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National White History Month

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posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by Roadblockx

I'd like to see a "Real History Month" or a "Non-Elitist History Month"

Religious History Month would be great! Cause a lot of conversions to non-religious if people knew more

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by mopusvindictus

I think the second poster was close, a History month for every major group...


I would unbias the history curriculum...


I wouldn't get into the negativism of cultures at LEAST until late HS

Then you wouldn't be teaching anything about history at all. Let's look at the core of all public school history, European history.

By your proposed cirriculum, a student would learn that in the late 13th century, Europe began rapidly advancing in technology, in finance, and philosophy. Well enough, that did happen.

But would they learn that the rapid technological advances came from the mass-murdering horse-warriors rolling out of the Steppes and conquering everything between the Pacific and the start of the European Forest? A combination of introduced Chinese and Central Asian technology combined with a rapid advance in military techniques needed to fight this threat

Would they learn that the philosophical advancements and advances in mathematics and monetary systems were literally looted from the cities ravaged and conquered in holy wars in the Near East? Which were in turn looted from the conquest of the Greeks? Who had looted them from the ruins of Persia? Who had pilfered it from the Sumerians and Canaanites?

Would they learn that the rise of wealth came mainly from europe's monopoly on the plunder from the Americas, or that with the shiploads of gold bring dredged back from the Americas by the Spanish, the European gold market totally collapsed?

Probably not. So you end up with the myth that, well, Europeans were just plain better, and that's all there is to it. That they're a historical isolate, had no impact on and received no impact from other peoples, and so on and so forth. That's not history, it's indoctrination.

I have had more than one Black friend confess to me they feel bad about the negative self image allot of White kids experience these days because the curriculum goes deep into slavery and deep into the Native situation in an attempt to be fair...

I, frankly, don't see this as a problem. Damn near every European child in this hemisphere is living on land stolen by earlier Europeans. A huge number of European kids are affluent due in great part to the work of slaves - and a large portion of the infrastructure in early and southern American cities was created by slave labor. The notion that New York City was built by slave labor is a bit hyperbolic, but between the huge slave market it ran and the actual labor of slaves working in the city, it wasn't terribly far off the mark.

You would, what, rather pretend that your people didn't rape and massacre my people in order to steal our land and our wealth from beneath out feet, because it makes your sprouts pouty?

I think at usch a young age the History curriculum should lay low on these things the holocost too...allot of kids aren't ready in 3rd grade to sit down next to a balck kid for example together, hear these stories and not be emotionally affected...

heaven forbid white kids feel empathy for brown kids. I do somewhat agree that certain sections of history can wait for a kid to be a little older - I don't believe any 3rd grader in the world has the mental capacity to conceptualize the fact that something like the Holocaust, or the Middle Passage, or the American Genocide ever happened, much less why they're so very important. 5th grade, maybe. Get 'em when their squishy head-meats are actually developed enough to retain the history.

I don't want to live in a world where bias and hate continues generation after generation because of this concept...

Whether you realize it or not, that's exactly the sort of world you're proposing to create.

That concept being We teach History as WAR, Conquest, Suffering and Disaster

So what do we expect these kids to grow up and focus on?

Really? ever picked up a high school history book? I remember hte one I had in 1th grade. The chapter on Holland's cultural development - rembrandt, the tulip craze, overseas ventures by the dutch - received nearly as much space as World War 1... And I dunno about you, but considering we're still fighting it, and a majority of countries in the world were formed by it, I'd say WW1 is of greater historical significance than some dude painting with tiny dots.

I would teach... Migration and Agriculture and Cultural achievement and Lifestyle and Music and Economy and Origins and Art!!!!

Truth is 99% of History is not taught

All that is taught is the conflicts

because the conflicts are inevitably what ends up affecting our lives. I enjoy Bosnian, Albanian, and Macedonian music. I've got a big folder full of stuff like Charming Hostess, Kitka, and the like. But y'know what, if I want to learn about Bosnia, the fact that they were recently fighting a desperate fight against a bunch of genocidal Serbs is probably just a tiny bit more important than the arrangement of Bosniak poetry.

For some reason getting into The Art of the Han Dynasty is taught in a 4th year University Class... not like it's any harder to learn... But the Tianamen Sq is Taught in 2nd grade like these kids really grasp it anyway...

Really? What's the name of the book that's being taught from?

