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ATS should shut itself down.

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posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 07:36 PM
Alright peeps, I'm convinced ... let's shut it down!

Come on come on ...

You don't have to go home but you can't post here.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by northof8

I know I shouldn't feed the troll..

But why do you keep going on about the ATS store?

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 07:50 PM
I thought the moderating would be exceptional due to all the waffle about decorum when filling out the application form. The esteem of the moderation, as far I'm concerned, fell flat on it's face when I realized that the mods weren't upholding the most basic principle every forum should uphold:


The moderating caliber of ATS would increment SUBSTANTIALLY if each and every moderator embraced and upheld such a simple principle. If any moderator feels self assured enough to politely challenge me on my observation then simply speak up. I'll gladly prepare 100 examples in under an hour for your review. Heck, we'll even give it a thread of it's own.

[edit on 3-12-2009 by rexusdiablos]

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by Kaytagg
reply to post by northof8

I know I shouldn't feed the troll..

But why do you keep going on about the ATS store?

You call me a Troll but you continue to dodge the question. You say you should have some input in the banning of people or the operations of ATS but you freely say you will provide no financial support to the site or point your friends here because your idea of free speech is everyone has to agree with you and you should be able to break the TOS whenever is suits you.

Why should you be able to break the TOS but no one else? Sounds like I am the one feeding the troll here...

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 08:04 PM
People are people no matter how dysfunctional. ATS is a place to voice ones opinion on topics that are considered off the wall. Theres a lot of diversity to say the least.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by rexusdiablos
I thought the moderating would be exceptional due to all the waffle about decorum when filling out the application form. The esteem of the moderation, as far I'm concerned, fell flat on it's face when I realized that the mods weren't upholding the most basic principle every forum should uphold:


The moderating caliber of ATS would increment SUBSTANTIALLY if each and every moderator embraced and upheld such a simple principle. If any moderator feels self assured enough to politely challenge me on my observation then simply speak up. I'll gladly prepare 100 examples in under an hour for your review. Heck, we'll even give it a thread of it's own.

[edit on 3-12-2009 by rexusdiablos]

And once again I challenge anyone to do this in their spare time. Say 8 hours a days 7 days a week. I mean come one... I think the Mods do a fine job here but you people will not be happy until the site is shut down completely.

Can you spare 8 hours to do this? If so I suspect you are just looking to slam a few people that have disagreed with you. You want your pound of flesh.

I know I am not the only one who notices the warnings and violations in threads the Mods do find time to deal with. Mods can't be everywhere all the time. How unreasonable are you ATS haters going to get?

What a bunch of whiners...

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 08:08 PM
The negativity is killing this place.
Seeing flaws in theories and asking too many questions about evidence results you being labelled an disinfo agent. If you'd meet with some of the labellers in real life they'd probably beat you up for being a skeptic.

As Beatrix Fontaine says: "..Don't bring science into it, doubters doubt everything"

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 08:09 PM
There also seems to be no deficit of Nazi/NWO favoring robots that come on here judging everyone stereotypically while spewing high and mighty diatribe while trying to censor free speech. You don't have any friends at all do you? Is it lonely way up there on your cloud of smug?

[edit on 3-12-2009 by Phenomium]

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 08:10 PM
I love the whole lets through the baby out with the bath water arguement.
Cant we all just get along and have butterflies fly out of our butts? The simple answer is no and matter how hard you and others cry it will not change that simple fact of life. I know it sounds harsh but if your a child you will see one day the world is harsh and if you are an adult be thankfull you have been sheltered this long.

I truly think you are against free speech just because you dont like something you believe it should not be heard. Do I agree with people being racist or sexist NO but I believe they have every right to be. The PC bull# sweeping across this world is facism just under a new name. If you dont like something being said turn it off is that so hard to understand but you would rather it not be said at all. I think people with that attitude are worse then anything you listed.

[edit on 3-12-2009 by Subjective Truth]

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by northof8

I never said I should be the one who bans them. In fact, I would hate to have that job (It would be a very tough job).

I don't necessarily think banning everybody who makes a bad post is a great idea, either. However, I firmly believe that mods should be able to restrict one's ability to post, if the quality of posts is shooting through the floor, until cooler heads can prevail -- or somebody takes some time to think about what they're going to say before saying it.

