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Ed Koch: ‘Hundreds of millions’ of Muslims are terrorists

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posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 05:12 PM
Here is yet another MSM drumming of how anybody, and virtually everybody, from the Middle East is nothing but a terrorist. And why, to prolong this ongoing "war?" Or, is it to continue scaring Americans into believing we are unsafe, thereby allowing our government to implement national security policies that strip away (no pun intended) our civil liberties?

Regardless of the motive and reason, the racial profiling and terrorist rhetoric is now becoming quite provocative and dangerous.

Ed Koch, the former mayor of New York City, told Fox News' Neil Cavuto on Thursday that "hundreds of millions" of Muslims are terrorists.

Taking up the now-standard conservative political talking point, in the wake of the Christmas Day bombing attempt, that political correctness prevents the US from identifying Muslim terrorists as such, Koch said:

"We're afraid of calling them Muslim, Islamist terrorists. We'll call them anything but. Because we don't want to alienate Muslim countries. That's ridiculous. Of course the vast majority of Muslims -- there are a billion, four hundred million -- are not terrorists, but there are hundreds of millions who are. They want to kill every Christian, every Jew, every Hindu who won't convert. And we ought to put it on the table."

Host Neil Cavuto did not attempt to correct or even question Koch's claim.

[edit on 8-1-2010 by MOFreemason]

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by MOFreemason

You know , I can see this getting real UGLY for Muslims , or Muslim

"looking" people in the US.

This kind of profiling can do nothing but bad for all the US.

If someone had said this about Jews on MSM, could you imagine

the Uproar

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by Sean48

Well if Jews were trying to blow us up that would be different.Right?

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 05:23 PM
More terrorism by non muslims here, good old propaganda.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 05:23 PM
The right thinks muslims are terrorists.

The left thinks the tea-party people are terrorists.

The next person to label an entire subgroup of people terrorists are probably the terrorist themselves.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by Sean48
reply to post by MOFreemason

You know , I can see this getting real UGLY for Muslims , or Muslim

"looking" people in the US.

This kind of profiling can do nothing but bad for all the US.

If someone had said this about Jews on MSM, could you imagine

the Uproar

Just a few days ago, a retired general was interviewed on Fox News and said that all Muslim men, ages 18-29 should be mandated to undergo strip search before flying.

The racial profiling and terrorist rhetoric is really becoming dangerous.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by genius/idoit

Woa dude , just hold on a sec.

I,m talking about American Muslim's , brown skinned people.

You be ok if innocent people start to get attacked?

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by DINSTAAR
The right thinks muslims are terrorists.

The left thinks the tea-party people are terrorists.

The next person to label an entire subgroup of people terrorists are probably the terrorist themselves.

Interesting idea.

Amazing to believe that, as a nation, we're surrounded by terrorists everywhere! Paranoia running rampant, eh?

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 05:56 PM
Maybe there are maybe there aren't. Funny, you don't have to prove anything anymore, just say it or post it and it's fact. It's really a shame the media has turned into the circus that it has. Ah well, I guess he's entitled to his opinion, however it does seem like irresponsible other words the norm these days.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by adifferentbreed
Maybe there are maybe there aren't. Funny, you don't have to prove anything anymore, just say it or post it and it's fact. It's really a shame the media has turned into the circus that it has. Ah well, I guess he's entitled to his opinion, however it does seem like irresponsible other words the norm these days.

You are absolutely correct, he is definitely entitled to his opinion. And Neil Cavuto would probably declare he's not a journalist anyway.

But the whole, "fair and decide" mantra seems to be significantly challenged when the host won't ask a guest to substantiate such a wild claim with some facts or evidence.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by MOFreemason

That was my point. The media on both sides does this all of the time. They stopped being news and ended up being platforms.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 06:13 PM
Oh come on Ed Koch, really? I mean really? I am a jew, and historically us and the muslims have been at odds at one point or another and even i realize that this is BS.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 06:31 PM
This polar dichotomous categorization of "US" and "THEM" has to end.

Just because someone has a different religion than you doesn't make them against you.

Just because someone has a different racial heritage than you doesn't make them against you.

Just because someone has a different culture than you doesn't make them against you.

Just because someone has a different language than you doesn't make them against you.

Statements such as Ed Koch made are absolutely Racist and is nothing more than ignorant, xenophobic, fear-mongering. The same could be said about a lot of the things being broadcast on FoxHysteria as of late.

So...Yemen, with an Arab population of 23,053,462 has reportedly as many as 20 potential Al-Qaeda members. That is less than .0000001% of their population! Therefore, not only must Yemen be invaded, but all Arabs and Muslims must be categorically evil because of that .0000001% of their population that is lunatic fringe. Even if they had 200 potential Al-Qaeda members, that is still less than .000001%, hardly enough to justify a war, let alone Racial or Religious Profiling.

