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Please Explain These Bumper Stickers To Me

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posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

I think it's because politics has all the glamor of a Vh1 reality show. It's a fake puppet show but all the kids are watching and thinking the puppets are real. Like a tyke who believes Elmo is real there are people in this nation who still think the guys in office make all the decisions for themselves based on what's best.

Us adults know a little better, we've got the ability to see the strings

I think these bumper stickers are just part of the equal and opposite reaction to the Obama frenzy. The harder one side praises him the more bitter the hatred on the other.

And then there's the rest of us who understand he's just another in a long line of puppets, nothing new to see.

New marionette, same puppeteers.

[edit on 7-12-2009 by Titen-Sxull]

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

would you be as upset with other massages? Or is it just political ones? My favorite is "Jesus is coming, everyone look busy" My brother-in-law has one that says "pave the rainforest". It's supposed to be humor. Not all jokes are as funny to everyone. My parents are greenpeace folks, so they didn't care for the rainforest one, but I think that is why he put it on his truck. Just to piss them off. Don't let people get the better of you. that is after all, their intent. Obama will be replaced by another puppet, and nothing will change. except the bumper stickers. Smile, laugh, live, love, enjoy, and forget. Life is too short to be cranky.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

Why Madagascar? What animals are you interested in there?

Speaking of Madagascar you need to be careful if you make it there that place is very politically unstable.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by Hugues de Payens
You mean, 'some people refuse to accept that a Kenyan with a great scam was elected, illegally, as president'? I say Draw, Hang, and Quarter any Illegal POTUSes. I have NO problem with an honest man, a patriot, AN AMERICAN, being a black POTUS. I have a problem with a charlatan, a rogue, a really wicked man from another country coming in here and duping all these people. Do you want to know what his standard vote in Congress was? PRESENT! NOT yes or no, just present. It is safe. No enemies created. And once this African signes the Copenhagen One World Government/Global warming (fraud) Treaty, throwing out all American Constitutional Rights, he will have lived out his usefulness to his bosses. It is possible he will then be exposed, if it matters anymore. Technically, the crooks in the Senate have to rat-fy the treaty, but that would not matter to me if I were pulling off this treachery. I would ignore that and act as if they had. Who's gonna stop me? See, when and if the Kenyans' fraud is exposed, everything he has ever said or done as president, is null and void. All treaties, all appointments, all laws signed. But that does not matter to whoever is holding the gun. You/we have one hope now. Jesus. Man has now proven he cannot manage his own affairs. And if he did not return to set up his kingdom, man would destroy himself. So, anyone know of two 'prophets' talking about these things? They will be blamed for weather change and anything you can think of, but they will tell us how we can get out of this mess. There is one guy from the Church of God who pretended to be one, but he has proven to be a false prophet, by Bible guidelines. This story we are in has a happy ending, IF you accept Jesus. They used to preach about these things in church, for centuries, but not since the Holy Spirit left. Now, just warm fuzzies and other fluff. While the kids are out having sex in the family car, in the church parking lot. Happy ending coming soon....

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

HA. If your implying a racial thing save your breath. I can't stand the man's policies and his cocky attitude towards tax paying Americans. I felt the same way about Clinton, and i felt similar feelings about Dubya in his second term. So the simple answer to your question is a resounding, YES.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 08:36 PM
U2U me if you're interested in my zoological research.

Anyway, I guess you're right, because I sort of just accept the bumper stickers of other movements at this point. I think the reason that all of these bother me, ones that reference the President in a negative sense, it because it's the President. He represents everyone in this country, like it or not. I fully respect everyone's ability to stick on whatever they want to their car.

I don't know about Obama. I honestly don't. I just know that I don't want him assassinated and I've seen threatening bumper sticker, and no, I don't think that those are okay. You can disagree with him or his policies or whatever you want, but if you want him dead, that's a bigger issue in my eyes.

That's not freedom of speech. That's wrong.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

You've got a lot of prejudice showing.

People have to have their decisions taken away from them because you assume that they'd dislike you. Why shouldn't those very same people be afraid of you taking over their lives?