History class is like a horror Movie... you get to memorize the deaths and battles over centuries and never hear about the food or the achievements or ...heck How about the people that Got ALONG? lol

Because historically, people who get along have two outcomes. One becomes the dominant party and basically absorbs the other... Or one becomes the dominant power and kicks the ass of its neighbors. Look at Rome - or Rome's new-world equivalent, Tawantinsuyu

Why don't we...

Save the death and destruction and hellion behavior for the College Level

And teach KIDS the good things about everyone????

Because children do not live in a fantasy world where everything is good and nice and sugar-coated, any more than their parents and older siblings do. If you're watching the news, and your fourth-grader asks what the deal with this "Iraq" place is, are you going to tell her to shut up and watch spongebob? or do you just avoid watching hte news until she's 18 - and of course carefully screen all instances of reality from her?

Sad as it is, man, reality is vastly more brutal than anything a history book can convey. As Americans, most posters here are pretty well-insulated from that fact. While you're wanting history books here to be nothing but sunshine and smiles for your kids, there's undoubtedly two parents in Afghanistan who are just hoping that their kid doesn't happen to step on a land mine. hell, there's probably parents in your very city hoping that htey won't see their kid die from a stray bullet as two gangs shoot it out.

Learning that the pilgrims were assholes is really the least of your kid's problems.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by letheravensoar
And I'm sorry, but even though you may believe that every person is on the same playing field in the real world, there is still a lot of prejudice that exists under the table. You don't realize it because you aren't exposed to it. Equal opportunity...we're closer but not yet there.

Appearantly you have not tried being white, under the affirmative action plan.
All discrimination is wrong. No person should be hired due to their being a visible minority in any case. Why do we feel it's ok for a black man to refer to a withe man as "white boy", but it's not ok for a white person to refer to a black person as "black boy"? Why is there a "Black entertainers award show" when there isn't an exclusively "White entertainers award show"?

When you say "You aren't exposed to it", you are really showing a level of ignorance to the plight of any person who isn't you. Try and get a government job, if you aren't a member of a visible minority group. Education, skillset and aptitude take a back seat to being more "colourful" in this day and age.

Equal opportunity means just that EQUAL. Not more equal becasue you are 'of colour".


posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 01:13 AM
why is Black History Month the shortest month of the year?

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by calstorm
Well If we have one, we should also include Latino history month, Asian history month and Arab history month. Personally I think we should do away with all of it. singling out one or two races or one sex is prejudice.

I agree. dp away with it all. and hispanics DO Have a week.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by polychronopolis

Originally posted by blupblup
reply to post by Roadblockx

The reason those other, specifically focused "history months" are needed is because crusty old white men wrote history and left much of it out... ie, women and anyone not white.

Roadblockx, I see what you're saying, but I tend to agree with blupblup on this one...

This is an extremely sensitive and very personal topic to a lot of people that may be a lot less understanding, so don't be surprised if you get flamed for this one...

If more people had a personality similar to the one in your signature, I think people would be less sensitive about their "colors" and how people treat them "because of it".

I am a super-mutt. I can honestly tell you that people read way too much into what reactions they get. People have this stupid problem with assuming that someone reacted to them because they have this selfish nit-wit idea that it must be something THEY are or THEY did...

In reality, the person who offered up the negative reaction is just a complete jerk or moron and knew what buttons to push.

Get Over It.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 06:38 AM
That "Label Race Wall" needs to come dosen't matter what part of the planet you were raised, or what you do, or beleive or where you work. As long as your a decent human and try to better things in general.

As long as we have black history/or white history, it divides us....even the question concerning race on your job application needs to go before we can move forward as a race.

p.s I guess that there is the possibility that not all beings like us are human even if they are from this Class M Planet.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by Roadblockx

I prefer the term Khaki American.

Interesting how there are many different uses for the term "race". Look at the choices on applications when asked for race: black, african american, mexican, hispanic, asian (the continent, huh?!!), chinese, white, caucasian, etc.

Which ones are races, ethnicities, or nationalities?

If you want to know what color my skin is, then give me a little color chart and I'll bubble in the closest color!

If you want to know where my ancestors are from, then I probably cannot give you a very accurate answer because everybody on earth can trace their ancestors back to Africa. I guess then, technically, I am a Khaki colored African American.

So to address the topic directly, it would have to be called "Khaki, peachy, light/dark tannish colored African American month".