I know that Racism has been America's favorite past-time for the past couple hundred of years, and since we have an African-American as POTUS Americans can no longer be Racist towards African-Americans, but can we perhaps grow up a bit and put Racism behind us instead of looking who next to be Racist towards?

I swear, the next Christian that even whines or moans once about how they are unfairly treated or discriminated in the United States is going to get slapped by me and reminded that they should thank their deity that they aren't Muslim, and lastly have the Golden Rule recited to them in hopes that they might actually consider that if they don't stand up for the rights of other Religion it is inevitable that tomorrow it will most likely be them who is persecuted for their Religious affiliation!

Do these Racists or Extremists ever stop to consider that by infringing upon the rights of an entire people is not only making this country a Nation of Hypocrites, but exacerbating the situation by adding justification and fuel to the fires of Anti-American sentiment? When you take away the rights of the many because of the actions of 1 or 2 or 20, then you are only going to turn those 1 or 2 or 20 into thousands or tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. Treat an innocent person like a Terrorist because they happen to share the same religion, or nationality, or culture as 1 or 2 or 20 Terrorists, then you are going to eventually turn them to the Terrorist's Cause rather than your own.

Mr. Koch, and Fox News...can we please just stop the Racism and Hate and start treating Muslims with a little respect and dignity as would our Christian neighbors, and Buddhist friends, and Hindi Technicians and Doctors? Not only can you kill Terrorism with kindness, but it's WWJD! Stop blaming Muslims for a Lunatic Fringe lest ye be blamed for your Lunatic Fringe as well.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 08:27 PM
When Baptists or Mormons or Jews or any other groups start making multiple attempts to blow up airplanes full of people I will stop calling Muslims terrorists. I won't hold my breath until that happens.

Simple fact is that Islam is not compatible with any other religion or system of government.

The sooner everyone realizes that there are Muslim terrorists, terrorist sympathizers, and Muslims that do not openly protest the terrorists, and that it is a religious war and act accordingly the sooner we will have a chance of saving our societies from being destroyed and our children and grandchildren murdered for being non-Muslim.

posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by DINSTAAR
The right thinks muslims are terrorists.

The left thinks the tea-party people are terrorists.

The next person to label an entire subgroup of people terrorists are probably the terrorist themselves.


The people stuck in the middle are verbally extolling on the lacking mental capacities of either side. (Eh, it was an easier and less offensive way of saying what I intended.)

posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by expat2368
When Baptists or Mormons or Jews or any other groups start making multiple attempts to blow up airplanes full of people I will stop calling Muslims terrorists. I won't hold my breath until that happens.

Simple fact is that Islam is not compatible with any other religion or system of government.

The sooner everyone realizes that there are Muslim terrorists, terrorist sympathizers, and Muslims that do not openly protest the terrorists, and that it is a religious war and act accordingly the sooner we will have a chance of saving our societies from being destroyed and our children and grandchildren murdered for being non-Muslim.

Um. Remember Oklahoma City bombing?

Remember the Uni-Bomber?

Remember the Irish terrorists?

Or were those all just clever Muslims that disguised themselves as Christians?

And what about the Jews? Their whole country was FOUNDED on terrorism. They blew up hotels full of innocent civilians before Israel came into existance, and even attacked US Navy ships in order to try and blame it on Egypt. The US didn't fall for it, instead we made a deal with the Jews.

Now the Jews don't even have to resort to underground terrorism. They have enough political support and a big enough army to just invade regions, bulldoze houses, burn innocent people with illegal white phosphorous, use unmanned drones to shoot rockets into hospitals, houses, etc.

The Jews have transcended terrorism and moved on to WAR CRIMES. Think I'm BSing?? Look at the number of UN resolutions against them. The Zionists have been charged with more war crimes than any nation in history.

But those are OK, cause they are only against brown people, right? It doesn't really count, huh.

You are really far gone. Really far, my friend. They stole your brain, implanted crap that makes you believe that Muslims are going to murder you and your grandchildren if you don't convert, and pee on your grave.

Remember the story about Christians and Muslims burning each others houses / shops down today? The interesting part of the story isn't that they were fighting... But that the Muslims didn't kill all the Christians in THEIR OWN COUNTRY 10 years ago. If they don't kill the Christians that are actually living in the Muslim countries, then why the heck would they want to come here to kill all of us?

What makes you think a bunch of underfunded bearded boogiemen with 2 goats and an AK are going to invade a nation with the strongest military in the world, not to mention the most ARMED nation in the world, and the biggest nuclear arsenal.

You have really lost your mind. I feel sorry for you.

[edit on 9-1-2010 by seattletruth]

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 11:55 PM
All I can say is that anyone who agrees with strip searches, etc.. just for looking like they could be Muslim, well I sincerely hope that it is your mother/daughter/wife/husband/father/son etc.. that they think looks Muslim next time they try to board a plane.

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