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Strange Relics from the Depths of the Earth

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+7 more 
posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 08:14 PM

Dr. Jochmans cites numerous accounts of human artifacts being found in earth strata, which according to the standard evolutionary time scale, predate human evolution. These accounts show human existence far far back into earth history, and prove evolution theory false.

In most of the academic and scientific world today, the interpretation of the history of the earth, of life, of man, and of human culture, is defined within the narrow boundaries of specific, prevailing theories. The geology of the earth, for example, is viewed almost exclusively in terms of uniformitarianism. This means that the present-existing processes of erosion and volcanism are thought to have been the only forces at work in the past. Because of the slowness of these processes of change, and the tremendous transformations observed in the earth's depths, the age of the earth is thus counted in billions of years - today, it is put between 4 1/2 and 5 billion years.

The point that will be brought out in this book is that there is evidence for man, and the products of human civilization, in the deep recesses of the earth. Herein are presented the case histories

But while the African finds are revolutionary, there have been other discoveries of human fossils greatly more important, but these have been deliberately neglected or denounced, because they are far older than man is "supposed" to be.

Over a hundred years ago, in the 1850's, gold miners began digging tunnels into the sides and top of Table Mountain, northwest of Needles, California. Gold was discovered, but along with it were bones of extinct mastodons, mammoths, bison, tapirs, horses, rhinos, hippos and camels - all dating from the Pliocene. In 1863, a physician from nearby Sonora, Dr. R. Snell, began to collect specimens from the excavations. In that year, with his bare hands, he loosened from among the fossils a stone disc that appeared to have been used for grinding. But Dr. Snell was not the first, or last, to unearth mysterious objects from the mountain gravel: In 1853, Oliver W. Stevens made affidavit that he removed a large stone bowl from the lowest level tunnel; in 1857, the Honorable Paul Hubbs, of Vallejo, dug up part of a human crania from inside the Valentine shaft; and in 1862, Mr. Llewellyn Pierce also signed affidavit that he had found a stone mortar 200 feet in from the mouth of the same shaft. The most dramatic find, however, was reserved for a Mr. Mattison, one of the owners of the mines. In February of 1866, Mattison unearthed from beneath a layer of basalt an object which - because of the encrustation's - he first thought was the petrified root of a tree, but on closer examination discovered was a complete human skull. The miner sent the skull to the office of the State Survey in June of the same year. Eventually, the skull came into the possession of Dr. L. Wyman, of Harvard College, who removed the encasing material around the cranium. Dr. Wyman, and an associate named Professor Whitney, identified the skull as very modern in type, but also noted that, "the fragments of bones and gravel and shells were so wedged into the cavities of the skull that there could be no mistake as to the character of the situation in which it is found." The stickler was, however, that this meant the skull, along with all the artifacts found, were 12 million years old.

the whole article

This is fascinating stuff I'm going to be reading for a while.Let me know what you think.

+2 more 
posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 08:42 PM
Evolution is not a theory ... , it's a myth !

Mankind has existed at an advanced stage 4 times in ancient history .

When open rebellion against God reaches a trigger point , WHAM !!!!

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by radarloveguy
Evolution is not a theory ... , it's a myth !

Mankind has existed at an advanced stage 4 times in ancient history .

Here's what happened:
Humans came from other planetary systems and settled on Earth as settlement a long time ago. One major group in Australia and one in Burma. A group brought kangaroos from their home planet. The kangaroo had trouble at first on Earth but later adapted. The Red Sea didn't exist at this time and the ones in Australia later settled in Africa. In essence, the original people of the Earth are the Negroids and Mongoloids. At a time later some of the Negroids and Mongoloids mixed and thus created the Arabs. The group that stayed back in Australia and surrounding areas became the Australoids. I do not know how the Caucasians came here but there was a group of dark eyed brown-dark brown haired individuals that settled in southern Russia that later became the Jews. They settled because of the conditions in their home planets.
There was no evolution. Human's origins come from outer space and human beings are common in the universe. The universe is full of life.

[edit on 19-12-2009 by sphinx551]

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 09:08 PM
I can well and truly believe that these artifacts, sometimes referred to as OOPART's (Out Of Place ARTifacts) occasionally turn up in the most impossible locations or places.

