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Ron Paul suggests 'agenda' to expand terror war, attack American liberty

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posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by oneclickaway

AMEN, oneclickaway! This whole incident is such a sham, especially the fact that Al Qaeda took responsibility. Took responsibility for what? A circus sideshow? We're supposed be intimidated by an organization that fumbles a mission and is stupid enough to claim they were behind it!! Give me a break!

We've heard this kind of propaganda so many times that it's just stupid anymore.

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 08:47 PM
Nice thread DD love your avatar.
This is a tough subject to side with, I see how you can be concerned ether way. Is this an incremental erosion of privacy and freedom, all in the name of the government protecting you.
Would you rather take a chance flying with some nut job bent on destroying the plane?
I myself have nothing to hide" junk or otherwise".
This may help some of you decide.

Body scanner, with detailed genitalia reporting


posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

It is really sad when people doesn't realize that in the US we are the terrorist. The law abiding citizens of this nations are the government top priority terrorist body.

But hey under the umbrella of "national security" and fighting "terrorism" everybody drinks the coolaid while waving their littler American flags, as they get hord into pens while the police is in full fighting gear and the snipers take over on top of our main building roofs.

Yes this happening today, tonight while people in NY celebrate the new oppressive year.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 06:22 AM

Originally posted by whoshotJR
Although I generally agree with him on almost everything I don't really agree here.

Flying is not a right so if people don't like security measures they can just not fly. They have so many other ways they are taking away our freedoms I don't really count this as a way to turn us into zombies.

Will this make us any safer on airlines? Probably not but maybe. I'm all for the scanners that you walk passed and they can see through your clothing. I wouldn't mind shocking some of the security anyway

Again, I find the most intelligent post in a thread and it had no stars until I got here.

I'm making a habit of finding you smart people and showing you off!

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 06:35 AM
This whole "scanning" thing has only one purpose: to force you play your own Gestapo. You have to really worry about carrying this and carrying that and whether it is allowed or forbidden. I go to the airport and worry whether I am going to be arrested for having a nail clipper with me, or a comb, or a nail file, and whether they are going to examine my back hole and look carefully under my armpits, etc... This is sheer terror and TPTB have a very strong point and interest in doing so. This is about making slaves more aware that they are just that, and that there is a whip swooshing and looming above them at all times.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 06:59 AM
Okay we have people condoning the use of these scanners.

How do these scanners work?

Has there been extensive testing on animals done?

C'mon CTers, a new fangled scanner comes out and a poster on here actually believes that freedom of travel in the US, is trumped and everyone should go through an absolute invasion of privacy with no actual help in regards to security? The bogus security checks are placebos to make you assume you are safe. Does the government elitists ride these planes? Oh yeah, they are above being part of society, they are above us. No need to use public transportation when you can fly in those sweet Gulfstream 3's.

What kind of radiation do they use to see through the clothes? It has to be something, I do not believe the x ray glasses in the back of the comic books were real, WERE THEY? I have also seen a YouTube video on the use of portable devices placed at larger gatherings. I do not know where to find that, I saw it in the last few days.

I know for a fact that weather radars used in the nosecones of commercial aircraft can sterilize men. The one we had in a 1900C Beechcraft warned of this and the effective problem was up to 200 ft if it was activated on the ground.

Critical thinking and questioning of authority, I THOUGHT, was the name of the game?

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 07:12 AM
Scanners are not the problem. It is the "treatment" we receive from the authorities that is the problem. This is what is really getting "improved".

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 11:09 AM
And in related news:

Washington (CNN) -- One hundred and fifty new full-body scanning machines are set to be placed in airports across the United States as federal authorities work to close security loopholes exposed by the attempted Christmas Day bombing of a U.S.-bound airliner.


LOL, just love the options we have to move from point A to B now. If you want to travel off the continent, only way you're doing that is to be VIOLATED people, pure, plain and simple. Next up, CAVITY CHECKS, for those deemed "suspicious"...And I'm sure there will be folks deeming that as perfectly okay too! "Big brother is keeping us all safe from Al CIAda!"

Funny how nothing about the whole passport issue ever gets mentioned by the TSA or or other goons. RP hit the nail squarely on the head here...This formula KEEPS working at making us give up our liberties.

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

This is more about creating and maintaining a climate of fear. They don't want to scan your bodies nearly as much as they want you to be afraid of "radical Islamic terrorists"

When you can effectively demonize a religion billions subscribe to, you can perpetually keep viable the opportunity for war including invasions, preemptive attacks, occupations, indoctrination to more Christianized forms of democracy and nation building, in any nation where that evil religion has infected a majority of its population.

Something stinks in here.

Smells a lot like burnt underwear.

[edit on 2-1-2010 by Walkswithfish]

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

LOL, just love the options we have to move from point A to B now. If you want to travel off the continent, only way you're doing that is to be VIOLATED people, pure, plain and simple. Next up, CAVITY CHECKS, for those deemed "suspicious"...And I'm sure there will be folks deeming that as perfectly okay too! "Big brother is keeping us all safe from Al CIAda!"

Hilarious! We've been getting screwed in the theoretical sense...but that's not good enough. We need to be LITERALLY screwed.

My god man. What is the world coming to. This is what happens when you ESCALATE THE WAR OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!


