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Tiger woods and this rubbish all over the news, and what it says about people

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posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 06:34 PM
Actually I see this as a statement more about our media than our people.

We watch what they put on the news, and they are the ones who have decided to shove this "story" down our throats, trying to pump it up and then milk it for whatever they can get out of it. They see only cash cows when something like this happens.

This should have been a one-night blip on the news. Not morning, noon, and night. They should be ashamed. I think I've even noticed a little embarrestment from some of them as they read the prompter. They should be embarrested.

Some of the fairly venerable newscasters are saying "well, now Tiger is a public figure and he HAS to make a public statement eventually. He HAS to go on Oprah, or Larry King, or talk to Anderson, or somebody".

I would love for Tiger to say "you know what? I don't. I don't have to say Jack Squat to Larry King, or you or anybody else".

And really, he doesn't.

And they have kept this story up for so long, to vilify, defame, and humiliate him to the point he is losing money through sponsorships. Out beating the bushes to turn up more of the "concubines" or girlfriends, or booty calls, or whatever they are, to put on the air, and all the while making his wife's divorce case for her.

Not to say what he did was right, and certainly he has to take personal responsibility for his actions. He has danced, and now he must pay the piper.

But he doesn't have to do it publicly. He owes Larry King, and Oprah nothing. Nothing. And be sure they are already having calls to Tiger made. They all want his story "first". The Cash Cow du jour.

So again, what this says about "people" is that we have a tendency to watch and form opinions about what is chosen for us to see. This speaks volumes about the growing lack of quality and integrity of the news reporting industry.

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 07:17 PM
Here in Australia Tiger Woods and his escapades have been in the top news stories since his car crash.

One of our journalists called Mike Amor, who is based in the US had the gall to refer to these women coming forward as 'home-wreckers'.

My first reaction was indignation. These women weren't the ones who signed a marriage certificate, Tiger was. He has not upheld his end of the marriage 'deal'.

Tiger himself is the home-wrecker and has no one but himself to blame. I am not condoning the actions of the women involved - affairs with married people are uncool to say the least. But ultimately Tiger committed himself to his wife only to break that committment.

If only the media could state the facts instead of opinions - we may actually get news reported and not newstainment.

And yes, before anyone feels the need to point it out, this is my opinion. Good thing I dont work in the media



posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by andy1033

It is really just one more show of a black man failing. That is what America wants to see right now. They want to see the black man fail.

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by Annee
Tiger Woods is no different then Michael Jackson - - - or any other child prodigy - - - who was never allowed to have a childhood.

You're right. MJ. Tiger. Obama. All were led down the path by ambitious adults who wanted to see big changes in the future. Those changes are mainly money related in entertainment. In politics, the changes are more sinister.

What we are seeing is the psychological explosions of damaged children.

Obama is forcing America to beg for the fall of the black man. It is no doubt going to manifest as one of the largest racial explosions in history. The black man is being pushed back into oblivion by this type of behavior. Witness also rap music, black gang drug distribution, the Media's hypersexualized depictions in youth shows. All these things tend towards creating a massive push against the black man. The majority stands and proclaims ''NO! We don't want that!''

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by andy1033

So we have a world where all these people are dying, and america obsesses about a man having sex with some females.

Well, it is more about a multimillionaire golfer who is also a role model for kids who turned around and cheated on his wife.

Yes, I agree that this does not need to be blasted across the dinner table TV set or on the front page of ever daily on the web. At most, it is a personal matter between Mr. and Mrs Woods. But America is still often a nation captive of its puritan history and... daggummit, we do so love a cesspool scandal.

We should be better than this and our media should be above it as well. But this is not about right and wrong. It is about selling newsprint, on paper and otherwise.

Edit: Typos

[edit on 14-12-2009 by redoubt]

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by Cabaret Voltaire

Originally posted by Annee
Tiger Woods is no different then Michael Jackson - - - or any other child prodigy - - - who was never allowed to have a childhood.

You're right. MJ. Tiger. Obama. All were led down the path by ambitious adults who wanted to see big changes in the future.

Oh brother!!! Somebody always has to bring Obama into every thread.

I swear we could be talking about baking a cake - - and someone would find some way to rank on Obama.

Get a life.

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by Cabaret Voltaire

Frankly, I am flabergasted by your making this a racial issue. No body is trying to "destroy" anybody based on their race.

You are way, way off base here.

Edit to add: I just re-read your posts, and they are so off-based and inflamatory, I see them as an attempt to derail this thread.

I agree with the other poster: Get off your high horse. Get a life.

[edit on 12/14/0909 by ladyinwaiting]

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by Blanca Rose
reply to post by andy1033

Ah, yes, it is rubbish.

Some people eat this sort of news up, because they like to see a person worse off than they are.

Some people just love gossip, good or bad.

Some people are making money off of this rubbish!

Some people like to see famous people fall. They are up on a pedestal, so when they fall, it seems they can sink lower than the average person.

The list could go on and on!

Curious though, that you make a thread about it, but have not followed along! Doesn't that make you part of the problem you are complaining about?

My own personal opinion is (since you asked) it isn't so much that he had sex with a female, or lots of females. He had sex with other females while being married.

If you can't be true to the person you marry, then don't get married, or have the decency to end one relationship before you begin another.

Yes, it's true.......Tiger Woods is only HUMAN!

I believe you summed up my feelings perfectly. I am disappointed that Tiger isn't the perfect role model he was made out to be, but his personal life is, well, personal. TMZ needs to chase Al Gore around. Now that is some news I would watch. Let Tiger deal with his life.