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 09:46 AM
I'm not a big fan of the racial pride months. National pride I don't have as much problem with and the reason why there is no white history month is because whites took their racial pride too far in the past. Why encourage the possibility of this same tragety re-occuring with one of the other races by encouraging racial pride rather than national pride? There are issues with national pride too but it's not dangerous to the degree racial pride is. A person can chose the nation them swear allegiance to but they can't chose their race.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by letheravensoar

"Whiteness is already the transcendental norm"

Ther ya go, suck it up buttercup, the rest of the human race deserves pats on the back for.. uhh..

Heck, they just need it!


How dare you ask for equality. My god, you racist bastard!

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 11:32 AM
I have skin white as milk with pale blond hair.

Am I at the top of the food chain here?
Am I that much more superior or advanced than say someone who has brown hair and skin a shade darker? Is this going to be my month?
Let those slightly "less human" brunettes have their own month.

Excepting albino's -everyone is darker than I am.
And I know for a fact I am whiter and blonder than 98% of you posting.

So...Am I better than you?

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by letheravensoar

That's pretty much what i was going to say.

Unfortunately, when you explain it that way the sometimes other side doesn't want to hear it, they don't "see" anything wrong except what they have to face and encounter.

America is a hypocrisy after all...

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by Roadblockx
What's interesting is that women have a Women's History Month (March) which includes all races of women. So why not change February to Men's History Month and learn about all races of men? Or if you want, make one month just for White Americans. Either way, I think it is only fair to have a White History Month or a Men's History Month.

We have to be fair to everyone, right?

I admit I'm *shocked* to find out that men haven't been represented in history books and that their discoveries in science are minimized or not presented in any books (must have been crowded out by all those women scientists). And it's astounding that all the biographies and history books left out the politics and history of the White kings and presidents and only focused on the queens (and not just the occasional one) rather than their husbands, the kings.

How outrageous is that?

I agree -- white men have been sadly neglected. Just look at how history has obsessed over Admiral Grace Murray Hopper while ignoring Generals Pershing, Robert E Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, Stonewall Jackson, and the like. It's enough to make you want to go out and write a biography so people can finally learn what contributions these leaders made and start ignoring all the worship and lauds lavished on Admiral Hopper.

Yes, history sadly ignores all the contributions of people from Europe and America and other English speaking Caucasian populations. It's a shame, really, that nobody ever gets to hear about people like Robert Frost or Ansel Adams.

I think you should start writing biographies of these neglected men. I'm sure the information will be very hard to find, but these biographies will be a significant contribution to history.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 01:34 PM
I've already responded to the Affirmative Action thread and in summary, if indeed AA was handing over jobs to unqualified minorities instead of more qualified Whites,in order to simply satisfy quotas, then why is it then, that the Black unemployment rate is currently 50% higher than that of Whites ?

If indeed, Blacks were acquiring the jobs lost by whites, due to AA ,then wouldn't the unemployment rates be more on par with one another ?

Especially due to the fact that Blacks only represent 14% of the US Population and Whites represent 74% ?

Do the math...

According to the US Govt. unemployment statistics, based upon those drawing unemployment compensation, Blacks are losing more jobs AND at a faster rate than those of Whites.

Oh shucks ! How could I forget ? According to PCSpeak, all Blacks are stupid and incapable of holding a job due to their low Intelligence Quotient !

Unfortunately this is far from the truth, due to the fact that these categorically are middle class, military veterans and college educated Blacks whom are losing their jobs and having paid into the unemployment system for years, are now entitled to govt unemployment benefits and henceforth are now part of the Govt. statistical data.

In Summary:

Less jobs for all Americans due to corporate America utilizing the recession in order to reduce their costs and overhead as a result of paying higher salaries and benefits.

Instead hiring lowered compensated foreign workers in order to lower their costs resulting in enhancing their bottom line for the benefit of their own salaries and the stockholders.

MBA School 101 at it's best !

NEXT ....

I'm all for a WHITE History Month....more on that later.

If it weren't for our segregated history in the United States there wouldn't even exist any need for Black History month in the first place.
Did you ever think about that ?

Why would Blacks even bother to raise such an idea/concept if they didn't feel that they were being excluded from the historical fiction we're told in our Illuminati agenda orchestrated educational system?
Hmmm, a point to ponder....?

