood out of a rock, and we all know how the credit market has been of late, well, if there's no money, no credit, doesn't matter what you do, the bill isn't gonna get paid!! not without someone helping you!!

it makes no sense whatsoever to kick the cold poor hungry person out of their shelter, I don't care if their existence is an eyesore and it blows your illusion of a perfect world or not!

we nation is massively in debt, and I would wager that those social safety net programs will be getting some steep cuts in the near future. and, well, there's gonna be plenty more eyesores in the community.

I've already mentioned the backlash that has happened over the most recent raise in our electric rates... well, here's something for ya all to think about... the electric rates increase, means that the schools, the gov't agencies, and the poor need more money to pay their electric bills...which means that are the ones expected to pay those!

which will mean that some of yas might find yourselves needing help paying for them in the future, which means, ahh, yes, more demand on the safety net and charities....which means more money from your pocket...
add to this the job losses that are still hitting us, the inflation that more than likely will result from our gov't's borrowing, and well......
I wouldn't be too hard on this lady, not unless you don't mind getting kicked out of your home for not meeting society's expectation on down the road!

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 06:56 AM
reply to post by Dramey

The illusion of a perfect world is not mine. It is the H.O.A's And if she didn't know that when she moved there, well, again, she was out of her element.

We could go on and on about the economy,code enforcers, the city, and A.P.S. and how the system worked against her. Which it did. I'm not sticking up for them. But I'm not sticking up for her either. She had a good paying job, got laid off, then found a job that doesn't pay good. All she had to do was some basic math to figure out that she couldn't afford the way of life that she had grown accustomed to and that she would have to find cheaper accomidations.

I could be wrong but nowhere in the article did it mention that she had kids. If that's the case, then she's got it better than a lot posters would like to believe. Yes, she may be homeless. I've been homeless in Phoenix Az. before, I know what it's like. But unlike her, I didn't have a job or a car. I had to work my way back up from square one. If it sounded like I was being hard on her, I apologize, I know what she's going through. But again, she has a car and a job. I'm not going to feel sorry for her in that regard. I feel sorry for her in that her financial situation went downhill and she didn't seem to know how to cope with it properly.


posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by Taupin Desciple

My bad. My last post was directed to dawnstar.

Not enough coffee yet I guess

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by Taupin Desciple
reply to post by Taupin Desciple

My bad. My last post was directed to dawnstar.

Not enough coffee yet I guess

completely understood

however to touch on what you said

i dont know if we necessarily should be focused on feeling sorry for her, even though it is a tough situation, i think we should be more focused on why the situation took place

i understand many people bring up the fact she was in some special neighborhood so she has to abide by different rules

how is that even legal in the USA? how does a neighborhoods rules trump american freedom?

honestly i also hate how everyone usually feels so much worse just when people have kids, i mean homeless is homeless, poor is poor, it shouldnt be better or worse, with or without kids

honestly many who are poor continue to have kids, many more then they can possibly afford, forcing them to depend on welfare, which to me is just dumb and irresponsible if you cant afford the children you shouldnt have them, i mean people are more strict with pets then with humans, thats why many places wont just give away dogs, they sell them for small fees because if you cant afford the fee you cant afford the pet according to many shelters, but theres nothing in place like that for humans, we just let the poor who cant even support themselves just pop out baby after baby

so why do we award such stupidity yet make things harder for those who are smart enough to not have kids when they cant afford it?

but back on topic

on top of that, many times people may realize they can no longer afford to live the same way they have grown accustomed to, but with the way our society has been developed, even when the situation happens and the people are conscious about it, they still dont know what to do, and sometimes being on your own makes it even harder to figure out what to do, especially when it comes to getting help

there is a lot more help out there for those with kids then without, sometimes it makes me wonder if thats why some groups end up having families that are so "overpopulated" while poor

maybe she did have a good job and is now no longer financially secure, and maybe she didnt "down-grade" in time before being kicked out

but in this economic climate, thats happening hundreds of thousands of times over nationwide, if we are too accept her situation, then things are going to get extremely worse before they start to get better

just because things are laws or rules does not make them right, and if we truly expect to turn our economy around, we need to turn our lifestyles around, and that involved changing government, there have been many new laws and rules implemented that never should have happened and the laws involving this circumstance are definitely among them

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 08:10 AM
A lot of people are saying that her installation didn't 'look' safe. The CITY evicted her and condemned her property because she didn't have enough electricity to heat and cool her home plus run a refrigerator. It wasn't about safety, it wasn't an HOA that evicted her and condemned her house. It was the city government, and they are wrong! We have no freedom anymore.

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 08:19 AM
Haven't read the thread - don't need to. I read the story and it speaks for itself. This is why I own guns - LOTS of them! This is why millions of Americans own guns - LOTS of them! Soon - very, very soon - those guns are going to be turned upon our oppressors and they will pay a very heavy price for their tyranny as will those who support their tyranny. A FREE people have no use for government in its current form and will do everything in their power to shed it. History proves it!

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by kozmo

Right. Brilliant. If you had your way, the topic of this thread would be:

"Woman shot in face for waving guns at police"


posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by kozmo
Haven't read the thread - don't need to. I read the story and it speaks for itself. This is why I own guns - LOTS of them! This is why millions of Americans own guns - LOTS of them! Soon - very, very soon - those guns are going to be turned upon our oppressors and they will pay a very heavy price for their tyranny as will those who support their tyranny. A FREE people have no use for government in its current form and will do everything in their power to shed it. History proves it!

guns are a good thing, sometimes a very necessary thing

guns may sometimes be the critical key to gaining power

however history has also shown us that the key to keeping that power is intelligence

if we truly expect to change the system and emerge victorious you have to fight fire with fire and in this case the fire is intelligence, what is needed is not necesarily an arms race between the citizens and the government but a mental arms race, where people educate themselves, learn truths, and get involved in making the changes that are needed

it is unfortunately harder however for those of us who want to make change because 1st we must convince the rest of the group we need change

here in this thread, it seems to be a majority consensus the situation was wrong, yet there are still a few holdouts believing it was this woman's fault

guns wont ever change their idea, it may make them say they have, but they may not be telling the truth, its the same reason torture doesnt work, anyone will say anything when a gun is in their face

basically people just need to open their eyes and realize when something is wrong and its taking place right in front of our eyes, but so many have been conditioned in our society to look the other way and simply not recognize many of our societies ills

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