[edit on 3-1-2010 by David9176]

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 06:10 PM
Are scanners just a scam?
The explosive device smuggled in the clothing of the Detroit bomb suspect would not have been detected by body-scanners set to be introduced in British airports, an expert on the technology warned last night.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

I like Ron Paul, but man, why do I feel as though he's making everyone in America the bad guy but not the terrorist? We nearly lost a commercial airliner on Christmas and all Dr. Paul can harp about is some whack-job conspiracy theory?

I am real disappointed in you, Ron Paul. Shame on you.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by sweatmonicaIdo

Dig a little deeper my friend. All may not be what it appears to be...

There are a LOT of unanswered questions in this supposed "terrorist" attack---A LOT of inconsistencies. RP is NOT the bad guy for questioning things here...

Sometimes what appears to be on the surface is not exactly what is taking place on the inside. This smells of something HIGHLY fishy IMHO...

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by sweatmonicaIdo

No offense intended but I am disappointed at yah mate ... for being in ATS for as long as you have and still using the "whacko" tag.

One would expect that you would be a tad more open minded, the "whacko conspiracy theory" might be more real and important than you may imagine.

I think things are beyond "fishy".
Better safe than sorry :x

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by Roufas

Open-minded? Being a conspiracy theorist has nothing to do with being open-minded.

During the 2004 election, Michelle Malkin asked Chris Matthews if he wondered at all if John Kerry intentionally got himself wounded in order to win his Purple Hearts. Matthews said something to the degree or "No, he hasn't given me a reason to."

That's the same thing going on here. The lack of information alone is proof of only a lack of information. You guys go the conspiracy theory direction all on your own.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by sweatmonicaIdo

I understand what you mean , I also understand that what RP said is a very possible scenario ... one cannot go too far away from facts , I am also not advocating to just jump on the fear wagon and believe anything told by anyone (not even RP).

People will only get real hard evidence much later on the case of conspiracy theories that turn out to be true, this thread gives a nice perspective on how that is true.

Can't go paranoid , but just can't go calling people nut-jobs either , unless the theory can be completely ruled out.

Being open minded is simply being open to the many possible scenarios that can come to pass, speculating with what you have at hand. Simply discarding those because they seem too far fetched is just as bad as the "believer" that will not change his mind even if hard evidence is shown to him disproving what he used to think was his/her truth.

We got real "nut-jobs" on both sides in my opinion. Fanatism is dangerous anywhere.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by jdub297

Um can I just point out that Obama has tried to do things his way , and congress has given him squat . Its not like hes in the most supportive environment for a radical change of tack .

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by Roufas
reply to post by sweatmonicaIdo

Can't go paranoid , but just can't go calling people nut-jobs either , unless the theory can be completely ruled out.

Let me ask you this: can you prove a negative? Therein lies the issue with conspiracy theories. The fact of the matter is, conspiracism has nothing to do with "ruling anything out," its a worldview, a narrative people use to describe why and how things happen. If I were to actually rule out a conspiracy theory, all the conspiracist has to do is say that the information I used to debunk the conspiracy was "planted," is "distorted," or is just flat-out fake. It has been physically proven that it was indeed an aircraft, not a missile, that struck the Pentagon on 9/11, yet people still insist that the plane wreckage was planted there by TPTB.

Being open minded is simply being open to the many possible scenarios that can come to pass, speculating with what you have at hand. Simply discarding those because they seem too far fetched is just as bad as the "believer" that will not change his mind even if hard evidence is shown to him disproving what he used to think was his/her truth.

Again, I can't prove a negative. The way I see it, the information speaks for itself, it has nothing to do with being open-minded or close-minded. In all honesty, someone who immedietely cries "Conspiracy!" just because the information is lacking is far more indicative of close-mindedness than anything else.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by sweatmonicaIdo

So , why was there no damage to the pentagon from the engines of the aircraft. They are made of tough stuff and weigh tones. They didnt vapourise on impact. It just doesnt happen that way. Why is there only one hole ? No impact marks from anything apart from the fuselage, no wing impact marks, no tail impact marks ? And also , why is it that the wreckage outside the building did not conform to the mark of aircraft that was apparantly used ?
Also , why do several reliable witnesses including police and naval officers claim that the flight path of the aircraft was different than the official investigation found? Why do some witnesses recall seeing a plane matching the description of the aircraft that is supposed to be in a thousand burnt pieces in a box, fly away after the incident ?

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by sweatmonicaIdo
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

why do I feel as though he's making everyone in America the bad guy but not the terrorist? We nearly lost a commercial airliner on Christmas and all Dr. Paul can harp about is some whack-job conspiracy theory?

The guy was on the plane with no passport (among other anomalies)... it appears we are not talking about some simple terrorist (an inconsequential someone who wants to bring about social and political change by causing terror), it appears we have a problem with whoever it was that arranged for him to pass through existing security which would have otherwise stopped him. Whoever that is, they are the ones who want to use terror to bring about the changes which are currently being put in place.

Was that Al Qaeda? I don't think so, but to be honest, I don't really know for sure. But if it was, they certainly won this round. Changes are being put in place, so that damage has been allowed to be done. And if it was Al Qaeda, they would be pretty pleased with the outcome.

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