In fact, I'm certain something similar happened to me as a very young child ... yes, there is the possibility it could be a false memory but to this day the event remains vivid in my mind.

Anyway, I was about 5 years old and living at the time in England. In those days, many houses had open fireplaces and coal was a common heating fuel ... delivered on a monthly basis .. and normally stored undercover outside.
Being a typical young boy, I was messing around in the coal shed (I'm sure my mom would have had lots to say to me afterwards
)and dropped a large piece of coal I was playing with. The coal broke open and I swear a long (about 5cm / 2 inch) object fell out. The object had the colour of enamel blue but can't recall if bright or dark blue ... just remember the striking shiny blue colour.

If this was an actual real memory, then that makes the object incredibly old as coal can be what ... 100's of thousands of years old ?. The object could have been natural ... but inside a chunk of coal ?? but my feeling was that it was artificial but no idea what it's purpose was.

And before you ask ... I have no idea what became of it after I finished playing with it

Anyway, just a personal account ...

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by tauristercus

there are several accounts describing that exact scenario in the link I provided you should check it out you it might bring back some memory.

[edit on 19-12-2009 by genius/idoit]

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by radarloveguy
Mankind has existed at an advanced stage 4 times in ancient history .

I would love for you to expound on that. I too believe there may have been advanced civilizations on Earth hundreds of millions of years ago that have been rolled under and explain some of the items that are found in seams of coal,..etc.

First I have heard anyone give a specific number of times.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by sphinx551

Originally posted by radarloveguy
Evolution is not a theory ... , it's a myth !

Mankind has existed at an advanced stage 4 times in ancient history .

Here's what happened:
Humans came from other planetary systems and settled on Earth as settlement a long time ago. One major group in Australia and one in Burma. A group brought kangaroos from their home planet. The kangaroo had trouble at first on Earth but later adapted. The Red Sea didn't exist at this time and the ones in Australia later settled in Africa. In essence, the original people of the Earth are the Negroids and Mongoloids. At a time later some of the Negroids and Mongoloids mixed and thus created the Arabs. The group that stayed back in Australia and surrounding areas became the Australoids. I do not know how the Caucasians came here but there was a group of dark eyed brown-dark brown haired individuals that settled in southern Russia that later became the Jews. They settled because of the conditions in their home planets.
There was no evolution. Human's origins come from outer space and human beings are common in the universe. The universe is full of life.

[edit on 19-12-2009 by sphinx551]

Are you serious or just joking? Where do get this information from?

It doesn't disprove evolution as such it just means we have our timeline wrong (or evolution occurred on another planet and they came here).

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by radarloveguy
Evolution is not a theory ... , it's a myth !

Mankind has existed at an advanced stage 4 times in ancient history .

When open rebellion against God reaches a trigger point , WHAM !!!!

Because he loves us.

Evolution is not a myth, its been observed. Maybe take a trip over to for some education? It could mean we just have to move human timetable backwards a bit. edit: as OZ said...

[edit on 19-12-2009 by watcher73]

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by watcher73

Like 100,000 to 345 million years?

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by genius/idoit

Reminds me of the game Assassin's Creed 2,(spoiler warning) I just finished it, the plot deals with there being an older more advanced civilization before ours which helped get us started.

This was all fine and dandy until we get to the end of the writings where Creationism is officially listed as the only good explanation and aliens are thrown out.

So this researcher is prepared to assume all these obscure reports from miners and amateur fossil hunters (most of which are from the 1800s) are 100% fact and that their loosely done strata dating is accurate but throws out the possibility of aliens because of a lack of evidence

The researcher is prepared to throw out everything we know about evolution and geology but not prepared to open his mind to the possibility of aliens (but invisible Sky Beings causing world wide floods are apparently a better explanation

The majority of reported artifacts/remains listed are either missing or never existed.

And how is the Creation-Flood story the best bet here? We're talking about fossilized sandal prints that are hundreds of millions of years old when most Creationists think the Earth is only a few thousand years old in and of itself. And even if they aren't advocating Young Earth creationism (it doesn't appear they are) they still have to account for how the Flood managed to scatter artifacts across so many strata or how the Flood killed off all those generations of humans all at once (or how the Earth managed to hold 500 million years worth of our messy and dangerous species).

They build up mystery and wonder and tell a good story recounting tales of OOPARTS only to spoil it with their preconceived bias toward Creationism...