I just recently posted here that back in the early 1900's my Great Grand Father, a Choctaw Indian, walked from their reservation in Oklahoma because he didn't even own a horse, let alone a car, to Texas, seeking work because there were no jobs on the Choctaw reservation, only poverty, alcoholism and despair. Brought to you courtesty of and free of charge, by the US Govt.

Interesting, I never heard much in my US History courses about the Native people and the wonderful lives they lived amongst themselves once they'd settled upon their government sanctioned "Reservation" land.
Hmmm ? I wonder why ?

Well it is just Another tidbit of American history not widely disclosed,but silently swept under the rug of US history....part of a bigger piece of the Illuminati Silent Conspiracy.

We SHOULD have a National White History month pointing out the real story and not the bleached and sanitized version that we've been fed in the US schools.

The same History that good ol' Adolf Hitler learned ethnic cleansing and genocide from. See the similarities? Indian Reservation, Concentration Camp ?

Yes, lets do have a ..... NATIONAL SOCIALISTS WHITE HISTORY Month to get the Truth out there !

For...The Truth shall set you Free !

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by Roadblockx

I wasn't trying to be flippant or bash you. I can dig where your coming from. My feeling on this and all "special" months is as follows: We won't work on the social ills that cause problems. That requires effort on everyones part. But we will throw you this bone.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by Roadblockx

I have to agree. The sad part is that i have to preface my comments with "i'm not racist" and by doing so i give anyone who disagrees my points ammunition to say that i am racist!

There are black history associations and days, there are latino associations and days, there are subsets of these categories and well basically i'm sick of it. I would be happy to support such ideas if a white version were allowed but if you dare to suggest such a thing then you are a racist.

I'm tired of this hypocrisy. Consider for the moment that in the UK we have the MOBO awards (music of black origin). If i started a MOWO awards (music of white origin) then i would be a racist, i would no doubt be challenged ina court, the papers would rip me apart and genreally my life would be ruined.

Equal rights should be equal not a hypocritical platform. Personally i think the MOBO awards should not exist as they cause divison within society.

We're all human and the sooner we realise that the better. More pigment in your skin makes you no more or less than i. The history of a darkly pigmented people has no more importance than a people who have limited pigment. I hope that one day people forget these utterly stupid ideas.

We can go on and on about how the white man has beaten down his fellows, we can go on and on about how the white man has reined supreme or we can put this behind us and realise we are alll human. We can put aside the guilt and approach our brothers and sisters as complete equals.

[edit on 16-12-2009 by ImaginaryReality1984]

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 02:51 PM
There is only ONE RACE!
And that is the Human Race.

All this divisive bickering needs to stop!
I'm sure we have more important things to ponder.
Like why sheep don't shrink when it rains.
Or wether we should open eggs from the top/bottom.
Or why they call them hemorrhoids instead of assteroids.
Or which rope to use when we finally hang the 1337.

So I propose that we abolish all 'so-called race' -months.
Instead we should dedicate them to devious tactics employed to subjugate the people.
A reminder to remain vigilant in the face of corruption.


Dedicated to a man who eradicated his opposition by declaring them all to be terrorists, and took away the peoples guns so they couldn't even defend themselves.


Dedicated to a veiled group that convinced the peolpe to abandon sound currency, and adopt a monetary system that perpetuated debt and assured them unbelievable power for ages to come.

[edit on 2009.12.16 by Carlthulhu]

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by Roadblockx

Here's the simple of it... If the Native Americans had a bullet for every pilgram that stepped off a boat, this would be a dead issue. They were nice enough to be over powered which has led to a "who's who" of historical month grabs.

Don't blame the players... blame the game... now we've come full circle

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

I have to agree. The sad part is that i have to preface my comments with "i'm not racist" and by doing so i give anyone who disagrees my points ammunition to say that i am racist!

There are black history associations and days, there are latino associations and days, there are subsets of these categories and well basically i'm sick of it. I would be happy to support such ideas if a white version were allowed but if you dare to suggest such a thing then you are a racist.

I'm tired of this hypocrisy. Consider for the moment that in the UK we have the MOBO awards (music of black origin). If i started a MOWO awards (music of white origin) then i would be a racist, i would no doubt be challenged ina court, the papers would rip me apart and genreally my life would be ruined.

Equal rights should be equal not a hypocritical platform. Personally i think the MOBO awards should not exist as they cause divison within society.