I'm honestly flabbergasted.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 09:18 PM

very cunning advertising.
The lady has a bumpersticker website and she figured out a way to advertise on ATS for free by pretending her little heart was troubled by all the mean 'ol bumperstickers...
so transparent.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by ravenshadow13
it because it's the President. He represents everyone in this country, like it or not. I fully respect everyone's ability to stick on whatever they want to their car.

He has never represented ME, he is not MY president, he legally cannot BE my president. Like it or not! There is only ONE reason for him to spend over a million dollars to avoid showing proof of his birthplace, and that is because he CANNOT. He's a walking LIE, a fraud. I don't want him assassinated either. Dead people are instantly elevated to sainthood. I want him tried in court, then sent to be some prisoners wife, then deported. Or drag him down route 66, hang him high, quarter him, and place the pieces in LA, Chicago, NY, and DC on the tops of the tallest buildings, so people can see what happens to murderers and liars. Murderers? Every person who has died as a result of his scam, including possibly his own grandmother, and been sent to their deaths in military actions, he is an accessory to. People are dying. Many died in the terrorist J. Wrights' church, because they knew too much. SOP, just like Vince Foster, or JFK. You play with the big boys, you die when the big boys want. Stay tuned, you'll like the next chapter in this story.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

I don't wish death upon anybody either, even though I disagree with his policies and him in general I don't want him to be taken out either, it doesn't solve anything and actually makes things worse.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by Gregarious

He has never represented ME, he is not MY president, he legally cannot BE my president. Like it or not!

Except Obama IS your president and there is nothing you can do about it. He was able to be elected, and he was properly elected.

I want him tried in court, then sent to be some prisoners wife, then deported. Or drag him down route 66, hang him high, quarter him, and place the pieces in LA, Chicago, NY, and DC on the tops of the tallest buildings, so people can see what happens to murderers and liars.

and your "court" would be just a lynching

You really show your hatred that a black man was properly elected as President!

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by Gregarious

Did you really just scribe a block of text that supported the fact that you want Obama to be hanged?

Like, I thought Derek was wrong and went back for a second look and I saw this bit:

Or drag him down route 66, hang him high, quarter him, and place the pieces in LA, Chicago, NY, and DC on the tops of the tallest buildings, so people can see what happens to murderers and liars.

If you meant something else, I mean, by all means.

Every President causes death, you know. Every single one has. Everyone who supports war causes death. Almost every politician has been involved in some sort of fraud or scam. Lots of people are murderers and liars. It's not okay, but you don't see this same sort of anger at others who do the same thing. Do you mean to tell me you have never lied in your entire life? If so, I bow to you.

I just think what you wrote is excessive and hurtful to human beings and I am a bit ashamed to be of the same species right now. Sorry.

[edit on 12/7/2009 by ravenshadow13]

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

Do us all a favor and please don't put that psycho into your "this is what the opposition thinks" slot.

Many of us are actually very friendly, and don't condone murder and mutilation based on conspiracies.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 11:05 PM
I have a feeling the OP is doing a little fishing but I will bit anyways. You asked for someone to explain them to you I dont think the problem is you understanding them as much as you disagree with them. But you wanted to come off as coy I dont buy it. If you are that bad of a driver that you cant read a bumper sticker without crashing maybe you should not be on the road. So lets cut away all of the bullsh*t you dont like people disagreeing with the president, well tough you no what.

If you like the way things are great that is you right but thats not good enough for you is it? Of all the things to worry about yours is some stupid stickers. I honestly think the worst thing to come out of this presidency is all the pathetic whinning and the you owe me attitude. It is anoying for a child to do it but it is down right sad when an adult does it. Thank god the progressive attitude is so petty they have to go after bumper stickers rather than the issues.

[edit on 7-12-2009 by Subjective Truth]

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by Subjective Truth

I think that was uncalled for. I also know for a fact that you didn't answer my question. I'm not being coy, I don't see Obama as being responsible for all of the problems that we have. Because you know what, the economy has been really bad for longer than he has been President, or is he somehow responsible for that, too?