I've always believed mankind and the Earth itself has some lost history, that we have forgotten memories from the 150,000 years before written language. But this is hardly evidence, much of it is outdated conjecture and is hollow when it's used for religious ends - how many times do those supposed Dino-Man cohabitation prints in Glen Rose, Texas have to be debunked before people give it a rest already?

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 10:32 PM
Bleh... had a nice post and it went *poof* in a tab crash.

So here's the skinny. OP, your sourced article was authored 30 years ago. It was posted to the web in 2000. Both those dates precede the completion of the Human Genome Project which established a clear line of genetic homology against the other animals who's genomes we've sequenced. It also confirms earlier physiological homologies that were established in based on the fossil record. That very well would have been a HUGE blow to evolutionary theory - since genetic homology is dependent on descent, whereas physical homologies could have been similar adaptations to similar environments and not necessarily indicative (but very strongly suggestive) of descent. (See: convergent homology)

The rate at which we've observed the mutations can be extrapolated back to our next our closest relative - the chimp - at a divergence about 5.5 mya when the last known gene was exchanged in a single population... though modern man (us) wouldn't appear until about 150,000 years ago. We'll likely know far more (or with far more certainty) when the Neanderthal genome is more fully researched over the next few months.

In the mean time;

Human Genome Project

Homologene database

Neanderthal Genome mapped. Understanding Evolution. Homology.

Out of Africa Theory

Mitochondrial Eve

I don't think Mr. Clark's proposition of Jochmans's paper is going to turn up anything but fakes and fairy stories.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by genius/idoit

OK sat down and read (almost all) the link and it's awesome! At the risk of repeating myself, I love this stuff, I just wish the scientific community would stop pushing it aside because it doesn't fit the current paradigm.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 10:45 PM
Oh for the love of... Not hte "Nur, dinosaur prints and people prients!" crap again. How mnay damn times does it need to be pointed out that the "human prints" are actually the prints of a therapod dinosaur?

And the coal crap? odd how these "ooparts" are never actually found in situ, it's always some bloke in a bar pulling a wingnut out of his coat pocket and saying "yar, me an' tha lads done found thish'ere screwbolt in the mine, inna big ruddy vein o' coal!" And then the intrigued bartender doesn't notice the wingnut bloke isn't paying for the drinks...

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by Lasheic

So are you saying the whole article is a work of fiction?

I have seen many of those examples in books when I was much younger so at least some of that info is the product of research.

If you don't feel it's a complete lie, what do you think the explanation could be?

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by genius/idoitThe stickler was, however, that this meant the skull, along with all the artifacts found, were 12 million years old.

From: The Notorious Calaveras Skull
"Archaeology's Hoaxes, Fakes, and Strange Sites"

A practical joke in gold rush California sparks a decades-long scholarly debate and still has believers today

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 11:08 PM
Doesn't look like the footprints are faring all that well either.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 11:23 PM
This hardly disproves evolution

Science changes as more evidence is uncovered, always has been this way and always will be.

Hell, one only needs to observe the increased size of a modern human in comparison to a person from 1800, people are larger in general across the board, MORE ROBUST DIET.
This fits very well into the ideas of Evolution...

But if the axe to grind is religion; there is no evidence or logic that can be applied to the fairy tail realm, so sall good.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by expat2368

This site mentions this is the 4th world, of more to come.

There's lots of sites popping up when I google hopi prophecy.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 12:53 AM
There are approximately 400 million species of plant, animal and insect on this planet, yet man is the ONLY ONE that has the understanding of free will. How is that possible?

We are freaks of nature, we don't belong here, how did we get here, where do we really come from. Evolution takes thousands of years not decades. We could evolve in say, 3000 years or so, but what differences would there be? The whites came to be by man moving farther north and covering his skin, the body did not need to create as much pigment to keep the skin from burning in the sun, you fade out. Just my personal opinion there.

I beleive that we did come from other planets. Maybe not enough species or people to populate or survive without food. It was probably hard going in the first years on the planet and so society came second, survival first. You get people spread out and no education system or group function. Think about it. How hard would it be to start on another planet for any of us?

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 02:10 AM
reply to post by Janky Red

This hardly disproves evolution

Nobody has to disprove evolution Einstien, it's a myth.

[edit on 20-12-2009 by randyvs]

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