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New study proves someones "god" is nothing more than one's own image! Religion crumbles...

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posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 02:10 PM
Falsifying religion doesn't mean that a God or Ultimate Creator doesn't exist. To answer the question of who made God? Well, to me, God is really no more than that through purely random chance, a self-evolved set of instructions, that eventually gained the ability to remember each process, by sending off energy, then have those energy transfer information back(though this would mean that the Big Crunch, which is basically a cycle of Big Bangs, AND manages to remove the infinites, is more accurate.)

The difference between saying that the universe came from nothing, instead of God came from nothing is that by assuming that the universe, with all of its laws and its counter-intuitive aspects arose from nothing spontaneously, we have to skip several steps, and assume a step that is just simply "too ordered" or "too intelligent" or even "too big" to happen all at once. On the other hand, by using God as an intermediate, we can assume smaller steps, that through random chance, can reasonably be expected to happen(given an almost infinite amount of time of course).

Anyway, since it appears that there are two definitions of time, then one can reasonably assume that there should be two definitions of space. I believe that at the highest dimension, there does exist a space that is different from our own, a space where only thoughts and "intangibles"(like energy) can exist. If I'm guessing it right, this is the quantum foam.

To give a complete picture(as best as I can according to our senses), I believe that at the highest dimension, universal time is eternal, and space is space where only "energy swirls" and a very high order(though not necessarily infinite) intelligence can exist.

[edit on 1-12-2009 by np6888]

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 02:13 PM
Interesting, whats your God then?

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 02:17 PM
This thread was supposed to be about a particular "study". There are now 8 pages of posts with maybe a handful addressing the study.

CIR threads are nothing more than religious trolling. If they find this stupid topic of value at all it should be confined to one thread called: Mortal Combat. That would be the honest thing to do as it has, once more, disintegrated into:

God isn't real
Yes, God is!
Christians all suck.
No, they don't.
The Bible is a lie.
No, it isn't.

Does anyone care about the original study? Is it remotely interesting?

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 02:23 PM
"Their opinions on God's attitudes on important social issues closely mirror their own beliefs. "

So people reflect on what they should do, in the same part of the brain, and toss ideas around in that part of the brain where they get their guidance on moral actions. Seems like you are saying that the moral actions part of the brain is the same location as the place where our thoughts or opinions of what God would have us do. I think that makes sense, because I wouldn't want to put my thoughts on moral actions over in the part of my brain where I am deciding on what to have for dinner. Seems like it would be misfiled there.

"If their own attitudes change, so do their perceptions of what God thinks."

This makes sense to me, because we are rationalizing what we should do. For example, I have heard people say stupid things like "Well, somebody has to do it. If I don't do it, somebody will." or "In order for you to tell me that you know how I feel, you have to be a murderer, too." It would be in these thoughts that a person would likely adjust their opinion of God's guidance in order to relieve stress or worry about the outcome (like, hell, for example). Example: "God won't mind if I take this car. The people who own it are jerks, and I really need it to feed my family." Mormons did this sort of thing in the 19th century in Missouri. They would take a wagon that belonged to their neighbor and say that it was needed to do the Lord's work. This center of the brain would likely be the place were people were self-justifying when they burned Joan of Arc at the stake, thinking that was ok with God. In any case, it doesn't appear that you are correct in producing evidence that we "created" God in our minds.

"Epley showed that he could change people's views on God's will by manipulating their own beliefs." This is no great surprise. The same thing occurs when you are brainwashed. Take, for example, the Jonestown massacre. Those unfortunate people (over 1000) were committing suicide (not all) because they were taught a belief that it was ok with God.

Your stretch of your imagination is powered by your desire to eliminate religion and belief in God. Join the crowd of thousands over the last 2000+ years who have tried to do the same. The more you burn the martyrs, the faster the religion grows. Thanks for watering the growth of religion by your persistent persecution of the concept.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 02:23 PM

Really? Why do you hate God so much that you insult him by projecting the petty and useless human emotion of vengeance upon him? He has a special place (presumably of suffering) for him to cast non-believers. Is his ego really so fragile?
reply to post by RobertAntonWeishaupt

8He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. 9They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the majesty of his power

Sounds vengeful to me.