I can't think of a reason to call for his impeachment at this point in time. Apparently you do. Instead of insulting me and avoiding the ATS censors, why don't you just come out with it and tell me why you support that point of view?

I don't have a problem with disagreeing with Obama's policies, because I know that I disagree with what he does. I'm not an Obama boot-licker. I'm a liberal for much different reasons. So stop it with the personal attacks, it makes you look bad.

[edit on 12/7/2009 by ravenshadow13]

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by ravenshadow13
... Because you know what, the economy has been really bad for longer than he has been President, or is he somehow responsible for that, too?

I can't think of a reason to call for his impeachment at this point in time. Apparently you do. ...

The government now owns GM, Chrysler, many banks and financial institutions and AIG.

The government has fired privately-held CEO position holders (not only once at GM, but twice, and the second was a government-appointed replacement).

Obama himself has a self-avowed communist, Mao apologists, socialist revolutionaries, racist extremists, and domestic terrorists as advisors.

The most frequent visitor to the white house isn't an official at all, but instead the president of a labor union.

The administration has gone all over the world, with Obama as the mouthpiece denouncing the US. Apologizing, for what I'm still not sure.

The government is pushing through a massive health care bill which will do nothing to solve the problems it claims to be concerned with.

The government is pushing through a massive bit of carbon tax legislation that has no basis in reality in order to "satisfy" the world community, at a staggering cost to its own people.

The government has increased the deficit by trillions (with a t) of dollars in this single year. One trillion dollars is one million One Million dollar bills. In other words, if you made a million dollars a day, for a million days, you'd then have a trillion dollars. Should be Staggering. We had a lot of debt before, but it's been exponentially expanded in this single year.

The world outside of the US is starting to create prototype global currencies, has spoken openly of creating a "One World Government" and this administration has done or said nothing to the contrary, which to me means acceptance.

Even the one thing I actually agreed with that Obama has done, which was sending more troops to Afghanistan, has been sullied by the fact that he publicly stated a withdraw date. He's expressed his dislike of "victory" and seems to have zero experience in the world arena. He bows in subservience to foreign diplomats and uses every opportunity to put down the past of his own country.

Yeah, feel free to say it, "Bush did X, Y, and Z." We know, and anyone who wants to speak out against Obama and his policies should understand that. Just because it happened before doesn't make it OK for it to happen again. In fact, that's sort of the opposite of "learning from your past."

Who the hell cares about bumper stickers? There were movies about Bush getting assassinated. If you don't like it, don't pay for it. If you don't want to read anything negative, don't. It's that simple.

We still have those freedoms at this point. ATS had a massive call to arms about the internet legislation coming up, so we may not have those freedoms soon. If you don't think it could happen here, sit back and watch it, but don't complain afterwards. When you think "It can't possibly get that bad." ask yourself why not? If they consistently have the power to do these things, and keep doing them, and nothing is done to stop them, why shouldn't they do them?

Hope that helps you understand.

I don't want Obama to die. I want him to do everything in his power to push through everything he wants, and I want everyone to see him for who he really is and what he really wants. If the country comes together and decides that's what they want, then OK. If he continues to deceive and outright lie, then he needs to be held accountable for those actions.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by EsSeeEye

Thank you. Now, that makes sense.

I gotcha.

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by dereks
I have already made my arguments, but you ignore it. Wrestle with a pig, you get muddy. And the pig enjoys it. So I'm not saying anything more. I already said it and you don't hear.

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

What I said was 'Draw, hang, and quarter', but explained. It was a court given execution sentence, not a lynching. He has perpetrated the greatest fraud in history. And he is quite good at it. I'll give him that. But so was Adoph, his mentor. The purpose of public execution and for 'quartering' is to let everyone see the results of heinous crimes. Crime deterent, and humiliation. Like I said, I do NOT want him assassinated. I want him tried and publically executed. He is the only Muslim I know who is also a strong communist. By his own words and actions. And next week he is likely to sign away all your constitutional rights to a new world government. This was not an accident. It was all very well planned by very devious people.

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 01:36 AM
Thanks OP for the link, you may believe cars are the wrong place, how about in my sig line?


Thanks for another thing to put in my sig line.

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