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by Cabaret Voltaire
reply to post by andy1033

It is really just one more show of a black man failing. That is what America wants to see right now. They want to see the black man fail.

yet another instance where I wish there was a negative star system. We could put this one in the hall of shame within the hour.

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 08:39 PM
How on earth did this thread make it to 3 pages? Enough already who cares? I don't come to ATS to discuss celebrity gossip. Goodness I learned more about it from this thread than any where else, because I don't pay attention, last I knew he got into a car wreck. I get a lot of people asking me "So what to you think about the Tiger Woods thing?' I assumed it was just about the wreck, and i reply, "I don't think about it, I could care less."

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 08:50 PM
Wow he's cheated his wife 11 freaking times! Makes you wonder how many more as it's well known some skeletons tend to stay in their respectives closets a lot longer.And i thought he was dexter...

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 08:51 PM
At the dinner table last night, a family member stated "WHAT is going on with Tiger Woods?" From then on in, the whole dinner conversation was populated by talk about how silly a professional golfer was for having sex with other women whilst married. Every detail about the whole "situation" was examined. Every single line sprouted by the MSM was being echoed by relatives who were just relishing to take the moral and intellectual high ground.

I just sat with my head down. I could not believe that this issue was being discussed by family around me. I felt sick and nauseated. There are SO many more important issues that should be discussed...

The only mistake Tiger Woods made was getting married. Case closed, move on and discuss issues that are actually important.

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 10:04 PM
Having 'The Adventures Of Tiger Woods' Pecker' get wall to wall coverage by all the main 'media' outlets (and I use the word 'media' while laughing) is one way of keeping...

(takes a deep breath)

Climategate, Riots In Denmark, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Passing Trillion Dollar Budget despite being COMPLETELY broke, Strange lights in Norway, Millions dying NEEDLESSLY in the third world, Warmongers getting Nobel Peace Prizes ... and a partridge in a pear tree... from getting too much public scrutinity.

Add to that the fact most of the people who lap this stuff up ( 'The Adventures Of Tiger Woods' Pecker') have the attention span of a gnat, are totally indifferent to anything that doesn't affect them, and will actually display annoyance when you say anything to disturb their cosy world view.

Then ask yourself who benefits from a sensationalist, shallow media and unthinking general public...

What's that old saying?... something about bread and circuses?

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 10:22 PM
Tiger Woods needs a new driver - film at 11.

Now really, what else do you expect from a morally, ethically and legally corrupt mainstream media which paved the way for the USA to involve itself in two illegal wars which have dragged the country (poor and middle class) into the gutter? Not to mention continuously promoting the bailout highway robberies, swine flu immunization poisoning, a puppet President and every other insidious plan whose only purpose is to destroy the finances, health and moral fibre of the entire country.

Aside from that, the media consists of a bunch of swell folks.

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 10:36 PM
Has anyone noticed the glut of 'Big rubbish news' since the whole economic collapse? granted, there was stuff before- But as of late, it's been unending stupidity.
So, the basics are: We're being smokedscreened, andwe're being dumbed down at the same time. For what reason? Maybe in a generation or 2- the population is much easier to control.....

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 10:45 PM
This should have been a blurb on page 10 of the newspaper, but the MSM has made this an all out war against this guy. "Oh my God, how could he do this?" Who cares, leave the guy and his family alone, they got what they wanted, practically destroyed his life.

This type of stuff sucks people in, like an infomercial, you cant turn away so you end up watching hours upon hours of this crap on Foxnews or CNN, while the future of our country is being decided by such issues as war, climate, healthcare etc.

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 10:46 PM
This whole Tiger thing is what I call "Not The News". What it says about us is little compared to what it says about those in control of the media.

Not the News is designed to have everyone become Homogenised in their thinking, it is also designed to create a Diversion of Division in which people will argue over the pros and cons according to their own personal opinions.

Therefore, Not the News is a ploy used against the populations of all countries. What it says about us is that we are still thinking too small, and not waking up enough to see the strings being pulled around us.

So, turn off the TV and Radio, don't buy the News rags, and don't get yourself invovled in the Division by arguing about any of it. Then you can rely solely on your own gut instincts instead of being led astray by TPTW... the powers that were!!

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by wylekat
Has anyone noticed the glut of 'Big rubbish news' since the whole economic collapse?

That's because everyone keeps complaining about how negative the news always is. I hear it all the time, even around here. The mainstream citizen doesn't want to spend good money and time on a depressing news story, they want to hear about funny senseless unimportant stuff, such as the escapades of guy that plays with a long hard rod, little balls, and difficult to score holes all day .. and night.
Depressing news doesn't sell that well today. Hearing about the rich and elite getting burned by karma, now THAT sells. And seeing their embarrassed naked butt on the front page of some tabloid can bring a lot of laughter into our otherwise pitiful dull lives too (lol). THAT's why we keep seeing stuff like this in the news.

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by Tayesin

So, turn off the TV and Radio, don't buy the News rags, and don't get yourself invovled in the Division by arguing about any of it. Then you can rely solely on your own gut instincts instead of being led astray by TPTW... the powers that were!!

Actually I watch the news shows on LINK TV.

I'm partial to the German news. These are international news shows - - and I think they give a better perspective on the US - - then our own news shows.

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 11:03 PM
I feel really sorry for the guy. To have his privacy shattered like that and everything else...

I have to admit, however, that the following is quite hilarious though...

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