This seems like the best approach -- however, I don't get to make decisions like that, and the mods probably wont even read any of my posts, so hopefully they'll come to a similar conclusion on their own -- and hopefully they notice threads like this one, which seem to be popping up more frequently than ever before.

I don't think everyone should agree with me, I just think everyone should be required to act in a mostly civil manner, and produce peaceful posts that other people enjoy reading, or passionate ones that challenge one's beliefs.

As far as ATS making money goes, I think they are doing fine without you bugging people to buy swag from the ATS shop. If someone wants a coffee mug, or whatever, let him/her make that decision without being goaded into it. That's probably not doing any favors for the people who are trying to sell that stuff, as you attract more flies with honey -- not vinegar.

Edit: Small grammatical correction

[edit on 3-12-2009 by Kaytagg]

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 08:24 PM

1) Im shocked at the amount of racisms on this site. It seems every conversation about Islam or Obama ends up being a racist rant by some of ATS members. Some of the most horrible things have been said.

Personally, I have not really seen that much overt racism here. Like many places, much of spitting contests are political and when dealing with this ugly vocation, a minor sharing of opinion can quickly be labled as hatred, as well as rascism, without a lot of forethought. You have to consider not only the source, but the subject matter as well.

2) Sexism - There seems to be a lot of men on ATS with ancient and very crude views on women.

Now, I do tend to try and avoid threads that are obviously baited for trouble so, there could be something like this that I simply opted out of and missed wholesale. But aside from that possibility, I can't say I have seen any real sexism here.

3) Extremist Religion - Again there seem to be some real hot heads on ATS with some very concerning views about the way religion should be enforced. \

Yup. No doubt.

4) Homophobia - Think I just saw a thread about gays being burnt in hell....that says it all. Who are you to judge Mr. Homophobe. thought the bible said judge not less ye be judged. He who is without sin cast the first stone. But again, i have seen some very worrying views on the subject

Like racism and hate, those who exhibit the slightest opinion of disfavor with homosexuality are regularly... if not often immediately, labeled as homophobic. So far as I am aware, there is nothing illegal in this opposition and nothing in that opinion that deserves the stereotyping. Given time and patience, sexual preference will eventually, IMO, become a non issue.

4) Anti - religious extremism - The shear amount of hatred coming out of ATS for religion at the moment is huge. I know I sometimes struggle myself, but as long as people are balanced and not extreme I'm okay with whatever you pray to.

Yup. No doubt.

5) Very little truth - There are a large number of people here who simply make things up. They join a debate, start arguing and just make stuff up to prove their point.

Truth is the holy grail and like that particular artifact, quite in short supply. In its place, we share information and opinion. On some occasions, members may generate their own source data, which is regrettable... but all in all, I think it is better that we talk about all of it, than talk of none of it because of them.

Good set of questions. Thanks

[edit on 3-12-2009 by redoubt]

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by Kaytagg
reply to post by northof8

As far as ATS making money goes, I think they are doing fine without you bugging people to buy swag from the ATS shop. If people someone wants a coffee mug, or whatever, let him/her make that decision without being goaded into it. That's probably not doing any favors for the people who are trying to sell that stuff, as you attract more flies with honey -- not vinegar.

So I think I finally have my answer... You are a true Fascist. You want to shut everyone up unless they see things your way and you want access to this space for free to spew that garbage.

My point is not to turn people off the ATS store. My point is to show how Fascist you anti ATS people really are. You refuse to support the very site you want to shut down or otherwise ban users.

You offer nothing in return for your blackmail of "I wont send my friends here unless you ban whomever" You wont invest, you wont offer your time... You just want to complain. A true description of a disinfo agent...

This is the bottom line for you bottom feeders..."Everyone else can pay but I get to use it for free and I want the power over your ability to post too!"

I think its time for you to put the Cuckoo back in the Cuckoo clock.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 08:45 PM
I listened to the ATS radio show one day about 4 months ago. I heard the host or HOSTS(plural) praising Sarah Palin and then talking of Jeebus and the Bible or something. And other mentions of all things Biblical.

I knew then, or I should have known in retrospect, who "runs the place".

And after the numerous threads I've seen with all things "fundie" being spouted (hacked..ralphed...puked....regurgitated) I know this site is not really what it seemed to be a when I was just a lurker.