We're all human and the sooner we realise that the better. More pigment in your skin makes you no more or less than i. The history of a darkly pigmented people has no more importance than a people who have limited pigment. I hope that one day people forget these utterly stupid ideas.

We can go on and on about how the white man has beaten down his fellows, we can go on and on about how the white man has reined supreme or we can put this behind us and realise we are alll human. We can put aside the guilt and approach our brothers and sisters as complete equals.

I agree with some of what you say but unfortunately i feel you use a bad example...

I would like to start by saying i deeply respect your writing and your thoughts on issues, so please don’t take any offence, but this is how i see it...

If you follow the history of music back far enough you will see that "black" music was not considered black music by black people... it was simply music... Music that had its origins in the cotton fields of America.

It would have been referred to back then as Negro music or Nigger music by the white folk who would often distance themselves from this music.

Even during the 1940's, 50's, and 60's this music was labelled by white people who did not want this music going mainstream... Ray Charles, Nat King Cole, Sam Cook... all had to suffer prejudice and segregation while White artist who emulated the "black" style were much more palatable to the wider audience. Although there were still complaints about White kids singing "coloured" music from parts of the white community.

However... this music went on to inspire whole generation of white kids who could often connect with the message in the music and, being young, loved the rhythms!

During the 70's and 80's black music finally started to come into its own... finally excepted by most people with Black artist getting deals that equalled, and sometimes surpassed, that of their White fellow artists.

No longer "Negro" "Niger" or "Coloured"... the music was finally accepted as Black music.

The MOBO's does not exclude white artists... it merely rewards artist who perform a type of music which originated on the cotton fields of America many many years ago... regardless of if that person is white or black.

I have no problem with the mobos... not really my cup of tea to be honest... but I can see it for what it is.

To address the other issues you raise i would like to go back to my own school days... I was in a very mixed school (central London in the early 80’s) and almost 99% of all history taught to us was regarding white people...

When we were taught about world war 2 (A part of history i find fascinating) we learnt about the air raids on London, Dunkirk, El Alamein etc...

but they NEVER mentioned the fact that India joined Britain in declaring war on Germany in 1942!! Or that they dedicated over 2.5 million troops to combat... or their role in the battle for Italy!!
They never mention that over 1 million people of Black African origin fought with the allies... nor did we hear of the Tuskegee Airmen... or the Native American code breakers... i could go on but you get the point...

What we did learn was that the Allies consisted of Britain, America, Russia, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa (white South Africans)

Later on the school did a week of “black History” and the whole week was spent on slavery!!

One of my Black friends was actually quite upset by this... i remember him say “s**t... is this all black people have done in the world?”
All i could do was shrug... i didn’t know anything else... it was only later on in life that i discovered the truth...

It is sad that i didn’t know then what i know now. I would have loved to have stood up in class and told everyone about the Tuskegee Airmen and the Indian Army, to show my class that it was truly a World War were people of all races stood shoulder to shoulder...

You see, in my opinion, until they finally do address the imbalance in the way history is taught then older Black people, and some White people, will be standing up and saying... We want Black History.

If we want to get rid of Black History then they have to include it into human history!!

Well thats my opinion anyway... hope i haven’t offended you my friend

Oh... and for anyone who may be thinking that maginaryReality1984 is racist... DONT EVEN GO THERE!!!... i know for a fact that the guy is not!!!

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by v3_exceed

I agree that all discrimination is wrong, but plain old colorblindness is also wrong. It's wrong to pretend like race doesn't exist. Affirmative action is a way of acknowledging the fact that white and non-white people have the EXACT same challenges, but non-white people have that one extra thing: racism.

And I don't see why you would assume that a European American wouldn't get a government job because of affirmative action. No law requires, encourages, or allows a black man to be hired over a white man. That's a common misconception of Affirmative action that only exists in people's minds who don't know what they're talking about.

I do agree that once we can get rid of affirmative action as a whole, we will then be equal. I also believe that Affirmative action AT THIS POINT is necessary. America has not advanced enough to consider taking that away from the disadvantaged people who it aids.

reply to post by Ha`la`tha

In response to your comment, I do believe that whiteness is the transcendental norm. I'm not somehow boasting (as you seem to imply), I'm pointing out a tragedy. I'm not white either, so that's your fault for assuming. Please present an arguement against that statement if you don't agree with it before you get to the name calling.

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