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Presidential Stats--Interesting--Wow! Obama 8%

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posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 05:29 PM
I received this via Email today...
so I have to assume enough people here watched it on Glen Beck as well, I missed it, dont watch much TV anymore...

Did you happen to catch Glenn Beck's show a few days
ago? He had a graph up that showed past presidents and the percentage of each president's cabinet appointees who had previously worked in the private sector. You know a real life business, not a government job? Remember what that is? A private business???

*Roosevelt - 38%*
*Taft - 40%*
*Wilson - 52%*
*Harding - 49%*
*Coolidge - 48%*
*Hoover - 42%*
*FDR - 50%*
*Truman - 50%*
*Eisenhower - 57%* (The good ol' days)
*Kennedy - 30%*
*LBJ - 47%*
*Nixon - 53%*
*Ford - 42%*
*Carter - 32%*
*Reagan - 56%*
*GHWB - 51%*
*Clinton - 39%*
*GWB - 55%*

*And the Winner is..........*Obama - 8%*

*YEP, EIGHT PERCENT! And these are the guys holding a "job
summit" this week? This ought to go really well! I'm gonna go out on a
limb here, I know, but I'm gonna go ahead and predict....

[edit on 17-12-2009 by Anti-Evil]

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 05:38 PM
IF you don't count being a lawer as a private sector job,Obama's numbers would probably be far less than 8%.

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 05:42 PM
Sure it makes sense to have elitist, whom never worked a honest day in their lives try and figure out how to create jobs
This administration has too many people in it who were never productive members of society. Now they get to put their half-baked theories into practice.

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 05:56 PM
Is it a bad thing to not have people that have worked in the private sector? And if so how come? I'm just wondering not arguing

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by GeechQuestInfo

It actually is more 50/50. But currently we have only 8% who worked in the private sector. How can anyone not familiar with the private sector come up with a practical plan to create jobs for it? Idealism is fine and dandy if you have something or someone to inject a little common sense to the mix. I think a few more people from working class may help temper the ideas with reality.

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by GeechQuestInfo

Some would say yes, it is a bad thing because, if people only have worked for the government/public sector, they don't quite understand how some decisions affect private businesses.

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 06:13 PM
Understandable. I guess in my opinion I just kind of think it's fluff. I work for state government and know that If you want to create jobs you must create industry. I guess I just think the idea of creating industry is one that a job in the private sector would really have no bearing on. Doesn't some of the private sector ship jobs overseas to increase profit margins because they are more concearned about making money. I'm really just curious this isn't a topic I know much about and would like more insight on. Thanks guys

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by Anti-Evil

This isn't good at all. Does this have any way to be validated? Just the first thought. The secont thought is, only eight percent of his "team" has ever had a REAL job? So in other words almost all of them have been doing whatever the government has told them all of their lives. Sounds a little bit fishy.


posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by MessOnTheFED!
So in other words almost all of them have been doing whatever the government has told them all of their lives. Sounds a little bit fishy.

It's called being a "professional politician". All they do is go from one political job to another and rape the US public of money.

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 07:32 PM
Why am I not surprised?

This is just one more reason that regardless of party, come next election and every election after that the watchword should be "throw the bums out".

The people who are running the government should have at least some idea of what it means to do an honest days work.

We have a bunch of liars, cheats and thieves running things and we wonder what the problem is.

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 07:45 PM
I'm reminded of the Democrat debates early last year when someone asked the remaining candidates (Obama, Clinton, Edwards and maybe someone else) what their biggest personal flaw was.

Hillary knew to compliment herself by saying something like, “I’m too eager to do too much good too fast”. Edwards also said something that complimented himself.

Obama went first and said something like, “I misplace things a lot.”

After the debate Obama said, “I should have guessed what the game was with that question.” Really. Everyone who’s ever had a job interview expects that question and knows “what the game is” with it.

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 11:12 PM
So having a staff that serves corporate interests is somehow much worse than having a staff who is a corporate interest?

Would you rather his economic advisor be the former CEO of Lehman Brothers or a VP of AIG? Where do you think they pull these private sector people from? Bush Jr. had 55% of his staff from the private sector and he was just a Godsend for this country and its economy.

I also would take any "proof" or "statistics" from Glenn Beck with a grain of salt. You can't claim to be searching for the truth while you're eating out of the hand of the MSM.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 06:34 AM
I'll let you know a secret. the whole economy that you know. well, is totally fake.
If they want you to feel good they release easy credit. when they want you to feel powerless they reposse it.

its like playing musical chairs with words. thats about all I can say on this
subject because it is very powerful and Washington has a lot invested. after all it controls all you read see or hear except for the ocasional whisleblow... but granted certain words used a certain way can have you agreeing with your own demise after all didn't we just go through that...?

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 06:47 AM
not to worry, the thousands of people that the private industries pay to make sure the politicians in washington do what their told are more than capable of looking after the interests of private industry.

i keep expecting that, at some point, you'll all realise the the lobbies are pulling the strings and the past performance, policies, job titles, religion or beliefs of the puppets are entirely irrelevant.

things are decided according to who among the interested lobbies has the deepest pockets and you can't even class it as a conspiracy because no-one makes a secret of it.

the private lobbies hold all the power, this is such a non-issue, it's laughable, or it would be if it wasn't so depressing.

[edit on 18/12/09 by pieman]

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 07:10 AM
The humorous thing about this is that GWB had 55% cabinet members that worked in the private sector. Which sort of ruins the claim that a higher percentage of cabinet members that worked in the private sector will improve either the administrators performance or competence.

Sure, the talking head revisionists would like us to believe that everything is Obama's fault and Bush left a healthy robust economy, but that simply is not the case. That administration with 55% from the private sector left with the economy in a nose dive.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by Anti-Evil

Glenn Beck as a source?

Uh, buy gold, live in fear, cry about white persecution, get fatter live on tv!

yeah, he's a good source isn't he? lol

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by hangedman13

It is not the role of government to create jobs. It isn't, if you believe in the principles that this country was founded upon. We have mutated from a constitutional republic to a corporate oligarchy, where a very small slice of the population reaps the rewards brought about by corrupt lobbyists and backroom deals.

We stopped being of the people, by the people and fore the people a long time ago.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by hangedman13
reply to post by GeechQuestInfo

It actually is more 50/50. But currently we have only 8% who worked in the private sector. How can anyone not familiar with the private sector come up with a practical plan to create jobs for it?

I don't know. How can a man that has never served in the military, has had very limited experience in government in general, has had no prior experience in dealing with foreign bodies or foreign relations, suddenly be in charge of an expanded war that has already been considered a 'failed' mission by most and depends solely on the 'partnership' between one incredibly corrupt government and another government that wants us anywhere but within their borders?

Answer: Much like the jobs plan, not very well.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 08:39 AM
Like most things Beck reports this is a complete and total fabrication.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 08:46 AM

All this back and forth has me feeling dizzy.

do i hate the dems? do i hate the repubs? do i listen to msm? do i listen to you guys? do we need private sector in the office (my thoughts are yes)? does it matter now that the government controls everything? should i just go try and find a government job? should i just move to another country? whats peru like this time of year.........


man.... why does this have to be so bad..

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