[edit on 1-12-2009 by randyvs]

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by RobertAntonWeishaupt

You are very curious to me. Are you a joker to the tyrant? Are you a tyrant to the joker? Do you not think THE drama is so close to conclusion that you should maybe play that "ridiculous metaphor" Christ? Or do you use the phrase "ridiculous metaphor" to create a vacuum in which a Christ-like figure will emerge? Christ might be seen as a literal "ridiculous metaphor," as Christ is a higher form in the realm of characters, one which ridicules the ego with the planted seeds, enabling humanity to wag its tails, rather than having its tails wag the human. You clearly know the game quite well. However, I do hope you know that the game is almost over, and the conclusion to the drama will inevitably be different than what many now think. The dragon eats itself. It cannot rule exposed. The second it fully ascends, it falls into the ashes. I cannot judge whether you are right or wrong, but we shall see.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by RobertAntonWeishaupt

... and I hate God ????????????????????????

... come home little lost sheep !

the wolf has you in his sights

...... and God is not petty . He plays for keeps .
Life is not a rehearsal , and your denial is YOUR problem ,
God doesn't want any teeth grinders in Heaven !

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 02:25 PM
God is like give up your freedoms in order to feel more secure.

But everyone seems to hate the government...I guess God is just doing a better job

I do not claim that a "God" does not exist, but IMO all religions are a total joke. If there is a God, it is something we have no clue about.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by A Fortiori

It is not just that. The study seems so very obvious. People are narcissistic, as our society reinforces it. Go figure. Creatures of comfort take their own selfish tendencies and project these tendencies onto God. So instead of worshiping God, we are creating a devil that devours us. Many of us intuited this as children, so this is no surprise. That which is "proven" must first be intuited, or it would not have even been sought to be proved. This narcissistic aspect of humanity opens up this huge can of worms, this pandora's box. You are seeing that pandora's box being dealt with in this very thread. It is not something that can be ignored any longer. It very much grows out of the seed of this study. This vainglory is THE fall of humanity, in my view. As such, I will expose what I see. Am I off sometimes? Sure. But it must be discussed, and it is related to the meat of the topic at hand.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 02:32 PM
"New study PROVES" . It doesn't PROVE anything. It's just a theory. An idea that someone had. what a complete fail.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by semperfortis
I hate to break it to you OP, but you are a tool..

A tool of prophecy.

You are working for the very God you mock.

You were foretold and you are expected and in many ways welcome. Your very protestations and the very hilarious links you provide, all further substantiate the writings in the Bible. (Besides providing a great source of amusement)

I for one, thank you for being here. Your presence solidifies and strengths my faith as only proof can. For you are proof.

"Many will be called, few will answer"

“And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.”


Well said!!!!

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by orwellianunenlightenment


you are one of a handful of people actually posting on topic. Not even the OP is. Check out the
s . Does a close discussion of a scientific study render itself into that level of absurdity?


Eight-five to ninety percent of the posts on this thread are OT and fit the description in my last post.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 02:42 PM
This post is the same thing as trolling. I can't believe that ATS goes along with it.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by randyvs

Really? Why do you hate God so much that you insult him by projecting the petty and useless human emotion of vengeance upon him? He has a special place (presumably of suffering) for him to cast non-believers. Is his ego really so fragile?
reply to post by RobertAntonWeishaupt

8He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. 9They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the majesty of his power

Sounds vengeful to me.

[edit on 1-12-2009 by randyvs]

Great! Then can we drop the All Loving nonsense? If your God is a vengeful god, than run with that. Don't say He loves you so much he has given you Jesus to wash you of your sin. Say He is a vengeful and angry MF who you best believe in! Ask no questions about his incredibly weird way of doing things or you're going to burn! All I'm looking for is a little honesty and consistency.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 02:49 PM
This is the hate Jesus guy. Everyday he posts something about hating Jesus. Pure Troll.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by dthwraith

This is all very wise. Let us just say, for the sake of argument, that all regarding God on this planet was created by man. I do not believe that, but trust me, I am going somewhere with this. Everybody on this planet is controlling everybody else in this grand dance. We learn along the way, rejecting that which we perceive as hurting us. As we grow, both as self and as a society, we learn that what hurts another has this nasty tendency of coming back to hurt us. We start to see things from a holistic lens.