In fact this will be my last post here as I realized I can't support a website which in itself is just a collection of stories and opinion about mostly nonsensical hypotheses and loosely referenced material, led by and infiltrated by people that believe in Sky Fairies and tales of adventure with Jeebus and the 12 Ninjas from a script written thousands of years ago.

Good Luck ATS...thanks for the memories.

I'm out of here>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by kilas

I can understand how you feel, things were quite a bit different when I first visited ATS and eventually joined up.

For me, everything was pretty good until the US election last year, that is when a lot of trolling , negativity and other things started to appear.

I think the best solution would be to ban everyone who registered after 2007

Thinking about it a little more I realized that it was happening even before then, I remember some epic flame wars at the time of the 2006 Israel–Gaza conflict.

There is not really much that can be done, the site has grown so much and that has changed the character of it for good I am afraid. The mods and owners do a good job and have tried to curtail these kind of things several times before, but things only last for a few days.

I was thinking of when I first visited and how much I loved reading about John Titor, secret aircraft and things in these articles they had, I wondered whatever happened to them?

This lead me to finally check out the TinWiki section and I am glad I did, there is some juicy stuff there to keep me occupied for a while and away from the trolls.

So thank you for prompting me to finally look at that. I would suggest that everyone has a look there when things are getting them down and uses the ignore button for people they do not like.

The other thing I do is to bypass the main page and jump straight into forums like Paranormal Studies, Secret Societies, Aircraft Projects, Ancient and Lost Civilizations etc... that interest me. The links are down on the right hand side of the main page.

Anyway, that probably enough of my rambling for now, I am off to read about some weird and wonderful stuff.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by Kaytagg

I don't think everyone should agree with me, I just think everyone should be required to act in a mostly civil manner, and produce peaceful posts that other people enjoy reading, or passionate ones that challenge one's beliefs.

I agree that this would be a good thing. It is, in fact, not opinion (differing or otherwise) that has ever been a problem. The issues usually arise when flame replaces dialog and insults replace debate.

There is an old axiom that has been mostly forgotten. It goes something like...

'I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it.'

That bit of wisdom is lost in today's world where the very concept of respecting one's opposites is a reason to dislike someone.


Edit: typos

[edit on 3-12-2009 by redoubt]

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by northof8

You clearly have no insight into or experience in working with an online community. Do you honestly think it's that difficult to recruit the requisite amount of proficient moderators from a community this large?

This forum seems to manage fine:

And yes, the moderators are voluntary and work in shifts.

The problem with ATS is that it seems more fixated on large volumes of traffic rather than a more respectable but smaller variant.

[edit on 3-12-2009 by rexusdiablos]

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 08:49 PM
Chickens come home to roost. The dragon eats itself. This is not just ATS, but the entire world, and especially the west and middle east. You can only sling hate at others so long, judging them "guilty as charged," until the rage comes home. Language is the most powerful thing. Nasty language is far more harmful than assault and battery. Rape is harmful not simply because of the physicality, but primarily because of the degradation. It is time we fess up to this, but many do not want to admit. Relentless, drama queen bitchiness is a major problem. It is eating nations alive. People and their scapegoats. The enemy is within, but the more we make it without, the greater it eats us when we realize we were merely looking to blame. When we finally admit to ourselves these things, we can begin healing. But it hurts. It hurts far worse than a broken arm. We put people in jail for a decade for stealing 300 dollars from a convenience store. But that act is far less harmful than well organized language with the intent to severely degrade. I am not saying make language illegal. I am, however, saying that we need to instantly chastise this behavior, and view it for the severe harm it causes. It is necessary, because language is the root of all murder. Peace.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by scubagravy
Tis thread reminds me of a bumper sticker we see here in australia

Simple solution: Delete your profile and take it out of your favourites list.......... Wallah!!!

unless my eyes are fooled, that is a drop bear.....
i hear australia is infested with them....

ha ha ha


posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 08:56 PM
I double dog dare SkepticOverlord to pull the plug on ATS for 24 hours at a time of his choosing, and lets see who comes back first immediately, when it is back up.

The detractors will be the first online... betya!

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by Walkswithfish

I'm more of the opinion that your level of smugness will detract even more people. It's certainly detracted me. It'll detract others too. Betya!

[edit on 3-12-2009 by rexusdiablos]

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