As an avid gamer for 20 some years I have played many many violent games, I have never hurt a fly, simply put a psycho is a psycho regardless of what
games they play or movies they watch.
Hitler didn't have an XBox360, I doubt Bin Laden played manhunt, did Dahmer get inspired by GTA4?.
Mac269 mentions the Jamie Bulger case, I haven't played 'lets lure little boy to a train track and kill him' before, what console was that on?
The truth is when kids do wrong everyone points the finger at video games, sorry but killing and general sadistic behaviour was kicking about long
before pixels on a screen.
It is just an easy fall guy to take an easy option of blaming music, movies and video games, I personally call it a cop out from finding the true
It's so easy to blame kids going psycho on video games, music and movies because there's a fairly great chance the kid enjoyed such entertainment
seeing as it's pretty common place for a kid to own such entertainment.
You may aswell blame it on a kitchen sink because if you look into it you will find all them psycho kids lived in a house with a kitchen sink *cue
twilight zone theme*.
Now here is a video (or 2), tell me, did the game make this kid psycho or do you think they are already a kid who needs psychiatric help immediately
and the games are merely one of many things that will rile them up into a frenzy.
Use common sense, it's usually what the parents lack.
Tell me, if it's the games then why isn't millions of kids acting like this and killing people.
What about little Johnny Nomates who plays GTA and manhunt and yet goes on to be a neurosurgeon, can we credit the video games, or do we only put
video games on a pedestal when it's a negative light?
[edit on 26-11-2009 by keepithush]