Every cycle has been a story of tyrants, seeking to spread their vainglory and crap across the whole of the world, dividing and conquering, enslaving. Creating a hell for others in order to create a so-called heaven for themselves. These tyrants are anti-Christs, if you will. Eventually, someone revolts, and they become the next anti-Christ. People learn a little more of what a tyrant, or anti-Christ, is during each revolution of the cycle, and as such, the cycles tighten and the people learn more of what they are not. They see themselves, ideally, as anti-anti-Christs, or rather Christs, children of an all-loving, all-logical, all-willing God of sorts. Then, all that is anti-Christ is forgotten forever, and its reign of terror ceases.

Christ, in a way, can be seen to have played the role of "V" in "V for Vendetta" perfectly. Except, the only vendetta Christ had was against those who spread vendettas throughout the land. Therefore, Christ is revealed to be the being behind the mask, in a sense. It was a perfect plan for lasting, bountiful peace, and it was inevitable. It cannot be stopped. I am his and you are his and we are all together.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 02:50 PM
Well, it proves that we are the temple of God that Jesus taught. The Oracle of Delphi said "Know Thyself" meaning Self Awareness is the first step to Knowing God. “The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will often be lonely, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning YourSelf.” - F. Nietzsche. The path to God is not through an institution or religion although these entities can help direct one on their path. I have found most religions have some aspect of Truth so it's just a matter of discernment. The Truth is often obscured by religions by their motivation for power.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by A Fortiori

With certain terms like psychological manipulation, and his obvious bias toward there being no God, and a whole slew of speculative words like may, mainly, and suggest seem to convince people that he is right when he is guessing. The picture of the brain scan is just one person. I would have to view all of them to make a proper guess, just as he did. It would seem to suggest that when one thinks of himself and his views he aligns them with the thoughts of God, which would make Christ's saying,"God is within you." hold true. As far as what part of the brain lights up? That has nothing to do with anything but what center of the brain processes information. To say the information that is being processed is wrong or right is the delemma. What he has proved is that by manipulation of one's thoughts gets them confused. lol. Like we didn't already know that. I feel it offers no real insight into the proving or disproving the existence of God.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by RobertAntonWeishaupt

Perhaps God can be viewed as loving all, but eventually powerfully correcting those who harm God's other creations. After all, you are not the end all be all. After all, any right you have also bears a responsibility. You want a right to a free will? It comes with consequences, for better or for worse. If you think you have the right to enslave another, the response is that you will inevitably be enslaved. And maybe look at you as a society or a culture, and not merely as just you.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by reasonable

Of course god doesn't exit people cmon wake up... science as proven some million years ago a huge ass kaboom just happen like that out of nowhere creating everything, physical matters, gases all the elements and # and threw it all together in the middle of the cosmos and all the planets and galaxies formed and the planet set themselves around the sun like big girls... In a perfect gigantic mechanical system in which all components are so tightly and precisely inserted at the right spot that any outside force makes the whole thing unstable...

Fact number one... No matter you are into religion or atheist people will always try to reflect their own personal images into they're view of what is or should be god... And it has anything to do with vanity or ego in most cases... Everyone beliefs/value/moral system is based upon people's individual life experience and gained knowledge during the course of your life... hence beliefs will always diverge in some ways... Now its normal to try to rationalize your image of the perfect god in perfect accordance with what you believe in stands for... however there's one thing that draws a live between religious and atheist...

Atheist hope that god don't exist because in accordance to they're value system and the things they like and believe in are often in direct opposition with what religion stands for, hence they meet with violent resistance anything that could shake down their little world... The lack of confidence is clearly displayed in the total disapproval that PERHAPS there's something/someone thats got any type of control over them...

On the other hand believers has something atheist lost... "hope".... and when I see someone trying to post topics all the times trying to disprove any theories about god and wait impatiently knowing he just lite a fire and is taking cover behind a monitor waiting with obvious pre-conceived burns waiting to flame anyone that still got hope... I see a poor lost kid who's likely to have had a rough life and is generally pissed at god/life for "not saving him" and not have spoon fed him... Just because god didn't come in running to wipe my butt has mean he surely doesn't exist...

Its obvious why you are constantly dropping anti faith/god topics here with the usual "If there's a god why don't he heal the sick"... Man up we're on this planet to prove our selves and to learn stuff by yourself... Just like when you took off the stabilizing wheels off on your first bicycle when your were young and your dad gave you "that push" with confidence you would make it without his help and he just took a step back and admired his son flying by is own wings...

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